Manuel Kraemer ec89f76038 EvalStencil Context & Controller code cleanup
- fix some variable names (private vs. public)
    - implement constructors to guarantee initialized pointers (d'oh)
    - add a 'Reset' method to unbind buffers

Note: while the new contexts have been cleaned up, we now have a fair amount of duplicated code in the controllers...
2014-05-10 16:38:13 -07:00

147 lines
4.5 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
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#include "../osd/cpuEvalStencilsController.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
OsdCpuEvalStencilsController::OsdCpuEvalStencilsController() {
OsdCpuEvalStencilsController::~OsdCpuEvalStencilsController() {
OsdCpuEvalStencilsController::_UpdateValues( OsdCpuEvalStencilsContext * context ) {
int result=0;
FarStencilTables const * stencils = context->GetStencilTables();
int nstencils = stencils->GetNumStencils();
if (not nstencils)
return result;
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor ctrlDesc = _currentBindState.controlDataDesc,
outDesc = _currentBindState.outputDataDesc;
// make sure that we have control data to work with
if (not ctrlDesc.CanEval(outDesc))
return 0;
float const * ctrl = _currentBindState.controlData + ctrlDesc.offset;
float * out = _currentBindState.outputData + outDesc.offset;
if ((not ctrl) or (not out))
return result;
int const * sizes = &stencils->GetSizes().at(0),
* index = &stencils->GetControlIndices().at(0);
float const * weight = &stencils->GetWeights().at(0);
for (int i=0; i<nstencils; ++i) {
memset(out, 0, outDesc.length*sizeof(float));
for (int j=0; j<sizes[i]; ++j, ++index, ++weight) {
float const * cv = ctrl + (*index)*ctrlDesc.stride;
for (int k=0; k<outDesc.length; ++k) {
out[k] += cv[k] * (*weight);
out += outDesc.stride;
return nstencils;
OsdCpuEvalStencilsController::_UpdateDerivs( OsdCpuEvalStencilsContext * context ) {
int result=0;
FarStencilTables const * stencils = context->GetStencilTables();
int nstencils = stencils->GetNumStencils();
if (not nstencils)
return result;
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor ctrlDesc = _currentBindState.controlDataDesc,
duDesc = _currentBindState.outputDuDesc,
dvDesc = _currentBindState.outputDvDesc;
// make sure that we have control data to work with
if (not (ctrlDesc.CanEval(duDesc) and ctrlDesc.CanEval(dvDesc)))
return 0;
float const * ctrl = _currentBindState.controlData + ctrlDesc.offset;
float * du = _currentBindState.outputUDeriv + duDesc.offset,
* dv = _currentBindState.outputVDeriv + dvDesc.offset;
if ((not ctrl) or (not du) or (not dv))
return result;
int const * sizes = &stencils->GetSizes().at(0),
* index = &stencils->GetControlIndices().at(0);
float const * duweight = &stencils->GetDuWeights().at(0),
* dvweight = &stencils->GetDvWeights().at(0);
for (int i=0; i<nstencils; ++i) {
memset(du, 0, duDesc.length*sizeof(float));
memset(dv, 0, dvDesc.length*sizeof(float));
for (int j=0; j<sizes[i]; ++j, ++index, ++duweight, ++dvweight) {
float const * cv = ctrl + (*index)*ctrlDesc.stride;
for (int k=0; k<duDesc.length; ++k) {
du[k] += cv[k] * (*duweight);
dv[k] += cv[k] * (*dvweight);
du += duDesc.stride;
dv += dvDesc.stride;
return nstencils;
OsdCpuEvalStencilsController::Synchronize() {
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv