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synced 2025-01-07 23:40:12 +00:00
- implement virtual accessors in FarSubdivision tables that return a Scheme enum - implement a safe typeid comparison in FarMeshFactory to get the same information from Hbr subdivision classes fixes #240
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
template <class U> class FarMesh;
/// \brief FarSubdivisionTables are a serialized topological data representation.
/// Subdivision tables store the indexing tables required in order to compute
/// the refined positions of a mesh without the help of a hierarchical data
/// structure. The advantage of this representation is its ability to be executed
/// in a massively parallel environment without data dependencies.
/// The vertex indexing tables require the vertex buffer to be sorted based on the
/// nature of the parent of a given vertex : either a face, an edge, or a vertex.
/// (note : the Loop subdivision scheme does not create vertices as a child of a
/// face).
/// Each type of vertex in the buffer is associated the following tables :
/// - _<T>_IT : indices of all the adjacent vertices required by the compute kernels
/// - _<T>_W : fractional weight of the vertex (based on sharpness & topology)
/// - _<T>_ITa : codex for the two previous tables
/// (where T denotes a face-vertex / edge-vertex / vertex-vertex)
/// Because each subdivision scheme (Catmark / Loop / Bilinear) introduces variations
/// in the subdivision rules, a derived class specialization is associated with
/// each scheme.
/// For more details see : "Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark
/// Subdivision Surfaces" (p.3 - par. 3.2)
template <class U> class FarSubdivisionTables {
enum Scheme {
enum TableType {
E_IT, ///< edge-vertices adjacency indexing table
E_W, ///< edge-vertices weights
V_ITa, ///< vertex-vertices adjacency indexing table
V_IT, ///< vertex-vertices indexing table
V_W, ///< vertex-vertices weights
F_ITa, ///< face-vertices adjacency indexing table
F_IT, ///< face-vertices indexing table
TABLE_TYPES_COUNT // number of different types of tables
/// \brief Destructor
virtual ~FarSubdivisionTables<U>() {}
/// \brief Return the highest level of subdivision possible with these tables
int GetMaxLevel() const { return (int)(_vertsOffsets.size()-1); }
/// \brief Memory required to store the indexing tables
int GetMemoryUsed() const;
/// \brief Pointer back to the mesh owning the table
FarMesh<U> * GetMesh() { return _mesh; }
/// \brief The index of the first vertex that belongs to the level of subdivision
/// represented by this set of FarCatmarkSubdivisionTables
int GetFirstVertexOffset( int level ) const;
/// \brief Returns the total number of vertex adressed by the tables (this is the
/// length that a vertex buffer object should be allocating
int GetNumVertices( ) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of vertices at a given level
int GetNumVertices( int level ) const;
/// \brief Returns the summation of the number of vertices up to a given level
int GetNumVerticesTotal( int level ) const;
// Indexing tables accessors
/// \brief Returns the face vertices codex table
std::vector<int> const & Get_F_ITa( ) const { return _F_ITa; }
/// \brief Returns the face vertices indexing table
std::vector<unsigned int> const & Get_F_IT( ) const { return _F_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the edge vertices indexing table
std::vector<int> const & Get_E_IT() const { return _E_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the edge vertices weights table
std::vector<float> const & Get_E_W() const { return _E_W; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices codex table
std::vector<int> const & Get_V_ITa() const { return _V_ITa; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices indexing table
std::vector<unsigned int> const & Get_V_IT() const { return _V_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices weights table
std::vector<float> const & Get_V_W() const { return _V_W; }
/// \brief Returns the subdivision scheme of the tables
/// (sidesteps typeinfo dependency)
virtual Scheme GetScheme() const { return UNDEFINED; }
/// \brief Returns the number of indexing tables needed to represent this particular
/// subdivision scheme.
virtual int GetNumTables() const { return 5; }
template <class X, class Y> friend class FarMeshFactory;
template <class X, class Y> friend class FarMultiMeshFactory;
FarSubdivisionTables<U>( FarMesh<U> * mesh, int maxlevel );
// mesh that owns this subdivisionTable
FarMesh<U> * _mesh;
std::vector<int> _F_ITa; // vertices from face refinement
std::vector<unsigned int> _F_IT; // indices of face vertices
std::vector<int> _E_IT; // vertices from edge refinement
std::vector<float> _E_W; // weigths
std::vector<int> _V_ITa; // vertices from vertex refinement
std::vector<unsigned int> _V_IT; // indices of adjacent vertices
std::vector<float> _V_W; // weights
std::vector<int> _vertsOffsets; // offset to the first vertex of each level
template <class U>
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::FarSubdivisionTables( FarMesh<U> * mesh, int maxlevel ) :
_vertsOffsets(maxlevel+2, 0)
assert( maxlevel > 0 );
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetFirstVertexOffset( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<(int)_vertsOffsets.size());
return _vertsOffsets[level];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVertices( ) const {
if (_vertsOffsets.empty()) {
return 0;
} else {
// _vertsOffsets contains an extra offset at the end that is the position
// of the first vertex 1 level above that of the tables
return *_vertsOffsets.rbegin();
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVertices( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<((int)_vertsOffsets.size()-1));
return _vertsOffsets[level+1] - _vertsOffsets[level];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVerticesTotal( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<((int)_vertsOffsets.size()-1));
return _vertsOffsets[level+1];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetMemoryUsed() const {
return (int)(_F_ITa.size() * sizeof(int) +
_F_IT.size() * sizeof(unsigned int) +
_E_IT.size() * sizeof(int) +
_E_W.size() * sizeof(float) +
_V_ITa.size() * sizeof(int) +
_V_IT.size() * sizeof(unsigned int) +
_V_W.size() * sizeof(float));
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv