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synced 2024-12-04 08:50:06 +00:00
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation). Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
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448 lines
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// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../vtr/types.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include <vector>
// Declaration for the main refinement class (Refinement) and its pre-requisites:
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
class TopologyRefiner;
namespace Vtr {
class SparseSelector;
class FVarRefinement;
// Refinement:
// A refinement is a mapping between two levels -- relating the components in the original
// (parent) level to the one refined (child). The refinement may be complete (uniform) or sparse
// (adaptive or otherwise selective), so not all components in the parent level will spawn
// components in the child level.
// Refinement is an abstract class and expects subclasses corresponding to the different types
// of topological splits that the supported subdivisions schemes collectively require, i.e. those
// list in Sdc::SplitType. Note the virtual requirements expected of the subclasses in the list
// of protected methods -- they differ mainly in the topology that is created in the child Level
// and not the propagation of tags through refinement, subdivision of sharpness values of the
// treatment of face-varying data. The primary subclasses are QuadRefinement and TriRefinement.
// At a high level, all that is necessary in terms of interface is to construct, initialize
// (linking the two levels), optionally select components for sparse refinement (via use of the
// SparseSelector) and call the refine() method. This usage is expected of Far::TopologyRefiner.
// Since we really want this class to be restricted from public access eventually, all methods
// begin with lower case (as is the convention for protected methods) and the list of friends
// will be maintained more strictly.
class Refinement {
Refinement(Level const & parent, Level & child, Sdc::Options const& schemeOptions);
virtual ~Refinement();
Level const& parent() const { return *_parent; }
Level const& child() const { return *_child; }
Level& child() { return *_child; }
// Options associated with the actual refinement operation, which may end up
// quite involved if we want to allow for the refinement of data that is not
// of interest to be suppressed. For now we have:
// "sparse": the alternative to uniform refinement, which requires that
// components be previously selected/marked to be included.
// "minimal topology": this is one that may get broken down into a finer
// set of options. It suppresses "full topology" in the child level
// and only generates what is minimally necessary for interpolation --
// which requires at least the face-vertices for faces, but also the
// vertex-faces for any face-varying channels present. So it will
// generate one or two of the six possible topological relations.
// These are strictly controlled right now, e.g. for sparse refinement, we
// currently enforce full topology at the finest level to allow for subsequent
// patch construction.
struct Options {
Options() : _sparse(false),
{ }
unsigned int _sparse : 1;
unsigned int _faceVertsFirst : 1;
unsigned int _minimalTopology : 1;
// Still under consideration:
//unsigned int _childToParentMap : 1;
void refine(Options options = Options());
// Access to members -- some testing classes (involving vertex interpolation)
// currently make use of these:
int getNumChildFacesFromFaces() const { return _childFaceFromFaceCount; }
int getNumChildEdgesFromFaces() const { return _childEdgeFromFaceCount; }
int getNumChildEdgesFromEdges() const { return _childEdgeFromEdgeCount; }
int getNumChildVerticesFromFaces() const { return _childVertFromFaceCount; }
int getNumChildVerticesFromEdges() const { return _childVertFromEdgeCount; }
int getNumChildVerticesFromVertices() const { return _childVertFromVertCount; }
Index getFirstChildFaceFromFaces() const { return _firstChildFaceFromFace; }
Index getFirstChildEdgeFromFaces() const { return _firstChildEdgeFromFace; }
Index getFirstChildEdgeFromEdges() const { return _firstChildEdgeFromEdge; }
Index getFirstChildVertexFromFaces() const { return _firstChildVertFromFace; }
Index getFirstChildVertexFromEdges() const { return _firstChildVertFromEdge; }
Index getFirstChildVertexFromVertices() const { return _firstChildVertFromVert; }
Index getFaceChildVertex(Index f) const { return _faceChildVertIndex[f]; }
Index getEdgeChildVertex(Index e) const { return _edgeChildVertIndex[e]; }
Index getVertexChildVertex(Index v) const { return _vertChildVertIndex[v]; }
ConstIndexArray getFaceChildFaces(Index parentFace) const;
ConstIndexArray getFaceChildEdges(Index parentFace) const;
ConstIndexArray getEdgeChildEdges(Index parentEdge) const;
// Child-to-parent relationships (not yet complete -- unclear how we will define the
// "type" of the parent component, e.g. vertex, edge or face):
Index getChildFaceParentFace(Index f) const { return _childFaceParentIndex[f]; }
int getChildFaceInParentFace(Index f) const { return _childFaceTag[f]._indexInParent; }
Index getChildEdgeParentIndex(Index e) const { return _childEdgeParentIndex[e]; }
Index getChildVertexParentIndex(Index v) const { return _childVertexParentIndex[v]; }
// Child-to-"ancestor" relationships:
Index getChildFaceBaseFace(Index f) const { return _childFaceBaseFaceIndex[f]; }
// Non-public methods:
friend class FVarRefinement;
friend class SparseSelector;
friend class Far::TopologyRefiner;
template <class T> friend class Far::PatchTablesFactoryT;
IndexArray getFaceChildFaces(Index parentFace);
IndexArray getFaceChildEdges(Index parentFace);
IndexArray getEdgeChildEdges(Index parentEdge);
// Tags have now been added per-component in Level, but there is additional need to tag
// components within Refinement -- we can't tag the parent level components for any
// refinement (in order to keep it const) and tags associated with children that are
// specific to the child-to-parent mapping may not be warranted in the child level.
// Parent tags are only required for sparse refinement. The main property to tag is
// whether a component was selected, and so a single SparseTag is used for all three
// component types. Tagging if a component is "transitional" is also useful. This may
// only be necessary for edges but is currently packed into a mask per-edge for faces,
// which could be deferred, in which case "transitional" could be a single bit.
// Child tags are part of the child-to-parent mapping, which consists of the parent
// component index for each child component, plus a tags for the child indicating more
// about its relationship to its parent, e.g. is it completely defined, what the parent
// component type is, what is the index of the child within its parent, etc.
struct SparseTag {
SparseTag() : _selected(0), _transitional(0) { }
unsigned char _selected : 1; // component specifically selected for refinement
unsigned char _transitional : 4; // adjacent to a refined component (4-bits for face)
struct ChildTag {
ChildTag() { }
unsigned char _incomplete : 1; // incomplete neighborhood to represent limit of parent
unsigned char _parentType : 2; // type of parent component: vertex, edge or face
unsigned char _indexInParent : 2; // index of child wrt parent: 0-3, or iterative if N > 4
// Remaining methods should remain protected -- for use by subclasses...
// Methods involved in constructing the parent-to-child mapping -- when the
// refinement is sparse, additional methods are needed to identify the selection:
void populateParentToChildMapping();
void populateParentChildIndices();
void printParentToChildMapping() const;
virtual void allocateParentChildIndices() = 0;
// Supporting method for sparse refinement:
void initializeSparseSelectionTags();
void markSparseChildComponentIndices();
void markSparseVertexChildren();
void markSparseEdgeChildren();
virtual void markSparseFaceChildren() = 0;
void initializeChildComponentCounts();
// Methods involved in constructing the child-to-parent mapping:
void populateChildToParentMapping();
void populateFaceParentVectors(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateFaceParentFromParentFaces(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateEdgeParentVectors(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateEdgeParentFromParentFaces(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateEdgeParentFromParentEdges(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateVertexParentVectors(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateVertexParentFromParentFaces(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateVertexParentFromParentEdges(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
void populateVertexParentFromParentVertices(ChildTag const initialChildTags[2][4]);
// Methods involved in propagating component tags from parent to child:
void propagateComponentTags();
void populateFaceTagVectors();
void populateFaceTagsFromParentFaces();
void populateEdgeTagVectors();
void populateEdgeTagsFromParentFaces();
void populateEdgeTagsFromParentEdges();
void populateVertexTagVectors();
void populateVertexTagsFromParentFaces();
void populateVertexTagsFromParentEdges();
void populateVertexTagsFromParentVertices();
void propagateBaseFace(Refinement const * previousRefinement);
// Methods (and types) involved in subdividing the topology -- though not
// fully exploited, any subset of the 6 relations can be generated:
struct Relations {
unsigned int _faceVertices : 1;
unsigned int _faceEdges : 1;
unsigned int _edgeVertices : 1;
unsigned int _edgeFaces : 1;
unsigned int _vertexFaces : 1;
unsigned int _vertexEdges : 1;
void setAll(bool enable) {
_faceVertices = enable;
_faceEdges = enable;
_edgeVertices = enable;
_edgeFaces = enable;
_vertexFaces = enable;
_vertexEdges = enable;
void subdivideTopology(Relations const& relationsToSubdivide);
virtual void populateFaceVertexRelation() = 0;
virtual void populateFaceEdgeRelation() = 0;
virtual void populateEdgeVertexRelation() = 0;
virtual void populateEdgeFaceRelation() = 0;
virtual void populateVertexFaceRelation() = 0;
virtual void populateVertexEdgeRelation() = 0;
// Methods involved in subdividing and inspecting sharpness values:
void subdivideSharpnessValues();
void subdivideVertexSharpness();
void subdivideEdgeSharpness();
void reclassifySemisharpVertices();
// Methods involved in subdividing face-varying topology:
void subdivideFVarChannels();
// Data members -- the logical grouping of some of these (and methods that make use
// of them) may lead to grouping them into a few utility classes or structs...
friend class Level; // Access for some debugging information
// Defined on construction:
Level const * _parent;
Level * _child;
Sdc::Options _options;
// Defined by the subclass:
Sdc::Split _splitType;
int _regFaceSize;
// Determined by the refinement options:
bool _uniform;
bool _faceVertsFirst;
// Inventory and ordering of the types of child components:
int _childFaceFromFaceCount; // arguably redundant (all faces originate from faces)
int _childEdgeFromFaceCount;
int _childEdgeFromEdgeCount;
int _childVertFromFaceCount;
int _childVertFromEdgeCount;
int _childVertFromVertCount;
int _firstChildFaceFromFace; // arguably redundant (all faces originate from faces)
int _firstChildEdgeFromFace;
int _firstChildEdgeFromEdge;
int _firstChildVertFromFace;
int _firstChildVertFromEdge;
int _firstChildVertFromVert;
// The parent-to-child mapping:
// These are vectors sized according to the number of parent components (and
// their topology) that contain references/indices to the child components that
// result from them by refinement. When refinement is sparse, parent components
// that have not spawned all child components will have their missing children
// marked as invalid.
// NOTE the "Array" members here. Often vectors within the Level can be shared
// with the Refinement, and an Array instance is used to do so. If not shared
// the subclass just initializes the Array members after allocating its own local
// vector members.
IndexArray _faceChildFaceCountsAndOffsets;
IndexArray _faceChildEdgeCountsAndOffsets;
IndexVector _faceChildFaceIndices; // *cannot* always use face-vert counts/offsets
IndexVector _faceChildEdgeIndices; // can use face-vert counts/offsets
IndexVector _faceChildVertIndex;
IndexVector _edgeChildEdgeIndices; // trivial/corresponding pair for each
IndexVector _edgeChildVertIndex;
IndexVector _vertChildVertIndex;
// The child-to-parent mapping:
IndexVector _childFaceParentIndex;
IndexVector _childEdgeParentIndex;
IndexVector _childVertexParentIndex;
std::vector<ChildTag> _childFaceTag;
std::vector<ChildTag> _childEdgeTag;
std::vector<ChildTag> _childVertexTag;
// Tags for spase selection of components:
std::vector<SparseTag> _parentFaceTag;
std::vector<SparseTag> _parentEdgeTag;
std::vector<SparseTag> _parentVertexTag;
// Refinement data for face-varying channels present in the Levels being refined:
std::vector<FVarRefinement*> _fvarChannels;
// Child-to-base/ancestor mappings:
IndexVector _childFaceBaseFaceIndex;
inline ConstIndexArray
Refinement::getFaceChildFaces(Index parentFace) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_faceChildFaceIndices[_faceChildFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*parentFace+1]],
inline IndexArray
Refinement::getFaceChildFaces(Index parentFace) {
return IndexArray(&_faceChildFaceIndices[_faceChildFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*parentFace+1]],
inline ConstIndexArray
Refinement::getFaceChildEdges(Index parentFace) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_faceChildEdgeIndices[_faceChildEdgeCountsAndOffsets[2*parentFace+1]],
inline IndexArray
Refinement::getFaceChildEdges(Index parentFace) {
return IndexArray(&_faceChildEdgeIndices[_faceChildEdgeCountsAndOffsets[2*parentFace+1]],
inline ConstIndexArray
Refinement::getEdgeChildEdges(Index parentEdge) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_edgeChildEdgeIndices[parentEdge*2], 2);
inline IndexArray
Refinement::getEdgeChildEdges(Index parentEdge) {
return IndexArray(&_edgeChildEdgeIndices[parentEdge*2], 2);
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif /* VTR_REFINEMENT_H */