barfowl ff490cc131 Moved protected TopologyRefiner modifiers to its Factory class:
- added TopologyRefiner base level modifiers to TopologyRefinerFactoryBase
    - removed old modifiers from TopologyRefiner (unused by anything else)
    - updated existing Factory<MESH> definitions to use new methods
2015-05-28 22:39:45 -07:00

628 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../far/error.h"
#include <cassert>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// TopologyRefinerFactoryBase:
// This is an abstract base class for subclasses that are intended to construct
// TopologyRefiner from external mesh representations. These subclasses are
// parameterized by the mesh type <class MESH>.
// This base class provides all implementation details related to assembly and
// validation that are independent of the subclass' mesh type. It also includes a
// suite of methods for modifying/assembling a newly created TopologyRefiner.
class TopologyRefinerFactoryBase {
/// \brief Descriptor for raw topology data, provided as a convenience for one
/// particular factory, but not used by others.
struct TopologyDescriptor {
int numVertices,
int const * numVertsPerFace;
Index const * vertIndicesPerFace;
int numCreases;
Index const * creaseVertexIndexPairs;
float const * creaseWeights;
int numCorners;
Index const * cornerVertexIndices;
float const * cornerWeights;
int numHoles;
Index const * holeIndices;
bool isLeftHanded;
// Face-varying data channel -- value indices correspond to vertex indices,
// i.e. one for every vertex of every face:
struct FVarChannel {
int numValues;
int const * valueIndices;
FVarChannel() : numValues(0), valueIndices(0) { }
int numFVarChannels;
FVarChannel const * fvarChannels;
// For use by subclasses to construct the base level:
// Topology sizing methods required before allocation:
static void setNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
static void setNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
static void setNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
static int getNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
static int getNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
static int getNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
static void setNumBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, int count);
static void setNumBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, int count);
static void setNumBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count);
static void setNumBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count);
// Topology assignment methods to populate base level after allocation:
static IndexArray getBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f);
static IndexArray getBaseFaceEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f);
static IndexArray getBaseEdgeVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e);
static IndexArray getBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e);
static IndexArray getBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
static IndexArray getBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
static LocalIndexArray getBaseEdgeFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e);
static LocalIndexArray getBaseVertexFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
static LocalIndexArray getBaseVertexEdgeLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
static Index findBaseEdge(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner, Index v0, Index v1);
static void populateBaseLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner);
static void setBaseEdgeNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, bool b);
static void setBaseVertexNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, bool b);
// Optional feature tagging methods for setting sharpness, holes, etc.:
static void setBaseEdgeSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, float s);
static void setBaseVertexSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, float s);
static void setBaseFaceHole(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, bool b);
// Optional methods for creating and assigning face-varying data channels:
static int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues);
static int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues, Sdc::Options const& fvarOptions);
static IndexArray getBaseFVarFaceValues(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index face, int channel = 0);
static void setBaseMaxValence(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int valence);
static void initializeBaseInventory(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner);
// Protected methods invoked by the subclass template to verify and process each
// stage of construction implemented by the subclass:
typedef Vtr::internal::Level::ValidationCallback TopologyCallback;
static bool prepareComponentTopologySizing(TopologyRefiner& refiner);
static bool prepareComponentTopologyAssignment(TopologyRefiner& refiner, bool fullValidation,
TopologyCallback callback, void const * callbackData);
static bool prepareComponentTagsAndSharpness(TopologyRefiner& refiner);
static bool prepareFaceVaryingChannels(TopologyRefiner& refiner);
// Inline methods:
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count) {
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count) {
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count) {
inline int
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumFaces();
inline int
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumEdges();
inline int
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumVertices();
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, int count) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeFaceVertices(f, count);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, int count) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeEdgeFaces(e, count);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeVertexFaces(v, count);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setNumBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeVertexEdges(v, count);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFaceVertices(f);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseFaceEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFaceEdges(f);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseEdgeVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeVertices(e);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeFaces(e);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexFaces(v);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexEdges(v);
inline LocalIndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseEdgeFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(e);
inline LocalIndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseVertexFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v);
inline LocalIndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseVertexEdgeLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(v);
inline Index
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::findBaseEdge(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner, Index v0, Index v1) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->findEdge(v0, v1);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::populateBaseLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner) {
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseEdgeNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, bool b) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->setEdgeNonManifold(e, b);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseVertexNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, bool b) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->setVertexNonManifold(v, b);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseEdgeSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, float s) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeSharpness(e) = s;
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseVertexSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, float s) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexSharpness(v) = s;
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseFaceHole(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, bool b) {
newRefiner._levels[0]->setFaceHole(f, b);
newRefiner._hasHoles |= b;
inline int
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->createFVarChannel(numValues, newRefiner._subdivOptions);
inline int
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues, Sdc::Options const& fvarOptions) {
Sdc::Options newOptions = newRefiner._subdivOptions;
return newRefiner._levels[0]->createFVarChannel(numValues, newOptions);
inline IndexArray
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::getBaseFVarFaceValues(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index face, int channel) {
return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFVarFaceValues(face, channel);
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::setBaseMaxValence(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int valence) {
inline void
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::initializeBaseInventory(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner) {
// TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>:
// The factory class template to convert and refine an instance of TopologyRefiner
// from an arbitrary mesh class. While a class template, the implementation is not
// (cannot) be complete, so specialization of a few methods is required.
// This template provides both the interface and high level assembly for the
// construction of the TopologyRefiner instance. The high level construction executes
// a specific set of operations to convert the client's MESH into TopologyRefiner,
// using methods independent of MESH from the base class and those specialized for
// class MESH appropriately.
template <class MESH>
class TopologyRefinerFactory : public TopologyRefinerFactoryBase {
/// \brief Options related to the construction of each TopologyRefiner.
struct Options {
Options(Sdc::SchemeType sdcType = Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK, Sdc::Options sdcOptions = Sdc::Options()) :
validateFullTopology(false) { }
Sdc::SchemeType schemeType; ///< The subdivision scheme type identifier
Sdc::Options schemeOptions; ///< The full set of options for the scheme,
///< e.g. boundary interpolation rules...
unsigned int validateFullTopology : 1; ///< Apply more extensive validation of
///< the constructed topology -- intended
///< for debugging.
/// \brief Instantiates TopologyRefiner from client-provided topological
/// representation.
/// If only the face-vertices topological relationships are specified
/// with this factory, edge relationships have to be inferred, which
/// requires additional processing. If the client topological rep can
/// provide this information, it is highly recommended to do so.
/// @param mesh Client's topological representation (or a converter)
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the TopologyRefiner
/// return A new instance of TopologyRefiner or NULL for failure
static TopologyRefiner* Create(MESH const& mesh, Options options = Options());
static bool populateBaseLevel(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh, Options options);
// Methods to be specialized that implement all details specific to class MESH required
// to convert MESH data to TopologyRefiner. Note that some of these *must* be specialized
// in order to complete construction while some are optional.
// There are two minimal construction requirements (to specify the size and content of
// all topology relations) and two optional (to specify feature tags and face-varying
// channels).
// See comments in the generic stubs or the tutorials for more details on writing these.
// Required:
static bool resizeComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh);
static bool assignComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh);
// Optional:
static bool assignComponentTags(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh);
static bool assignFaceVaryingTopology(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh);
// Optional miscellaneous specializations -- error reporting, etc.:
typedef Vtr::internal::Level::TopologyError TopologyError;
static void reportInvalidTopology(TopologyError errCode, char const * msg, MESH const& mesh);
// Generic implementations:
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::Create(MESH const& mesh, Options options) {
TopologyRefiner * refiner = new TopologyRefiner(options.schemeType, options.schemeOptions);
if (not populateBaseLevel(*refiner, mesh, options)) {
delete refiner;
return 0;
// XXXX -- any state in the TopologyRefiner to update after the base level is complete?
return refiner;
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::populateBaseLevel(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh, Options options) {
// Construction of a specialized topology refiner involves four steps, each of which
// involves a method specialized for MESH followed by one that takes an action in
// response to it or in preparation for the next step.
// Both the specialized methods and those that follow them may find fault in the
// construction and trigger failure at any time:
// Sizing of the topology -- this is a required specialization for MESH. This defines
// an inventory of all components and their relations that is used to allocate buffers
// to be efficiently populated in the subsequent topology assignment step.
if (not resizeComponentTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
if (not prepareComponentTopologySizing(refiner)) return false;
// Assignment of the topology -- this is a required specialization for MESH. If edges
// are specified, all other topological relations are expected to be defined for them.
// Otherwise edges and remaining topology will be completed from the face-vertices:
bool validate = options.validateFullTopology;
TopologyCallback callback = reinterpret_cast<TopologyCallback>(reportInvalidTopology);
void const * userData = &mesh;
if (not assignComponentTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
if (not prepareComponentTopologyAssignment(refiner, validate, callback, userData)) return false;
// User assigned and internal tagging of components -- an optional specialization for
// MESH. Allows the specification of sharpness values, holes, etc.
if (not assignComponentTags(refiner, mesh)) return false;
if (not prepareComponentTagsAndSharpness(refiner)) return false;
// Defining channels of face-varying primvar data -- an optional specialization for MESH.
if (not assignFaceVaryingTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
if (not prepareFaceVaryingChannels(refiner)) return false;
return true;
// XXXX manuelk MSVC specializes these templated functions which creates duplicated symbols
#ifndef _MSC_VER
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::resizeComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& /* refiner */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
assert("Missing specialization for TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::resizeComponentTopology()" == 0);
// Sizing the topology tables:
// This method is for determining the sizes of the various topology tables (and other
// data) associated with the mesh. Once completed, appropriate memory will be allocated
// and an additional method invoked to populate it accordingly.
// The following methods should be called -- first those to specify the number of faces,
// edges and vertices in the mesh:
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseFaceCount(int count)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeCount(int count)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexCount(int count)
// and then for each face, edge and vertex, the number of its incident components:
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseFaceVertexCount(Index face, int count)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeFaceCount( Index edge, int count)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexFaceCount(Index vertex, int count)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexEdgeCount(Index vertex, int count)
// The count/size for a component type must be set before indices associated with that
// component type can be used.
// Note that it is only necessary to size 4 of the 6 supported topological relations --
// the number of edge-vertices is fixed at two per edge, and the number of face-edges is
// the same as the number of face-vertices.
// So a single pass through your mesh to gather up all of this sizing information will
// allow the Tables to be allocated appropriately once and avoid any dynamic resizing as
// it grows.
return false;
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::assignComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& /* refiner */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
assert("Missing specialization for TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::assignComponentTopology()" == 0);
// Assigning the topology tables:
// Once the topology tables have been allocated, the six required topological
// relations can be directly populated using the following methods:
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseFaceVertices(Index face)
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseFaceEdges(Index face)
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeVertices(Index edge)
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeFaces(Index edge)
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexEdges(Index vertex)
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexFaces(Index vertex)
// For the last two relations -- the faces and edges incident a vertex -- there are
// also "local indices" that must be specified (considering doing this internally),
// where the "local index" of each incident face or edge is the index of the vertex
// within that face or edge, and so ranging from 0-3 for incident quads and 0-1 for
// incident edges. These are assigned through similarly retrieved arrays:
// LocalIndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index vertex)
// LocalIndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index vertex)
// or, if the mesh is manifold, explicit assignment of these can be deferred and
// all will be determined via:
// void TopologyRefiner::populateBaseLocalIndices()
// All components are assumed to be locally manifold and ordering of components in
// the above relations is expected to be counter-clockwise.
// For non-manifold components, no ordering/orientation of incident components is
// assumed or required, but be sure to explicitly tag such components (vertices and
// edges) as non-manifold:
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeNonManifold(Index edge, bool b);
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexNonManifold(Index vertex, bool b);
// Also consider using TopologyLevel::ValidateTopology() when debugging to ensure
// that topolology has been completely and correctly specified.
return false;
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::assignFaceVaryingTopology(TopologyRefiner& /* refiner */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
// Optional assigning face-varying topology tables:
// Create independent face-varying primitive variable channels:
// int TopologyRefiner::createBaseFVarChannel(int numValues)
// For each channel, populate the face-vertex values:
// IndexArray TopologyRefiner::setBaseFVarFaceValues(Index face, int channel = 0)
return true;
template <class MESH>
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::assignComponentTags(TopologyRefiner& /* refiner */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
// Optional tagging:
// This is where any additional feature tags -- sharpness, holes, etc. -- can be
// specified using:
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseEdgeSharpness(Index edge, float sharpness)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseVertexSharpness(Index vertex, float sharpness)
// void TopologyRefiner::setBaseFaceHole(Index face, bool hole)
return true;
template <class MESH>
TopologyError /* errCode */, char const * /* msg */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
// Optional topology validation error reporting:
// This method is called whenever the factory encounters topology validation
// errors. By default, nothing is reported
// Specialization for raw topology data
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc);
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc);
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc);
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc);
template <>
TopologyError errCode, char const * msg, TopologyDescriptor const& /* mesh */);
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv