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Maya osdPolySmooth
.. contents::
:backlinks: none
The Maya OsdPolySmooth node takes a base mesh and generates an OpenSubdiv subdivided mesh.
.. image:: images/osdpolysmooth.png
:width: 400px
:align: center
:target: images/osdpolysmooth.png
.. container:: notebox
This plugin is not representative of actual workflows in the application. The
intended use is for quick comparisons with Renderman's interpolation settings.
Once the plugin is loaded in Maya:
- Select a poly mesh
- Polygons -> Edit Mesh -> OSD Subdivide Meshes
Attributes (9)
inputPolymesh, output, recommendedIsolation, subdivisionLevels, vertBoundaryMethod,
fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropagateCorners, smoothTriangles, creaseMethod,
| Long Name (Short Name) | Type | Default | Flags |
| inputPolymesh (ip) | mesh | | input hidden connectable storable |
| This is a description for this attribute | | | |
| output (out) | mesh | | hidden connectable storable output |
| This is a description for this attribute | | | |
| subdivisionLevels (sl) | int | 2 | input connectable storable |
| The number of recursive quad subdivisions to perform on each face. | | | |
| recommendedIsolation (ri) | int | | output connectable storable |
| The recommended levels of subdivision required to account for crease sharpness | | | |
| vertBoundaryMethod (vbm) | enum | EdgeOnly | input connectable storable |
| Controls how boundary edges and vertices are interpolated. | | | |
| - Smooth, Edges: *InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly* | | | |
| - Smooth, Edges and Corners: *InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner* | | | |
| fvarBoundaryMethod (fvbm) | enum | None | input connectable storable |
| Controls how boundaries are treated for face-varying data (UVs and Vertex Colors). | | | |
| - Bi-linear (None): *InterpolateBoundaryNone* | | | |
| - Smooth (Edge Only): *InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly* | | | |
| - Smooth (Edges and Corners: *InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner* | | | |
| - Smooth (ZBrush and Maya "Smooth Internal Only"): *InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp* | | | |
| fvarPropagateCorners (fvpc) | bool | false | input connectable storable |
| Check all faces to see if two edges side by side are facevarying boundary edges | | | |
| smoothTriangles (stri) | bool | true | input connectable storable |
| Apply a special subdivision rule be applied to all triangular faces that was | | | |
| empirically determined to make triangles subdivide more smoothly. | | | |
| creaseMethod (crm) | enum | 0 | input connectable storable |
| Controls how boundary edges and vertices are interpolated. | | | |
| - Normal: No Crease sharpness smoothing | | | |
| - Chaikin: Improves the appearance of multiedge creases with varying weight | | | |
.. include:: examples_see_also.rst