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- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cloop/tog2012.pdf). - New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code. - DirectX 11 support - and much more...
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// Copyright (C) Pixar. All rights reserved.
// This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you
// use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept
// the license, do not use the software.
// 1. Definitions
// The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and
// "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S.
// copyright law. A "contribution" is the original software, or
// any additions or changes to the software.
// A "contributor" is any person or entity that distributes its
// contribution under this license.
// "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read
// directly on its contribution.
// 2. Grant of Rights
// (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license,
// including the license conditions and limitations in section 3,
// each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
// royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution,
// prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute
// its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
// (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license,
// including the license conditions and limitations in section 3,
// each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
// royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have
// made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise
// dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works
// of the contribution in the software.
// 3. Conditions and Limitations
// (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you
// rights to use any contributor's name, logo, or trademarks.
// (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over
// patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your
// patent license from such contributor to the software ends
// automatically.
// (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must
// retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution
// notices that are present in the software.
// (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source
// code form, you may do so only under this license by including a
// complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you
// distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object
// code form, you may only do so under a license that complies
// with this license.
// (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of
// using it. The contributors give no express warranties,
// guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer
// rights under your local laws which this license cannot change.
// To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors
// exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for
// a particular purpose and non-infringement.
#include "hbrUtil.h"
#include <hbr/mesh.h>
#include <hbr/bilinear.h>
#include <hbr/loop.h>
#include <hbr/catmark.h>
#include <vector>
#define OSD_ERROR printf // XXXX
OsdHbrMesh *
ConvertToHBR( int nVertices,
std::vector<int> const & faceVertCounts,
std::vector<int> const & faceIndices,
std::vector<int> const & vtxCreaseIndices,
std::vector<double> const & vtxCreases,
std::vector<int> const & edgeCrease1Indices, // face index, local edge index
std::vector<float> const & edgeCreases1,
std::vector<int> const & edgeCrease2Indices, // 2 vertex indices (Maya friendly)
std::vector<double> const & edgeCreases2,
OsdHbrMesh::InterpolateBoundaryMethod interpBoundary,
HbrMeshUtil::SchemeType scheme,
bool usingPtex,
FVarDataDesc const * fvarDesc,
std::vector<float> const * fvarData
static OpenSubdiv::HbrBilinearSubdivision<OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex> _bilinear;
static OpenSubdiv::HbrLoopSubdivision<OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex> _loop;
static OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex> _catmark;
// Build HBR mesh with/without face varying data, according to input data.
// If a face-varying descriptor is passed in its memory needs to stay
// alive as long as this hbrMesh is alive (for indices and widths arrays).
OsdHbrMesh *hbrMesh;
if ( fvarDesc )
if (scheme == HbrMeshUtil::kCatmark)
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_catmark, fvarDesc->getCount(),
else if (scheme == HbrMeshUtil::kLoop)
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_loop, fvarDesc->getCount(),
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_bilinear, fvarDesc->getCount(),
if (scheme == HbrMeshUtil::kCatmark)
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_catmark);
else if (scheme == HbrMeshUtil::kLoop)
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_loop);
hbrMesh = new OsdHbrMesh(&_bilinear);
// create empty verts: actual vertices initialized in UpdatePoints();
OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex v;
for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
hbrMesh->NewVertex(i, v);
std::vector<int> vIndex;
int nFaces = (int)faceVertCounts.size();
int fvcOffset = 0; // face-vertex count offset
int ptxIdx = 0;
for (int fi = 0; fi < nFaces; ++fi)
int nFaceVerts = faceVertCounts[fi];
bool valid = true;
for (int fvi = 0; fvi < nFaceVerts; ++fvi)
vIndex[fvi] = faceIndices[fvi + fvcOffset];
int vNextIndex = faceIndices[(fvi+1) % nFaceVerts + fvcOffset];
// check for non-manifold face
OsdHbrVertex * origin = hbrMesh->GetVertex(vIndex[fvi]);
OsdHbrVertex * destination = hbrMesh->GetVertex(vNextIndex);
if (!origin || !destination) {
OSD_ERROR("ERROR : An edge was specified that connected a nonexistent vertex");
valid = false;
if (origin == destination) {
OSD_ERROR("ERROR : An edge was specified that connected a vertex to itself");
valid = false;
OsdHbrHalfedge * opposite = destination->GetEdge(origin);
if (opposite && opposite->GetOpposite()) {
OSD_ERROR("ERROR : A non-manifold edge incident to more than 2 faces was found");
valid = false;
if (origin->GetEdge(destination)) {
OSD_ERROR("ERROR : An edge connecting two vertices was specified more than once. "
"It's likely that an incident face was flipped");
valid = false;
if ( valid )
if (scheme == HbrMeshUtil::kLoop) {
// triangulate
int triangle[3];
triangle[0] = vIndex[0];
for (int fvi = 2; fvi < nFaceVerts; ++fvi) {
triangle[1] = vIndex[fvi-1];
triangle[2] = vIndex[fvi];
hbrMesh->NewFace(3, triangle, 0);
// ptex not fully implemented for loop, yet
// fvar not fully implemented for loop, yet
} else {
// bilinear not entirely implemented
OsdHbrFace *face = hbrMesh->NewFace(nFaceVerts, &(vIndex[0]), 0);
if (usingPtex) {
ptxIdx += (nFaceVerts == 4) ? 1 : nFaceVerts;
if (fvarData) {
int fvarWidth = hbrMesh->GetTotalFVarWidth();
const float *faceData = &(*fvarData)[ fvcOffset*fvarWidth ];
for(int fvi=0; fvi<nFaceVerts; ++fvi)
OsdHbrVertex *v = hbrMesh->GetVertex( vIndex[fvi] );
OsdHbrFVarData& fvarData = v->GetFVarData(face);
if ( ! fvarData.IsInitialized() )
fvarData.SetAllData( fvarWidth, faceData );
else if (!fvarData.CompareAll(fvarWidth, faceData))
OsdHbrFVarData& fvarData = v->NewFVarData(face);
fvarData.SetAllData( fvarWidth, faceData );
// advance pointer to next set of face-varying data
faceData += fvarWidth;
} else {
OSD_ERROR("Face %d will be ignored\n", fi);
fvcOffset += nFaceVerts;
// Assign boundary interpolation methods
if ( fvarDesc )
// XXX hbr behavior doesn't match naming of k_Interpolate constants
// hbrMesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OsdHbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); // no for cube
// hbrMesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OsdHbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone); // yes for cube
// hbrMesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OsdHbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly);
// set edge crease in two different indexing way
size_t nEdgeCreases = edgeCreases1.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEdgeCreases; ++i) {
if (edgeCreases1[i] <= 0.0)
OsdHbrHalfedge * e = hbrMesh->
if (!e) {
OSD_ERROR("Can't find edge (face %d edge %d)\n",
edgeCrease1Indices[i*2], edgeCrease1Indices[i*2+1]);
nEdgeCreases = edgeCreases2.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEdgeCreases; ++i) {
if (edgeCreases2[i] <= 0.0)
OsdHbrVertex * v0 = hbrMesh->GetVertex(edgeCrease2Indices[i*2]);
OsdHbrVertex * v1 = hbrMesh->GetVertex(edgeCrease2Indices[i*2+1]);
OsdHbrHalfedge * e = NULL;
if (v0 && v1)
if (!(e = v0->GetEdge(v1)))
e = v1->GetEdge(v0);
if (!e) {
OSD_ERROR("ERROR can't find edge");
// set corner
size_t nVertexCreases = vtxCreases.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nVertexCreases; ++i) {
if (vtxCreases[i] <= 0.0)
OsdHbrVertex * v = hbrMesh->GetVertex(vtxCreaseIndices[i]);
if (!v) {
OSD_ERROR("Can't find vertex %d\n", vtxCreaseIndices[i]);
return hbrMesh;