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These have been replaced with the new Evaluator and Patch Drawing interfaces.
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.. contents::
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3.x Release Cycle
For more details, please see the `Release Notes <release_notes.html>`_.
3.0 Master Release (Q2 2015)
* freeze subdivision 'specification' (enforce backward compatibility)
3.1 Supplemental Release (Q3/Q4 2015)
* include any noteworthy omissions arising from 3.0
* add support for bi-cubic face-varying limit patches
* add support for higher order differentiation of limit patches
3.2 Future Release (2016)
Near Term
The following is a short list of topics already expressed as priorities and
receiving ongoing attention -- some being actively prototyped to varying
Feature parity for Loop subdivision
The more popular Catmark scheme has long received more attention and effort
than the Loop scheme. Given OpenSubdiv claims to support both, additional
effort is required to bring Loop to the same level of functionality as
Catmark. With the feature-adaptive analysis now scheme-independent, the
addition of triangular patches to the PatchTables will go a long way towards
that goal. Prototype patch gathering and evaluation methods have already
been tested within the existing code base and discussions on extending the
internal patch infra-structure are underway.
Improved support for infinitely sharp features
The current implementation of adaptive feature isolation requires infinitely
sharp creases to be pushed to the highest level of isolation -- eventually
representing the result with a regular patch. The surface is therefore both
inefficient and incorrect. Patches with a single infinitely sharp edge can be
represented exactly with regular boundary patches and could be isolated at a
much higher level. Continuity with dart patches is necessary in such cases,
and approximating more sharp irregular regions with alternate patch types
(e.g. Gregory or Bezier) will help this goal and others.
Dynamic feature adaptive isolation (DFAS)
Adaptive feature isolation can produce a large number of patches, especially
when the model contains a lot of semi-sharp creases. We need a LOD solution
that can dynamically isolate features based on distance to view-point. (Note:
paper from Matthias Niessner & Henry Schafer)
Longer Term
The following is a list of pending projects and future directions for
Implement a "high-level" API layer
One of the original goals of the OpenSubdiv project is to provide a robust
and simple API to display subdivision surfaces interactively. Now that the
algorithms and code-base have matured, we would like to foster a consistent
implementation of subdivision surfaces suitable for adoption in the lower
layers of the graphics stack, such as GPU drivers. We have been working on
the draft of a "specification document" detailing the workings of a high-
level interface for subdivision surface data and functionality. We need an
implementation of this high-level API.
Note: this document drafting has been started at Pixar with partners.
"Next-gen" back-ends
Implement Osd Evaluator and Patch Drawing for next-gen GPU APIs such as
Mantle, Metal, DX12, Vulkan.
A means to control edge curvature
Edge sharpness provides insufficient control over the overall contour of the
surfaces. Artists often duplicate edge-loops around semi-sharp edges in
order to control the local surface curvature. Ideally, they would like to be
able to specify a radius of curvature that produces circular rounded edges.
This will likely require the introduction of non-uniform rational splines
(NURCCS ?) in OpenSubdiv.
Always in Need of Improvement
And finally, a few topics that always benefit from continual improvement.
Any and all contributions in this area are greatly appreciated.
Regression testing
OpenSubdiv currently ships with some regression testing code which can be
run using CTest. It's always great to have more regression testing that
covers more of the code base.
* Implement a robust regression harness for numerical correctness
* Implement a cross-platform regression harness for GPU drawing correctness
* Implement a cross-platform regression harness for performance (speed & memory)
* Implement code coverage analysis
In order to facilitate adoption of OpenSubdiv, we need to provide clear,
concise and comprehensive documentation of all APIs. In particular:
* Update and flesh out high-level ReST documentation
* Clean up the Doxygen documentation
* Expand code tutorials