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synced 2024-11-10 06:10:07 +00:00
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567 lines
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// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/sparseSelector.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// Relatively trivial construction/destruction -- the base level (level[0]) needs
// to be explicitly initialized after construction and refinement then applied
TopologyRefiner::TopologyRefiner(Sdc::Type schemeType, Sdc::Options schemeOptions) :
_maxLevel(0) {
// Need to revisit allocation scheme here -- want to use smart-ptrs for these
// but will probably have to settle for explicit new/delete...
TopologyRefiner::~TopologyRefiner() { }
TopologyRefiner::Unrefine() {
if (_levels.size()) {
TopologyRefiner::Clear() {
// Accessors to the topology information:
TopologyRefiner::GetNumVerticesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i].getNumVertices();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumEdgesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i].getNumEdges();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFacesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i].getNumFaces();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFaceVerticesTotal() const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i].getNumFaceVerticesTotal();
return sum;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumFVarValuesTotal(int channel) const {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_levels.size(); ++i) {
sum += _levels[i].getNumFVarValues(channel);
return sum;
template <Sdc::Type SCHEME_TYPE> void
computePtexIndices(Vtr::Level const & coarseLevel, std::vector<int> & ptexIndices) {
int nfaces = coarseLevel.getNumFaces();
int ptexID=0;
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
ptexIndices[i] = ptexID;
Vtr::IndexArray fverts = coarseLevel.getFaceVertices(i);
ptexID += fverts.size()==Sdc::TypeTraits<SCHEME_TYPE>::RegularFaceValence() ? 1 : fverts.size();
// last entry contains the number of ptex texture faces
TopologyRefiner::initializePtexIndices() const {
std::vector<int> & indices = const_cast<std::vector<int> &>(_ptexIndices);
switch (GetSchemeType()) {
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_BILINEAR>(_levels[0], indices); break;
case Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK :
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK>(_levels[0], indices); break;
case Sdc::TYPE_LOOP :
computePtexIndices<Sdc::TYPE_LOOP>(_levels[0], indices); break;
TopologyRefiner::GetNumPtexFaces() const {
if (_ptexIndices.empty()) {
// see computePtexIndices()
return _ptexIndices.back();
TopologyRefiner::GetPtexIndex(Index f) const {
if (_ptexIndices.empty()) {
if (f<((int)_ptexIndices.size()-1)) {
return _ptexIndices[f];
return -1;
// Main refinement method -- allocating and initializing levels and refinements:
TopologyRefiner::RefineUniform(int maxLevel, bool fullTopology) {
assert(_levels[0].getNumVertices() > 0); // Make sure the base level has been initialized
assert(_subdivType == Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK);
// Allocate the stack of levels and the refinements between them:
_isUniform = true;
_maxLevel = maxLevel;
_levels.resize(maxLevel + 1);
// Initialize refinement options for Vtr -- adjusting full-topology for the last level:
Vtr::Refinement::Options refineOptions;
refineOptions._sparse = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxLevel; ++i) {
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly = fullTopology ? false : (i == maxLevel);
_refinements[i-1].setScheme(_subdivType, _subdivOptions);
_refinements[i-1].initialize(_levels[i-1], _levels[i]);
TopologyRefiner::RefineAdaptive(int subdivLevel, bool fullTopology) {
assert(_levels[0].getNumVertices() > 0); // Make sure the base level has been initialized
assert(_subdivType == Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK);
// Allocate the stack of levels and the refinements between them:
_isUniform = false;
_maxLevel = subdivLevel;
// Should we presize all or grow one at a time as needed?
_levels.resize(subdivLevel + 1);
// Initialize refinement options for Vtr:
Vtr::Refinement::Options refineOptions;
refineOptions._sparse = true;
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly = !fullTopology;
for (int i = 1; i <= subdivLevel; ++i) {
// Keeping full topology on for debugging -- may need to go back a level and "prune"
// its topology if we don't use the full depth
refineOptions._faceTopologyOnly = false;
Vtr::Level& parentLevel = _levels[i-1];
Vtr::Level& childLevel = _levels[i];
Vtr::Refinement& refinement = _refinements[i-1];
refinement.setScheme(_subdivType, _subdivOptions);
refinement.initialize(parentLevel, childLevel);
// Initialize a Selector to mark a sparse set of components for refinement. The
// previous refinement may include tags on its child components that are relevant,
// which is why the Selector identifies it.
Vtr::SparseSelector selector(refinement);
selector.setPreviousRefinement((i-1) ? &_refinements[i-2] : 0);
// Continue refining if something selected, otherwise terminate refinement and trim
// the Level and Refinement vectors to remove the curent refinement and child that
// were in progress:
if (!selector.isSelectionEmpty()) {
} else {
// Note that if we support the "full topology at last level" option properly,
// we should prune the previous level generated, as it is now the last...
int maxLevel = i - 1;
_maxLevel = maxLevel;
_levels.resize(maxLevel + 1);
// Below is a prototype of a method to select features for sparse refinement at each level.
// It assumes we have a freshly initialized Vtr::SparseSelector (i.e. nothing already selected)
// and will select all relevant topological features for inclusion in the subsequent sparse
// refinement.
// A couple general points on "feature adaptive selection" in general...
// 1) With appropriate topological tags on the components, i.e. which vertices are
// extra-ordinary, non-manifold, etc., there's no reason why this can't be written
// in a way that is independent of the subdivision scheme. All of the creasing
// cases are independent, leaving only the regularity associated with the scheme.
// 2) Since feature adaptive refinement is all about the generation of patches, it is
// inherently more concerned with the topology of faces than of vertices or edges.
// In order to fully exploit the generation of regular patches in the presence of
// infinitely sharp edges, we need to consider the face as a whole and not trigger
// refinement based on a vertex, e.g. an extra-ordinary vertex may be present, but
// with all infinitely sharp edges around it, every patch is potentially a regular
// corner. It is currently difficult to extract all that is needed from the edges
// and vertices of a face, but once more tags are added to the edges and vertices,
// this can be greatly simplified.
// So once more tagging of components is in place, I favor a more face-centric approach than
// what exists below. We should be able to iterate through the faces once and make optimal
// decisions without any additional passes through the vertices or edges here. Most common
// cases will be readily detected, i.e. smooth regular patches or those with any semi-sharp
// feature, leaving only those with a mixture of smooth and infinitely sharp features for
// closer analysis.
// Given that we cannot avoid the need to traverse the face list for level 0 in order to
// identify irregular faces for subdivision, we will hopefully only have to visit N faces
// and skip the additional traversal of the N vertices and 2*N edges present here. The
// argument against the face-centric approach is that shared vertices and edges are
// inspected multiple times, but with relevant data stored in tags in these components,
// that work should be minimal.
TopologyRefiner::catmarkFeatureAdaptiveSelector(Vtr::SparseSelector& selector) {
Vtr::Level const& level = selector.getRefinement().parent();
// For faces, we only need to select irregular faces from level 0 -- which will
// generate an extra-ordinary vertex in its interior:
// Not so fast...
// According to far/meshFactory.h, we must also account for the following cases:
// "Quad-faces with 2 non-consecutive boundaries need to be flagged for refinement as
// boundary patches."
// o ........ o ........ o ........ o
// . | | . ... boundary edge
// . | needs | .
// . | flag | . --- regular edge
// . | | .
// o ........ o ........ o ........ o
// ... presumably because this type of "incomplete" B-spline patch is not supported by
// the set of patch types in PatchTables (though it is regular).
// And additionally we must isolate sharp corners if they are on a face with any
// more boundary edges (than the two defining the corner). So in the above diagram,
// if all corners are sharp, then all three faces need to be subdivided, but only
// the one level.
// Fortunately this only needs to be tested at level 0 too -- its analogous to the
// isolation required of extra-ordinary patches, required here for regular patches
// since only a specific set of B-spline boundary patches is supported.
// Arguably, for the sharp corner case, we can deal with that during the vertex
// traversal, but it requires knowledge of a greater topological neighborhood than
// the vertex itself -- knowledge we have when detecting the opposite boundary case
// and so might as well detect here. Whether the corner is sharp or not is irrelevant
// as both the extraordinary smooth, or the regular sharp cases need isolation.
if (level.getDepth() == 0) {
for (Vtr::Index face = 0; face < level.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
Vtr::IndexArray const faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face);
if (faceVerts.size() != 4) {
} else {
Vtr::IndexArray const faceEdges = level.getFaceEdges(face);
int boundaryEdgeSum = (level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[0]).size() == 1) +
(level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[1]).size() == 1) +
(level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[2]).size() == 1) +
(level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[3]).size() == 1);
if ((boundaryEdgeSum > 2) || ((boundaryEdgeSum == 2) &&
(level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[0]).size() == level.getEdgeFaces(faceEdges[2]).size()))) {
// For vertices, we want to immediatly skip neighboring vertices generated from the
// previous level (the percentage will typically be high enough to warrant immediate
// culling, as the will include all perimeter vertices).
// Sharp vertices are complicated by the corner case -- an infinitely sharp corner is
// considered a regular feature and not sharp, but a corner with any other sharpness
// will eventually become extraordinary once its sharpness has decayed -- so it is
// both sharp and irregular.
// Any vertex that is a dart should be selected -- regardless of the sharpness value.
// Later inspection of edge sharpness may skip some faces bounding infinitely sharp
// edges (since they are regular), so the test for Dart here ensures that the ends
// of edge chains are isolated.
// For the remaining topological cases, non-manifold vertices should be considered
// along with extra-ordinary -- both being considered "irregular" (i.e. !regular).
// Tagging considerations:
// All of the above information can be embedded in a vertex tag and most of these
// properties are inherited/propogate by refinement and so do not warrant repeated
// re-determination at every level. The above tags include:
// - completeness (wrt parent -- can change each level -- sparse only)
// - semi-sharp or "fixed Rule" (Hbr's "volatil", can change)
// - Rule
// - hard (infinitely sharp)
// - regular (wrt both subdiv scheme and topology)
// - manifold
for (Vtr::Index vert = 0; vert < level.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
if (selector.isVertexIncomplete(vert)) continue;
bool selectVertex = false;
float vertSharpness = level.getVertexSharpness(vert);
if (vertSharpness > 0.0) {
selectVertex = (level.getVertexFaces(vert).size() != 1) || (vertSharpness < Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE);
} else if (level.getVertexRule(vert) == Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART) {
selectVertex = true;
} else {
Vtr::IndexArray const vertFaces = level.getVertexFaces(vert);
Vtr::IndexArray const vertEdges = level.getVertexEdges(vert);
// Should be non-manifold test -- remaining cases assume manifold...
if (vertFaces.size() == vertEdges.size()) {
selectVertex = (vertFaces.size() != 4);
} else {
selectVertex = (vertFaces.size() != 2);
if (selectVertex) {
// For edges, we only care about sharp edges, so we can immediately skip all smooth.
// That leaves us dealing with sharp edges that may in the interior or on a boundary.
// A boundary edge is always a (regular) B-spline boundary, unless something at an end
// vertex makes it otherwise. But any end vertex that would make the edge irregular
// should already have been detected above. So I'm pretty sure we can just skip all
// boundary edges.
// So reject boundaries, but in a way that includes non-manifold edges for selection.
// If the edge is infinitely sharp, perform further inspection (of neighboring faces)
// to see if the incident faces are regular -- if not, select the face, not the end
// vertices.
// And as for vertices, skip incomplete neighboring vertices from the previous level.
for (Vtr::Index edge = 0; edge < level.getNumEdges(); ++edge) {
float edgeSharpness = level.getEdgeSharpness(edge);
Vtr::IndexArray const edgeFaces = level.getEdgeFaces(edge);
if ((edgeSharpness <= 0.0) || (edgeFaces.size() < 2)) continue;
if (edgeSharpness < Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE) {
// Semi-sharp -- definitely mark both end vertices (will have been marked above
// in future when semi-sharp vertex tag in place):
Vtr::IndexArray const edgeVerts = level.getEdgeVertices(edge);
if (!selector.isVertexIncomplete(edgeVerts[0])) {
if (!selector.isVertexIncomplete(edgeVerts[1])) {
} else {
// If infinitely sharp, skip this edge if all incident faces are otherwise regular
// (if they are not, the vertex selection above will have marked them)
bool edgeFacesAreRegular = true;
for (int i = 0; i < edgeFaces.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::IndexArray const faceEdges = level.getFaceEdges(edgeFaces[i]);
bool edgeFaceIsRegular = false;
if (faceEdges.size() == 4) {
int singularEdgeSum = (level.getEdgeSharpness(faceEdges[0]) >= Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE) +
(level.getEdgeSharpness(faceEdges[1]) >= Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE) +
(level.getEdgeSharpness(faceEdges[2]) >= Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE) +
(level.getEdgeSharpness(faceEdges[3]) >= Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE);
edgeFaceIsRegular = (singularEdgeSum == 1);
} else {
edgeFaceIsRegular = false;
if (!edgeFaceIsRegular) {
if (!edgeFacesAreRegular) {
// We need to select this edge, but only select the end vertices that are not
// creases -- a crease vertex that needs isolation will be identified by other
// means (e.g. a semi-sharp edge on the other side)
Vtr::IndexArray const edgeVerts = level.getEdgeVertices(edge);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (!selector.isVertexIncomplete(edgeVerts[i]) &&
(level.getVertexRule(edgeVerts[i]) != Sdc::Crease::RULE_CREASE)) {
TopologyRefiner::catmarkFeatureAdaptiveSelectorByFace(Vtr::SparseSelector& selector) {
Vtr::Level const& level = selector.getRefinement().parent();
for (Vtr::Index face = 0; face < level.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
Vtr::IndexArray const faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face);
bool selectFace = false;
if (faceVerts.size() != 4) {
// Only necessary at level 0, and potentially warrants separating
// to a separate method -- we need to also ensure that all adjacent
// faces to this one are also selected (so don't bother selecting
// this one here).
// This is the only place other faces are selected as a side effect.
// In general we don't need to test if faces were already selected,
// but this case may ultimiately force us to do so, or pay the price
// of such faces being selected twice in level 0.
Vtr::IndexArray const fVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face);
for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) {
} else {
Vtr::Level::VTag compFaceTag = level.getFaceCompositeVTag(faceVerts);
if (compFaceTag._xordinary || compFaceTag._semiSharp) {
selectFace = true;
} else if (compFaceTag._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART) {
// Get this case out of the way before testing hard features
selectFace = true;
} else if (compFaceTag._nonManifold) {
// Warrants further inspection -- isolate for now
// - will want to defer inf-sharp treatment to below
selectFace = true;
} else if (!(compFaceTag._rule & Sdc::Crease::RULE_SMOOTH)) {
// None of the vertices is Smooth, so we have all vertices
// either Crease or Corner -- though some may be regular
// patches, this currently warrants isolation as we only
// support regular patches with one corner or one boundary.
selectFace = true;
} else {
// This leaves us with at least one Smooth vertex (and so two
// smooth adjacent edges of the quad) and the rest hard Creases
// or Corners. This includes the regular corner and boundary
// cases that we don't want to isolate, but leaves a few others
// that do warrant isolation -- needing further inspection.
// For now go with the boundary cases and don't isolate...
selectFace = false;
if (selectFace) {
TopologyRefiner::ComputeMaskWeights() {
assert(_subdivType == Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK);
for (int i = 0; i < _maxLevel; ++i) {
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv