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synced 2025-01-09 00:00:18 +00:00
This set of commits includes the addition of a new evaluation interface that treats a subdivision mesh more like a piecewise parametric surface primitive. The new interface was placed in namespace "Bfr" for "Base Face Representation" as all concepts and classes relate to a single face of the base mesh.
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// Copyright 2021 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../bfr/parameterization.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Bfr {
/// @brief Encapsulates a specific tessellation pattern of a Parameterization
/// Tessellation is a simple class that encapsulates a specified tessellation
/// pattern for a given Parameterization. Tessellation parameters are given
/// on construction and are fixed for its lifetime.
/// Methods allow inspection of the pattern in terms of the 2D coordinates of
/// the points comprising the pattern and the faces that connect them. The
/// 2D coordinates are referred to both in the documentation and the interface
/// as "coords" while the faces connecting them are referred to as "facets"
/// (to distinguish from the faces of the mesh, to which a Tessellation is
/// applied).
class Tessellation {
/// @brief Options configure a Tessellation to specify the nature of
/// both its results and the structure of the coordinate and
/// facet index arrays that its methods will populate.
/// The sizes and strides of the target arrays should be specified
/// explicitly as they are not inferred by the presence of other
/// options.
/// Modifiers of Options return a reference to itself to facilitate
/// inline usage.
class Options {
Options() : _preserveQuads(false), _facetSize4(false),
_coordStride(0), _facetStride(0) { }
/// @brief Select preservation of quads for quad-based subdivision
/// (requires 4-sided facets, default is off)
Options & PreserveQuads(bool on);
/// @brief Return if preservation of quads is set
bool PreserveQuads() const { return _preserveQuads; }
/// @brief Assign the number of indices per facet (must be 3 or 4,
/// default is 3)
Options & SetFacetSize(int numIndices);
// @brief Return the number of indices per facet
int GetFacetSize() const { return 3 + (int)_facetSize4; }
/// @brief Assign the stride between facets (default is facet size)
Options & SetFacetStride(int stride);
/// @brief Return the stride between facets
int GetFacetStride() const { return _facetStride; }
/// @brief Assign the stride between (u,v) pairs (default is 2)
Options & SetCoordStride(int stride);
/// @brief Return the stride between (u,v) pairs
int GetCoordStride() const { return _coordStride; }
unsigned int _preserveQuads : 1;
unsigned int _facetSize4 : 1;
short _coordStride;
short _facetStride;
/// @name Construction and initialization
/// Constructors require a Parameterization of a face, a set of one or
/// more tessellation rates, and a standard set of options.
/// As with other classes, constructors can produce invalid instances if
/// given obviously invalid arguments, e.g. an invalid Parameterization,
/// non-positive tessellation rate, etc.
/// @brief Simple constructor providing a single uniform tessellation rate.
/// @param p Parameterization of a face to be tessellated
/// @param uniformRate Integer tessellation rate (non-zero)
/// @param options Options describing tessellation results
Tessellation(Parameterization const & p, int uniformRate,
Options const & options = Options());
/// @brief General constructor providing multiple tessellation rates for
/// a non-uniform tessellation.
/// @param p Parameterization of a face to be tessellated
/// @param numRates The number of tessellation rates provided, which
/// usually includes one per edge of the face (more
/// details below)
/// @param rates The array of non-zero integer tessellation rates
/// @param options Options describing tessellation results
/// For a Parameterization of a face with N edges, the acceptable number
/// of tessellation rates can vary. Aside from N "outer" tessellation
/// rates (one for each edge), all faces can have at least one "inner"
/// rate additionally specified while quads can have two inner rates.
/// If inner rates are not specified in addition to the N outer rates,
/// they will be inferred (so it is not necessary to initialize quads
/// distinctly from other faces). Similarly -- though less useful -- the
/// smaller set of inner rates can be specified, leaving all outer rates
/// to be inferred.
/// For a face with N edges, the full set of acceptable rates and their
/// interpretations is as follows:
/// 1 - single explicit inner rate (uniform)
/// 2 - (quads only) two explicit inner rates, outer rates inferred
/// N - explicit edge rates, inner rates inferred
/// N+1 - explicit edge rates, explicit inner rate
/// N+2 - (quads only) explicit edge rates, two explicit inner rates
/// When associating rates with edges, note that rates[0] corresponds
/// to the edge between vertices 0 and 1. This is consistent with use
/// elsewhere in OpenSubdiv -- where edge i lies between vertices i and
/// i+1 -- but differs from the conventions used with many hardware
/// tessellation interfaces.
Tessellation(Parameterization const & p, int numRates, int const rates[],
Options const & options = Options());
/// @brief Return true if correctly initialized
bool IsValid() const { return _isValid; }
/// @brief Default construction is unavailable
Tessellation() = delete;
Tessellation(Tessellation const &) = delete;
Tessellation & operator=(Tessellation const &) = delete;
/// @name Simple queries
/// Simple queries of a valid Tessellation.
/// @brief Return the Parameterization
Parameterization GetParameterization() const { return _param; }
/// @brief Return the size of the face
int GetFaceSize() const { return _param.GetFaceSize(); }
/// @brief Retrieve the rates assigned
int GetRates(int rates[]) const;
/// @brief Return if the pattern is uniform
bool IsUniform() const { return _isUniform; }
/// @name Methods to inspect and gather coordinates
/// Methods to determine the number of sample points involved in the
/// tessellation pattern and their content are available for the entire
/// pattern, or for parts of the boundary or interior of the pattern.
/// The methods that assign the coordinate arrays also return the number
/// of coordinates assigned, so the methods that just return those sizes
/// are not necessary if arrays for the resulting coords have already
/// been sufficiently allocated.
/// @brief Return the number of coordinates in the entire pattern
int GetNumCoords() const { return _numInteriorPoints + _numBoundaryPoints; }
/// @brief Return the number of elements between each coordinate
int GetCoordStride() const { return _coordStride; }
/// @brief Return the number of boundary coordinates
int GetNumBoundaryCoords() const { return _numBoundaryPoints; }
/// @brief Return the number of interior coordinates
int GetNumInteriorCoords() const { return _numInteriorPoints; }
/// @brief Return the number of coordinates within a given edge
/// (excluding those at its end vertices)
int GetNumEdgeCoords(int edge) const { return _outerRates[edge] - 1; }
/// @brief Retrieve the coordinates for the entire pattern
template <typename REAL>
int GetCoords(REAL coordTuples[]) const;
/// @brief Retrieve the coordinates for the boundary
template <typename REAL>
int GetBoundaryCoords(REAL coordTuples[]) const;
/// @brief Retrieve the coordinates for the boundary
template <typename REAL>
int GetInteriorCoords(REAL coordTuples[]) const;
/// @brief Retrieve the coordinate for a given vertex of the face
template <typename REAL>
int GetVertexCoord(int vertex, REAL coordTuples[]) const;
/// @brief Retrieve the coordinates for a given edge of the face
/// (excluding those at its end vertices)
template <typename REAL>
int GetEdgeCoords(int edge, REAL coordTuples[]) const;
/// @name Methods to inspect and gather facets
/// Methods to inspect the number and values of facets. Facets are
/// simply integer tuples of size 3 or 4 which contain the indices
/// of the coordinates generated by the Tessellation.
/// Unlike the coordinates -- which can be separated into those on
/// the boundary or interior of the pattern -- the facets are not
/// distinguished in any way.
/// @brief Return the number of facets in the entire pattern
int GetNumFacets() const { return _numFacets; }
/// @brief Return the number of indices assigned to each facet
int GetFacetSize() const { return _facetSize; }
/// @brief Return the number of elements between each facet
int GetFacetStride() const { return _facetStride; }
/// @brief Retrieve the facet indices for the entire pattern
int GetFacets(int facetTuples[]) const;
/// @name Methods to modify the coordinate indices of facets
/// Methods to modify the coordinate indices of facets rely on the
/// coordinate indices being identifiable as those of boundary or
/// interior coordinates. The first N coordinates generated by
/// Tessellation will be on the boundary, while the remaining M
/// will be for the interior.
/// The boundary and interior coordinate indices can be transformed
/// collectively or separately by offsets or by explicit reassignment.
/// Both the boundary and interior indices must be modified at the
/// same time while the Tessellation can distinguish them, i.e. a
/// boundary coord is identified by index < N and an interior coord
/// by index >= N.
/// @brief Apply a common offset to all facet coordinate indices
void TransformFacetCoordIndices(int facetTuples[], int commonOffset);
/// @brief Reassign indices of boundary coordinates while offseting
/// those of interior coordinates
void TransformFacetCoordIndices(int facetTuples[],
int const boundaryIndices[],
int interiorOffset);
/// @brief Reassign all facet coordinate indices
void TransformFacetCoordIndices(int facetTuples[],
int const boundaryIndices[],
int const interiorIndices[]);
// Private initialization methods:
bool validateArguments(Parameterization const & p,
int nRates, int const rates[], Options const & options);
void initialize(Parameterization const & p,
int nRates, int const rates[], Options const & options);
void initializeDefaults();
int initializeRates(int nRates, int const rates[]);
void initializeInventoryForParamTri(int sumOfOuterRates);
void initializeInventoryForParamQuad(int sumOfOuterRates);
void initializeInventoryForParamQPoly(int sumOfOuterRates);
// Private members:
Parameterization _param;
unsigned short _isValid : 1;
unsigned short _isUniform : 1;
unsigned short _triangulate : 1;
unsigned short _singleFace : 1;
unsigned short _segmentedFace : 1;
unsigned short _triangleFan : 1;
unsigned short _splitQuad : 1;
short _facetSize;
int _facetStride;
int _coordStride;
int _numGivenRates;
int _numBoundaryPoints;
int _numInteriorPoints;
int _numFacets;
int _innerRates[2];
int* _outerRates;
int _outerRatesLocal[4];
// Inline implementations:
inline Tessellation::Options &
Tessellation::Options::PreserveQuads(bool on) {
_preserveQuads = on;
return *this;
inline Tessellation::Options &
Tessellation::Options::SetFacetSize(int numIndices) {
_facetSize4 = (numIndices == 4);
return *this;
inline Tessellation::Options &
Tessellation::Options::SetFacetStride(int stride) {
_facetStride = (short) stride;
return *this;
inline Tessellation::Options &
Tessellation::Options::SetCoordStride(int stride) {
_coordStride = (short) stride;
return *this;
template <typename REAL>
inline int
Tessellation::GetVertexCoord(int vertex, REAL coord[]) const {
_param.GetVertexCoord(vertex, coord);
return 1;
template <typename REAL>
inline int
Tessellation::GetCoords(REAL coordTuples[]) const {
int nCoords = GetBoundaryCoords(coordTuples);
nCoords += GetInteriorCoords(coordTuples + nCoords * _coordStride);
return nCoords;
} // end namespace Bfr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv