David G Yu 3e34c6031d Added Derivative Options to LimitStencilFactory
This change updates the Far::LimitStencilFactory to
to support options to generate 1st and 2nd derivative
limit stencil weights.

For backward compatibility, the option to generate 1st
derivatives defaults to true.  While for efficiency,
the option to generate 2nd derivatives defaults to false.

Also, updated the Far::LimitStencil class to expose
computed 1st and 2nd derivative limit stencil weights.
2016-09-28 11:56:55 -07:00

205 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/patchTable.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
class TopologyRefiner;
class Stencil;
class StencilTable;
class LimitStencil;
class LimitStencilTable;
/// \brief A specialized factory for StencilTable
class StencilTableFactory {
enum Mode {
struct Options {
Options() : interpolationMode(INTERPOLATE_VERTEX),
maxLevel(10) { }
unsigned int interpolationMode : 2, ///< interpolation mode
generateOffsets : 1, ///< populate optional "_offsets" field
generateControlVerts : 1, ///< generate stencils for control-vertices
generateIntermediateLevels : 1, ///< vertices at all levels or highest only
factorizeIntermediateLevels : 1, ///< accumulate stencil weights from control
/// vertices or from the stencils of the
/// previous level
maxLevel : 4; ///< generate stencils up to 'maxLevel'
/// \brief Instantiates StencilTable from TopologyRefiner that have been
/// refined uniformly or adaptively.
/// \note The factory only creates stencils for vertices that have already
/// been refined in the TopologyRefiner. Use RefineUniform() or
/// RefineAdaptive() before constructing the stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the table
static StencilTable const * Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
Options options = Options());
/// \brief Instantiates StencilTable by concatenating an array of existing
/// stencil table.
/// \note This factory checks that the stencil table point to the same set
/// of supporting control vertices - no re-indexing is done.
/// GetNumControlVertices() *must* return the same value for all input
/// tables.
/// @param numTables Number of input StencilTables
/// @param tables Array of input StencilTables
static StencilTable const * Create(int numTables, StencilTable const ** tables);
/// \brief Utility function for stencil splicing for local point stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param baseStencilTable Input StencilTable for refined vertices
/// @param localPointStencilTable
/// StencilTable for the change of basis patch points.
/// @param factorize If factorize sets to true, endcap stencils will be
/// factorized with supporting vertices from baseStencil
/// table so that the endcap points can be computed
/// directly from control vertices.
static StencilTable const * AppendLocalPointStencilTable(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTable const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTable const *localPointStencilTable,
bool factorize = true);
// Generate stencils for the coarse control-vertices (single weight = 1.0f)
static void generateControlVertStencils(int numControlVerts, Stencil & dst);
/// \brief A specialized factory for LimitStencilTable
/// The LimitStencilTableFactory creates a table of limit stencils. Limit
/// stencils can interpolate any arbitrary location on the limit surface.
/// The stencils will be bilinear if the surface is refined uniformly, and
/// bicubic if feature adaptive isolation is used instead.
/// Surface locations are expressed as a combination of ptex face index and
/// normalized (s,t) patch coordinates. The factory exposes the LocationArray
/// struct as a container for these location descriptors.
class LimitStencilTableFactory {
/// \brief Descriptor for limit surface locations
struct LocationArray {
LocationArray() : ptexIdx(-1), numLocations(0), s(0), t(0) { }
int ptexIdx, ///< ptex face index
numLocations; ///< number of (u,v) coordinates in the array
float const * s, ///< array of u coordinates
* t; ///< array of v coordinates
typedef std::vector<LocationArray> LocationArrayVec;
struct Options {
Options() : generate1stDerivatives(true),
generate2ndDerivatives(false) { }
unsigned int generate1stDerivatives : 1, ///< Generate weights for 1st derivatives
generate2ndDerivatives : 1; ///< Generate weights for 2nd derivatives
/// \brief Instantiates LimitStencilTable from a TopologyRefiner that has
/// been refined either uniformly or adaptively.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param locationArrays An array of surface location descriptors
/// (see LocationArray)
/// @param cvStencils A set of StencilTable generated from the
/// TopologyRefiner (optional: prevents redundant
/// instantiation of the table if available)
/// @param patchTable A set of PatchTable generated from the
/// TopologyRefiner (optional: prevents redundant
/// instantiation of the table if available)
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the table
static LimitStencilTable const * Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
LocationArrayVec const & locationArrays,
StencilTable const * cvStencils=0,
PatchTable const * patchTable=0,
Options options=Options());
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv