mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 00:30:07 +00:00
- added necessary options to struct LimitStencilTableFactory...::Options - updated Create() to support creation of varying and face-varying stencils - updated Create() to provide clarity and stricter compatibility checks for the optional StencilTable and PatchTable arguments - modified Doxygen comments for Create() to clarify requirements of the optional table arguments - added missing StencilTableFactory::AppendLocalPointStencilTableVarying()
385 lines
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385 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/patchTable.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
class TopologyRefiner;
template <typename REAL> class StencilReal;
template <typename REAL> class StencilTableReal;
template <typename REAL> class LimitStencilReal;
template <typename REAL> class LimitStencilTableReal;
/// \brief A specialized factory for StencilTable
template <typename REAL>
class StencilTableFactoryReal {
enum Mode {
INTERPOLATE_VERTEX=0, ///< vertex primvar stencils
INTERPOLATE_VARYING, ///< varying primvar stencils
INTERPOLATE_FACE_VARYING ///< face-varying primvar stencils
struct Options {
Options() : interpolationMode(INTERPOLATE_VERTEX),
fvarChannel(0) { }
unsigned int interpolationMode : 2, ///< interpolation mode
generateOffsets : 1, ///< populate optional "_offsets" field
generateControlVerts : 1, ///< generate stencils for control-vertices
generateIntermediateLevels : 1, ///< vertices at all levels or highest only
factorizeIntermediateLevels : 1, ///< accumulate stencil weights from control
/// vertices or from the stencils of the
/// previous level
maxLevel : 4; ///< generate stencils up to 'maxLevel'
unsigned int fvarChannel; ///< face-varying channel to use
/// when generating face-varying stencils
/// \brief Instantiates StencilTable from TopologyRefiner that have been
/// refined uniformly or adaptively.
/// \note The factory only creates stencils for vertices that have already
/// been refined in the TopologyRefiner. Use RefineUniform() or
/// RefineAdaptive() before constructing the stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the table
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * Create(
TopologyRefiner const & refiner, Options options = Options());
/// \brief Instantiates StencilTable by concatenating an array of existing
/// stencil tables.
/// \note This factory checks that the stencil tables point to the same set
/// of supporting control vertices - no re-indexing is done.
/// GetNumControlVertices() *must* return the same value for all input
/// tables.
/// @param numTables Number of input StencilTables
/// @param tables Array of input StencilTables
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * Create(
int numTables, StencilTableReal<REAL> const ** tables);
/// \brief Utility function for stencil splicing for local point stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param baseStencilTable Input StencilTable for refined vertices
/// @param localPointStencilTable
/// StencilTable for the change of basis patch points.
/// @param factorize If factorize set to true, endcap stencils will be
/// factorized with supporting vertices from baseStencil
/// table so that the endcap points can be computed
/// directly from control vertices.
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * AppendLocalPointStencilTable(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *localPointStencilTable,
bool factorize = true);
/// \brief Utility function for stencil splicing for local point varying stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param baseStencilTable Input StencilTable for refined vertices
/// @param localPointStencilTable
/// StencilTable for the change of basis patch points.
/// @param factorize If factorize set to true, endcap stencils will be
/// factorized with supporting vertices from baseStencil
/// table so that the endcap points can be computed
/// directly from control vertices.
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * AppendLocalPointStencilTableVarying(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *localPointStencilTable,
bool factorize = true) {
return AppendLocalPointStencilTable(
refiner, baseStencilTable, localPointStencilTable, factorize);
/// \brief Utility function for stencil splicing for local point
/// face-varying stencils.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param baseStencilTable Input StencilTable for refined vertices
/// @param localPointStencilTable
/// StencilTable for the change of basis patch points.
/// @param channel face-varying channel
/// @param factorize If factorize sets to true, endcap stencils will be
/// factorized with supporting vertices from baseStencil
/// table so that the endcap points can be computed
/// directly from control vertices.
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * AppendLocalPointStencilTableFaceVarying(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const *localPointStencilTable,
int channel = 0,
bool factorize = true);
// Generate stencils for the coarse control-vertices (single weight = 1.0f)
static void generateControlVertStencils(
int numControlVerts,
StencilReal<REAL> & dst);
// Internal method to splice local point stencils
static StencilTableReal<REAL> const * appendLocalPointStencilTable(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const * baseStencilTable,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const * localPointStencilTable,
int channel,
bool factorize);
/// \brief A specialized factory for LimitStencilTable
/// The LimitStencilTableFactory creates a table of limit stencils. Limit
/// stencils can interpolate any arbitrary location on the limit surface.
/// The stencils will be bilinear if the surface is refined uniformly, and
/// bicubic if feature adaptive isolation is used instead.
/// Surface locations are expressed as a combination of ptex face index and
/// normalized (s,t) patch coordinates. The factory exposes the LocationArray
/// struct as a container for these location descriptors.
template <typename REAL>
class LimitStencilTableFactoryReal {
enum Mode {
INTERPOLATE_VERTEX=0, ///< vertex primvar stencils
INTERPOLATE_VARYING, ///< varying primvar stencils
INTERPOLATE_FACE_VARYING ///< face-varying primvar stencils
struct Options {
Options() : interpolationMode(INTERPOLATE_VERTEX),
fvarChannel(0) { }
unsigned int interpolationMode : 2, ///< interpolation mode
generate1stDerivatives : 1, ///< Generate weights for 1st derivatives
generate2ndDerivatives : 1; ///< Generate weights for 2nd derivatives
unsigned int fvarChannel; ///< face-varying channel to use
/// \brief Descriptor for limit surface locations
struct LocationArray {
LocationArray() : ptexIdx(-1), numLocations(0), s(0), t(0) { }
int ptexIdx, ///< ptex face index
numLocations; ///< number of (u,v) coordinates in the array
REAL const * s, ///< array of u coordinates
* t; ///< array of v coordinates
typedef std::vector<LocationArray> LocationArrayVec;
/// \brief Instantiates LimitStencilTable from a TopologyRefiner that has
/// been refined either uniformly or adaptively.
/// @param refiner The TopologyRefiner containing the topology
/// @param locationArrays An array of surface location descriptors
/// (see LocationArray)
/// @param cvStencils A StencilTable generated from the TopologyRefiner
/// (Optional: prevents redundant instantiation of the
/// table if available. The given table must at least
/// contain stencils for all control points and all
/// refined points -- any stencils for local points of
/// a PatchTable must match the PatchTable provided or
/// internally generated)
/// @param patchTable A PatchTable generated from the TopologyRefiner
/// (Optional: prevents redundant instantiation of the
/// table if available. The given table must match
/// the optional StencilTable if also provided)
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the table
static LimitStencilTableReal<REAL> const * Create(
TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
LocationArrayVec const & locationArrays,
StencilTableReal<REAL> const * cvStencils = 0,
PatchTable const * patchTable = 0,
Options options = Options());
// Public wrapper classes for the templates
class Stencil;
class StencilTable;
/// \brief Stencil table factory class wrapping the template for compatibility.
class StencilTableFactory : public StencilTableFactoryReal<float> {
typedef StencilTableFactoryReal<float> BaseFactory;
typedef StencilTableReal<float> BaseTable;
static StencilTable const * Create(
TopologyRefiner const & refiner, Options options = Options()) {
return static_cast<StencilTable const *>(
BaseFactory::Create(refiner, options));
static StencilTable const * Create(
int numTables, StencilTable const ** tables) {
return static_cast<StencilTable const *>(
reinterpret_cast<BaseTable const **>(tables)));
static StencilTable const * AppendLocalPointStencilTable(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTable const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTable const *localPointStencilTable,
bool factorize = true) {
return static_cast<StencilTable const *>(
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(baseStencilTable),
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(localPointStencilTable),
static StencilTable const * AppendLocalPointStencilTableVarying(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTable const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTable const *localPointStencilTable,
bool factorize = true) {
return static_cast<StencilTable const *>(
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(baseStencilTable),
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(localPointStencilTable),
static StencilTable const * AppendLocalPointStencilTableFaceVarying(
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTable const *baseStencilTable,
StencilTable const *localPointStencilTable,
int channel = 0,
bool factorize = true) {
return static_cast<StencilTable const *>(
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(baseStencilTable),
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(localPointStencilTable),
channel, factorize));
class LimitStencil;
class LimitStencilTable;
/// \brief Stencil table factory class wrapping the template for compatibility.
class LimitStencilTableFactory : public LimitStencilTableFactoryReal<float> {
typedef LimitStencilTableFactoryReal<float> BaseFactory;
typedef StencilTableReal<float> BaseTable;
static LimitStencilTable const * Create(
TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
LocationArrayVec const & locationArrays,
StencilTable const * cvStencils = 0,
PatchTable const * patchTable = 0,
Options options = Options()) {
return static_cast<LimitStencilTable const *>(
static_cast<BaseTable const *>(cvStencils),
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv