Takahito Tejima 43aa2500c4 Refactor far factories.
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory
so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client
can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style
gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation).

Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index
to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top
of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
2015-04-20 18:59:07 -07:00

428 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Vertex stencil descriptor
/// Allows access and manipulation of a single stencil in a StencilTables.
class Stencil {
/// \brief Default constructor
Stencil() {}
/// \brief Constructor
/// @param size Table pointer to the size of the stencil
/// @param indices Table pointer to the vertex indices of the stencil
/// @param weights Table pointer to the vertex weights of the stencil
Stencil(unsigned char * size,
Index * indices,
float * weights)
: _size(size),
_weights(weights) {
/// \brief Copy constructor
Stencil(Stencil const & other) {
_size = other._size;
_indices = other._indices;
_weights = other._weights;
/// \brief Returns the size of the stencil
int GetSize() const {
return *_size;
/// \brief Returns the size of the stencil as a pointer
unsigned char * GetSizePtr() const {
return _size;
/// \brief Returns the control vertices indices
Index const * GetVertexIndices() const {
return _indices;
/// \brief Returns the interpolation weights
float const * GetWeights() const {
return _weights;
/// \brief Advance to the next stencil in the table
void Next() {
int stride = *_size;
_indices += stride;
_weights += stride;
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
friend class EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory;
friend class EndCapRegularPatchFactory;
unsigned char * _size;
Index * _indices;
float * _weights;
/// \brief Table of subdivision stencils.
/// Stencils are the most direct methods of evaluation of locations on the limit
/// of a surface. Every point of a limit surface can be computed by linearly
/// blending a collection of coarse control vertices.
/// A stencil assigns a series of control vertex indices with a blending weight
/// that corresponds to a unique parametric location of the limit surface. When
/// the control vertices move in space, the limit location can be very efficiently
/// recomputed simply by applying the blending weights to the series of coarse
/// control vertices.
class StencilTables {
/// \brief Returns the number of stencils in the table
int GetNumStencils() const {
return (int)_sizes.size();
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices indexed in the table
int GetNumControlVertices() const {
return _numControlVertices;
/// \brief Returns a Stencil at index i in the tables
Stencil GetStencil(Index i) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices of each stencil in the table
std::vector<unsigned char> const & GetSizes() const {
return _sizes;
/// \brief Returns the offset to a given stencil (factory may leave empty)
std::vector<Index> const & GetOffsets() const {
return _offsets;
/// \brief Returns the indices of the control vertices
std::vector<Index> const & GetControlIndices() const {
return _indices;
/// \brief Returns the stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetWeights() const {
return _weights;
/// \brief Returns the stencil at index i in the tables
Stencil operator[] (Index index) const;
/// \brief Updates point values based on the control values
/// \note The destination buffers are assumed to have allocated at least
/// \c GetNumStencils() elements.
/// @param controlValues Buffer with primvar data for the control vertices
/// @param values Destination buffer for the interpolated primvar
/// data
/// @param start (skip to )index of first value to update
/// @param end Index of last value to update
template <class T>
void UpdateValues(T const *controlValues, T *values, Index start=-1, Index end=-1) const {
update(controlValues, values, _weights, start, end);
/// \brief Clears the stencils from the table
void Clear() {
// Update values by applying cached stencil weights to new control values
template <class T> void update( T const *controlValues, T *values,
std::vector<float> const & valueWeights, Index start, Index end) const;
// Populate the offsets table from the stencil sizes in _sizes (factory helper)
void generateOffsets();
// Resize the table arrays (factory helper)
void resize(int nstencils, int nelems);
StencilTables() : _numControlVertices(0) {}
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory;
friend class EndCapRegularPatchFactory;
int _numControlVertices; // number of control vertices
std::vector<unsigned char> _sizes; // number of coeffiecient for each stencil
std::vector<Index> _offsets, // offset to the start of each stencil
_indices; // indices of contributing coarse vertices
std::vector<float> _weights; // stencil weight coefficients
/// \brief Limit point stencil descriptor
class LimitStencil : public Stencil {
/// \brief Constructor
/// @param size Table pointer to the size of the stencil
/// @param indices Table pointer to the vertex indices of the stencil
/// @param weights Table pointer to the vertex weights of the stencil
/// @param duWeights Table pointer to the 'u' derivative weights
/// @param dvWeights Table pointer to the 'v' derivative weights
LimitStencil( unsigned char * size,
Index * indices,
float * weights,
float * duWeights,
float * dvWeights )
: Stencil(size, indices, weights),
_dvWeights(dvWeights) {
/// \brief
float const * GetDuWeights() const {
return _duWeights;
/// \brief
float const * GetDvWeights() const {
return _dvWeights;
/// \brief Advance to the next stencil in the table
void Next() {
int stride = *_size;
_indices += stride;
_weights += stride;
_duWeights += stride;
_dvWeights += stride;
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
float * _duWeights, // pointer to stencil u derivative limit weights
* _dvWeights; // pointer to stencil v derivative limit weights
/// \brief Table of limit subdivision stencils.
class LimitStencilTables : public StencilTables {
/// \brief Returns the 'u' derivative stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetDuWeights() const {
return _duWeights;
/// \brief Returns the 'v' derivative stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetDvWeights() const {
return _dvWeights;
/// \brief Updates derivative values based on the control values
/// \note The destination buffers ('uderivs' & 'vderivs') are assumed to
/// have allocated at least \c GetNumStencils() elements.
/// @param controlValues Buffer with primvar data for the control vertices
/// @param uderivs Destination buffer for the interpolated 'u'
/// derivative primvar data
/// @param vderivs Destination buffer for the interpolated 'v'
/// derivative primvar data
/// @param start (skip to )index of first value to update
/// @param end Index of last value to update
template <class T>
void UpdateDerivs(T const *controlValues, T *uderivs, T *vderivs,
int start=-1, int end=-1) const {
update(controlValues, uderivs, _duWeights, start, end);
update(controlValues, vderivs, _dvWeights, start, end);
/// \brief Clears the stencils from the table
void Clear() {
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
// Resize the table arrays (factory helper)
void resize(int nstencils, int nelems);
std::vector<float> _duWeights, // u derivative limit stencil weights
_dvWeights; // v derivative limit stencil weights
// Update values by appling cached stencil weights to new control values
template <class T> void
StencilTables::update(T const *controlValues, T *values,
std::vector<float> const &valueWeights, Index start, Index end) const {
unsigned char const * sizes = &;
Index const * indices = &;
float const * weights = &;
if (start>0) {
sizes += start;
indices += _offsets[start];
weights += _offsets[start];
values += start;
if (end<start or end<0) {
end = GetNumStencils();
int nstencils = end - std::max(0, start);
for (int i=0; i<nstencils; ++i, ++sizes) {
// Zero out the result accumulators
// For each element in the array, add the coefs contribution
for (int j=0; j<*sizes; ++j, ++indices, ++weights) {
values[i].AddWithWeight( controlValues[*indices], *weights );
inline void
StencilTables::generateOffsets() {
Index offset=0;
int noffsets = (int)_sizes.size();
for (int i=0; i<(int)_sizes.size(); ++i ) {
inline void
StencilTables::resize(int nstencils, int nelems) {
// Returns a Stencil at index i in the table
inline Stencil
StencilTables::GetStencil(Index i) const {
assert((not _offsets.empty()) and i<(int)_offsets.size());
Index ofs = _offsets[i];
return Stencil( const_cast<unsigned char *>(&_sizes[i]),
const_cast<Index *>(&_indices[ofs]),
const_cast<float *>(&_weights[ofs]) );
inline Stencil
StencilTables::operator[] (Index index) const {
return GetStencil(index);
inline void
LimitStencilTables::resize(int nstencils, int nelems) {
StencilTables::resize(nstencils, nelems);
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv