David G Yu 3e34c6031d Added Derivative Options to LimitStencilFactory
This change updates the Far::LimitStencilFactory to
to support options to generate 1st and 2nd derivative
limit stencil weights.

For backward compatibility, the option to generate 1st
derivatives defaults to true.  While for efficiency,
the option to generate 2nd derivatives defaults to false.

Also, updated the Far::LimitStencil class to expose
computed 1st and 2nd derivative limit stencil weights.
2016-09-28 11:56:55 -07:00

583 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#include "../far/stencilBuilder.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
namespace internal {
namespace {
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning disable 1572
inline bool isWeightZero(float w) { return (w == 0.0f); }
#pragma warning (pop)
struct Point1stDerivWeight {
float p;
float du;
float dv;
: p(0.0f), du(0.0f), dv(0.0f)
{ }
Point1stDerivWeight(float w)
: p(w), du(w), dv(w)
{ }
Point1stDerivWeight(float w, float wDu, float wDv)
: p(w), du(wDu), dv(wDv)
{ }
friend Point1stDerivWeight operator*(Point1stDerivWeight lhs,
Point1stDerivWeight const& rhs) {
lhs.p *= rhs.p;
lhs.du *= rhs.du;
lhs.dv *= rhs.dv;
return lhs;
Point1stDerivWeight& operator+=(Point1stDerivWeight const& rhs) {
p += rhs.p;
du += rhs.du;
dv += rhs.dv;
return *this;
struct Point2ndDerivWeight {
float p;
float du;
float dv;
float duu;
float duv;
float dvv;
: p(0.0f), du(0.0f), dv(0.0f), duu(0.0f), duv(0.0f), dvv(0.0f)
{ }
Point2ndDerivWeight(float w)
: p(w), du(w), dv(w), duu(w), duv(w), dvv(w)
{ }
Point2ndDerivWeight(float w, float wDu, float wDv,
float wDuu, float wDuv, float wDvv)
: p(w), du(wDu), dv(wDv), duu(wDuu), duv(wDuv), dvv(wDvv)
{ }
friend Point2ndDerivWeight operator*(Point2ndDerivWeight lhs,
Point2ndDerivWeight const& rhs) {
lhs.p *= rhs.p;
lhs.du *= rhs.du;
lhs.dv *= rhs.dv;
lhs.duu *= rhs.duu;
lhs.duv *= rhs.duv;
lhs.dvv *= rhs.dvv;
return lhs;
Point2ndDerivWeight& operator+=(Point2ndDerivWeight const& rhs) {
p += rhs.p;
du += rhs.du;
dv += rhs.dv;
duu += rhs.duu;
duv += rhs.duv;
dvv += rhs.dvv;
return *this;
/// Stencil table constructor set.
class WeightTable {
WeightTable(int coarseVerts,
bool genCtrlVertStencils,
bool compactWeights)
: _size(0)
, _lastOffset(0)
, _coarseVertCount(coarseVerts)
, _compactWeights(compactWeights)
// These numbers were chosen by profiling production assets at uniform
// level 3.
size_t n = std::max(coarseVerts,
if (!genCtrlVertStencils)
// Generate trivial control vert stencils
for (int i = 0; i < coarseVerts; i++) {
_indices[i] = i;
_sizes[i] = 1;
_dests[i] = i;
_sources[i] = i;
_weights[i] = 1.0;
_size = static_cast<int>(_sources.size());
_lastOffset = _size - 1;
template <class W, class WACCUM>
void AddWithWeight(int src, int dest, W weight, WACCUM weights)
// Factorized stencils are expressed purely in terms of the control
// mesh verts. Without this flattening, level_i's weights would point
// to level_i-1, which would point to level_i-2, until the final level
// points to the control verts.
// So here, we check if the incoming vert (src) is in the control mesh,
// if it is, we can simply merge it without attempting to resolve it
// first.
if (src < _coarseVertCount) {
merge(src, dest, weight, W(1.0), _lastOffset, _size, weights);
// src is not in the control mesh, so resolve all contributing coarse
// verts (src itself is made up of many control vert weights).
// Find the src stencil and number of contributing CVs.
int len = _sizes[src];
int start = _indices[src];
for (int i = start; i < start+len; i++) {
// Invariant: by processing each level in order and each vertex in
// dependent order, any src stencil vertex reference is guaranteed
// to consist only of coarse verts: therefore resolving src verts
// must yield verts in the coarse mesh.
assert(_sources[i] < _coarseVertCount);
// Merge each of src's contributing verts into this stencil.
merge(_sources[i], dest, weights.Get(i), weight,
_lastOffset, _size, weights);
class Point1stDerivAccumulator {
WeightTable* _tbl;
Point1stDerivAccumulator(WeightTable* tbl) : _tbl(tbl)
{ }
void PushBack(Point1stDerivWeight weight) {
void Add(size_t i, Point1stDerivWeight weight) {
_tbl->_weights[i] += weight.p;
_tbl->_duWeights[i] += weight.du;
_tbl->_dvWeights[i] += weight.dv;
Point1stDerivWeight Get(size_t index) {
return Point1stDerivWeight(_tbl->_weights[index],
Point1stDerivAccumulator GetPoint1stDerivAccumulator() {
return Point1stDerivAccumulator(this);
class Point2ndDerivAccumulator {
WeightTable* _tbl;
Point2ndDerivAccumulator(WeightTable* tbl) : _tbl(tbl)
{ }
void PushBack(Point2ndDerivWeight weight) {
void Add(size_t i, Point2ndDerivWeight weight) {
_tbl->_weights[i] += weight.p;
_tbl->_duWeights[i] += weight.du;
_tbl->_dvWeights[i] += weight.dv;
_tbl->_duuWeights[i] += weight.duu;
_tbl->_duvWeights[i] += weight.duv;
_tbl->_dvvWeights[i] += weight.dvv;
Point2ndDerivWeight Get(size_t index) {
return Point2ndDerivWeight(_tbl->_weights[index],
Point2ndDerivAccumulator GetPoint2ndDerivAccumulator() {
return Point2ndDerivAccumulator(this);
class ScalarAccumulator {
WeightTable* _tbl;
ScalarAccumulator(WeightTable* tbl) : _tbl(tbl)
{ }
void PushBack(float weight) {
void Add(size_t i, float w) {
_tbl->_weights[i] += w;
float Get(size_t index) {
return _tbl->_weights[index];
ScalarAccumulator GetScalarAccumulator() {
return ScalarAccumulator(this);
std::vector<int> const&
GetOffsets() const { return _indices; }
std::vector<int> const&
GetSizes() const { return _sizes; }
std::vector<int> const&
GetSources() const { return _sources; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetWeights() const { return _weights; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetDuWeights() const { return _duWeights; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetDvWeights() const { return _dvWeights; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetDuuWeights() const { return _duuWeights; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetDuvWeights() const { return _duvWeights; }
std::vector<float> const&
GetDvvWeights() const { return _dvvWeights; }
void SetCoarseVertCount(int numVerts) {
_coarseVertCount = numVerts;
// Merge a vertex weight into the stencil table, if there is an existing
// weight for a given source vertex it will be combined.
// PERFORMANCE: caution, this function is super hot.
template <class W, class WACCUM>
void merge(int src, int dst, W weight,
// Delaying weight*factor multiplication hides memory latency of
// accessing weight[i], yielding more stable performance.
W weightFactor,
// Similarly, passing offset & tableSize as params yields higher
// performance than accessing the class members directly.
int lastOffset, int tableSize, WACCUM weights)
// The lastOffset is the vertex we're currently processing, by
// leveraging this we need not lookup the dest stencil size or offset.
// Additionally, if the client does not want the resulting verts
// compacted, do not attempt to combine weights.
if (_compactWeights && !_dests.empty() && _dests[lastOffset] == dst) {
// tableSize is exactly _sources.size(), but using tableSize is
// significantly faster.
for (int i = lastOffset; i < tableSize; i++) {
// If we find an existing vertex that matches src, we need to
// combine the weights to avoid duplicate entries for src.
if (_sources[i] == src) {
weights.Add(i, weight*weightFactor);
// We haven't seen src yet, insert it as a new vertex weight.
add(src, dst, weight*weightFactor, weights);
// Add a new vertex weight to the stencil table.
template <class W, class WACCUM>
void add(int src, int dst, W weight, WACCUM weights)
// The _dests array has num(weights) elements mapping each individual
// element back to a specific stencil. The array is constructed in such
// a way that the current stencil being built is always at the end of
// the array, so if the dests array is empty or back() doesn't match
// dst, then we just started building a new stencil.
if (_dests.empty() || dst != _dests.back()) {
// _indices and _sizes always have num(stencils) elements so that
// stencils can be directly looked up by their index in these
// arrays. So here, ensure that they are large enough to hold the
// new stencil about to be built.
if (dst+1 > (int)_indices.size()) {
// Initialize the new stencil's meta-data (offset, size).
_indices[dst] = static_cast<int>(_sources.size());
_sizes[dst] = 0;
// Keep track of where the current stencil begins, which lets us
// avoid having to look it up later.
_lastOffset = static_cast<int>(_sources.size());
// Cache the number of elements as an optimization, it's faster than
// calling size() on any of the vectors.
// Increment the current stencil element size.
// Track this element as belonging to the stencil "dst".
// Store the actual stencil data.
// The following vectors are explicitly stored as non-interleaved elements
// to reduce cache misses.
// Stencil to destination vertex map.
std::vector<int> _dests;
// The actual stencil data.
std::vector<int> _sources;
std::vector<float> _weights;
std::vector<float> _duWeights;
std::vector<float> _dvWeights;
std::vector<float> _duuWeights;
std::vector<float> _duvWeights;
std::vector<float> _dvvWeights;
// Index data used to recover stencil-to-vertex mapping.
std::vector<int> _indices;
std::vector<int> _sizes;
// Acceleration members to avoid pointer chasing and reverse loops.
int _size;
int _lastOffset;
int _coarseVertCount;
bool _compactWeights;
StencilBuilder::StencilBuilder(int coarseVertCount,
bool genCtrlVertStencils,
bool compactWeights)
: _weightTable(new WeightTable(coarseVertCount,
delete _weightTable;
StencilBuilder::GetNumVerticesTotal() const
return _weightTable->GetWeights().size();
StencilBuilder::GetNumVertsInStencil(size_t stencilIndex) const
if (stencilIndex > _weightTable->GetSizes().size() - 1)
return 0;
return (int)_weightTable->GetSizes()[stencilIndex];
StencilBuilder::SetCoarseVertCount(int numVerts)
std::vector<int> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilOffsets() const {
return _weightTable->GetOffsets();
std::vector<int> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilSizes() const {
return _weightTable->GetSizes();
std::vector<int> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilSources() const {
return _weightTable->GetSources();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetWeights();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilDuWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetDuWeights();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilDvWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetDvWeights();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilDuuWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetDuuWeights();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilDuvWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetDuvWeights();
std::vector<float> const&
StencilBuilder::GetStencilDvvWeights() const {
return _weightTable->GetDvvWeights();
StencilBuilder::Index::AddWithWeight(Index const & src, float weight)
// Ignore no-op weights.
if (isWeightZero(weight)) {
_owner->_weightTable->AddWithWeight(src._index, _index, weight,
StencilBuilder::Index::AddWithWeight(Stencil const& src, float weight)
if (isWeightZero(weight)) {
int srcSize = *src.GetSizePtr();
Vtr::Index const * srcIndices = src.GetVertexIndices();
float const * srcWeights = src.GetWeights();
for (int i = 0; i < srcSize; ++i) {
float w = srcWeights[i];
if (isWeightZero(w)) {
Vtr::Index srcIndex = srcIndices[i];
float wgt = weight * w;
_owner->_weightTable->AddWithWeight(srcIndex, _index, wgt,
StencilBuilder::Index::AddWithWeight(Stencil const& src,
float weight, float du, float dv)
if (isWeightZero(weight) && isWeightZero(du) && isWeightZero(dv)) {
int srcSize = *src.GetSizePtr();
Vtr::Index const * srcIndices = src.GetVertexIndices();
float const * srcWeights = src.GetWeights();
for (int i = 0; i < srcSize; ++i) {
float w = srcWeights[i];
if (isWeightZero(w)) {
Vtr::Index srcIndex = srcIndices[i];
Point1stDerivWeight wgt = Point1stDerivWeight(weight, du, dv) * w;
_owner->_weightTable->AddWithWeight(srcIndex, _index, wgt,
StencilBuilder::Index::AddWithWeight(Stencil const& src,
float weight, float du, float dv, float duu, float duv, float dvv)
if (isWeightZero(weight) && isWeightZero(du) && isWeightZero(dv) &&
isWeightZero(duu) && isWeightZero(duv) && isWeightZero(dvv)) {
int srcSize = *src.GetSizePtr();
Vtr::Index const * srcIndices = src.GetVertexIndices();
float const * srcWeights = src.GetWeights();
for (int i = 0; i < srcSize; ++i) {
float w = srcWeights[i];
if (isWeightZero(w)) {
Vtr::Index srcIndex = srcIndices[i];
Point2ndDerivWeight wgt = Point2ndDerivWeight(weight, du, dv, duu, duv, dvv) * w;
_owner->_weightTable->AddWithWeight(srcIndex, _index, wgt,
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv