Barry Fowler 4ca972da8f New and improved figures with Bfr tutorials:
- added new figure for Bfr tutorial 1.1
    - improved the set figures for Bfr tutorial 1.2
    - improved the set figures for Bfr tutorial 2.1
    - added accompanying text related to new figures
2022-09-23 11:16:13 -07:00

329 lines
12 KiB

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.. contents::
:backlinks: none
The tutorial source code can be found in the ` repository
or in your local ``<repository root>/tutorials``.
Bfr Tutorials
All tutorials for the Bfr interface follow a similar pattern: without any
command line arguments, a default mesh (usually a cube) is used and the
results printed to standard output in Obj format. Command line arguments
can be used to specify an alternate mesh for input, as well as directing
the output to a specified Obj file.
Some tutorials may offer additional command line options to trigger internal
options relevant to the topic, e.g. those illustrating tessellation may
support a -quads option to use the option to tessellate quad-bases subdivision
meshes with quads.
1. Basic Evaluation and Tessellation
Tutorial 1.1
This tutorial illustrates the use of Bfr::SurfaceFactory and Bfr::Surface
to evaluate points on the limit of each face. The limit positions at all
corners of the face are evaluated and connected to the limit position in
the center of the face -- creating a simple triangular tessellation.
`[code] <bfr_tutorial_1_1.html>`__
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_1_1.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_1_1.png
Tutorial 1.2
This tutorial shows the added use of Bfr::Tessellation to identify the
set of points and connectivity for a uniform tessellation. Both a Surface
and Tessellation is identified for each face, with the Tessellation
indicating which points are to be evaluated by the Surface.
`[code] <bfr_tutorial_1_2.html>`__
Tessellation patterns for quad-based subdivision schemes can optionally
preserve quads (left) or be fully triangulated (center), while triangular
schemes always yield triangles (right):
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_a.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_a.png
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_b.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_b.png
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_c.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_1_2_c.png
Tutorial 1.3
This tutorial extends the previous tutorial on uniform Tessellation by
adding face-varying Surfaces to compute corresponding UVs for each
evaluated position. `[code] <bfr_tutorial_1_3.html>`__
Tutorial 1.4
This tutorial extends the previous tutorial on uniform tessellation of
position and UV by illustrating how additional mesh data interleaved with
the position and UV data is easily handled. `[code] <bfr_tutorial_1_4.html>`__
Tutorial 1.5
This tutorial is similar to the first tutorial showing uniform tessellation
of position but makes use of limit stencils for its evaluation of points of
the tessellation pattern. `[code] <bfr_tutorial_1_5.html>`__
2. More on Tessellation
Tutorial 2.1
This tutorial extends the use of Tessellation to illustrate the use of
non-uniform tessellation rates per edge. A simple edge-length metric is
used to determine the tessellation rate for each edge of a face.
`[code] <bfr_tutorial_2_1.html>`__
The following contrasts uniform tessellation (left) with the resulting
length-based tessellations -- preserving quads (center) and fully
triangulated (right):
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_a.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_a.png
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_b.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_b.png
.. image:: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_c.png
:height: 100px
:target: images/bfr_tutorial_2_1_c.png
Tutorial 2.2
This tutorial is a more complex extension of the use of Tessellation
that illustrates how the separation and association of tessellation data
with the boundary and interior of the face can be used. Limit points
evaluated on the vertices and edges of a face (the boundary of the
Tessellation) are computed once and shared with adjacent faces --
creating a topologically watertight tessellation of the mesh.
`[code] <bfr_tutorial_2_2.html>`__
3. Additional Topics
Tutorial 3.1
This tutorial shows a basic example of the more advanced topic of creating
a subclass of SurfaceFactory adapted to a connected mesh representation --
requiring an implementation of the SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter interface for
that mesh. A simplified version of the implementation of Far::TopologyRefiner
is provided. (Note that the `[code] <bfr_tutorial_3_1.html>`__ imported
here is that of the main program, not the separate header and source files
of the custom subclass illustrated -- which current documentation scripts
cannot import.)
Tutorial 3.2
This tutorial shows how to initialize and retain Surfaces for later use.
The simple uniform tessellation tutorial is modified to first create and
populate a simple caching structure that initializes and stores the
Surfaces for all faces of the mesh. The loop for each face of the mesh
then retrieves its Surface and associated patch points from the cache.
`[code] <bfr_tutorial_3_2.html>`__
Far Tutorials
1. Basic Construction and Interpolation
Tutorial 1.1
This tutorial presents the requisite steps to instantiate a mesh as a
Far::TopologyRefiner from simple topological data and to interpolate
vertex data associated with the mesh. `[code] <far_tutorial_1_1.html>`__
.. image:: images/far_tutorial_1_1.0.png
:align: center
:height: 100px
:target: images/far_tutorial_1_1.0.png
Tutorial 1.2
This tutorial makes use of a different vertex data definition for use when vertex
data is of arbitrary width. Uniform refinement is applied to data buffers of three
types: two of fixed but different sizes and the third a union of the two that is
dynamically sized and constructed. `[code] <far_tutorial_1_2.html>`__
2. Uniform Refinement and Primvar Data Types
Tutorial 2.1
Building on the basic tutorial, this example shows how to instantiate a simple mesh,
refine it uniformly and then interpolate both 'vertex' and 'varying' primvar data.
`[code] <far_tutorial_2_1.html>`__
.. image:: images/far_tutorial_2_1.0.png
:align: center
:height: 100px
:target: images/far_tutorial_2_1.0.png
Tutorial 2.2
Building on the previous tutorial, this example shows how to instantiate a simple mesh,
refine it uniformly and then interpolate both 'vertex' and 'face-varying' primvar data.
The resulting interpolated data is output in Obj format, with the 'face-varying' data
recorded in the UV texture layout. `[code] <far_tutorial_2_2.html>`__
.. image:: images/far_tutorial_2_2.0.png
:align: center
:height: 100px
:target: images/far_tutorial_2_2.0.png
Tutorial 2.3
Building on previous tutorials, this example shows how to instantiate a simple mesh,
refine it uniformly, interpolate both 'vertex' and 'face-varying' primvar data, and
finally calculate approximated smooth normals. The resulting interpolated data is
output in Obj format. `[code] <far_tutorial_2_3.html>`__
3. Creating a Custom Far::TopologyRefinerFactory
Tutorial 3.1
Previous tutorials have instantiated topology from a simple face-vertex list via the
Far::TopologyDescriptor and its TopologyRefinerFactory. This tutorial shows how to
more efficiently convert an existing high-level topology representation to a
Far::TopologyDescriptor with a custom factory class. `[code] <far_tutorial_3_1.html>`__
4. Construction and Usage of Far::StencilTables
Tutorial 4.1
This tutorial shows how to create and manipulate a StencilTable. Factorized stencils
are used to efficiently interpolate vertex primvar data buffers.
`[code] <far_tutorial_4_1.html>`__
Tutorial 4.2
This tutorial shows how to create and manipulate StencilTables for both 'vertex' and
'varying' primvar data buffers: vertex positions and varying colors.
`[code] <far_tutorial_4_2.html>`__
Tutorial 4.3
This tutorial shows how to create and manipulate tables of cascading stencils to apply
hierarchical vertex edits. `[code] <far_tutorial_4_3.html>`__
5. Construction and Usage of Far::PatchTables
Tutorial 5.1
This tutorial shows how to compute points on the limit surface at arbitrary parametric
locations using a Far::PatchTable constructed from adaptive refinement.
`[code] <far_tutorial_5_1.html>`__
.. image:: images/far_tutorial_5_1.0.png
:align: center
:height: 100px
:target: images/far_tutorial_5_1.0.png
Tutorial 5.2
Building on the previous tutorial, this example shows how to manage the limit surface
of a potentially large mesh by creating and evaluating separate PatchTables for selected
groups of faces of the mesh. `[code] <far_tutorial_5_2.html>`__
Tutorial 5.3
Building on the previous tutorials for both PatchTables and StencilTables, this example
shows how to construct a LimitStencilTable to repeatedly evaluate an arbitrary
collection of points on the limit surface. `[code] <far_tutorial_5_3.html>`__
Osd Tutorials
Tutorial 0
This tutorial demonstrates the manipulation of Osd Evaluator and BufferDescriptor.
`[code] <osd_tutorial_0.html>`__
Hbr Tutorials
Use of Hbr is no longer recommended -- these tutorials are included solely for
historical reference.
Tutorial 0
This tutorial presents, in a very succinct way, the requisite steps to
instantiate an Hbr mesh from simple topological data. `[code] <hbr_tutorial_0.html>`__
Tutorial 1
This tutorial shows how to safely create Hbr meshes from arbitrary topology.
Because Hbr is a half-edge data structure, it cannot represent non-manifold
topology. Ensuring that the geometry used is manifold is a requirement to use
Hbr safely. This tutorial presents some simple tests to detect inappropriate
topology. `[code] <hbr_tutorial_1.html>`__
Tutorial 2
This tutorial shows how to subdivide uniformly a simple Hbr mesh. We are
building upon previous tutorials and assuming a fully instantiated mesh:
we start with an HbrMesh pointer initialized from the same pyramid shape
used in hbr_tutorial_0. We then apply the Refine() function sequentially
to all the faces in the mesh to generate several levels of uniform
subdivision. The resulting data is then dumped to the terminal in Wavefront
OBJ format for inspection. `[code] <hbr_tutorial_2.html>`__
.. image:: images/hbr_tutorial_2.0.png
:align: center
:height: 100px
:target: images/hbr_tutorial_2.0.png