Takahito Tejima 43aa2500c4 Refactor far factories.
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory
so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client
can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style
gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation).

Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index
to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top
of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
2015-04-20 18:59:07 -07:00

221 lines
7.0 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Describes the type of a patch
/// Uniquely identifies all the different types of patches
/// * Uniformly subdivided meshes contain bilinear patches of either QUADS
/// * Adaptively subdivided meshes contain bicubic patches of types REGULAR,
/// These bicubic patches are also further distinguished by a transition
/// pattern as well as a rotational orientation.
/// Bitfield layout :
/// Field | Bits | Content
/// ------------|:----:|------------------------------------------------------
/// _type | 4 | patch type
class PatchDescriptor {
enum Type {
NON_PATCH = 0, ///< undefined
POINTS, ///< points (useful for cage drawing)
LINES, ///< lines (useful for cage drawing)
QUADS, ///< bilinear quads-only patches
TRIANGLES, ///< bilinear triangles-only mesh
LOOP, ///< Loop patch
REGULAR, ///< feature-adaptive bicubic patches
/// \brief Default constructor.
PatchDescriptor() :
_type(NON_PATCH) { }
/// \brief Constructor
PatchDescriptor(int type) :
_type(type) { }
/// \brief Copy Constructor
PatchDescriptor( PatchDescriptor const & d ) :
_type(d.GetType()) { }
/// \brief Returns the type of the patch
Type GetType() const {
return (Type)_type;
/// \brief Returns true if the type is an adaptive patch
static inline bool IsAdaptive(Type type) {
return (type>=LOOP and type<=GREGORY_BASIS);
/// \brief Returns true if the type is an adaptive patch
bool IsAdaptive() const {
return IsAdaptive( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of the
/// type described
static inline short GetNumControlVertices( Type t );
static inline short GetNumFVarControlVertices( Type t );
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of the
/// type described
short GetNumControlVertices() const {
return GetNumControlVertices( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of the
/// type described
short GetNumFVarControlVertices() const {
return GetNumFVarControlVertices( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Regular Patches in table.
static short GetRegularPatchSize() { return 16; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Boundary Patches in table.
static short GetBoundaryPatchSize() { return 16; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Boundary Patches in table.
static short GetCornerPatchSize() { return 16; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Gregory (and Gregory Boundary) Patches in table.
static short GetGregoryPatchSize() { return 4; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Gregory patch basis (20)
static short GetGregoryBasisPatchSize() { return 20; }
/// \brief Returns a vector of all the legal patch descriptors for the
/// given adaptive subdivision scheme
static Vtr::ConstArray<PatchDescriptor> GetAdaptivePatchDescriptors(Sdc::SchemeType type);
/// \brief Allows ordering of patches by type
inline bool operator < ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const;
/// \brief True if the descriptors are identical
inline bool operator == ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const;
// debug helper
void print() const;
unsigned int _type:4;
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<PatchDescriptor> ConstPatchDescriptorArray;
// Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of this type
inline short
PatchDescriptor::GetNumControlVertices( Type type ) {
switch (type) {
case REGULAR : return GetRegularPatchSize();
case QUADS : return 4;
case GREGORY :
case GREGORY_BOUNDARY : return GetGregoryPatchSize();
case GREGORY_BASIS : return GetGregoryBasisPatchSize();
case BOUNDARY : return GetBoundaryPatchSize();
case CORNER : return GetCornerPatchSize();
case TRIANGLES : return 3;
case LINES : return 2;
case POINTS : return 1;
default : return -1;
// Returns the number of face-varying control vertices expected for a patch of this type
inline short
PatchDescriptor::GetNumFVarControlVertices( Type type ) {
switch (type) {
case REGULAR : return GetRegularPatchSize();
case QUADS : return 4;
case TRIANGLES : return 3;
case BOUNDARY : return GetBoundaryPatchSize();
case CORNER : return GetCornerPatchSize();
case LINES : return 2;
case POINTS : return 1;
case GREGORY_BASIS : assert(0); return GetGregoryBasisPatchSize();
case GREGORY :
case GREGORY_BOUNDARY : assert(0); // unsupported types
default : return -1;
// Allows ordering of patches by type
inline bool
PatchDescriptor::operator < ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const {
return (_type < other._type);
// True if the descriptors are identical
inline bool
PatchDescriptor::operator == ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const {
return _type == other._type;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv