barry f15d4ae02f Internal refactoring to support multiple precision:
- overloaded PatchBuilder to populate SparseMatrix as float or double
    - simplified PatchTableBuilder handling of matrices and Varying stencils
2018-07-23 11:00:35 -07:00

327 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2017 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../far/patchDescriptor.h"
#include "../far/patchParam.h"
#include "../far/ptexIndices.h"
#include "../far/sparseMatrix.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// SourcePatch
// This is a local utility class that captures the full local topology of an
// arbitrarily irregular patch, i.e. a patch which may have one or all corners
// irregular. Given the topology at each corner the entire collection of
// points involved is identified and oriented consistently.
// Note (barfowl):
// This was originally a class internal to PatchBuilder, but there is some
// redundancy between it and the Level::VSpan used more publicly to identify
// irregular corner topology. Replacing VSpan with SourcePatch is now under
// consideration, and doing so will impact its public/private interface (which
// was left public to give PatchBuilder access).
// A simpler constructor to initialize an instance given a set of Corners
// would also be preferable if made more public (i.e. public for use within
// the library, not exported to clients) -- eliminating the need for the
// explicit initialization and required call to the Finalize() method that
// the PatchBuilder currently performs internally.
class SourcePatch {
struct Corner {
Corner() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(Corner)); }
LocalIndex _numFaces; // valence of corner vertex
LocalIndex _patchFace; // location of patch within incident faces
unsigned short _boundary : 1;
unsigned short _sharp : 1;
unsigned short _dart : 1;
// For internal bookkeeping -- consider hiding or moving elsewhere
unsigned short _sharesWithPrev : 1;
unsigned short _sharesWithNext : 1;
unsigned short _val2Interior : 1;
unsigned short _val2Adjacent : 1;
SourcePatch() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(SourcePatch)); }
~SourcePatch() { }
void Finalize(); // To be called after all Corners have been initialized
int GetNumSourcePoints() const { return _numSourcePoints; }
int GetMaxValence() const { return _maxValence; }
int GetMaxRingSize() const { return _maxRingSize; }
int GetCornerRingSize(int corner) const { return _ringSizes[corner]; }
int GetCornerRingPoints(int corner, int points[]) const;
void Print(const char * label, const Index * patchPoints = 0);
// public/private access needs to be reviewed when/if used more publicly
// The SourcePatch is fully defined by its Corner members
Corner _corners[4];
// Additional members (derived from Corners) to help assemble corner rings:
int _numSourcePoints;
int _maxValence;
int _maxRingSize;
int _ringSizes[4];
int _localRingSizes[4];
int _localRingOffsets[4];
// PatchBuilder
// This is the main class to assist the identification of limit surface
// patches for assembly into other, larger datatypes. The PatchBuilder takes
// a const reference to a TopologyRefiner and is intended to support both
// adaptive and uniformly refined hierarchies.
// PatchBuilder is an abstract base class with a subclass derived to support
// each subdivision scheme. Only two (pure) virtual methods are required
// (other than the required destructor):
// - determine the patch type for a subdivision scheme given a more
// general basis specification (e.g. Bezier, Gregory, Linear, etc)
// - convert the vertices in the subdivision hierarchy into points of a
// specified patch type, using computations specific to that scheme
// The base class handles the more general topological analysis that
// determines the nature of a patch associated with each face -- providing
// both queries to the client, along with more involved methods to extract
// or convert data associated with the patches. There is no concrete "Patch"
// class to which all clients would be required to conform. The queries and
// data returned are provided for clients to assemble into patches or other
// aggregates as they see fit.
// This is intended as an internal/private class for use within the library
// for now -- possibly to be exported for use by clients when/if its
// interface is appropriate and stable.
class PatchBuilder {
// A PatchBuilder is constructed given a patch "basis" rather than a
// "type" to use with the subdivision scheme involved. The relevant
// explicit patch types will be determined from the basis and scheme:
enum BasisType {
BASIS_BEZIER // to be supported in future
// Required Options specify a patch basis to use for both regular and
// irregular patches -- sparing the client the need to repeatedly
// specify these for each face considered. Other options are included
// to support legacy approximations:
struct Options {
Options() : regBasisType(BASIS_UNSPECIFIED),
approxSmoothCornerWithSharp(false) { }
BasisType regBasisType;
BasisType irregBasisType;
bool fillMissingBoundaryPoints;
bool approxInfSharpWithSmooth;
bool approxSmoothCornerWithSharp;
static PatchBuilder* Create(TopologyRefiner const& refiner,
Options const& options);
virtual ~PatchBuilder();
// High-level queries related to the subdivision scheme of the refiner, the
// patch types associated with it and those chosen to represent its faces:
int GetRegularFaceSize() const { return _schemeRegFaceSize; }
BasisType GetRegularBasisType() const { return _options.regBasisType; }
BasisType GetIrregularBasisType() const { return _options.irregBasisType; }
PatchDescriptor::Type GetRegularPatchType() const { return _regPatchType; }
PatchDescriptor::Type GetIrregularPatchType() const { return _irregPatchType; }
PatchDescriptor::Type GetNativePatchType() const { return _nativePatchType; }
PatchDescriptor::Type GetLinearPatchType() const { return _linearPatchType; }
// Face-level queries to determine presence of patches:
bool IsFaceAPatch(int level, Index face) const;
bool IsFaceALeaf(int level, Index face) const;
// Patch-level topological queries:
bool IsPatchRegular(int level, Index face, int fvc = -1) const;
int GetRegularPatchBoundaryMask(int level, Index face, int fvc = -1) const;
void GetIrregularPatchCornerSpans(int level, Index face,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan cornerSpans[4], int fvc = -1) const;
bool DoesFaceVaryingPatchMatch(int level, Index face, int fvc) const {
return _refiner.getLevel(level).doesFaceFVarTopologyMatch(face, fvc);
// Patch-level control point retrieval and methods for converting source
// points to a set of local points in a different basis
int GetRegularPatchPoints(int level, Index face,
int regBoundaryMask, // compute internally when < 0
Index patchPoints[],
int fvc = -1) const;
template <typename REAL>
int GetIrregularPatchConversionMatrix(int level, Index face,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
SparseMatrix<REAL> & matrix) const;
int GetIrregularPatchSourcePoints(int level, Index face,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
Index sourcePoints[],
int fvc = -1) const;
// Queries related to "single-crease" patches -- currently a subset of
// regular interior patches:
struct SingleCreaseInfo {
int creaseEdgeInFace;
float creaseSharpness;
bool IsRegularSingleCreasePatch(int level, Index face,
SingleCreaseInfo & info) const;
// Computing the PatchParam -- note the regrettable dependency on
// PtexIndices but PatchParam is essentially tied to it indefinitely.
// Better to pass it in than have the PatchBuilder build its own
// PtexIndices.
// Consider creating a PatchParamFactory which can manage the PtexIndices
// along with this method. It will then be able to generate additional
// data to accelerate these computations.
PatchParam ComputePatchParam(int level, Index face,
PtexIndices const& ptexIndices,
int boundaryMask = 0, bool computeTransitionMask = false) const;
PatchBuilder(TopologyRefiner const& refiner, Options const& options);
// Internal methods supporting topology queries:
bool isPatchSmoothCorner(int level, Index face, int fvc) const;
int getRegularFacePoints(int level, Index face,
Index patchPoints[], int fvc) const;
int getQuadRegularPatchPoints(int level, Index face,
int regBoundaryMask, Index patchPoints[], int fvc) const;
int getTriRegularPatchPoints(int level, Index face,
int regBoundaryMask, Index patchPoints[], int fvc) const;
// Internal methods using the SourcePatch:
int assembleIrregularSourcePatch(int level, Index face,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
SourcePatch & sourcePatch) const;
int gatherIrregularSourcePoints(int level, Index face,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
SourcePatch & sourcePatch,
Index patchPoints[], int fvc) const;
// Internal methods asserting features not yet completed:
void assertTriangularPatchesNotYetSupportedHere() const;
// Virtual methods to be provided by subclass for each scheme:
virtual PatchDescriptor::Type patchTypeFromBasis(BasisType basis) const = 0;
// Note overloading of the conversion for SparseMatrix<REAL>:
virtual int convertToPatchType(SourcePatch const & sourcePatch,
PatchDescriptor::Type patchType,
SparseMatrix<float> & matrix) const = 0;
virtual int convertToPatchType(SourcePatch const & sourcePatch,
PatchDescriptor::Type patchType,
SparseMatrix<double> & matrix) const = 0;
TopologyRefiner const& _refiner;
Options const _options;
Sdc::SchemeType _schemeType;
int _schemeRegFaceSize;
int _schemeNeighborhood;
PatchDescriptor::Type _regPatchType;
PatchDescriptor::Type _irregPatchType;
PatchDescriptor::Type _nativePatchType;
PatchDescriptor::Type _linearPatchType;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv