2013-10-04 18:23:20 -07:00

774 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../osd/ptexMipmapTextureLoader.h"
#include "../osd/error.h"
#include <Ptexture.h>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
// resample border texels for guttering
static int
resampleBorder(PtexTexture * ptex, int face, int edgeId, unsigned char *result,
int dstLength, int bpp, float srcStart=0.0f, float srcEnd=1.0f)
const Ptex::FaceInfo & pf = ptex->getFaceInfo(face);
int edgeLength = (edgeId==0||edgeId==2) ? pf.res.u() : pf.res.v();
int srcOffset = (int)(srcStart*edgeLength);
int srcLength = (int)((srcEnd-srcStart)*edgeLength);
// if dstLength < 0, returns as original resolution without scaling
if (dstLength < 0) dstLength = srcLength;
if (dstLength >= srcLength) {
PtexFaceData * data = ptex->getData(face);
unsigned char *border = new unsigned char[bpp*srcLength];
// order of the result will be flipped to match adjacent pixel order
for(int i=0;i<srcLength; ++i) {
int u = 0, v = 0;
if(edgeId==Ptex::e_bottom) {
u = edgeLength-1-(i+srcOffset);
v = 0;
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_right) {
u = pf.res.u()-1;
v = edgeLength-1-(i+srcOffset);
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_top) {
u = i+srcOffset;
v = pf.res.v()-1;
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_left) {
u = 0;
v = i+srcOffset;
data->getPixel(u, v, &border[i*bpp]);
// nearest resample to fit dstLength
for(int i=0;i<dstLength;++i) {
for(int j=0; j<bpp; j++) {
result[i*bpp+j] = border[(i*srcLength/dstLength)*bpp+j];
delete[] border;
} else {
Ptex::Res res = pf.res;
while (srcLength > dstLength && res.ulog2 && res.vlog2) {
srcLength /= 2;
PtexFaceData * data = ptex->getData(face, res);
unsigned char *border = new unsigned char[bpp*srcLength];
edgeLength = (edgeId==0||edgeId==2) ? res.u() : res.v();
srcOffset = (int)(srcStart*edgeLength);
for (int i = 0; i < dstLength; ++i) {
int u = 0, v = 0;
if (edgeId == Ptex::e_bottom) {
u = edgeLength-1-(i+srcOffset);
v = 0;
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_right) {
u = res.u()-1;
v = edgeLength-1-(i+srcOffset);
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_top) {
u = i+srcOffset;
v = res.v()-1;
} else if(edgeId==Ptex::e_left) {
u = 0;
v = i+srcOffset;
data->getPixel(u, v, &border[i*bpp]);
for (int j = 0; j < bpp; ++j) {
result[i*bpp+j] = border[i*bpp+j];
delete[] border;
return srcLength;
// flip order of pixel buffer
static void
flipBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, int length, int bpp)
for(int i=0; i<length/2; ++i){
for(int j=0; j<bpp; j++){
std::swap(buffer[i*bpp+j], buffer[(length-1-i)*bpp+j]);
// sample neighbor face's edge
static void
sampleNeighbor(PtexTexture * ptex, unsigned char *border, int face, int edge, int length, int bpp)
const Ptex::FaceInfo &fi = ptex->getFaceInfo(face);
// copy adjacent borders
int adjface = fi.adjface(edge);
if(adjface != -1) {
int ae = fi.adjedge(edge);
if (!fi.isSubface() && ptex->getFaceInfo(adjface).isSubface()) {
/* nonsubface -> subface (1:0.5) see for more detail
| face |
| adj face | |
resampleBorder(ptex, adjface, ae, border, length/2, bpp);
const Ptex::FaceInfo &sfi1 = ptex->getFaceInfo(adjface);
adjface = sfi1.adjface((ae+3)%4);
ae = (sfi1.adjedge((ae+3)%4)+3)%4;
resampleBorder(ptex, adjface, ae, border+(length/2*bpp), length/2, bpp);
} else if (fi.isSubface() && !ptex->getFaceInfo(adjface).isSubface()) {
/* subface -> nonsubface (0.5:1). two possible configuration
case 1 case 2
+----------+----------+ +----------+----------+--------+
| face | B | | | face | B |
+---edge---+----------+ +----------+--edge----+--------+
|0.0 0.5 1.0| |0.0 0.5 1.0|
| adj face | | adj face |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
int Bf = fi.adjface((edge+1)%4);
int Be = fi.adjedge((edge+1)%4);
int f = ptex->getFaceInfo(Bf).adjface((Be+1)%4);
int e = ptex->getFaceInfo(Bf).adjedge((Be+1)%4);
if(f == adjface && e == ae) // case 1
resampleBorder(ptex, adjface, ae, border, length, bpp, 0.0, 0.5);
else // case 2
resampleBorder(ptex, adjface, ae, border, length, bpp, 0.5, 1.0);
} else {
/* ordinary case (1:1 match)
| face |
| adj face |
resampleBorder(ptex, adjface, ae, border, length, bpp);
} else {
/* border edge. duplicate itself
| face |
resampleBorder(ptex, face, edge, border, length, bpp);
flipBuffer(border, length, bpp);
// get corner pixel by traversing all adjacent faces around vertex
static bool
getCornerPixel(PtexTexture *ptex, float *resultPixel, int numchannels,
int face, int edge, int bpp, int level, unsigned char *lineBuffer)
const Ptex::FaceInfo &fi = ptex->getFaceInfo(face);
see Figure 2 for the reason of conditions edge==1 and 3
if (fi.isSubface() && edge == 3) {
in T-vertex case, this function sets 'D' pixel value to *resultPixel and returns false
gutter line
| | |
| D|C |<-- gutter line
| *-------+
| B|A [2] |
| |[3] [1]|
| | [0] |
int adjface = fi.adjface(edge);
if (adjface != -1 and !ptex->getFaceInfo(adjface).isSubface()) {
int length = resampleBorder(ptex,
0.0f, 1.0f);
/* then lineBuffer contains
0 ^ length-1
lineBuffer + bpp*(length/2-1),
return true;
if (fi.isSubface() && edge == 1) {
/* gutter line
| | [3] |
| |[0] [2]|
| B|A [1] |
| *-------+
| D|C |<-- gutter line
| | |
note: here we're focusing on vertex A which corresponds to the edge 1,
but the edge 0 is an adjacent edge to get D pixel.
int adjface = fi.adjface(0);
if (adjface != -1 and !ptex->getFaceInfo(adjface).isSubface()) {
int length = resampleBorder(ptex,
0.0f, 1.0f);
/* then lineBuffer contains
0 ^ length-1
lineBuffer + bpp*(length/2),
return true;
int currentFace = face;
int currentEdge = edge;
int uv[4][2] = {{0,0}, {1,0}, {1,1}, {0,1}};
float *pixel = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*numchannels);
float *accumPixel = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*numchannels);
// clear accum pixel
memset(accumPixel, 0, sizeof(float)*numchannels);
bool clockWise = true;
int nFace = 0;
do {
if (nFace > 255) {
OsdWarning("High valence detected in %s : invalid adjacency around "
"face %d", ptex->path(), face);
Ptex::FaceInfo info = ptex->getFaceInfo(currentFace);
int ulog2 = std::max(0, info.res.ulog2 - level);
int vlog2 = std::max(0, info.res.vlog2 - level);
Ptex::Res res(ulog2, vlog2);
uv[currentEdge][0] * (res.u()-1),
uv[currentEdge][1] * (res.v()-1),
pixel, 0, numchannels, res);
for (int j = 0; j < numchannels; ++j) {
accumPixel[j] += pixel[j];
if (nFace == 3) {
resultPixel[j] = pixel[j];
// next face
if (clockWise) {
currentFace = info.adjface(currentEdge);
currentEdge = info.adjedge(currentEdge);
currentEdge = (currentEdge+1)%4;
} else {
currentFace = info.adjface((currentEdge+3)%4);
currentEdge = info.adjedge((currentEdge+3)%4);
if (currentFace == -1) {
// border case.
if (clockWise) {
// reset position and restart counter clock wise
Ptex::FaceInfo sinfo = ptex->getFaceInfo(face);
currentFace = sinfo.adjface((edge+3)%4);
currentEdge = sinfo.adjedge((edge+3)%4);
clockWise = false;
} else {
// end
} while(currentFace != -1 and currentFace != face);
if (nFace == 4) {
return true;
// non-4 valence. let's average and return false;
for (int j = 0; j < numchannels; ++j) {
resultPixel[j] = accumPixel[j]/nFace;
return false;
// sample neighbor pixels and populate around blocks
OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader::Block::guttering(PtexTexture *ptex, int level, int width, int height,
unsigned char *pptr, int bpp, int stride)
// XXX: fixme
unsigned char * lineBuffer = new unsigned char[16384 * bpp];
for(int edge=0; edge<4; edge++) {
int len = (edge==0 or edge==2) ? width : height;
sampleNeighbor(ptex, lineBuffer, this->index, edge, len, bpp);
unsigned char *s = lineBuffer, *d;
for(int j=0;j<len;++j) {
d = pptr;
switch(edge) {
case Ptex::e_bottom:
d += bpp * (j + 1); //stride*b->v + bpp*(b->u + j);
case Ptex::e_right:
d += stride * (j + 1) + bpp * (width+1); // stride*(b->v + j) + bpp*(b->u + res.u() +1);
case Ptex::e_top:
d += stride * (height+1) + bpp*(len-j); //stride*(b->v + res.v()+1) + bpp*(b->u + len-j-1);
case Ptex::e_left:
d += stride * (len-j); //stride*(b->v + len-j-1) + bpp*(b->u);
for(int k=0; k<bpp; k++)
*d++ = *s++;
// fix corner pixels
int numchannels = ptex->numChannels();
float *accumPixel = new float[numchannels];
int uv[4][2] = {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}};
for (int edge=0; edge<4; edge++) {
int du = uv[edge][0];
int dv = uv[edge][1];
/* There are 3 cases when filling a corner pixel on gutter.
case 1: Regular 4 valence
We already have correct 'B' and 'C' pixels by edge resampling above.
so here only one more pixel 'D' is needed,
and it will be placed on the gutter corner.
| | |<-current
| B|A |
| D|C |
| | |
case 2: T-vertex case (note that this doesn't mean 3 valence)
If the current face comes from non-quad root face, there could be a T-vertex
on its corner. Just like case 1, need to fill border corner with pixel 'D'.
| | |<-current
| B|A |
| *-----+
| D|C |
| | |
case 3: Other than 4 valence case (everything else, including boundary)
Since guttering pixels are placed on the border of each ptex faces,
It's not possible to store more than 4 pixels at a coner for a reasonable
In this case, we need to average all corner pixels and overwrite with an
averaged value, so that every face vertex picks the same value.
| | |<-current
| B|A |
| D/E\C |
| / \ |
|/ \|
if (getCornerPixel(ptex, accumPixel, numchannels, this->index, edge, bpp, level, lineBuffer)) {
// case 1 and case 2
if (edge==1||edge==2) du += width;
if (edge==2||edge==3) dv += height;
unsigned char *d = pptr + dv*stride + du*bpp;
Ptex::ConvertFromFloat(d, accumPixel, ptex->dataType(), numchannels);
} else {
// case 3, set accumPixel to the corner 4 pixels
if (edge==1||edge==2) du += width - 1;
if (edge==2||edge==3) dv += height - 1;
for (int u = 0; u < 2; ++u) {
for (int v = 0; v < 2; ++v) {
unsigned char *d = pptr + (dv+u)*stride + (du+v)*bpp;
Ptex::ConvertFromFloat(d, accumPixel, ptex->dataType(), numchannels);
delete[] lineBuffer;
delete[] accumPixel;
OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader::Block::Generate(PtexTexture *ptex, unsigned char *destination,
int bpp, int width, int maxLevels)
const Ptex::FaceInfo &faceInfo = ptex->getFaceInfo(index);
int stride = bpp * width;
Ptex::Res res = faceInfo.res;
int ulog2 = res.ulog2;
int vlog2 = res.vlog2;
int level = 0;
int uofs = u, vofs = v;
while(ulog2 >= 2 and vlog2 >= 2 and level <= maxLevels) {
if (level % 2 == 1)
uofs += (1<<(ulog2+1))+2;
if ((level > 0) and (level % 2 == 0))
vofs += (1<<(vlog2+1)) + 2;
unsigned char *dst = destination + vofs * stride + uofs * bpp;
unsigned char *dstData = destination + (vofs + 1) * stride + (uofs + 1) * bpp;
ptex->getData(index, dstData, stride, Ptex::Res(ulog2, vlog2));
guttering(ptex, level, 1<<ulog2, 1<<vlog2, dst, bpp, stride);
nMipmaps = level;
page :
struct OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader::Page {
struct Slot {
Slot(unsigned short u, unsigned short v,
unsigned short w, unsigned short h) :
u(u), v(v), width(w), height(h) { }
unsigned short u, v, width, height;
// returns true if a block can fit in this slot
bool Fits(const Block *block) {
return (block->width <= width) and (block->height <= height);
typedef std::list<Block *> BlockList;
Page(unsigned short width, unsigned short height) {
_slots.push_back(Slot(0, 0, width, height));
bool IsFull() const {
return _slots.empty();
// true when the block "b" is successfully added to this page :
// |--------------------------| |------------|-------------|
// | | |............| |
// | | |............| |
// | | |.... B .....| Right Slot |
// | | |............| |
// | | |............| |
// | | |------------|-------------|
// | Original Slot | ==> | |
// | | | |
// | | | Bottom Slot |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
bool AddBlock(Block *block) {
for (SlotList::iterator it = _slots.begin(); it != _slots.end(); ++it) {
if (it->Fits(block)) {
block->u = it->u;
block->v = it->v;
// add new slot to the right
if (it->width > block->width) {
_slots.push_front(Slot(it->u + block->width,
it->width - block->width,
// add new slot to the bottom
if (it->height > block->height) {
it->v + block->height,
it->height - block->height));
return true;
return false;
void Generate(PtexTexture *ptex, unsigned char *destination,
int bpp, int width, int maxLevels) {
for (BlockList::iterator it = _blocks.begin(); it != _blocks.end(); ++it) {
(*it)->Generate(ptex, destination, bpp, width, maxLevels);
const BlockList &GetBlocks() const {
return _blocks;
void Dump() const {
for (BlockList::const_iterator it = _blocks.begin(); it != _blocks.end(); ++it) {
printf(" (%d, %d) %d x %d\n",
(*it)->u, (*it)->v, (*it)->width, (*it)->height);
BlockList _blocks;
typedef std::list<Slot> SlotList;
SlotList _slots;
OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader::OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader(PtexTexture *ptex,
int maxNumPages,
int maxLevels) :
_ptex(ptex), _maxLevels(maxLevels), _bpp(0),
_pageWidth(0), _pageHeight(0), _texelBuffer(NULL)
// byte per pixel
_bpp = ptex->numChannels() * Ptex::DataSize(ptex->dataType());
int numFaces = ptex->numFaces();
for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i) {
const Ptex::FaceInfo &faceInfo = ptex->getFaceInfo(i);
_blocks[i].index = i;
int w = faceInfo.res.u();
int h = faceInfo.res.v();
_blocks[i].ulog2 = faceInfo.res.ulog2;
_blocks[i].vlog2 = faceInfo.res.vlog2;
// XXX: each face must have at least 2x2 texels
w = w + w/2 + 4;
h = h + 2;
_blocks[i].width = w;
_blocks[i].height = h;
delete _texelBuffer;
OsdPtexMipmapTextureLoader::optimizePacking(int maxNumPages)
int numTexels = 0;
// prepare a vector of pointers
std::vector<Block *> blocks(_blocks.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < _blocks.size(); ++i) {
Block *block = &_blocks[i];
blocks[i] = block;
numTexels += block->width * block->height;
// sort blocks by height-width order
std::sort(blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), Block::sort);
// compute page size ---------------------------------------------
// page size is set to the largest edge of the largest block : this is the
// smallest possible page size, which should minimize the texels wasted on
// the "last page" when the smallest blocks are being packed.
// minumum
_pageWidth = 512 + 256 + 4;
_pageHeight = 512 + 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _blocks.size(); ++i) {
Block *block = &_blocks[i];
_pageWidth = std::max(_pageWidth, (int)block->width);
_pageHeight = std::max(_pageHeight, (int)block->height);
//int maxNumPages = 2048;
// grow the pagesize to make sure the optimization will not exceed the maximum
// number of pages allowed
// for (int npages=_txc/(_pagesize*_pagesize); npages>maxnumpages; _pagesize<<=1)
// npages = _txc/(_pagesize*_pagesize );
// pack blocks into slots ----------------------------------------
for (size_t i = 0, firstslot = 0; i < _blocks.size(); ++i) {
Block *block = blocks[i];
// traverse existing pages for a suitable slot ---------------
bool added = false;
for (size_t p = firstslot; p < _pages.size(); ++p) {
if ( (added = _pages[p]->AddBlock(block)) == true) {
// if none of page was found : start new page
if (!added) {
Page *page = new Page(_pageWidth, _pageHeight);
added = page->AddBlock(block);
// adjust the page flag to the first page with open slots
if (_pages.size() > (firstslot+1) and
_pages[firstslot+1]->IsFull()) ++firstslot;
printf("PageSize = %d x %d x %d\n", _pageWidth, _pageHeight, (int)_pages.size());
#if 0
for (size_t i = 0; i < _pages.size(); ++i) {
printf("Page %ld : \n", i);
int allSize = _pageWidth * _pageHeight * (int)_pages.size();
printf("Utilization %d/%d %.2f%%\n",
numTexels, allSize, 100*numTexels/float(allSize));
// ptex layout struct
// struct Layout {
// unsigned short page;
// unsigned short nMipmap;
// unsigned short u;
// unsigned short v;
// unsigned char width log2;
// unsigned char height log2;
// };
int numFaces = (int)_blocks.size();
int numPages = (int)_pages.size();
// populate the texels
int pageStride = _bpp * _pageWidth * _pageHeight;
_texelBuffer = new unsigned char[pageStride * numPages];
memset(_texelBuffer, 0, pageStride * numPages);
for (int i = 0; i < numPages; ++i) {
printf("%d/%d\r", i, numPages);
_pages[i]->Generate(_ptex, _texelBuffer + pageStride * i,
_bpp, _pageWidth, _maxLevels);
// populate the layout texture buffer
_layoutBuffer = new unsigned char[numFaces * sizeof(short) * 5];
for (int i = 0; i < numPages; ++i) {
Page *page = _pages[i];
for (Page::BlockList::const_iterator it = page->GetBlocks().begin();
it != page->GetBlocks().end(); ++it) {
int ptexIndex = (*it)->index;
unsigned short *p = (unsigned short*)(_layoutBuffer + sizeof(short)*5*ptexIndex);
*p++ = i; // page
*p++ = (*it)->nMipmaps-1;
*p++ = (*it)->u+1;
*p++ = (*it)->v+1;
*p++ = ((*it)->ulog2 << 8) | (*it)->vlog2;
#if 0
// debug
FILE *fp = fopen("out.ppm", "w");
fprintf(fp, "P3\n");
fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", _pageWidth, _pageHeight * numPages);
fprintf(fp, "255\n");
unsigned char *p = _texelBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < numPages; ++i) {
for (int y = 0; y < _pageHeight; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < _pageWidth; ++x) {
fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d ", (int)p[0], (int)p[1], (int)p[2]);
p += 3;
fprintf(fp, "\n");
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv