manuelk e52af3660e fix cpuEvalLimitController : some samples were being dropped because
of bad parameterization on non-quad faces
2013-05-31 13:51:21 -07:00

192 lines
9.2 KiB

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#include "../osd/cpuEvalLimitController.h"
#include "../osd/cpuEvalLimitKernel.h"
#include "../far/patchTables.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
OsdCpuEvalLimitController::OsdCpuEvalLimitController() {
OsdCpuEvalLimitController::~OsdCpuEvalLimitController() {
OsdCpuEvalLimitController::_EvalLimitSample( OpenSubdiv::OsdEvalCoords const & coords,
OsdCpuEvalLimitContext const *context,
unsigned int index ) {
int npatches=0;
FarPatchTables::PatchHandle const * patchHandles;
// Get the list of all children patches of the face described in coords
if (not context->GetPatchesMap()->GetChildPatchesHandles(coords.face, &npatches, &patchHandles))
return 0;
// Position lookup pointers at the indexed vertex
float const * inQ = context->GetInputVertexData();
float * outQ = context->GetOutputVertexData() + index * context->GetOutputDesc().stride;
float * outdQu = context->GetOutputVertexDataUDerivative() + index * context->GetOutputDesc().stride;
float * outdQv = context->GetOutputVertexDataVDerivative() + index * context->GetOutputDesc().stride;
for (int i=0; i<npatches; ++i) {
FarPatchTables::PatchHandle const & handle = patchHandles[i];
FarPatchParam::BitField bits = context->GetPatchBitFields()[ handle.serialIndex ];
float frac;
if (bits.NonQuadRoot()) {
frac = 1.0f / float( 1 << (bits.GetDepth()-1) );
} else {
frac = 1.0f / float( 1 << bits.GetDepth() );
// Are the coordinates within the parametric space covered by the patch ?
float pu = (float)bits.GetU()*frac;
if ( (coords.u < pu) or (coords.u > pu+frac) )
float pv = (float)bits.GetV()*frac;
if ( (coords.v < pv) or (coords.v > pv+frac) )
assert( handle.array < context->GetPatchArrayVector().size() );
FarPatchTables::PatchArray const & parray = context->GetPatchArrayVector()[ handle.array ];
unsigned int const * cvs = &context->GetControlVertices()[ parray.GetVertIndex() + handle.vertexOffset ];
// normalize u,v coordinates
float u = (coords.u - pu) / frac,
v = (coords.v - pv) / frac;
assert( (u>=0.0f) and (u<=1.0f) and (v>=0.0f) and (v<=1.0f) );
typedef FarPatchTables::Descriptor PD;
// Rotate u,v to compensate for transition pattern and boundary orientations
switch( bits.GetRotation() ) {
case 0 : break;
case 1 : { float tmp=v; v=1.0f-u; u=tmp; } break;
case 2 : { u=1.0f-u; v=1.0f-v; } break;
case 3 : { float tmp=u; u=1.0f-v; v=tmp; } break;
// Based on patch type - go execute interpolation
switch( parray.GetDescriptor().GetType() ) {
case FarPatchTables::REGULAR : { evalBSpline( v, u, cvs,
outQ, outdQu, outdQv);
return 1; }
case FarPatchTables::BOUNDARY : { evalBoundary( v, u, cvs,
outQ, outdQu, outdQv);
return 1; }
case FarPatchTables::CORNER : { evalCorner( v, u, cvs,
outQ, outdQu, outdQv);
return 1; }
case FarPatchTables::GREGORY : { evalGregory(v, u, cvs,
context->GetQuadOffsetBuffer() + parray.GetQuadOffsetIndex() + handle.vertexOffset,
outQ, outdQu, outdQv);
return 1; }
case FarPatchTables::GREGORY_BOUNDARY : {
evalGregoryBoundary(v, u, cvs,
context->GetQuadOffsetBuffer() + parray.GetQuadOffsetIndex() + handle.vertexOffset,
outQ, outdQu, outdQv);
return 1; }
return 0;
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv