Chip Davis 5069ec72bb MSL: Set location of builtins based on client input.
Builtin attributes in SPIR-V aren't linked by location, but by their
built-in-ness. This poses a problem for MSL, since builtin inputs in
the vertex pipeline are just regular attributes. We must then assign
them locations so that they can be matched up to the attributes in the
stage input descriptor--and also to avoid duplicate attribute numbers in
tessellation evaluation shaders, where there are two different
stage-in structs, so the member index therein is no longer unique!
2019-02-20 22:16:51 -06:00

596 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright 2016-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "spirv_glsl.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace spirv_cross
// Indicates the format of the vertex attribute. Currently limited to specifying
// if the attribute is an 8-bit unsigned integer, 16-bit unsigned integer, or
// some other format.
enum MSLVertexFormat
// Defines MSL characteristics of a vertex attribute at a particular location.
// The used_by_shader flag is set to true during compilation of SPIR-V to MSL
// if the shader makes use of this vertex attribute.
struct MSLVertexAttr
uint32_t location = 0;
uint32_t msl_buffer = 0;
uint32_t msl_offset = 0;
uint32_t msl_stride = 0;
bool per_instance = false;
spv::BuiltIn builtin = spv::BuiltInMax;
bool used_by_shader = false;
// Matches the binding index of a MSL resource for a binding within a descriptor set.
// Taken together, the stage, desc_set and binding combine to form a reference to a resource
// descriptor used in a particular shading stage. Generally, only one of the buffer, texture,
// or sampler elements will be populated. The used_by_shader flag is set to true during
// compilation of SPIR-V to MSL if the shader makes use of this vertex attribute.
struct MSLResourceBinding
spv::ExecutionModel stage;
uint32_t desc_set = 0;
uint32_t binding = 0;
uint32_t msl_buffer = 0;
uint32_t msl_texture = 0;
uint32_t msl_sampler = 0;
bool used_by_shader = false;
enum MSLSamplerCoord
enum MSLSamplerFilter
enum MSLSamplerMipFilter
enum MSLSamplerAddress
enum MSLSamplerCompareFunc
enum MSLSamplerBorderColor
struct MSLConstexprSampler
MSLSamplerFilter min_filter = MSL_SAMPLER_FILTER_NEAREST;
MSLSamplerFilter mag_filter = MSL_SAMPLER_FILTER_NEAREST;
MSLSamplerMipFilter mip_filter = MSL_SAMPLER_MIP_FILTER_NONE;
MSLSamplerCompareFunc compare_func = MSL_SAMPLER_COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER;
float lod_clamp_min = 0.0f;
float lod_clamp_max = 1000.0f;
int max_anisotropy = 1;
bool compare_enable = false;
bool lod_clamp_enable = false;
bool anisotropy_enable = false;
// Tracks the type ID and member index of a struct member
using MSLStructMemberKey = uint64_t;
// Special constant used in a MSLResourceBinding desc_set
// element to indicate the bindings for the push constants.
static const uint32_t kPushConstDescSet = ~(0u);
// Special constant used in a MSLResourceBinding binding
// element to indicate the bindings for the push constants.
static const uint32_t kPushConstBinding = 0;
// The current version of the aux buffer structure. It must be incremented any time a
// new field is added to the aux buffer.
// Decompiles SPIR-V to Metal Shading Language
class CompilerMSL : public CompilerGLSL
// Options for compiling to Metal Shading Language
struct Options
typedef enum
} Platform;
Platform platform = macOS;
uint32_t msl_version = make_msl_version(1, 2);
uint32_t texel_buffer_texture_width = 4096; // Width of 2D Metal textures used as 1D texel buffers
uint32_t aux_buffer_index = 30;
uint32_t indirect_params_buffer_index = 29;
uint32_t shader_output_buffer_index = 28;
uint32_t shader_patch_output_buffer_index = 27;
uint32_t shader_tess_factor_buffer_index = 26;
uint32_t shader_input_wg_index = 0;
bool enable_point_size_builtin = true;
bool disable_rasterization = false;
bool capture_output_to_buffer = false;
bool swizzle_texture_samples = false;
bool tess_domain_origin_lower_left = false;
// Fragment output in MSL must have at least as many components as the render pass.
// Add support to explicit pad out components.
bool pad_fragment_output_components = false;
bool is_ios()
return platform == iOS;
bool is_macos()
return platform == macOS;
void set_msl_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor = 0, uint32_t patch = 0)
msl_version = make_msl_version(major, minor, patch);
bool supports_msl_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor = 0, uint32_t patch = 0)
return msl_version >= make_msl_version(major, minor, patch);
static uint32_t make_msl_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor = 0, uint32_t patch = 0)
return (major * 10000) + (minor * 100) + patch;
SPIRV_CROSS_DEPRECATED("CompilerMSL::get_options() is obsolete, use get_msl_options() instead.")
const Options &get_options() const
return msl_options;
const Options &get_msl_options() const
return msl_options;
SPIRV_CROSS_DEPRECATED("CompilerMSL::set_options() is obsolete, use set_msl_options() instead.")
void set_options(Options &opts)
msl_options = opts;
void set_msl_options(const Options &opts)
msl_options = opts;
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow runtime to disable pipeline
// rasterization if vertex shader requires rasterization to be disabled.
bool get_is_rasterization_disabled() const
return is_rasterization_disabled && (get_entry_point().model == spv::ExecutionModelVertex ||
get_entry_point().model == spv::ExecutionModelTessellationControl ||
get_entry_point().model == spv::ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation);
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass an auxiliary
// buffer if the shader needs it.
bool needs_aux_buffer() const
return used_aux_buffer;
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass an output
// buffer if the shader needs it.
bool needs_output_buffer() const
return capture_output_to_buffer && stage_out_var_id != 0;
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass a patch output
// buffer if the shader needs it.
bool needs_patch_output_buffer() const
return capture_output_to_buffer && patch_stage_out_var_id != 0;
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass an input threadgroup
// buffer if the shader needs it.
bool needs_input_threadgroup_mem() const
return capture_output_to_buffer && stage_in_var_id != 0;
// An enum of SPIR-V functions that are implemented in additional
// source code that is added to the shader if necessary.
enum SPVFuncImpl
// Unfortunately, we cannot use recursive templates in the MSL compiler properly,
// so stamp out variants up to some arbitrary maximum.
SPVFuncImplArrayCopy = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 1,
SPVFuncImplArrayOfArrayCopy2Dim = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 2,
SPVFuncImplArrayOfArrayCopy3Dim = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 3,
SPVFuncImplArrayOfArrayCopy4Dim = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 4,
SPVFuncImplArrayOfArrayCopy5Dim = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 5,
SPVFuncImplArrayOfArrayCopy6Dim = SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimBase + 6,
SPVFuncImplArrayCopyMultidimMax = 6
// Constructs an instance to compile the SPIR-V code into Metal Shading Language,
// using the configuration parameters, if provided:
// - p_vtx_attrs is an optional list of vertex attribute bindings used to match
// vertex content locations to MSL attributes. If vertex attributes are provided,
// the compiler will set the used_by_shader flag to true in any vertex attribute
// actually used by the MSL code.
// - p_res_bindings is a list of resource bindings to indicate the MSL buffer,
// texture or sampler index to use for a particular SPIR-V description set
// and binding. If resource bindings are provided, the compiler will set the
// used_by_shader flag to true in any resource binding actually used by the MSL code.
CompilerMSL(std::vector<uint32_t> spirv, std::vector<MSLVertexAttr> *p_vtx_attrs = nullptr,
std::vector<MSLResourceBinding> *p_res_bindings = nullptr);
// Alternate constructor avoiding use of std::vectors.
CompilerMSL(const uint32_t *ir, size_t word_count, MSLVertexAttr *p_vtx_attrs = nullptr, size_t vtx_attrs_count = 0,
MSLResourceBinding *p_res_bindings = nullptr, size_t res_bindings_count = 0);
// Alternate constructors taking pre-parsed IR directly.
CompilerMSL(const ParsedIR &ir, MSLVertexAttr *p_vtx_attrs = nullptr, size_t vtx_attrs_count = 0,
MSLResourceBinding *p_res_bindings = nullptr, size_t res_bindings_count = 0);
CompilerMSL(ParsedIR &&ir, MSLVertexAttr *p_vtx_attrs = nullptr, size_t vtx_attrs_count = 0,
MSLResourceBinding *p_res_bindings = nullptr, size_t res_bindings_count = 0);
// Compiles the SPIR-V code into Metal Shading Language.
std::string compile() override;
// Compiles the SPIR-V code into Metal Shading Language, overriding configuration parameters.
// Any of the parameters here may be null to indicate that the configuration provided in the
// constructor should be used. They are not declared as optional to avoid a conflict with the
// inherited and overridden zero-parameter compile() function.
std::string compile(std::vector<MSLVertexAttr> *p_vtx_attrs, std::vector<MSLResourceBinding> *p_res_bindings);
// This legacy method is deprecated.
typedef Options MSLConfiguration;
SPIRV_CROSS_DEPRECATED("Please use get_msl_options() and set_msl_options() instead.")
std::string compile(MSLConfiguration &msl_cfg, std::vector<MSLVertexAttr> *p_vtx_attrs = nullptr,
std::vector<MSLResourceBinding> *p_res_bindings = nullptr);
// Remap a sampler with ID to a constexpr sampler.
// Older iOS targets must use constexpr samplers in certain cases (PCF),
// so a static sampler must be used.
// The sampler will not consume a binding, but be declared in the entry point as a constexpr sampler.
// This can be used on both combined image/samplers (sampler2D) or standalone samplers.
// The remapped sampler must not be an array of samplers.
void remap_constexpr_sampler(uint32_t id, const MSLConstexprSampler &sampler);
// If using CompilerMSL::Options::pad_fragment_output_components, override the number of components we expect
// to use for a particular location. The default is 4 if number of components is not overridden.
void set_fragment_output_components(uint32_t location, uint32_t components);
void emit_binary_unord_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t op0, uint32_t op1, const char *op);
void emit_instruction(const Instruction &instr) override;
void emit_glsl_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t op, const uint32_t *args,
uint32_t count) override;
void emit_header() override;
void emit_function_prototype(SPIRFunction &func, const Bitset &return_flags) override;
void emit_sampled_image_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t image_id, uint32_t samp_id) override;
void emit_fixup() override;
std::string to_struct_member(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t member_type_id, uint32_t index,
const std::string &qualifier = "");
void emit_struct_member(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t member_type_id, uint32_t index,
const std::string &qualifier = "", uint32_t base_offset = 0) override;
std::string type_to_glsl(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id = 0) override;
std::string image_type_glsl(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id = 0) override;
std::string sampler_type(const SPIRType &type);
std::string builtin_to_glsl(spv::BuiltIn builtin, spv::StorageClass storage) override;
size_t get_declared_struct_member_size(const SPIRType &struct_type, uint32_t index) const override;
std::string to_func_call_arg(uint32_t id) override;
std::string to_name(uint32_t id, bool allow_alias = true) const override;
std::string to_function_name(uint32_t img, const SPIRType &imgtype, bool is_fetch, bool is_gather, bool is_proj,
bool has_array_offsets, bool has_offset, bool has_grad, bool has_dref,
uint32_t lod) override;
std::string to_function_args(uint32_t img, const SPIRType &imgtype, bool is_fetch, bool is_gather, bool is_proj,
uint32_t coord, uint32_t coord_components, uint32_t dref, uint32_t grad_x,
uint32_t grad_y, uint32_t lod, uint32_t coffset, uint32_t offset, uint32_t bias,
uint32_t comp, uint32_t sample, bool *p_forward) override;
std::string to_initializer_expression(const SPIRVariable &var) override;
std::string unpack_expression_type(std::string expr_str, const SPIRType &type, uint32_t packed_type_id) override;
std::string bitcast_glsl_op(const SPIRType &result_type, const SPIRType &argument_type) override;
bool skip_argument(uint32_t id) const override;
std::string to_member_reference(uint32_t base, const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index, bool ptr_chain) override;
std::string to_qualifiers_glsl(uint32_t id) override;
void replace_illegal_names() override;
void declare_undefined_values() override;
void declare_constant_arrays();
bool is_patch_block(const SPIRType &type);
bool is_non_native_row_major_matrix(uint32_t id) override;
bool member_is_non_native_row_major_matrix(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index) override;
std::string convert_row_major_matrix(std::string exp_str, const SPIRType &exp_type, bool is_packed) override;
void preprocess_op_codes();
void localize_global_variables();
void extract_global_variables_from_functions();
void mark_packable_structs();
void mark_as_packable(SPIRType &type);
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>> function_global_vars;
void extract_global_variables_from_function(uint32_t func_id, std::set<uint32_t> &added_arg_ids,
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> &global_var_ids,
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> &processed_func_ids);
uint32_t add_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, bool patch = false);
uint32_t add_interface_block_pointer(uint32_t ib_var_id, spv::StorageClass storage);
void add_variable_to_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, const std::string &ib_var_ref, SPIRType &ib_type,
SPIRVariable &var, bool strip_array);
void add_composite_variable_to_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, const std::string &ib_var_ref,
SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var, bool strip_array);
void add_plain_variable_to_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, const std::string &ib_var_ref,
SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var, bool strip_array);
void add_plain_member_variable_to_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, const std::string &ib_var_ref,
SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var, uint32_t index,
bool strip_array);
void add_composite_member_variable_to_interface_block(spv::StorageClass storage, const std::string &ib_var_ref,
SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var, uint32_t index,
bool strip_array);
uint32_t get_accumulated_member_location(const SPIRVariable &var, uint32_t mbr_idx, bool strip_array);
void fix_up_interface_member_indices(spv::StorageClass storage, uint32_t ib_type_id);
void mark_location_as_used_by_shader(uint32_t location, spv::StorageClass storage);
uint32_t ensure_correct_builtin_type(uint32_t type_id, spv::BuiltIn builtin);
uint32_t ensure_correct_attribute_type(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t location);
void emit_custom_functions();
void emit_resources();
void emit_specialization_constants_and_structs();
void emit_interface_block(uint32_t ib_var_id);
bool maybe_emit_array_assignment(uint32_t id_lhs, uint32_t id_rhs);
void add_convert_row_major_matrix_function(uint32_t cols, uint32_t rows);
void fix_up_shader_inputs_outputs();
std::string func_type_decl(SPIRType &type);
std::string entry_point_args(bool append_comma);
std::string to_qualified_member_name(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index);
std::string ensure_valid_name(std::string name, std::string pfx);
std::string to_sampler_expression(uint32_t id);
std::string to_swizzle_expression(uint32_t id);
std::string builtin_qualifier(spv::BuiltIn builtin);
std::string builtin_type_decl(spv::BuiltIn builtin);
std::string built_in_func_arg(spv::BuiltIn builtin, bool prefix_comma);
std::string member_attribute_qualifier(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index);
std::string argument_decl(const SPIRFunction::Parameter &arg);
std::string round_fp_tex_coords(std::string tex_coords, bool coord_is_fp);
uint32_t get_metal_resource_index(SPIRVariable &var, SPIRType::BaseType basetype);
uint32_t get_ordered_member_location(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t index, uint32_t *comp = nullptr);
size_t get_declared_struct_member_alignment(const SPIRType &struct_type, uint32_t index) const;
std::string to_component_argument(uint32_t id);
void align_struct(SPIRType &ib_type);
bool is_member_packable(SPIRType &ib_type, uint32_t index);
MSLStructMemberKey get_struct_member_key(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t index);
std::string get_argument_address_space(const SPIRVariable &argument);
std::string get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type);
SPIRType &get_stage_in_struct_type();
SPIRType &get_stage_out_struct_type();
SPIRType &get_patch_stage_in_struct_type();
SPIRType &get_patch_stage_out_struct_type();
std::string get_tess_factor_struct_name();
void emit_atomic_func_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, const char *op, uint32_t mem_order_1,
uint32_t mem_order_2, bool has_mem_order_2, uint32_t op0, uint32_t op1 = 0,
bool op1_is_pointer = false, bool op1_is_literal = false, uint32_t op2 = 0);
const char *get_memory_order(uint32_t spv_mem_sem);
void add_pragma_line(const std::string &line);
void add_typedef_line(const std::string &line);
void emit_barrier(uint32_t id_exe_scope, uint32_t id_mem_scope, uint32_t id_mem_sem);
void emit_array_copy(const std::string &lhs, uint32_t rhs_id) override;
void build_implicit_builtins();
void emit_entry_point_declarations() override;
uint32_t builtin_frag_coord_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_sample_id_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_vertex_idx_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_base_vertex_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_instance_idx_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_base_instance_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_invocation_id_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_primitive_id_id = 0;
uint32_t aux_buffer_id = 0;
void bitcast_to_builtin_store(uint32_t target_id, std::string &expr, const SPIRType &expr_type) override;
void bitcast_from_builtin_load(uint32_t source_id, std::string &expr, const SPIRType &expr_type) override;
void emit_store_statement(uint32_t lhs_expression, uint32_t rhs_expression) override;
void analyze_sampled_image_usage();
bool emit_tessellation_access_chain(const uint32_t *ops, uint32_t length);
bool is_out_of_bounds_tessellation_level(uint32_t id_lhs);
Options msl_options;
std::set<SPVFuncImpl> spv_function_implementations;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, MSLVertexAttr *> vtx_attrs_by_location;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, MSLVertexAttr *> vtx_attrs_by_builtin;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> fragment_output_components;
std::unordered_map<MSLStructMemberKey, uint32_t> struct_member_padding;
std::set<std::string> pragma_lines;
std::set<std::string> typedef_lines;
std::vector<uint32_t> vars_needing_early_declaration;
std::vector<MSLResourceBinding *> resource_bindings;
MSLResourceBinding next_metal_resource_index;
uint32_t stage_in_var_id = 0;
uint32_t stage_out_var_id = 0;
uint32_t patch_stage_in_var_id = 0;
uint32_t patch_stage_out_var_id = 0;
uint32_t stage_in_ptr_var_id = 0;
uint32_t stage_out_ptr_var_id = 0;
bool has_sampled_images = false;
bool needs_vertex_idx_arg = false;
bool needs_instance_idx_arg = false;
bool is_rasterization_disabled = false;
bool capture_output_to_buffer = false;
bool needs_aux_buffer_def = false;
bool used_aux_buffer = false;
std::string qual_pos_var_name;
std::string stage_in_var_name = "in";
std::string stage_out_var_name = "out";
std::string patch_stage_in_var_name = "patchIn";
std::string patch_stage_out_var_name = "patchOut";
std::string sampler_name_suffix = "Smplr";
std::string swizzle_name_suffix = "Swzl";
std::string input_wg_var_name = "gl_in";
std::string output_buffer_var_name = "spvOut";
std::string patch_output_buffer_var_name = "spvPatchOut";
std::string tess_factor_buffer_var_name = "spvTessLevel";
spv::Op previous_instruction_opcode = spv::OpNop;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, MSLConstexprSampler> constexpr_samplers;
std::vector<uint32_t> buffer_arrays;
uint32_t get_target_components_for_fragment_location(uint32_t location) const;
uint32_t build_extended_vector_type(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t components);
// OpcodeHandler that handles several MSL preprocessing operations.
struct OpCodePreprocessor : OpcodeHandler
OpCodePreprocessor(CompilerMSL &compiler_)
: compiler(compiler_)
bool handle(spv::Op opcode, const uint32_t *args, uint32_t length) override;
CompilerMSL::SPVFuncImpl get_spv_func_impl(spv::Op opcode, const uint32_t *args);
void check_resource_write(uint32_t var_id);
CompilerMSL &compiler;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> result_types;
bool suppress_missing_prototypes = false;
bool uses_atomics = false;
bool uses_resource_write = false;
// OpcodeHandler that scans for uses of sampled images
struct SampledImageScanner : OpcodeHandler
SampledImageScanner(CompilerMSL &compiler_)
: compiler(compiler_)
bool handle(spv::Op opcode, const uint32_t *args, uint32_t) override;
CompilerMSL &compiler;
// Sorts the members of a SPIRType and associated Meta info based on a settable sorting
// aspect, which defines which aspect of the struct members will be used to sort them.
// Regardless of the sorting aspect, built-in members always appear at the end of the struct.
struct MemberSorter
enum SortAspect
void sort();
bool operator()(uint32_t mbr_idx1, uint32_t mbr_idx2);
MemberSorter(SPIRType &t, Meta &m, SortAspect sa);
SPIRType &type;
Meta &meta;
SortAspect sort_aspect;
} // namespace spirv_cross