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synced 2025-01-09 00:00:18 +00:00
- rotated faces to place extra-ordinary vertex at each corner - updated both Catmark and Loop shapes for both boundary and interior
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161 lines
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// Copyright 2019 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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static const std::string catmark_xord_boundary =
"# Four shapes ordered left->right and top->bottom in the XZ plane\n"
"# Shape 1: top-left\n"
"v -0.750000 -0.480000 0.750000\n"
"v -0.230385 0.000000 0.750000\n"
"v -0.230385 0.000000 1.050000\n"
"v -0.490192 0.000000 1.200000\n"
"v -0.750000 0.000000 1.350000\n"
"v -1.009808 0.000000 1.200000\n"
"v -1.269615 0.000000 1.050000\n"
"v -1.269615 0.000000 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.250000 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.423205 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.423205 0.850000\n"
"vt 0.336603 0.900000\n"
"vt 0.250000 0.950000\n"
"vt 0.163397 0.900000\n"
"vt 0.076795 0.850000\n"
"vt 0.076795 0.750000\n"
"f 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4\n"
"f 6/6 1/1 4/4 5/5\n"
"f 6/6 7/7 8/8 1/1\n"
"# Shape 2: top-right\n"
"v 0.750000 -0.480000 0.750000\n"
"v 1.304328 0.000000 0.750000\n"
"v 1.304328 0.000000 0.979610\n"
"v 1.141969 0.000000 1.141969\n"
"v 0.979610 0.000000 1.304328\n"
"v 0.750000 0.000000 1.304328\n"
"v 0.520390 0.000000 1.304328\n"
"v 0.358031 0.000000 1.141969\n"
"v 0.195672 0.000000 0.979610\n"
"v 0.195672 0.000000 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.750000 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.934776 0.750000\n"
"vt 0.934776 0.826537\n"
"vt 0.880656 0.880656\n"
"vt 0.826537 0.934776\n"
"vt 0.750000 0.934776\n"
"vt 0.673463 0.934776\n"
"vt 0.619344 0.880656\n"
"vt 0.565224 0.826537\n"
"vt 0.565224 0.750000\n"
"f 9/9 10/10 11/11 12/12\n"
"f 14/14 9/9 12/12 13/13\n"
"f 15/15 16/16 9/9 14/14\n"
"f 16/16 17/17 18/18 9/9\n"
"# Shape 3: bottom-left\n"
"v -0.750000 -0.480000 -0.750000\n"
"v -0.179366 0.000000 -0.750000\n"
"v -0.179366 0.000000 -0.564590\n"
"v -0.288347 0.000000 -0.414590\n"
"v -0.397329 0.000000 -0.264590\n"
"v -0.573664 0.000000 -0.207295\n"
"v -0.750000 0.000000 -0.150000\n"
"v -0.926336 0.000000 -0.207295\n"
"v -1.102671 0.000000 -0.264590\n"
"v -1.211653 0.000000 -0.414590\n"
"v -1.320634 0.000000 -0.564590\n"
"v -1.320634 0.000000 -0.750000\n"
"vt 0.250000 0.250000\n"
"vt 0.440211 0.250000\n"
"vt 0.440211 0.311803\n"
"vt 0.403884 0.361803\n"
"vt 0.367557 0.411803\n"
"vt 0.308779 0.430902\n"
"vt 0.250000 0.450000\n"
"vt 0.191221 0.430902\n"
"vt 0.132443 0.411803\n"
"vt 0.096116 0.361803\n"
"vt 0.059789 0.311803\n"
"vt 0.059789 0.250000\n"
"f 19/19 20/20 21/21 22/22\n"
"f 24/24 19/19 22/22 23/23\n"
"f 25/25 26/26 19/19 24/24\n"
"f 26/26 27/27 28/28 19/19\n"
"f 19/19 28/28 29/29 30/30\n"
"# Shape 4: bottom-right\n"
"v 0.750000 -0.480000 -0.750000\n"
"v 1.329556 0.000000 -0.750000\n"
"v 1.329556 0.000000 -0.594709\n"
"v 1.251910 0.000000 -0.460222\n"
"v 1.174264 0.000000 -0.325736\n"
"v 1.039778 0.000000 -0.248090\n"
"v 0.905291 0.000000 -0.170444\n"
"v 0.750000 0.000000 -0.170444\n"
"v 0.594709 0.000000 -0.170444\n"
"v 0.460222 0.000000 -0.248090\n"
"v 0.325736 0.000000 -0.325736\n"
"v 0.248090 0.000000 -0.460222\n"
"v 0.170444 0.000000 -0.594709\n"
"v 0.170444 0.000000 -0.750000\n"
"vt 0.750000 0.250000\n"
"vt 0.943185 0.250000\n"
"vt 0.943185 0.301764\n"
"vt 0.917303 0.346593\n"
"vt 0.891421 0.391421\n"
"vt 0.846593 0.417303\n"
"vt 0.801764 0.443185\n"
"vt 0.750000 0.443185\n"
"vt 0.698236 0.443185\n"
"vt 0.653407 0.417303\n"
"vt 0.608579 0.391421\n"
"vt 0.582697 0.346593\n"
"vt 0.556815 0.301764\n"
"vt 0.556815 0.250000\n"
"f 31/31 32/32 33/33 34/34\n"
"f 36/36 31/31 34/34 35/35\n"
"f 37/37 38/38 31/31 36/36\n"
"f 38/38 39/39 40/40 31/31\n"
"f 31/31 40/40 41/41 42/42\n"
"f 31/31 42/42 43/43 44/44\n"
"t interpolateboundary 1/0/0 1\n"