This avoids a lot of huge code changes. Arrays generally cannot be copied in and out of buffers, at least no compiler frontend seems to do it. Also avoids a lot of issues surrounding packed vectors and matrices.
122 lines
3.7 KiB
122 lines
3.7 KiB
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include <metal_atomic>
using namespace metal;
template<typename T, size_t Num>
struct spvUnsafeArray
T elements[Num ? Num : 1];
thread T& operator [] (size_t pos) thread
return elements[pos];
constexpr const thread T& operator [] (size_t pos) const thread
return elements[pos];
device T& operator [] (size_t pos) device
return elements[pos];
constexpr const device T& operator [] (size_t pos) const device
return elements[pos];
constexpr const constant T& operator [] (size_t pos) const constant
return elements[pos];
threadgroup T& operator [] (size_t pos) threadgroup
return elements[pos];
constexpr const threadgroup T& operator [] (size_t pos) const threadgroup
return elements[pos];
struct type_StructuredBuffer_v4float
float4 _m0[1];
struct type_Globals
uint2 ShadowTileListGroupSize;
constant float3 _70 = {};
struct main0_out
float4 out_var_SV_Target0 [[color(0)]];
struct main0_in
uint in_var_TEXCOORD0 [[user(locn0)]];
fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], const device type_StructuredBuffer_v4float& CulledObjectBoxBounds [[buffer(0)]], constant type_Globals& _Globals [[buffer(1)]], texture2d<uint> RWShadowTileNumCulledObjects [[texture(2)]], device atomic_uint* RWShadowTileNumCulledObjects_atomic [[buffer(2)]], float4 gl_FragCoord [[position]])
main0_out out = {};
uint2 _77 = uint2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
uint _78 = _77.y;
uint _83 = _77.x;
float2 _91 = float2(float(_83), float((_Globals.ShadowTileListGroupSize.y - 1u) - _78));
float2 _93 = float2(_Globals.ShadowTileListGroupSize);
float2 _96 = ((_91 / _93) * float2(2.0)) - float2(1.0);
float2 _100 = (((_91 + float2(1.0)) / _93) * float2(2.0)) - float2(1.0);
float3 _102 = float3(_100.x, _100.y, _70.z);
_102.z = 1.0;
uint _103 = in.in_var_TEXCOORD0 * 5u;
uint _107 = _103 + 1u;
if (all(CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_107].xy > _96.xy) && all(CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_103].xyz < _102))
float _122 = _96.x;
float _123 = _96.y;
spvUnsafeArray<float3, 8> _73;
_73[0] = float3(_122, _123, -1000.0);
float _126 = _100.x;
_73[1] = float3(_126, _123, -1000.0);
float _129 = _100.y;
_73[2] = float3(_122, _129, -1000.0);
_73[3] = float3(_126, _129, -1000.0);
_73[4] = float3(_122, _123, 1.0);
_73[5] = float3(_126, _123, 1.0);
_73[6] = float3(_122, _129, 1.0);
_73[7] = float3(_126, _129, 1.0);
float3 _155;
float3 _158;
_155 = float3(-500000.0);
_158 = float3(500000.0);
for (int _160 = 0; _160 < 8; )
float3 _166 = _73[_160] - (float3(0.5) * (CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_103].xyz + CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_107].xyz));
float3 _170 = float3(dot(_166, CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_103 + 2u].xyz), dot(_166, CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_103 + 3u].xyz), dot(_166, CulledObjectBoxBounds._m0[_103 + 4u].xyz));
_155 = fast::max(_155, _170);
_158 = fast::min(_158, _170);
if (all(_158 < float3(1.0)) && all(_155 > float3(-1.0)))
uint _179 = atomic_fetch_add_explicit((device atomic_uint*)&RWShadowTileNumCulledObjects_atomic[(_78 * _Globals.ShadowTileListGroupSize.x) + _83], 1u, memory_order_relaxed);
out.out_var_SV_Target0 = float4(0.0);
return out;