Add test for row/col-major matrix read/write for HLSL.

This commit is contained in:
Hans-Kristian Arntzen 2017-10-26 17:40:45 +02:00
parent afce030bf4
commit 22e94913d4
3 changed files with 262 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
RWByteAddressBuffer _28 : register(u0);
cbuffer _68 : register(b1)
int UBO_index0 : packoffset(c0);
int UBO_index1 : packoffset(c0.y);
void row_to_col()
float4x4 _55 = asfloat(uint4x4(_28.Load(64), _28.Load(80), _28.Load(96), _28.Load(112), _28.Load(68), _28.Load(84), _28.Load(100), _28.Load(116), _28.Load(72), _28.Load(88), _28.Load(104), _28.Load(120), _28.Load(76), _28.Load(92), _28.Load(108), _28.Load(124)));
_28.Store4(0, asuint(_55[0]));
_28.Store4(16, asuint(_55[1]));
_28.Store4(32, asuint(_55[2]));
_28.Store4(48, asuint(_55[3]));
float2x2 _58 = asfloat(uint2x2(_28.Load(144), _28.Load(152), _28.Load(148), _28.Load(156)));
_28.Store2(128, asuint(_58[0]));
_28.Store2(136, asuint(_58[1]));
float2x3 _61 = asfloat(uint2x3(_28.Load(192), _28.Load(200), _28.Load(208), _28.Load(196), _28.Load(204), _28.Load(212)));
_28.Store3(160, asuint(_61[0]));
_28.Store3(176, asuint(_61[1]));
float3x2 _64 = asfloat(uint3x2(_28.Load(240), _28.Load(256), _28.Load(244), _28.Load(260), _28.Load(248), _28.Load(264)));
_28.Store2(216, asuint(_64[0]));
_28.Store2(224, asuint(_64[1]));
_28.Store2(232, asuint(_64[2]));
void col_to_row()
float4x4 _34 = asfloat(uint4x4(_28.Load4(0), _28.Load4(16), _28.Load4(32), _28.Load4(48)));
_28.Store(64, asuint(_34[0].x));
_28.Store(68, asuint(_34[1].x));
_28.Store(72, asuint(_34[2].x));
_28.Store(76, asuint(_34[3].x));
_28.Store(80, asuint(_34[0].y));
_28.Store(84, asuint(_34[1].y));
_28.Store(88, asuint(_34[2].y));
_28.Store(92, asuint(_34[3].y));
_28.Store(96, asuint(_34[0].z));
_28.Store(100, asuint(_34[1].z));
_28.Store(104, asuint(_34[2].z));
_28.Store(108, asuint(_34[3].z));
_28.Store(112, asuint(_34[0].w));
_28.Store(116, asuint(_34[1].w));
_28.Store(120, asuint(_34[2].w));
_28.Store(124, asuint(_34[3].w));
float2x2 _40 = asfloat(uint2x2(_28.Load2(128), _28.Load2(136)));
_28.Store(144, asuint(_40[0].x));
_28.Store(148, asuint(_40[1].x));
_28.Store(152, asuint(_40[0].y));
_28.Store(156, asuint(_40[1].y));
float2x3 _46 = asfloat(uint2x3(_28.Load3(160), _28.Load3(176)));
_28.Store(192, asuint(_46[0].x));
_28.Store(196, asuint(_46[1].x));
_28.Store(200, asuint(_46[0].y));
_28.Store(204, asuint(_46[1].y));
_28.Store(208, asuint(_46[0].z));
_28.Store(212, asuint(_46[1].z));
float3x2 _52 = asfloat(uint3x2(_28.Load2(216), _28.Load2(224), _28.Load2(232)));
_28.Store(240, asuint(_52[0].x));
_28.Store(244, asuint(_52[1].x));
_28.Store(248, asuint(_52[2].x));
_28.Store(256, asuint(_52[0].y));
_28.Store(260, asuint(_52[1].y));
_28.Store(264, asuint(_52[2].y));
void write_dynamic_index_row()
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 16 + 64, asuint(1.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 8 + 144, asuint(2.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 8 + 192, asuint(3.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 16 + 240, asuint(4.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 64, asuint(float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).x));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 80, asuint(float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).y));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 96, asuint(float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).z));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 112, asuint(float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).w));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 144, asuint(float2(2.0f, 2.0f).x));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 152, asuint(float2(2.0f, 2.0f).y));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 192, asuint(float3(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f).x));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 200, asuint(float3(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f).y));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 208, asuint(float3(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f).z));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 240, asuint(float2(4.0f, 4.0f).x));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 4 + 256, asuint(float2(4.0f, 4.0f).y));
void write_dynamic_index_col()
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 16 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 0, asuint(1.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 8 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 128, asuint(2.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 16 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 160, asuint(3.0f));
_28.Store(UBO_index0 * 8 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 216, asuint(4.0f));
_28.Store4(UBO_index0 * 16 + 0, asuint(float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)));
_28.Store2(UBO_index0 * 8 + 128, asuint(float2(2.0f, 2.0f)));
_28.Store3(UBO_index0 * 16 + 160, asuint(float3(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f)));
_28.Store2(UBO_index0 * 8 + 216, asuint(float2(4.0f, 4.0f)));
void read_dynamic_index_row()
float a0 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 16 + 64));
float a1 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 8 + 144));
float a2 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 8 + 192));
float a3 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + UBO_index1 * 16 + 240));
float4 v0 = asfloat(uint4(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 64), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 80), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 96), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 112)));
float2 v1 = asfloat(uint2(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 144), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 152)));
float3 v2 = asfloat(uint3(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 192), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 200), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 208)));
float2 v3 = asfloat(uint2(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 240), _28.Load(UBO_index0 * 4 + 256)));
void read_dynamic_index_col()
float a0 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 16 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 0));
float a1 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 8 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 128));
float a2 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 16 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 160));
float a3 = asfloat(_28.Load(UBO_index0 * 8 + UBO_index1 * 4 + 216));
float4 v0 = asfloat(_28.Load4(UBO_index0 * 16 + 0));
float2 v1 = asfloat(_28.Load2(UBO_index0 * 8 + 128));
float3 v2 = asfloat(_28.Load3(UBO_index0 * 16 + 160));
float2 v3 = asfloat(_28.Load2(UBO_index0 * 8 + 216));
void comp_main()
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 1) in;
layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform UBO
int index0;
int index1;
layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
layout(column_major) mat4 mcol;
layout(row_major) mat4 mrow;
layout(column_major) mat2 mcol2x2;
layout(row_major) mat2 mrow2x2;
layout(column_major) mat2x3 mcol2x3;
layout(row_major) mat2x3 mrow2x3;
layout(column_major) mat3x2 mcol3x2;
layout(row_major) mat3x2 mrow3x2;
void col_to_row()
// Load column-major, store row-major.
mrow = mcol;
mrow2x2 = mcol2x2;
mrow2x3 = mcol2x3;
mrow3x2 = mcol3x2;
void row_to_col()
// Load row-major, store column-major.
mcol = mrow;
mcol2x2 = mrow2x2;
mcol2x3 = mrow2x3;
mcol3x2 = mrow3x2;
void write_dynamic_index_row()
mrow[index0][index1] = 1.0;
mrow2x2[index0][index1] = 2.0;
mrow2x3[index0][index1] = 3.0;
mrow3x2[index0][index1] = 4.0;
mrow[index0] = vec4(1.0);
mrow2x2[index0] = vec2(2.0);
mrow2x3[index0] = vec3(3.0);
mrow3x2[index0] = vec2(4.0);
void write_dynamic_index_col()
mcol[index0][index1] = 1.0;
mcol2x2[index0][index1] = 2.0;
mcol2x3[index0][index1] = 3.0;
mcol3x2[index0][index1] = 4.0;
mcol[index0] = vec4(1.0);
mcol2x2[index0] = vec2(2.0);
mcol2x3[index0] = vec3(3.0);
mcol3x2[index0] = vec2(4.0);
void read_dynamic_index_row()
float a0 = mrow[index0][index1];
float a1 = mrow2x2[index0][index1];
float a2 = mrow2x3[index0][index1];
float a3 = mrow3x2[index0][index1];
vec4 v0 = mrow[index0];
vec2 v1 = mrow2x2[index0];
vec3 v2 = mrow2x3[index0];
vec2 v3 = mrow3x2[index0];
void read_dynamic_index_col()
float a0 = mcol[index0][index1];
float a1 = mcol2x2[index0][index1];
float a2 = mcol2x3[index0][index1];
float a3 = mcol3x2[index0][index1];
vec4 v0 = mcol[index0];
vec2 v1 = mcol2x2[index0];
vec3 v2 = mcol2x3[index0];
vec2 v3 = mcol3x2[index0];
void main()

View File

@ -2230,15 +2230,21 @@ string CompilerHLSL::read_access_chain(const SPIRAccessChain &chain)
else if (type.columns == 1)
// Strided load since we are loading a column from a row-major matrix.
load_expr = type_to_glsl(target_type);
load_expr += "(";
if (type.vecsize > 1)
load_expr = type_to_glsl(target_type);
load_expr += "(";
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < type.vecsize; r++)
load_expr += join(chain.base, ".Load(", chain.dynamic_index, chain.static_index + r * chain.matrix_stride, ")");
if (r + 1 < type.vecsize)
load_expr += ", ";
load_expr += ")";
if (type.vecsize > 1)
load_expr += ")";
else if (!chain.row_major_matrix)
@ -2316,6 +2322,12 @@ void CompilerHLSL::emit_load(const Instruction &instruction)
auto load_expr = read_access_chain(*chain);
bool forward = should_forward(ptr) && forced_temporaries.find(id) == end(forced_temporaries);
// Do not forward complex load sequences like matrices, structs and arrays.
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
if (type.columns > 1 || !type.array.empty() || type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct)
forward = false;
auto &e = emit_op(result_type, id, load_expr, forward, true);
e.need_transpose = false;
register_read(id, ptr, forward);
@ -2372,7 +2384,13 @@ void CompilerHLSL::write_access_chain(const SPIRAccessChain &chain, uint32_t val
// Strided store.
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < type.vecsize; r++)
auto store_expr = join(to_enclosed_expression(value), ".", index_to_swizzle(r));
auto store_expr = to_enclosed_expression(value);
if (type.vecsize > 1)
store_expr += ".";
store_expr += index_to_swizzle(r);
auto bitcast_op = bitcast_glsl_op(target_type, type);
if (!bitcast_op.empty())
store_expr = join(bitcast_op, "(", store_expr, ")");