Nathan Litke 0c837b73b2 Added a public constructor to OsdMesh that initializes the members objects from its arguments, allowing those members to be created by a subclass or an external function.
* maintainance work on the D3D11 specialization of OsdMesh to bring it in line with the other template specializations
* updated the facePartition example to derive PartitionedMesh from OsdMesh in order to allow other vertex buffer and compute controller configurations
2014-04-18 20:52:13 -07:00

324 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#ifndef OSD_GL_MESH_H
#define OSD_GL_MESH_H
#include "../version.h"
#include "../osd/mesh.h"
#include "../osd/glDrawContext.h"
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
#include "../osd/clComputeController.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
typedef OsdMeshInterface<OsdGLDrawContext> OsdGLMeshInterface;
class OsdMesh<VERTEX_BUFFER, COMPUTE_CONTROLLER, OsdGLDrawContext> : public OsdGLMeshInterface {
typedef VERTEX_BUFFER VertexBuffer;
typedef COMPUTE_CONTROLLER ComputeController;
typedef typename ComputeController::ComputeContext ComputeContext;
typedef OsdGLDrawContext DrawContext;
typedef typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding VertexBufferBinding;
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
HbrMesh<OsdVertex> * hmesh,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
int level,
OsdMeshBitset bits) :
FarMeshFactory<OsdVertex> meshFactory(hmesh, level, bits.test(MeshAdaptive));
_farMesh = meshFactory.Create(bits.test(MeshFVarData));
_initialize(numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, bits);
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
FarMesh<OsdVertex> * fmesh,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
OsdMeshBitset bits) :
_initialize(numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, bits);
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
FarMesh<OsdVertex> * fmesh,
VertexBuffer * vertexBuffer,
VertexBuffer * varyingBuffer,
ComputeContext * computeContext,
DrawContext * drawContext) :
virtual ~OsdMesh() {
delete _farMesh;
delete _vertexBuffer;
delete _varyingBuffer;
delete _computeContext;
delete _drawContext;
virtual int GetNumVertices() const { return _farMesh->GetNumVertices(); }
virtual void UpdateVertexBuffer(float const *vertexData, int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_vertexBuffer->UpdateData(vertexData, startVertex, numVerts);
virtual void UpdateVaryingBuffer(float const *varyingData, int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_varyingBuffer->UpdateData(varyingData, startVertex, numVerts);
virtual void Refine() {
_computeController->Refine(_computeContext, _farMesh->GetKernelBatches(), _vertexBuffer, _varyingBuffer);
virtual void Synchronize() {
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer->BindVBO();
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer->BindVBO();
virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() {
return _drawContext;
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer;
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer;
virtual FarMesh<OsdVertex> const * GetFarMesh() const {
return _farMesh;
void _initialize( int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
OsdMeshBitset bits)
int numVertices = _farMesh->GetNumVertices();
if (numVertexElements)
_vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements, numVertices);
if (numVaryingElements)
_varyingBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements, numVertices);
_computeContext = ComputeContext::Create(_farMesh->GetSubdivisionTables(), _farMesh->GetVertexEditTables());
_drawContext = DrawContext::Create(_farMesh->GetPatchTables(), numVertexElements, bits.test(MeshFVarData));
FarMesh<OsdVertex> *_farMesh;
VertexBuffer *_vertexBuffer;
VertexBuffer *_varyingBuffer;
ComputeContext *_computeContext;
ComputeController *_computeController;
DrawContext *_drawContext;
template <class VERTEX_BUFFER>
class OsdMesh<VERTEX_BUFFER, OsdCLComputeController, OsdGLDrawContext> : public OsdGLMeshInterface {
typedef VERTEX_BUFFER VertexBuffer;
typedef OsdCLComputeController ComputeController;
typedef typename ComputeController::ComputeContext ComputeContext;
typedef OsdGLDrawContext DrawContext;
typedef typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding VertexBufferBinding;
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
HbrMesh<OsdVertex> * hmesh,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
int level,
OsdMeshBitset bits,
cl_context clContext,
cl_command_queue clQueue) :
FarMeshFactory<OsdVertex> meshFactory(hmesh, level, bits.test(MeshAdaptive));
_farMesh = meshFactory.Create(bits.test(MeshFVarData));
_initialize(numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, bits);
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
FarMesh<OsdVertex> * fmesh,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
OsdMeshBitset bits,
cl_context clContext,
cl_command_queue clQueue) :
_initialize(numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, bits);
OsdMesh(ComputeController * computeController,
FarMesh<OsdVertex> * fmesh,
VertexBuffer * vertexBuffer,
VertexBuffer * varyingBuffer,
ComputeContext * computeContext,
DrawContext * drawContext,
cl_context clContext,
cl_command_queue clQueue) :
virtual ~OsdMesh() {
delete _farMesh;
delete _vertexBuffer;
delete _computeContext;
delete _drawContext;
virtual int GetNumVertices() const { return _farMesh->GetNumVertices(); }
virtual void UpdateVertexBuffer(float const *vertexData, int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_vertexBuffer->UpdateData(vertexData, startVertex, numVerts, _clQueue);
virtual void UpdateVaryingBuffer(float const *varyingData, int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_varyingBuffer->UpdateData(varyingData, startVertex, numVerts, _clQueue);
virtual void Refine() {
_computeController->Refine(_computeContext, _farMesh->GetKernelBatches(), _vertexBuffer, _varyingBuffer);
virtual void Synchronize() {
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer->BindVBO();
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer->BindVBO();
virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() {
return _drawContext;
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer;
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer;
virtual FarMesh<OsdVertex> const * GetFarMesh() const {
return _farMesh;
void _initialize( int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
OsdMeshBitset bits)
int numVertices = _farMesh->GetNumVertices();
if (numVertexElements)
_vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements, numVertices, _clContext);
if (numVaryingElements)
_varyingBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements, numVertices, _clContext);
_computeContext = ComputeContext::Create(_farMesh->GetSubdivisionTables(), _farMesh->GetVertexEditTables(), _clContext);
_drawContext = DrawContext::Create(_farMesh->GetPatchTables(), numVertexElements, bits.test(MeshFVarData));
FarMesh<OsdVertex> *_farMesh;
VertexBuffer *_vertexBuffer;
VertexBuffer *_varyingBuffer;
ComputeContext *_computeContext;
ComputeController *_computeController;
DrawContext *_drawContext;
cl_context _clContext;
cl_command_queue _clQueue;
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif // OSD_GL_MESH_H