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synced 2025-01-07 15:30:14 +00:00
* CATMARK_RESTRICTED_VERT_VERTEX_A handles k_Crease and k_Corner rules * CATMARK_RESTRICTED_VERT_VERTEX_B1 handles regular k_Smooth and k_Dart rules * CATMARK_RESTRICTED_VERT_VERTEX_B2 handles irregular k_Smooth and k_Dart rules
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164 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
struct OsdVertexBufferDescriptor;
void OsdGcdComputeFace(float * vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *F_IT, const int *F_ITa,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeQuadFace(float * vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *F_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeTriQuadFace(float * vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *F_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeEdge(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *E_IT, const float *E_ITa,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeRestrictedEdge(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *E_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeVertexA(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa, const float *V_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end, int pass,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeVertexB(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa, const int *V_IT, const float *V_W,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeRestrictedVertexA(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeRestrictedVertexB1(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa, const int *V_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeRestrictedVertexB2(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa, const int *V_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeLoopVertexB(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa, const int *V_IT,
const float *V_W,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeBilinearEdge(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *E_IT,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdComputeBilinearVertex(float *vertex, float * varying,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
const int *V_ITa,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdEditVertexAdd(float *vertex,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
int primVarOffset, int primVarWidth,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
const unsigned int *editIndices, const float *editValues,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
void OsdGcdEditVertexSet(float *vertex,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
int primVarOffset, int primVarWidth,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end,
const unsigned int *editIndices, const float *editValues,
dispatch_queue_t gcdq);
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif // OSD_GCD_KERNEL_H