// Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Khronos Group Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"), // to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the // Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. // // MODIFICATIONS TO THIS FILE MAY MEAN IT NO LONGER ACCURATELY REFLECTS KHRONOS // STANDARDS. THE UNMODIFIED, NORMATIVE VERSIONS OF KHRONOS SPECIFICATIONS AND // HEADER INFORMATION ARE LOCATED AT https://www.khronos.org/registry/ // // THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE MATERIALS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE MATERIALS. // This header is automatically generated by the same tool that creates // the Binary Section of the SPIR-V specification. // Enumeration tokens for SPIR-V, in various styles: // C, C++, C++11, JSON, Lua, Python, C#, D // // - C will have tokens with a "Spv" prefix, e.g.: SpvSourceLanguageGLSL // - C++ will have tokens in the "spv" name space, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguageGLSL // - C++11 will use enum classes in the spv namespace, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguage::GLSL // - Lua will use tables, e.g.: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL // - Python will use dictionaries, e.g.: spv['SourceLanguage']['GLSL'] // - C# will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace, // e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL // - D will have tokens under the "spv" module, e.g: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL // // Some tokens act like mask values, which can be OR'd together, // while others are mutually exclusive. The mask-like ones have // "Mask" in their name, and a parallel enum that has the shift // amount (1 << x) for each corresponding enumerant. #ifndef spirv_HPP #define spirv_HPP namespace spv { typedef unsigned int Id; #define SPV_VERSION 0x10500 #define SPV_REVISION 1 static const unsigned int MagicNumber = 0x07230203; static const unsigned int Version = 0x00010400; static const unsigned int Revision = 1; static const unsigned int OpCodeMask = 0xffff; static const unsigned int WordCountShift = 16; enum SourceLanguage { SourceLanguageUnknown = 0, SourceLanguageESSL = 1, SourceLanguageGLSL = 2, SourceLanguageOpenCL_C = 3, SourceLanguageOpenCL_CPP = 4, SourceLanguageHLSL = 5, SourceLanguageMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ExecutionModel { ExecutionModelVertex = 0, ExecutionModelTessellationControl = 1, ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation = 2, ExecutionModelGeometry = 3, ExecutionModelFragment = 4, ExecutionModelGLCompute = 5, ExecutionModelKernel = 6, ExecutionModelTaskNV = 5267, ExecutionModelMeshNV = 5268, ExecutionModelRayGenerationNV = 5313, ExecutionModelIntersectionNV = 5314, ExecutionModelAnyHitNV = 5315, ExecutionModelClosestHitNV = 5316, ExecutionModelMissNV = 5317, ExecutionModelCallableNV = 5318, ExecutionModelMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum AddressingModel { AddressingModelLogical = 0, AddressingModelPhysical32 = 1, AddressingModelPhysical64 = 2, AddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64 = 5348, AddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT = 5348, AddressingModelMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum MemoryModel { MemoryModelSimple = 0, MemoryModelGLSL450 = 1, MemoryModelOpenCL = 2, MemoryModelVulkan = 3, MemoryModelVulkanKHR = 3, MemoryModelMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ExecutionMode { ExecutionModeInvocations = 0, ExecutionModeSpacingEqual = 1, ExecutionModeSpacingFractionalEven = 2, ExecutionModeSpacingFractionalOdd = 3, ExecutionModeVertexOrderCw = 4, ExecutionModeVertexOrderCcw = 5, ExecutionModePixelCenterInteger = 6, ExecutionModeOriginUpperLeft = 7, ExecutionModeOriginLowerLeft = 8, ExecutionModeEarlyFragmentTests = 9, ExecutionModePointMode = 10, ExecutionModeXfb = 11, ExecutionModeDepthReplacing = 12, ExecutionModeDepthGreater = 14, ExecutionModeDepthLess = 15, ExecutionModeDepthUnchanged = 16, ExecutionModeLocalSize = 17, ExecutionModeLocalSizeHint = 18, ExecutionModeInputPoints = 19, ExecutionModeInputLines = 20, ExecutionModeInputLinesAdjacency = 21, ExecutionModeTriangles = 22, ExecutionModeInputTrianglesAdjacency = 23, ExecutionModeQuads = 24, ExecutionModeIsolines = 25, ExecutionModeOutputVertices = 26, ExecutionModeOutputPoints = 27, ExecutionModeOutputLineStrip = 28, ExecutionModeOutputTriangleStrip = 29, ExecutionModeVecTypeHint = 30, ExecutionModeContractionOff = 31, ExecutionModeInitializer = 33, ExecutionModeFinalizer = 34, ExecutionModeSubgroupSize = 35, ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroup = 36, ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroupId = 37, ExecutionModeLocalSizeId = 38, ExecutionModeLocalSizeHintId = 39, ExecutionModePostDepthCoverage = 4446, ExecutionModeDenormPreserve = 4459, ExecutionModeDenormFlushToZero = 4460, ExecutionModeSignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4461, ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTE = 4462, ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTZ = 4463, ExecutionModeStencilRefReplacingEXT = 5027, ExecutionModeOutputLinesNV = 5269, ExecutionModeOutputPrimitivesNV = 5270, ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5289, ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5290, ExecutionModeOutputTrianglesNV = 5298, ExecutionModePixelInterlockOrderedEXT = 5366, ExecutionModePixelInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5367, ExecutionModeSampleInterlockOrderedEXT = 5368, ExecutionModeSampleInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5369, ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockOrderedEXT = 5370, ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5371, ExecutionModeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum StorageClass { StorageClassUniformConstant = 0, StorageClassInput = 1, StorageClassUniform = 2, StorageClassOutput = 3, StorageClassWorkgroup = 4, StorageClassCrossWorkgroup = 5, StorageClassPrivate = 6, StorageClassFunction = 7, StorageClassGeneric = 8, StorageClassPushConstant = 9, StorageClassAtomicCounter = 10, StorageClassImage = 11, StorageClassStorageBuffer = 12, StorageClassCallableDataNV = 5328, StorageClassIncomingCallableDataNV = 5329, StorageClassRayPayloadNV = 5338, StorageClassHitAttributeNV = 5339, StorageClassIncomingRayPayloadNV = 5342, StorageClassShaderRecordBufferNV = 5343, StorageClassPhysicalStorageBuffer = 5349, StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT = 5349, StorageClassMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum Dim { Dim1D = 0, Dim2D = 1, Dim3D = 2, DimCube = 3, DimRect = 4, DimBuffer = 5, DimSubpassData = 6, DimMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum SamplerAddressingMode { SamplerAddressingModeNone = 0, SamplerAddressingModeClampToEdge = 1, SamplerAddressingModeClamp = 2, SamplerAddressingModeRepeat = 3, SamplerAddressingModeRepeatMirrored = 4, SamplerAddressingModeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum SamplerFilterMode { SamplerFilterModeNearest = 0, SamplerFilterModeLinear = 1, SamplerFilterModeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ImageFormat { ImageFormatUnknown = 0, ImageFormatRgba32f = 1, ImageFormatRgba16f = 2, ImageFormatR32f = 3, ImageFormatRgba8 = 4, ImageFormatRgba8Snorm = 5, ImageFormatRg32f = 6, ImageFormatRg16f = 7, ImageFormatR11fG11fB10f = 8, ImageFormatR16f = 9, ImageFormatRgba16 = 10, ImageFormatRgb10A2 = 11, ImageFormatRg16 = 12, ImageFormatRg8 = 13, ImageFormatR16 = 14, ImageFormatR8 = 15, ImageFormatRgba16Snorm = 16, ImageFormatRg16Snorm = 17, ImageFormatRg8Snorm = 18, ImageFormatR16Snorm = 19, ImageFormatR8Snorm = 20, ImageFormatRgba32i = 21, ImageFormatRgba16i = 22, ImageFormatRgba8i = 23, ImageFormatR32i = 24, ImageFormatRg32i = 25, ImageFormatRg16i = 26, ImageFormatRg8i = 27, ImageFormatR16i = 28, ImageFormatR8i = 29, ImageFormatRgba32ui = 30, ImageFormatRgba16ui = 31, ImageFormatRgba8ui = 32, ImageFormatR32ui = 33, ImageFormatRgb10a2ui = 34, ImageFormatRg32ui = 35, ImageFormatRg16ui = 36, ImageFormatRg8ui = 37, ImageFormatR16ui = 38, ImageFormatR8ui = 39, ImageFormatMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ImageChannelOrder { ImageChannelOrderR = 0, ImageChannelOrderA = 1, ImageChannelOrderRG = 2, ImageChannelOrderRA = 3, ImageChannelOrderRGB = 4, ImageChannelOrderRGBA = 5, ImageChannelOrderBGRA = 6, ImageChannelOrderARGB = 7, ImageChannelOrderIntensity = 8, ImageChannelOrderLuminance = 9, ImageChannelOrderRx = 10, ImageChannelOrderRGx = 11, ImageChannelOrderRGBx = 12, ImageChannelOrderDepth = 13, ImageChannelOrderDepthStencil = 14, ImageChannelOrdersRGB = 15, ImageChannelOrdersRGBx = 16, ImageChannelOrdersRGBA = 17, ImageChannelOrdersBGRA = 18, ImageChannelOrderABGR = 19, ImageChannelOrderMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ImageChannelDataType { ImageChannelDataTypeSnormInt8 = 0, ImageChannelDataTypeSnormInt16 = 1, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt8 = 2, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt16 = 3, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormShort565 = 4, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormShort555 = 5, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt101010 = 6, ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt8 = 7, ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt16 = 8, ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt32 = 9, ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt8 = 10, ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt16 = 11, ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt32 = 12, ImageChannelDataTypeHalfFloat = 13, ImageChannelDataTypeFloat = 14, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt24 = 15, ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt101010_2 = 16, ImageChannelDataTypeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ImageOperandsShift { ImageOperandsBiasShift = 0, ImageOperandsLodShift = 1, ImageOperandsGradShift = 2, ImageOperandsConstOffsetShift = 3, ImageOperandsOffsetShift = 4, ImageOperandsConstOffsetsShift = 5, ImageOperandsSampleShift = 6, ImageOperandsMinLodShift = 7, ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableShift = 8, ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableKHRShift = 8, ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleShift = 9, ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleKHRShift = 9, ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelShift = 10, ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelKHRShift = 10, ImageOperandsVolatileTexelShift = 11, ImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRShift = 11, ImageOperandsSignExtendShift = 12, ImageOperandsZeroExtendShift = 13, ImageOperandsMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum ImageOperandsMask { ImageOperandsMaskNone = 0, ImageOperandsBiasMask = 0x00000001, ImageOperandsLodMask = 0x00000002, ImageOperandsGradMask = 0x00000004, ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask = 0x00000008, ImageOperandsOffsetMask = 0x00000010, ImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask = 0x00000020, ImageOperandsSampleMask = 0x00000040, ImageOperandsMinLodMask = 0x00000080, ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableMask = 0x00000100, ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableKHRMask = 0x00000100, ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleMask = 0x00000200, ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleKHRMask = 0x00000200, ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelMask = 0x00000400, ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelKHRMask = 0x00000400, ImageOperandsVolatileTexelMask = 0x00000800, ImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRMask = 0x00000800, ImageOperandsSignExtendMask = 0x00001000, ImageOperandsZeroExtendMask = 0x00002000, }; enum FPFastMathModeShift { FPFastMathModeNotNaNShift = 0, FPFastMathModeNotInfShift = 1, FPFastMathModeNSZShift = 2, FPFastMathModeAllowRecipShift = 3, FPFastMathModeFastShift = 4, FPFastMathModeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum FPFastMathModeMask { FPFastMathModeMaskNone = 0, FPFastMathModeNotNaNMask = 0x00000001, FPFastMathModeNotInfMask = 0x00000002, FPFastMathModeNSZMask = 0x00000004, FPFastMathModeAllowRecipMask = 0x00000008, FPFastMathModeFastMask = 0x00000010, }; enum FPRoundingMode { FPRoundingModeRTE = 0, FPRoundingModeRTZ = 1, FPRoundingModeRTP = 2, FPRoundingModeRTN = 3, FPRoundingModeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum LinkageType { LinkageTypeExport = 0, LinkageTypeImport = 1, LinkageTypeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum AccessQualifier { AccessQualifierReadOnly = 0, AccessQualifierWriteOnly = 1, AccessQualifierReadWrite = 2, AccessQualifierMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum FunctionParameterAttribute { FunctionParameterAttributeZext = 0, FunctionParameterAttributeSext = 1, FunctionParameterAttributeByVal = 2, FunctionParameterAttributeSret = 3, FunctionParameterAttributeNoAlias = 4, FunctionParameterAttributeNoCapture = 5, FunctionParameterAttributeNoWrite = 6, FunctionParameterAttributeNoReadWrite = 7, FunctionParameterAttributeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum Decoration { DecorationRelaxedPrecision = 0, DecorationSpecId = 1, DecorationBlock = 2, DecorationBufferBlock = 3, DecorationRowMajor = 4, DecorationColMajor = 5, DecorationArrayStride = 6, DecorationMatrixStride = 7, DecorationGLSLShared = 8, DecorationGLSLPacked = 9, DecorationCPacked = 10, DecorationBuiltIn = 11, DecorationNoPerspective = 13, DecorationFlat = 14, DecorationPatch = 15, DecorationCentroid = 16, DecorationSample = 17, DecorationInvariant = 18, DecorationRestrict = 19, DecorationAliased = 20, DecorationVolatile = 21, DecorationConstant = 22, DecorationCoherent = 23, DecorationNonWritable = 24, DecorationNonReadable = 25, DecorationUniform = 26, DecorationUniformId = 27, DecorationSaturatedConversion = 28, DecorationStream = 29, DecorationLocation = 30, DecorationComponent = 31, DecorationIndex = 32, DecorationBinding = 33, DecorationDescriptorSet = 34, DecorationOffset = 35, DecorationXfbBuffer = 36, DecorationXfbStride = 37, DecorationFuncParamAttr = 38, DecorationFPRoundingMode = 39, DecorationFPFastMathMode = 40, DecorationLinkageAttributes = 41, DecorationNoContraction = 42, DecorationInputAttachmentIndex = 43, DecorationAlignment = 44, DecorationMaxByteOffset = 45, DecorationAlignmentId = 46, DecorationMaxByteOffsetId = 47, DecorationNoSignedWrap = 4469, DecorationNoUnsignedWrap = 4470, DecorationExplicitInterpAMD = 4999, DecorationOverrideCoverageNV = 5248, DecorationPassthroughNV = 5250, DecorationViewportRelativeNV = 5252, DecorationSecondaryViewportRelativeNV = 5256, DecorationPerPrimitiveNV = 5271, DecorationPerViewNV = 5272, DecorationPerTaskNV = 5273, DecorationPerVertexNV = 5285, DecorationNonUniform = 5300, DecorationNonUniformEXT = 5300, DecorationRestrictPointer = 5355, DecorationRestrictPointerEXT = 5355, DecorationAliasedPointer = 5356, DecorationAliasedPointerEXT = 5356, DecorationCounterBuffer = 5634, DecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE = 5634, DecorationHlslSemanticGOOGLE = 5635, DecorationUserSemantic = 5635, DecorationUserTypeGOOGLE = 5636, DecorationMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum BuiltIn { BuiltInPosition = 0, BuiltInPointSize = 1, BuiltInClipDistance = 3, BuiltInCullDistance = 4, BuiltInVertexId = 5, BuiltInInstanceId = 6, BuiltInPrimitiveId = 7, BuiltInInvocationId = 8, BuiltInLayer = 9, BuiltInViewportIndex = 10, BuiltInTessLevelOuter = 11, BuiltInTessLevelInner = 12, BuiltInTessCoord = 13, BuiltInPatchVertices = 14, BuiltInFragCoord = 15, BuiltInPointCoord = 16, BuiltInFrontFacing = 17, BuiltInSampleId = 18, BuiltInSamplePosition = 19, BuiltInSampleMask = 20, BuiltInFragDepth = 22, BuiltInHelperInvocation = 23, BuiltInNumWorkgroups = 24, BuiltInWorkgroupSize = 25, BuiltInWorkgroupId = 26, BuiltInLocalInvocationId = 27, BuiltInGlobalInvocationId = 28, BuiltInLocalInvocationIndex = 29, BuiltInWorkDim = 30, BuiltInGlobalSize = 31, BuiltInEnqueuedWorkgroupSize = 32, BuiltInGlobalOffset = 33, BuiltInGlobalLinearId = 34, BuiltInSubgroupSize = 36, BuiltInSubgroupMaxSize = 37, BuiltInNumSubgroups = 38, BuiltInNumEnqueuedSubgroups = 39, BuiltInSubgroupId = 40, BuiltInSubgroupLocalInvocationId = 41, BuiltInVertexIndex = 42, BuiltInInstanceIndex = 43, BuiltInSubgroupEqMask = 4416, BuiltInSubgroupEqMaskKHR = 4416, BuiltInSubgroupGeMask = 4417, BuiltInSubgroupGeMaskKHR = 4417, BuiltInSubgroupGtMask = 4418, BuiltInSubgroupGtMaskKHR = 4418, BuiltInSubgroupLeMask = 4419, BuiltInSubgroupLeMaskKHR = 4419, BuiltInSubgroupLtMask = 4420, BuiltInSubgroupLtMaskKHR = 4420, BuiltInBaseVertex = 4424, BuiltInBaseInstance = 4425, BuiltInDrawIndex = 4426, BuiltInDeviceIndex = 4438, BuiltInViewIndex = 4440, BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspAMD = 4992, BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspCentroidAMD = 4993, BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspSampleAMD = 4994, BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothAMD = 4995, BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothCentroidAMD = 4996, BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothSampleAMD = 4997, BuiltInBaryCoordPullModelAMD = 4998, BuiltInFragStencilRefEXT = 5014, BuiltInViewportMaskNV = 5253, BuiltInSecondaryPositionNV = 5257, BuiltInSecondaryViewportMaskNV = 5258, BuiltInPositionPerViewNV = 5261, BuiltInViewportMaskPerViewNV = 5262, BuiltInFullyCoveredEXT = 5264, BuiltInTaskCountNV = 5274, BuiltInPrimitiveCountNV = 5275, BuiltInPrimitiveIndicesNV = 5276, BuiltInClipDistancePerViewNV = 5277, BuiltInCullDistancePerViewNV = 5278, BuiltInLayerPerViewNV = 5279, BuiltInMeshViewCountNV = 5280, BuiltInMeshViewIndicesNV = 5281, BuiltInBaryCoordNV = 5286, BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspNV = 5287, BuiltInFragSizeEXT = 5292, BuiltInFragmentSizeNV = 5292, BuiltInFragInvocationCountEXT = 5293, BuiltInInvocationsPerPixelNV = 5293, BuiltInLaunchIdNV = 5319, BuiltInLaunchSizeNV = 5320, BuiltInWorldRayOriginNV = 5321, BuiltInWorldRayDirectionNV = 5322, BuiltInObjectRayOriginNV = 5323, BuiltInObjectRayDirectionNV = 5324, BuiltInRayTminNV = 5325, BuiltInRayTmaxNV = 5326, BuiltInInstanceCustomIndexNV = 5327, BuiltInObjectToWorldNV = 5330, BuiltInWorldToObjectNV = 5331, BuiltInHitTNV = 5332, BuiltInHitKindNV = 5333, BuiltInIncomingRayFlagsNV = 5351, BuiltInWarpsPerSMNV = 5374, BuiltInSMCountNV = 5375, BuiltInWarpIDNV = 5376, BuiltInSMIDNV = 5377, BuiltInMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum SelectionControlShift { SelectionControlFlattenShift = 0, SelectionControlDontFlattenShift = 1, SelectionControlMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum SelectionControlMask { SelectionControlMaskNone = 0, SelectionControlFlattenMask = 0x00000001, SelectionControlDontFlattenMask = 0x00000002, }; enum LoopControlShift { LoopControlUnrollShift = 0, LoopControlDontUnrollShift = 1, LoopControlDependencyInfiniteShift = 2, LoopControlDependencyLengthShift = 3, LoopControlMinIterationsShift = 4, LoopControlMaxIterationsShift = 5, LoopControlIterationMultipleShift = 6, LoopControlPeelCountShift = 7, LoopControlPartialCountShift = 8, LoopControlMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum LoopControlMask { LoopControlMaskNone = 0, LoopControlUnrollMask = 0x00000001, LoopControlDontUnrollMask = 0x00000002, LoopControlDependencyInfiniteMask = 0x00000004, LoopControlDependencyLengthMask = 0x00000008, LoopControlMinIterationsMask = 0x00000010, LoopControlMaxIterationsMask = 0x00000020, LoopControlIterationMultipleMask = 0x00000040, LoopControlPeelCountMask = 0x00000080, LoopControlPartialCountMask = 0x00000100, }; enum FunctionControlShift { FunctionControlInlineShift = 0, FunctionControlDontInlineShift = 1, FunctionControlPureShift = 2, FunctionControlConstShift = 3, FunctionControlMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum FunctionControlMask { FunctionControlMaskNone = 0, FunctionControlInlineMask = 0x00000001, FunctionControlDontInlineMask = 0x00000002, FunctionControlPureMask = 0x00000004, FunctionControlConstMask = 0x00000008, }; enum MemorySemanticsShift { MemorySemanticsAcquireShift = 1, MemorySemanticsReleaseShift = 2, MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseShift = 3, MemorySemanticsSequentiallyConsistentShift = 4, MemorySemanticsUniformMemoryShift = 6, MemorySemanticsSubgroupMemoryShift = 7, MemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryShift = 8, MemorySemanticsCrossWorkgroupMemoryShift = 9, MemorySemanticsAtomicCounterMemoryShift = 10, MemorySemanticsImageMemoryShift = 11, MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryShift = 12, MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryKHRShift = 12, MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableShift = 13, MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableKHRShift = 13, MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleShift = 14, MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleKHRShift = 14, MemorySemanticsVolatileShift = 15, MemorySemanticsMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum MemorySemanticsMask { MemorySemanticsMaskNone = 0, MemorySemanticsAcquireMask = 0x00000002, MemorySemanticsReleaseMask = 0x00000004, MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask = 0x00000008, MemorySemanticsSequentiallyConsistentMask = 0x00000010, MemorySemanticsUniformMemoryMask = 0x00000040, MemorySemanticsSubgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000080, MemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000100, MemorySemanticsCrossWorkgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000200, MemorySemanticsAtomicCounterMemoryMask = 0x00000400, MemorySemanticsImageMemoryMask = 0x00000800, MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryMask = 0x00001000, MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryKHRMask = 0x00001000, MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableMask = 0x00002000, MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableKHRMask = 0x00002000, MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleMask = 0x00004000, MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleKHRMask = 0x00004000, MemorySemanticsVolatileMask = 0x00008000, }; enum MemoryAccessShift { MemoryAccessVolatileShift = 0, MemoryAccessAlignedShift = 1, MemoryAccessNontemporalShift = 2, MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableShift = 3, MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableKHRShift = 3, MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleShift = 4, MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleKHRShift = 4, MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerShift = 5, MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerKHRShift = 5, MemoryAccessMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum MemoryAccessMask { MemoryAccessMaskNone = 0, MemoryAccessVolatileMask = 0x00000001, MemoryAccessAlignedMask = 0x00000002, MemoryAccessNontemporalMask = 0x00000004, MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableMask = 0x00000008, MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableKHRMask = 0x00000008, MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleMask = 0x00000010, MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleKHRMask = 0x00000010, MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerMask = 0x00000020, MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerKHRMask = 0x00000020, }; enum Scope { ScopeCrossDevice = 0, ScopeDevice = 1, ScopeWorkgroup = 2, ScopeSubgroup = 3, ScopeInvocation = 4, ScopeQueueFamily = 5, ScopeQueueFamilyKHR = 5, ScopeMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum GroupOperation { GroupOperationReduce = 0, GroupOperationInclusiveScan = 1, GroupOperationExclusiveScan = 2, GroupOperationClusteredReduce = 3, GroupOperationPartitionedReduceNV = 6, GroupOperationPartitionedInclusiveScanNV = 7, GroupOperationPartitionedExclusiveScanNV = 8, GroupOperationMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum KernelEnqueueFlags { KernelEnqueueFlagsNoWait = 0, KernelEnqueueFlagsWaitKernel = 1, KernelEnqueueFlagsWaitWorkGroup = 2, KernelEnqueueFlagsMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum KernelProfilingInfoShift { KernelProfilingInfoCmdExecTimeShift = 0, KernelProfilingInfoMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum KernelProfilingInfoMask { KernelProfilingInfoMaskNone = 0, KernelProfilingInfoCmdExecTimeMask = 0x00000001, }; enum Capability { CapabilityMatrix = 0, CapabilityShader = 1, CapabilityGeometry = 2, CapabilityTessellation = 3, CapabilityAddresses = 4, CapabilityLinkage = 5, CapabilityKernel = 6, CapabilityVector16 = 7, CapabilityFloat16Buffer = 8, CapabilityFloat16 = 9, CapabilityFloat64 = 10, CapabilityInt64 = 11, CapabilityInt64Atomics = 12, CapabilityImageBasic = 13, CapabilityImageReadWrite = 14, CapabilityImageMipmap = 15, CapabilityPipes = 17, CapabilityGroups = 18, CapabilityDeviceEnqueue = 19, CapabilityLiteralSampler = 20, CapabilityAtomicStorage = 21, CapabilityInt16 = 22, CapabilityTessellationPointSize = 23, CapabilityGeometryPointSize = 24, CapabilityImageGatherExtended = 25, CapabilityStorageImageMultisample = 27, CapabilityUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 28, CapabilitySampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 29, CapabilityStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 30, CapabilityStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 31, CapabilityClipDistance = 32, CapabilityCullDistance = 33, CapabilityImageCubeArray = 34, CapabilitySampleRateShading = 35, CapabilityImageRect = 36, CapabilitySampledRect = 37, CapabilityGenericPointer = 38, CapabilityInt8 = 39, CapabilityInputAttachment = 40, CapabilitySparseResidency = 41, CapabilityMinLod = 42, CapabilitySampled1D = 43, CapabilityImage1D = 44, CapabilitySampledCubeArray = 45, CapabilitySampledBuffer = 46, CapabilityImageBuffer = 47, CapabilityImageMSArray = 48, CapabilityStorageImageExtendedFormats = 49, CapabilityImageQuery = 50, CapabilityDerivativeControl = 51, CapabilityInterpolationFunction = 52, CapabilityTransformFeedback = 53, CapabilityGeometryStreams = 54, CapabilityStorageImageReadWithoutFormat = 55, CapabilityStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat = 56, CapabilityMultiViewport = 57, CapabilitySubgroupDispatch = 58, CapabilityNamedBarrier = 59, CapabilityPipeStorage = 60, CapabilityGroupNonUniform = 61, CapabilityGroupNonUniformVote = 62, CapabilityGroupNonUniformArithmetic = 63, CapabilityGroupNonUniformBallot = 64, CapabilityGroupNonUniformShuffle = 65, CapabilityGroupNonUniformShuffleRelative = 66, CapabilityGroupNonUniformClustered = 67, CapabilityGroupNonUniformQuad = 68, CapabilityShaderLayer = 69, CapabilityShaderViewportIndex = 70, CapabilitySubgroupBallotKHR = 4423, CapabilityDrawParameters = 4427, CapabilitySubgroupVoteKHR = 4431, CapabilityStorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4433, CapabilityStorageUniformBufferBlock16 = 4433, CapabilityStorageUniform16 = 4434, CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4434, CapabilityStoragePushConstant16 = 4435, CapabilityStorageInputOutput16 = 4436, CapabilityDeviceGroup = 4437, CapabilityMultiView = 4439, CapabilityVariablePointersStorageBuffer = 4441, CapabilityVariablePointers = 4442, CapabilityAtomicStorageOps = 4445, CapabilitySampleMaskPostDepthCoverage = 4447, CapabilityStorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4448, CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4449, CapabilityStoragePushConstant8 = 4450, CapabilityDenormPreserve = 4464, CapabilityDenormFlushToZero = 4465, CapabilitySignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4466, CapabilityRoundingModeRTE = 4467, CapabilityRoundingModeRTZ = 4468, CapabilityFloat16ImageAMD = 5008, CapabilityImageGatherBiasLodAMD = 5009, CapabilityFragmentMaskAMD = 5010, CapabilityStencilExportEXT = 5013, CapabilityImageReadWriteLodAMD = 5015, CapabilityShaderClockKHR = 5055, CapabilitySampleMaskOverrideCoverageNV = 5249, CapabilityGeometryShaderPassthroughNV = 5251, CapabilityShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT = 5254, CapabilityShaderViewportIndexLayerNV = 5254, CapabilityShaderViewportMaskNV = 5255, CapabilityShaderStereoViewNV = 5259, CapabilityPerViewAttributesNV = 5260, CapabilityFragmentFullyCoveredEXT = 5265, CapabilityMeshShadingNV = 5266, CapabilityImageFootprintNV = 5282, CapabilityFragmentBarycentricNV = 5284, CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5288, CapabilityFragmentDensityEXT = 5291, CapabilityShadingRateNV = 5291, CapabilityGroupNonUniformPartitionedNV = 5297, CapabilityShaderNonUniform = 5301, CapabilityShaderNonUniformEXT = 5301, CapabilityRuntimeDescriptorArray = 5302, CapabilityRuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT = 5302, CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = 5303, CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5303, CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5304, CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5304, CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5305, CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5305, CapabilityUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5306, CapabilityUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5306, CapabilitySampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5307, CapabilitySampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5307, CapabilityStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5308, CapabilityStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5308, CapabilityStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5309, CapabilityStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5309, CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5310, CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5310, CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5311, CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5311, CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5312, CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5312, CapabilityRayTracingNV = 5340, CapabilityVulkanMemoryModel = 5345, CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelKHR = 5345, CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope = 5346, CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelDeviceScopeKHR = 5346, CapabilityPhysicalStorageBufferAddresses = 5347, CapabilityPhysicalStorageBufferAddressesEXT = 5347, CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5350, CapabilityCooperativeMatrixNV = 5357, CapabilityFragmentShaderSampleInterlockEXT = 5363, CapabilityFragmentShaderShadingRateInterlockEXT = 5372, CapabilityShaderSMBuiltinsNV = 5373, CapabilityFragmentShaderPixelInterlockEXT = 5378, CapabilityDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5379, CapabilitySubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5568, CapabilitySubgroupBufferBlockIOINTEL = 5569, CapabilitySubgroupImageBlockIOINTEL = 5570, CapabilitySubgroupImageMediaBlockIOINTEL = 5579, CapabilityIntegerFunctions2INTEL = 5584, CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationINTEL = 5696, CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationIntraINTEL = 5697, CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationChromaINTEL = 5698, CapabilityMax = 0x7fffffff, }; enum Op { OpNop = 0, OpUndef = 1, OpSourceContinued = 2, OpSource = 3, OpSourceExtension = 4, OpName = 5, OpMemberName = 6, OpString = 7, OpLine = 8, OpExtension = 10, OpExtInstImport = 11, OpExtInst = 12, OpMemoryModel = 14, OpEntryPoint = 15, OpExecutionMode = 16, OpCapability = 17, OpTypeVoid = 19, OpTypeBool = 20, OpTypeInt = 21, OpTypeFloat = 22, OpTypeVector = 23, OpTypeMatrix = 24, OpTypeImage = 25, OpTypeSampler = 26, OpTypeSampledImage = 27, OpTypeArray = 28, OpTypeRuntimeArray = 29, OpTypeStruct = 30, OpTypeOpaque = 31, OpTypePointer = 32, OpTypeFunction = 33, OpTypeEvent = 34, OpTypeDeviceEvent = 35, OpTypeReserveId = 36, OpTypeQueue = 37, OpTypePipe = 38, OpTypeForwardPointer = 39, OpConstantTrue = 41, OpConstantFalse = 42, OpConstant = 43, OpConstantComposite = 44, OpConstantSampler = 45, OpConstantNull = 46, OpSpecConstantTrue = 48, OpSpecConstantFalse = 49, OpSpecConstant = 50, OpSpecConstantComposite = 51, OpSpecConstantOp = 52, OpFunction = 54, OpFunctionParameter = 55, OpFunctionEnd = 56, OpFunctionCall = 57, OpVariable = 59, OpImageTexelPointer = 60, OpLoad = 61, OpStore = 62, OpCopyMemory = 63, OpCopyMemorySized = 64, OpAccessChain = 65, OpInBoundsAccessChain = 66, OpPtrAccessChain = 67, OpArrayLength = 68, OpGenericPtrMemSemantics = 69, OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain = 70, OpDecorate = 71, OpMemberDecorate = 72, OpDecorationGroup = 73, OpGroupDecorate = 74, OpGroupMemberDecorate = 75, OpVectorExtractDynamic = 77, OpVectorInsertDynamic = 78, OpVectorShuffle = 79, OpCompositeConstruct = 80, OpCompositeExtract = 81, OpCompositeInsert = 82, OpCopyObject = 83, OpTranspose = 84, OpSampledImage = 86, OpImageSampleImplicitLod = 87, OpImageSampleExplicitLod = 88, OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod = 89, OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod = 90, OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod = 91, OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod = 92, OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 93, OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 94, OpImageFetch = 95, OpImageGather = 96, OpImageDrefGather = 97, OpImageRead = 98, OpImageWrite = 99, OpImage = 100, OpImageQueryFormat = 101, OpImageQueryOrder = 102, OpImageQuerySizeLod = 103, OpImageQuerySize = 104, OpImageQueryLod = 105, OpImageQueryLevels = 106, OpImageQuerySamples = 107, OpConvertFToU = 109, OpConvertFToS = 110, OpConvertSToF = 111, OpConvertUToF = 112, OpUConvert = 113, OpSConvert = 114, OpFConvert = 115, OpQuantizeToF16 = 116, OpConvertPtrToU = 117, OpSatConvertSToU = 118, OpSatConvertUToS = 119, OpConvertUToPtr = 120, OpPtrCastToGeneric = 121, OpGenericCastToPtr = 122, OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit = 123, OpBitcast = 124, OpSNegate = 126, OpFNegate = 127, OpIAdd = 128, OpFAdd = 129, OpISub = 130, OpFSub = 131, OpIMul = 132, OpFMul = 133, OpUDiv = 134, OpSDiv = 135, OpFDiv = 136, OpUMod = 137, OpSRem = 138, OpSMod = 139, OpFRem = 140, OpFMod = 141, OpVectorTimesScalar = 142, OpMatrixTimesScalar = 143, OpVectorTimesMatrix = 144, OpMatrixTimesVector = 145, OpMatrixTimesMatrix = 146, OpOuterProduct = 147, OpDot = 148, OpIAddCarry = 149, OpISubBorrow = 150, OpUMulExtended = 151, OpSMulExtended = 152, OpAny = 154, OpAll = 155, OpIsNan = 156, OpIsInf = 157, OpIsFinite = 158, OpIsNormal = 159, OpSignBitSet = 160, OpLessOrGreater = 161, OpOrdered = 162, OpUnordered = 163, OpLogicalEqual = 164, OpLogicalNotEqual = 165, OpLogicalOr = 166, OpLogicalAnd = 167, OpLogicalNot = 168, OpSelect = 169, OpIEqual = 170, OpINotEqual = 171, OpUGreaterThan = 172, OpSGreaterThan = 173, OpUGreaterThanEqual = 174, OpSGreaterThanEqual = 175, OpULessThan = 176, OpSLessThan = 177, OpULessThanEqual = 178, OpSLessThanEqual = 179, OpFOrdEqual = 180, OpFUnordEqual = 181, OpFOrdNotEqual = 182, OpFUnordNotEqual = 183, OpFOrdLessThan = 184, OpFUnordLessThan = 185, OpFOrdGreaterThan = 186, OpFUnordGreaterThan = 187, OpFOrdLessThanEqual = 188, OpFUnordLessThanEqual = 189, OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual = 190, OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual = 191, OpShiftRightLogical = 194, OpShiftRightArithmetic = 195, OpShiftLeftLogical = 196, OpBitwiseOr = 197, OpBitwiseXor = 198, OpBitwiseAnd = 199, OpNot = 200, OpBitFieldInsert = 201, OpBitFieldSExtract = 202, OpBitFieldUExtract = 203, OpBitReverse = 204, OpBitCount = 205, OpDPdx = 207, OpDPdy = 208, OpFwidth = 209, OpDPdxFine = 210, OpDPdyFine = 211, OpFwidthFine = 212, OpDPdxCoarse = 213, OpDPdyCoarse = 214, OpFwidthCoarse = 215, OpEmitVertex = 218, OpEndPrimitive = 219, OpEmitStreamVertex = 220, OpEndStreamPrimitive = 221, OpControlBarrier = 224, OpMemoryBarrier = 225, OpAtomicLoad = 227, OpAtomicStore = 228, OpAtomicExchange = 229, OpAtomicCompareExchange = 230, OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak = 231, OpAtomicIIncrement = 232, OpAtomicIDecrement = 233, OpAtomicIAdd = 234, OpAtomicISub = 235, OpAtomicSMin = 236, OpAtomicUMin = 237, OpAtomicSMax = 238, OpAtomicUMax = 239, OpAtomicAnd = 240, OpAtomicOr = 241, OpAtomicXor = 242, OpPhi = 245, OpLoopMerge = 246, OpSelectionMerge = 247, OpLabel = 248, OpBranch = 249, OpBranchConditional = 250, OpSwitch = 251, OpKill = 252, OpReturn = 253, OpReturnValue = 254, OpUnreachable = 255, OpLifetimeStart = 256, OpLifetimeStop = 257, OpGroupAsyncCopy = 259, OpGroupWaitEvents = 260, OpGroupAll = 261, OpGroupAny = 262, OpGroupBroadcast = 263, OpGroupIAdd = 264, OpGroupFAdd = 265, OpGroupFMin = 266, OpGroupUMin = 267, OpGroupSMin = 268, OpGroupFMax = 269, OpGroupUMax = 270, OpGroupSMax = 271, OpReadPipe = 274, OpWritePipe = 275, OpReservedReadPipe = 276, OpReservedWritePipe = 277, OpReserveReadPipePackets = 278, OpReserveWritePipePackets = 279, OpCommitReadPipe = 280, OpCommitWritePipe = 281, OpIsValidReserveId = 282, OpGetNumPipePackets = 283, OpGetMaxPipePackets = 284, OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets = 285, OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets = 286, OpGroupCommitReadPipe = 287, OpGroupCommitWritePipe = 288, OpEnqueueMarker = 291, OpEnqueueKernel = 292, OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount = 293, OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize = 294, OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize = 295, OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 296, OpRetainEvent = 297, OpReleaseEvent = 298, OpCreateUserEvent = 299, OpIsValidEvent = 300, OpSetUserEventStatus = 301, OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo = 302, OpGetDefaultQueue = 303, OpBuildNDRange = 304, OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod = 305, OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod = 306, OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod = 307, OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod = 308, OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod = 309, OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod = 310, OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 311, OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 312, OpImageSparseFetch = 313, OpImageSparseGather = 314, OpImageSparseDrefGather = 315, OpImageSparseTexelsResident = 316, OpNoLine = 317, OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet = 318, OpAtomicFlagClear = 319, OpImageSparseRead = 320, OpSizeOf = 321, OpTypePipeStorage = 322, OpConstantPipeStorage = 323, OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage = 324, OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount = 325, OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups = 326, OpTypeNamedBarrier = 327, OpNamedBarrierInitialize = 328, OpMemoryNamedBarrier = 329, OpModuleProcessed = 330, OpExecutionModeId = 331, OpDecorateId = 332, OpGroupNonUniformElect = 333, OpGroupNonUniformAll = 334, OpGroupNonUniformAny = 335, OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual = 336, OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast = 337, OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst = 338, OpGroupNonUniformBallot = 339, OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot = 340, OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract = 341, OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount = 342, OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB = 343, OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB = 344, OpGroupNonUniformShuffle = 345, OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor = 346, OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp = 347, OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown = 348, OpGroupNonUniformIAdd = 349, OpGroupNonUniformFAdd = 350, OpGroupNonUniformIMul = 351, OpGroupNonUniformFMul = 352, OpGroupNonUniformSMin = 353, OpGroupNonUniformUMin = 354, OpGroupNonUniformFMin = 355, OpGroupNonUniformSMax = 356, OpGroupNonUniformUMax = 357, OpGroupNonUniformFMax = 358, OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd = 359, OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr = 360, OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor = 361, OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd = 362, OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr = 363, OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor = 364, OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast = 365, OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap = 366, OpCopyLogical = 400, OpPtrEqual = 401, OpPtrNotEqual = 402, OpPtrDiff = 403, OpSubgroupBallotKHR = 4421, OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR = 4422, OpSubgroupAllKHR = 4428, OpSubgroupAnyKHR = 4429, OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR = 4430, OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR = 4432, OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD = 5000, OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD = 5001, OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD = 5002, OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD = 5003, OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD = 5004, OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD = 5005, OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD = 5006, OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD = 5007, OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD = 5011, OpFragmentFetchAMD = 5012, OpReadClockKHR = 5056, OpImageSampleFootprintNV = 5283, OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV = 5296, OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV = 5299, OpReportIntersectionNV = 5334, OpIgnoreIntersectionNV = 5335, OpTerminateRayNV = 5336, OpTraceNV = 5337, OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV = 5341, OpExecuteCallableNV = 5344, OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV = 5358, OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV = 5359, OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV = 5360, OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV = 5361, OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV = 5362, OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT = 5364, OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT = 5365, OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5380, OpIsHelperInvocationEXT = 5381, OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5571, OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL = 5572, OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL = 5573, OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL = 5574, OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL = 5575, OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL = 5576, OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL = 5577, OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL = 5578, OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL = 5580, OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL = 5581, OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL = 5585, OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL = 5586, OpAbsISubINTEL = 5587, OpAbsUSubINTEL = 5588, OpIAddSatINTEL = 5589, OpUAddSatINTEL = 5590, OpIAverageINTEL = 5591, OpUAverageINTEL = 5592, OpIAverageRoundedINTEL = 5593, OpUAverageRoundedINTEL = 5594, OpISubSatINTEL = 5595, OpUSubSatINTEL = 5596, OpIMul32x16INTEL = 5597, OpUMul32x16INTEL = 5598, OpDecorateString = 5632, OpDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5632, OpMemberDecorateString = 5633, OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5633, OpVmeImageINTEL = 5699, OpTypeVmeImageINTEL = 5700, OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL = 5701, OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL = 5702, OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL = 5703, OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL = 5704, OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL = 5705, OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL = 5706, OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5707, OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5708, OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5709, OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5710, OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL = 5711, OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL = 5712, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5713, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5714, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5715, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5716, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5717, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5718, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5719, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL = 5720, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5721, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5722, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5723, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL = 5724, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL = 5725, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL = 5726, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL = 5727, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL = 5728, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5729, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5730, OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5731, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL = 5732, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL = 5733, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL = 5734, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL = 5735, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL = 5736, OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL = 5737, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL = 5738, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL = 5739, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL = 5740, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL = 5741, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL = 5742, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL = 5743, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5744, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL = 5745, OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5746, OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL = 5747, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL = 5748, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL = 5749, OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL = 5750, OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL = 5751, OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5752, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5753, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5754, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL = 5755, OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL = 5756, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5757, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5758, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5759, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5760, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5761, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5762, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5763, OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5764, OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5765, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5766, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5767, OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5768, OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5769, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5770, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5771, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5772, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5773, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5774, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5775, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL = 5776, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL = 5777, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL = 5778, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL = 5779, OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL = 5780, OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL = 5781, OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL = 5782, OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5783, OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5784, OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5785, OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5786, OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5787, OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5788, OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5789, OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5790, OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL = 5791, OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL = 5792, OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL = 5793, OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL = 5794, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL = 5795, OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5796, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5797, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5798, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5799, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5800, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL = 5801, OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL = 5802, OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL = 5803, OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5804, OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5805, OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5806, OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5807, OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5808, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL = 5809, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL = 5810, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL = 5811, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL = 5812, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL = 5813, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL = 5814, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL = 5815, OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL = 5816, OpMax = 0x7fffffff, }; #ifdef SPV_ENABLE_UTILITY_CODE inline void HasResultAndType(Op opcode, bool *hasResult, bool *hasResultType) { *hasResult = *hasResultType = false; switch (opcode) { default: /* unknown opcode */ break; case OpNop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpUndef: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSourceContinued: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSource: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSourceExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpMemberName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpString: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExtInstImport: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExtInst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpMemoryModel: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEntryPoint: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExecutionMode: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCapability: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeVoid: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeBool: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeInt: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeFloat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeRuntimeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeStruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeOpaque: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypePointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeDeviceEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeForwardPointer: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConstantSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConstantNull: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSpecConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSpecConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSpecConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSpecConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSpecConstantOp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFunctionParameter: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFunctionEnd: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpFunctionCall: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpVariable: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageTexelPointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCopyMemory: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCopyMemorySized: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpInBoundsAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpArrayLength: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGenericPtrMemSemantics: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpDecorationGroup: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpVectorExtractDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpVectorInsertDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpVectorShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCompositeConstruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCompositeExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCompositeInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCopyObject: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpTranspose: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageWrite: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQueryFormat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQueryOrder: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQuerySizeLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQuerySize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQueryLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQueryLevels: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageQuerySamples: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertFToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertFToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertSToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertUToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpQuantizeToF16: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertPtrToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSatConvertSToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSatConvertUToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpConvertUToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPtrCastToGeneric: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGenericCastToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFSub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpVectorTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpMatrixTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpVectorTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpMatrixTimesVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpMatrixTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpOuterProduct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIAddCarry: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpISubBorrow: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIsNan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIsInf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIsFinite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIsNormal: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSignBitSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLessOrGreater: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpOrdered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUnordered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLogicalEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLogicalNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLogicalNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSelect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpINotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpULessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpULessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpShiftRightLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpShiftRightArithmetic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpShiftLeftLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitFieldInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitFieldSExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitFieldUExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitReverse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdx: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFwidth: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdxFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdyFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFwidthFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdxCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDPdyCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFwidthCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpEmitVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEndPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEmitStreamVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEndStreamPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpControlBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpMemoryBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpAtomicLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpAtomicExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicCompareExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicIIncrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicIDecrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPhi: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpLoopMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSelectionMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpLabel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpBranch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpBranchConditional: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSwitch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpKill: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpReturn: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpReturnValue: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpUnreachable: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpLifetimeStart: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpLifetimeStop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupAsyncCopy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupWaitEvents: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReservedReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReservedWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpIsValidReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetNumPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetMaxPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEnqueueMarker: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpEnqueueKernel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpRetainEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpReleaseEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCreateUserEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIsValidEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSetUserEventStatus: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGetDefaultQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBuildNDRange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSparseTexelsResident: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpNoLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAtomicFlagClear: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpImageSparseRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSizeOf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpTypePipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpConstantPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpTypeNamedBarrier: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpNamedBarrierInitialize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpMemoryNamedBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpModuleProcessed: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExecutionModeId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpDecorateId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpGroupNonUniformElect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCopyLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPtrEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPtrNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpPtrDiff: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupBallotKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAllKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAnyKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpFragmentFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpReadClockKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpImageSampleFootprintNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpReportIntersectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIgnoreIntersectionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTerminateRayNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTraceNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpExecuteCallableNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpIsHelperInvocationEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAbsISubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpAbsUSubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpISubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUSubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpIMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpUMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpMemberDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpTypeVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break; } } #endif /* SPV_ENABLE_UTILITY_CODE */ // Overload operator| for mask bit combining inline ImageOperandsMask operator|(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) { return ImageOperandsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline FPFastMathModeMask operator|(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) { return FPFastMathModeMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline SelectionControlMask operator|(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) { return SelectionControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline LoopControlMask operator|(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) { return LoopControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline FunctionControlMask operator|(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) { return FunctionControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline MemorySemanticsMask operator|(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) { return MemorySemanticsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline MemoryAccessMask operator|(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) { return MemoryAccessMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator|(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) { return KernelProfilingInfoMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); } } // end namespace spv #endif // #ifndef spirv_HPP