Handle nonuniformEXT qualifier for acceleration structures.

This commit is contained in:
Hans-Kristian Arntzen 2021-01-22 13:13:56 +01:00
parent 7ab3f3f74e
commit 4bedad3860
3 changed files with 136 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform accelerationStructureEXT as[];
layout(location = 0) rayPayloadEXT float payload;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0, rgba8) uniform writeonly image2D image;
void main()
vec4 col = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 origin = vec3(float(gl_LaunchIDEXT.x) / float(gl_LaunchSizeEXT.x), float(gl_LaunchIDEXT.y) / float(gl_LaunchSizeEXT.y), 1.0);
vec3 direction = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
uint _62 = gl_LaunchIDEXT.x;
traceRayEXT(as[nonuniformEXT(_62)], 0u, 255u, 0u, 1u, 0u, origin, 0.0, direction, 1000.0, 0);
col.y = payload;
imageStore(image, ivec2(gl_LaunchIDEXT.xy), col);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
; Version: 1.4
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 10
; Bound: 73
; Schema: 0
OpCapability RayTracingKHR
OpCapability ShaderNonUniform
OpCapability RuntimeDescriptorArray
OpExtension "SPV_EXT_descriptor_indexing"
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_ray_tracing"
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint RayGenerationNV %main "main" %gl_LaunchIDEXT %gl_LaunchSizeEXT %as %payload %image
OpSource GLSL 460
OpSourceExtension "GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier"
OpSourceExtension "GL_EXT_ray_tracing"
OpName %main "main"
OpName %col "col"
OpName %origin "origin"
OpName %gl_LaunchIDEXT "gl_LaunchIDEXT"
OpName %gl_LaunchSizeEXT "gl_LaunchSizeEXT"
OpName %direction "direction"
OpName %as "as"
OpName %payload "payload"
OpName %image "image"
OpDecorate %gl_LaunchIDEXT BuiltIn LaunchIdNV
OpDecorate %gl_LaunchSizeEXT BuiltIn LaunchSizeNV
OpDecorate %as DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %as Binding 1
OpDecorate %51 NonUniform
OpDecorate %payload Location 0
OpDecorate %image DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %image Binding 0
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
%12 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_1
%v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
%_ptr_Function_v3float = OpTypePointer Function %v3float
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3
%_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint
%gl_LaunchIDEXT = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input
%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
%_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint
%gl_LaunchSizeEXT = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input
%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
%float_n1 = OpConstant %float -1
%41 = OpConstantComposite %v3float %float_0 %float_0 %float_n1
%42 = OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR
%_runtimearr_42 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %42
%_ptr_UniformConstant__runtimearr_42 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_runtimearr_42
%as = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__runtimearr_42 UniformConstant
%_ptr_UniformConstant_42 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %42
%uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
%float_1000 = OpConstant %float 1000
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%_ptr_RayPayloadNV_float = OpTypePointer RayPayloadNV %float
%payload = OpVariable %_ptr_RayPayloadNV_float RayPayloadNV
%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
%63 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 2 Rgba8
%_ptr_UniformConstant_63 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %63
%image = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_63 UniformConstant
%v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
%col = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
%origin = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function
%direction = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function
OpStore %col %12
%22 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LaunchIDEXT %uint_0
%23 = OpLoad %uint %22
%24 = OpConvertUToF %float %23
%26 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LaunchSizeEXT %uint_0
%27 = OpLoad %uint %26
%28 = OpConvertUToF %float %27
%29 = OpFDiv %float %24 %28
%31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LaunchIDEXT %uint_1
%32 = OpLoad %uint %31
%33 = OpConvertUToF %float %32
%34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LaunchSizeEXT %uint_1
%35 = OpLoad %uint %34
%36 = OpConvertUToF %float %35
%37 = OpFDiv %float %33 %36
%38 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %29 %37 %float_1
OpStore %origin %38
OpStore %direction %41
%46 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LaunchIDEXT %uint_0
%47 = OpLoad %uint %46
%48 = OpCopyObject %uint %47
%50 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_42 %as %48
%51 = OpLoad %42 %50
%53 = OpLoad %v3float %origin
%54 = OpLoad %v3float %direction
OpTraceRayKHR %51 %uint_0 %uint_255 %uint_0 %uint_1 %uint_0 %53 %float_0 %54 %float_1000 %payload
%60 = OpLoad %float %payload
%62 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %col %uint_1
OpStore %62 %60
%66 = OpLoad %63 %image
%68 = OpLoad %v3uint %gl_LaunchIDEXT
%69 = OpVectorShuffle %v2uint %68 %68 0 1
%71 = OpBitcast %v2int %69
%72 = OpLoad %v4float %col
OpImageWrite %66 %71 %72

View File

@ -12264,6 +12264,8 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
case OpTraceNV:
if (has_decoration(ops[0], DecorationNonUniformEXT))
statement("traceNV(", to_expression(ops[0]), ", ", to_expression(ops[1]), ", ", to_expression(ops[2]), ", ",
to_expression(ops[3]), ", ", to_expression(ops[4]), ", ", to_expression(ops[5]), ", ",
to_expression(ops[6]), ", ", to_expression(ops[7]), ", ", to_expression(ops[8]), ", ",
@ -12273,6 +12275,8 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
case OpTraceRayKHR:
if (!has_decoration(ops[10], DecorationLocation))
SPIRV_CROSS_THROW("A memory declaration object must be used in TraceRayKHR.");
if (has_decoration(ops[0], DecorationNonUniformEXT))
statement("traceRayEXT(", to_expression(ops[0]), ", ", to_expression(ops[1]), ", ", to_expression(ops[2]), ", ",
to_expression(ops[3]), ", ", to_expression(ops[4]), ", ", to_expression(ops[5]), ", ",
to_expression(ops[6]), ", ", to_expression(ops[7]), ", ", to_expression(ops[8]), ", ",
@ -15057,7 +15061,7 @@ void CompilerGLSL::convert_non_uniform_expression(const SPIRType &type, std::str
// Handle SPV_EXT_descriptor_indexing.
if (type.basetype == SPIRType::Sampler || type.basetype == SPIRType::SampledImage ||
type.basetype == SPIRType::Image)
type.basetype == SPIRType::Image || type.basetype == SPIRType::AccelerationStructure)
// The image/sampler ID must be declared as non-uniform.
// However, it is not legal GLSL to have