/* * Copyright 2015-2021 Arm Limited * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * At your option, you may choose to accept this material under either: * 1. The Apache License, Version 2.0, found at , or * 2. The MIT License, found at . */ #include "spirv_cpp.hpp" using namespace spv; using namespace SPIRV_CROSS_NAMESPACE; using namespace std; void CompilerCPP::emit_buffer_block(const SPIRVariable &var) { add_resource_name(var.self); auto &type = get(var.basetype); auto instance_name = to_name(var.self); uint32_t descriptor_set = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.set; uint32_t binding = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.binding; emit_block_struct(type); auto buffer_name = to_name(type.self); statement("internal::Resource<", buffer_name, type_to_array_glsl(type, var.self), "> ", instance_name, "__;"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name, "__.get()"); resource_registrations.push_back( join("s.register_resource(", instance_name, "__", ", ", descriptor_set, ", ", binding, ");")); statement(""); } void CompilerCPP::emit_interface_block(const SPIRVariable &var) { add_resource_name(var.self); auto &type = get(var.basetype); const char *qual = var.storage == StorageClassInput ? "StageInput" : "StageOutput"; const char *lowerqual = var.storage == StorageClassInput ? "stage_input" : "stage_output"; auto instance_name = to_name(var.self); uint32_t location = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.location; string buffer_name; auto flags = ir.meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags; if (flags.get(DecorationBlock)) { emit_block_struct(type); buffer_name = to_name(type.self); } else buffer_name = type_to_glsl(type); statement("internal::", qual, "<", buffer_name, type_to_array_glsl(type, var.self), "> ", instance_name, "__;"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name, "__.get()"); resource_registrations.push_back(join("s.register_", lowerqual, "(", instance_name, "__", ", ", location, ");")); statement(""); } void CompilerCPP::emit_shared(const SPIRVariable &var) { add_resource_name(var.self); auto instance_name = to_name(var.self); statement(CompilerGLSL::variable_decl(var), ";"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name); } void CompilerCPP::emit_uniform(const SPIRVariable &var) { add_resource_name(var.self); auto &type = get(var.basetype); auto instance_name = to_name(var.self); uint32_t descriptor_set = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.set; uint32_t binding = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.binding; uint32_t location = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.location; string type_name = type_to_glsl(type); remap_variable_type_name(type, instance_name, type_name); if (type.basetype == SPIRType::Image || type.basetype == SPIRType::SampledImage || type.basetype == SPIRType::AtomicCounter) { statement("internal::Resource<", type_name, type_to_array_glsl(type, var.self), "> ", instance_name, "__;"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name, "__.get()"); resource_registrations.push_back( join("s.register_resource(", instance_name, "__", ", ", descriptor_set, ", ", binding, ");")); } else { statement("internal::UniformConstant<", type_name, type_to_array_glsl(type, var.self), "> ", instance_name, "__;"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name, "__.get()"); resource_registrations.push_back( join("s.register_uniform_constant(", instance_name, "__", ", ", location, ");")); } statement(""); } void CompilerCPP::emit_push_constant_block(const SPIRVariable &var) { add_resource_name(var.self); auto &type = get(var.basetype); auto &flags = ir.meta[var.self].decoration.decoration_flags; if (flags.get(DecorationBinding) || flags.get(DecorationDescriptorSet)) SPIRV_CROSS_THROW("Push constant blocks cannot be compiled to GLSL with Binding or Set syntax. " "Remap to location with reflection API first or disable these decorations."); emit_block_struct(type); auto buffer_name = to_name(type.self); auto instance_name = to_name(var.self); statement("internal::PushConstant<", buffer_name, type_to_array_glsl(type, var.self), "> ", instance_name, ";"); statement_no_indent("#define ", instance_name, " __res->", instance_name, ".get()"); resource_registrations.push_back(join("s.register_push_constant(", instance_name, "__", ");")); statement(""); } void CompilerCPP::emit_block_struct(SPIRType &type) { // C++ can't do interface blocks, so we fake it by emitting a separate struct. // However, these structs are not allowed to alias anything, so remove it before // emitting the struct. // // The type we have here needs to be resolved to the non-pointer type so we can remove aliases. auto &self = get(type.self); self.type_alias = 0; emit_struct(self); } void CompilerCPP::emit_resources() { for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeConstant) { auto &c = id.get(); bool needs_declaration = c.specialization || c.is_used_as_lut; if (needs_declaration) { if (!options.vulkan_semantics && c.specialization) { c.specialization_constant_macro_name = constant_value_macro_name(get_decoration(c.self, DecorationSpecId)); } emit_constant(c); } } else if (id.get_type() == TypeConstantOp) { emit_specialization_constant_op(id.get()); } } // Output all basic struct types which are not Block or BufferBlock as these are declared inplace // when such variables are instantiated. for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeType) { auto &type = id.get(); if (type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct && type.array.empty() && !type.pointer && (!ir.meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags.get(DecorationBlock) && !ir.meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags.get(DecorationBufferBlock))) { emit_struct(type); } } } statement("struct Resources : ", resource_type); begin_scope(); // Output UBOs and SSBOs for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeVariable) { auto &var = id.get(); auto &type = get(var.basetype); if (var.storage != StorageClassFunction && type.pointer && type.storage == StorageClassUniform && !is_hidden_variable(var) && (ir.meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags.get(DecorationBlock) || ir.meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags.get(DecorationBufferBlock))) { emit_buffer_block(var); } } } // Output push constant blocks for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeVariable) { auto &var = id.get(); auto &type = get(var.basetype); if (!is_hidden_variable(var) && var.storage != StorageClassFunction && type.pointer && type.storage == StorageClassPushConstant) { emit_push_constant_block(var); } } } // Output in/out interfaces. for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeVariable) { auto &var = id.get(); auto &type = get(var.basetype); if (var.storage != StorageClassFunction && !is_hidden_variable(var) && type.pointer && (var.storage == StorageClassInput || var.storage == StorageClassOutput) && interface_variable_exists_in_entry_point(var.self)) { emit_interface_block(var); } } } // Output Uniform Constants (values, samplers, images, etc). for (auto &id : ir.ids) { if (id.get_type() == TypeVariable) { auto &var = id.get(); auto &type = get(var.basetype); if (var.storage != StorageClassFunction && !is_hidden_variable(var) && type.pointer && (type.storage == StorageClassUniformConstant || type.storage == StorageClassAtomicCounter)) { emit_uniform(var); } } } // Global variables. bool emitted = false; for (auto global : global_variables) { auto &var = get(global); if (var.storage == StorageClassWorkgroup) { emit_shared(var); emitted = true; } } if (emitted) statement(""); statement("inline void init(spirv_cross_shader& s)"); begin_scope(); statement(resource_type, "::init(s);"); for (auto ® : resource_registrations) statement(reg); end_scope(); resource_registrations.clear(); end_scope_decl(); statement(""); statement("Resources* __res;"); if (get_entry_point().model == ExecutionModelGLCompute) statement("ComputePrivateResources __priv_res;"); statement(""); // Emit regular globals which are allocated per invocation. emitted = false; for (auto global : global_variables) { auto &var = get(global); if (var.storage == StorageClassPrivate) { if (var.storage == StorageClassWorkgroup) emit_shared(var); else statement(CompilerGLSL::variable_decl(var), ";"); emitted = true; } } if (emitted) statement(""); } string CompilerCPP::compile() { ir.fixup_reserved_names(); // Do not deal with ES-isms like precision, older extensions and such. options.es = false; options.version = 450; backend.float_literal_suffix = true; backend.double_literal_suffix = false; backend.long_long_literal_suffix = true; backend.uint32_t_literal_suffix = true; backend.basic_int_type = "int32_t"; backend.basic_uint_type = "uint32_t"; backend.swizzle_is_function = true; backend.shared_is_implied = true; backend.unsized_array_supported = false; backend.explicit_struct_type = true; backend.use_initializer_list = true; fixup_type_alias(); reorder_type_alias(); build_function_control_flow_graphs_and_analyze(); update_active_builtins(); uint32_t pass_count = 0; do { resource_registrations.clear(); reset(pass_count); // Move constructor for this type is broken on GCC 4.9 ... buffer.reset(); emit_header(); emit_resources(); emit_function(get(ir.default_entry_point), Bitset()); pass_count++; } while (is_forcing_recompilation()); // Match opening scope of emit_header(). end_scope_decl(); // namespace end_scope(); // Emit C entry points emit_c_linkage(); // Entry point in CPP is always main() for the time being. get_entry_point().name = "main"; return buffer.str(); } void CompilerCPP::emit_c_linkage() { statement(""); statement("spirv_cross_shader_t *spirv_cross_construct(void)"); begin_scope(); statement("return new ", impl_type, "();"); end_scope(); statement(""); statement("void spirv_cross_destruct(spirv_cross_shader_t *shader)"); begin_scope(); statement("delete static_cast<", impl_type, "*>(shader);"); end_scope(); statement(""); statement("void spirv_cross_invoke(spirv_cross_shader_t *shader)"); begin_scope(); statement("static_cast<", impl_type, "*>(shader)->invoke();"); end_scope(); statement(""); statement("static const struct spirv_cross_interface vtable ="); begin_scope(); statement("spirv_cross_construct,"); statement("spirv_cross_destruct,"); statement("spirv_cross_invoke,"); end_scope_decl(); statement(""); statement("const struct spirv_cross_interface *", interface_name.empty() ? string("spirv_cross_get_interface") : interface_name, "(void)"); begin_scope(); statement("return &vtable;"); end_scope(); } void CompilerCPP::emit_function_prototype(SPIRFunction &func, const Bitset &) { if (func.self != ir.default_entry_point) add_function_overload(func); local_variable_names = resource_names; string decl; auto &type = get(func.return_type); decl += "inline "; decl += type_to_glsl(type); decl += " "; if (func.self == ir.default_entry_point) { decl += "main"; processing_entry_point = true; } else decl += to_name(func.self); decl += "("; for (auto &arg : func.arguments) { add_local_variable_name(arg.id); decl += argument_decl(arg); if (&arg != &func.arguments.back()) decl += ", "; // Hold a pointer to the parameter so we can invalidate the readonly field if needed. auto *var = maybe_get(arg.id); if (var) var->parameter = &arg; } decl += ")"; statement(decl); } string CompilerCPP::argument_decl(const SPIRFunction::Parameter &arg) { auto &type = expression_type(arg.id); bool constref = !type.pointer || arg.write_count == 0; auto &var = get(arg.id); string base = type_to_glsl(type); string variable_name = to_name(var.self); remap_variable_type_name(type, variable_name, base); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.array.size(); i++) base = join("std::array<", base, ", ", to_array_size(type, i), ">"); return join(constref ? "const " : "", base, " &", variable_name); } string CompilerCPP::variable_decl(const SPIRType &type, const string &name, uint32_t /* id */) { string base = type_to_glsl(type); remap_variable_type_name(type, name, base); bool runtime = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.array.size(); i++) { auto &array = type.array[i]; if (!array && type.array_size_literal[i]) { // Avoid using runtime arrays with std::array since this is undefined. // Runtime arrays cannot be passed around as values, so this is fine. runtime = true; } else base = join("std::array<", base, ", ", to_array_size(type, i), ">"); } base += ' '; return base + name + (runtime ? "[1]" : ""); } void CompilerCPP::emit_header() { auto &execution = get_entry_point(); statement("// This C++ shader is autogenerated by spirv-cross."); statement("#include \"spirv_cross/internal_interface.hpp\""); statement("#include \"spirv_cross/external_interface.h\""); // Needed to properly implement GLSL-style arrays. statement("#include "); statement("#include "); statement(""); statement("using namespace spirv_cross;"); statement("using namespace glm;"); statement(""); statement("namespace Impl"); begin_scope(); switch (execution.model) { case ExecutionModelGeometry: case ExecutionModelTessellationControl: case ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation: case ExecutionModelGLCompute: case ExecutionModelFragment: case ExecutionModelVertex: statement("struct Shader"); begin_scope(); break; default: SPIRV_CROSS_THROW("Unsupported execution model."); } switch (execution.model) { case ExecutionModelGeometry: impl_type = "GeometryShader"; resource_type = "GeometryResources"; break; case ExecutionModelVertex: impl_type = "VertexShader"; resource_type = "VertexResources"; break; case ExecutionModelFragment: impl_type = "FragmentShader"; resource_type = "FragmentResources"; break; case ExecutionModelGLCompute: impl_type = join("ComputeShader"); resource_type = "ComputeResources"; break; case ExecutionModelTessellationControl: impl_type = "TessControlShader"; resource_type = "TessControlResources"; break; case ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation: impl_type = "TessEvaluationShader"; resource_type = "TessEvaluationResources"; break; default: SPIRV_CROSS_THROW("Unsupported execution model."); } }