Takahito Tejima 948895369d update glShareTopology example.
This examples is rewritten as a more comprehensive example
of Far and Osd APIs to generate batched index buffer and
vertex buffer, as well as sharing same topology and stencil
table among multiple objects.

Also this change includes an experimental code path of using
glMultiDrawElementsIndirect. It's currently incomplete due to
the missing interface of osd tessellation shader.
2015-05-15 16:26:17 -07:00

160 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include <far/patchDescriptor.h>
#include <far/patchTables.h>
#include <osd/vertexDescriptor.h>
#include <osd/opengl.h>
struct Shape;
class SceneBase {
enum EndCap { kEndCapBSplineBasis,
kEndCapGregoryBasis };
struct Options {
Options() : adaptive(true), endCap(kEndCapBSplineBasis) { }
bool adaptive;
int endCap;
struct Object {
int topologyIndex;
int vertsOffset; // an offset within the VBO
struct PatchArray {
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchDescriptor desc;
int numPatches;
int indexOffset; // an offset within the index buffer
int primitiveIDOffset; // an offset within the patch param buffer
typedef std::vector<PatchArray> PatchArrayVector;
struct Topology {
int numVerts;
PatchArrayVector patchArrays;
std::vector<float> restPosition;
struct Batch {
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchDescriptor desc;
int count;
int stride;
GLuint dispatchBuffer;
typedef std::vector<Batch> BatchVector;
/// Constructor.
SceneBase(Options const &options);
/// Destructor.
virtual ~SceneBase();
/// trivial accessors
int GetNumObjects() const { return (int)_objects.size(); }
PatchArrayVector const &GetPatchArrays(int object) const {
return _topologies[_objects[object].topologyIndex].patchArrays;
BatchVector const &GetBatches() {
if (_batches.empty()) buildBatches();
return _batches;
int GetVertsOffset(int object) const {
return _objects[object].vertsOffset;
std::vector<float> const &GetRestPosition(int object) const {
return _topologies[_objects[object].topologyIndex].restPosition;
GLuint GetPatchParamTexture() const {
return _patchParamTexture;
GLuint GetIndexBuffer() const {
return _indexBuffer;
// allocate batched vbo
virtual size_t AllocateVBO(int numVerts,
OpenSubdiv::Osd::VertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OpenSubdiv::Osd::VertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc,
bool interleaved) = 0;
// refine an object
virtual void Refine(int object) =0;
virtual void Synchronize() = 0;
virtual void UpdateVertexBuffer(int vertsOffset, std::vector<float> const &src)=0;
virtual void UpdateVaryingBuffer(int vertsOffset, std::vector<float> const &src)=0;
virtual GLuint BindVertexBuffer() = 0;
virtual GLuint BindVaryingBuffer() = 0;
// build batched index buffer and patchparam texture buffer
size_t CreateIndexBuffer();
void AddTopology(Shape const *shape, int level, bool varying);
int AddObjects(int numObjects);
size_t GetStencilTableSize() const { return _stencilTableSize; }
int createStencilTable(Shape const *shape, int level, bool varying,
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables const **patchTableOut);
void buildBatches();
virtual size_t createMeshRefiner(
OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTables const * vertexStencils,
OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTables const * varyingStencils,
int numControlVertices) = 0;
Options _options;
std::vector<Object> _objects;
std::vector<Topology> _topologies;
std::vector<OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables const *> _patchTables;
GLuint _indexBuffer;
GLuint _patchParamTexture;
BatchVector _batches;
size_t _stencilTableSize;