Hans-Kristian Arntzen 18bcc9b790 Do not disable temporary forwarding when we suppress usage tracking.
This subtle bug removed any expression validation for trivially swizzled
variables. Make usage suppression a more explicit concept rather than
just hacking off forwarded_temporaries.

There is some fallout here with loop generation since our expression
invalidation is currently a bit too naive to handle loops properly.
The forwarding bug masked this problem until now.

If part of the loop condition is also used in the body, we end up
reading an invalid expression, which in turn forces a temporary to be
generated in the condition block, not good. We'll need to be smarter
here ...
2019-07-23 19:18:44 +02:00

230 lines
8.4 KiB

#version 450
struct VertexOutput
vec4 HPosition;
vec4 Uv_EdgeDistance1;
vec4 UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
vec4 Color;
vec4 LightPosition_Fog;
vec4 View_Depth;
vec4 Normal_SpecPower;
vec3 Tangent;
vec4 PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
float studIndex;
struct Surface
vec3 albedo;
vec3 normal;
float specular;
float gloss;
float reflectance;
float opacity;
struct SurfaceInput
vec4 Color;
vec2 Uv;
vec2 UvStuds;
struct Globals
mat4 ViewProjection;
vec4 ViewRight;
vec4 ViewUp;
vec4 ViewDir;
vec3 CameraPosition;
vec3 AmbientColor;
vec3 Lamp0Color;
vec3 Lamp0Dir;
vec3 Lamp1Color;
vec4 FogParams;
vec3 FogColor;
vec4 LightBorder;
vec4 LightConfig0;
vec4 LightConfig1;
vec4 LightConfig2;
vec4 LightConfig3;
vec4 RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor;
vec4 OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo;
vec4 ShadowMatrix0;
vec4 ShadowMatrix1;
vec4 ShadowMatrix2;
struct Params
vec4 LqmatFarTilingFactor;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform CB0
Globals CB0;
} _19;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalDetailMapTextureNormalDetailMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedStudsMapTextureStudsMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler;
uniform sampler3D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedLightMapTextureLightMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedShadowMapTextureShadowMapSampler;
uniform samplerCube SPIRV_Cross_CombinedEnvironmentMapTextureEnvironmentMapSampler;
layout(location = 0) in vec4 IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 IN_Color;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 IN_LightPosition_Fog;
layout(location = 4) in vec4 IN_View_Depth;
layout(location = 5) in vec4 IN_Normal_SpecPower;
layout(location = 6) in vec3 IN_Tangent;
layout(location = 7) in vec4 IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
layout(location = 8) in float IN_studIndex;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
VertexOutput _121;
SurfaceInput _122;
vec2 _123;
vec4 _124;
Surface _125;
vec4 _192;
vec4 _219;
vec4 _297;
void main()
VertexOutput _128 = _121;
_128.HPosition = gl_FragCoord;
VertexOutput _130 = _128;
_130.Uv_EdgeDistance1 = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1;
VertexOutput _132 = _130;
_132.UvStuds_EdgeDistance2 = IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
VertexOutput _134 = _132;
_134.Color = IN_Color;
VertexOutput _136 = _134;
_136.LightPosition_Fog = IN_LightPosition_Fog;
VertexOutput _138 = _136;
_138.View_Depth = IN_View_Depth;
VertexOutput _140 = _138;
_140.Normal_SpecPower = IN_Normal_SpecPower;
VertexOutput _142 = _140;
_142.Tangent = IN_Tangent;
VertexOutput _144 = _142;
_144.PosLightSpace_Reflectance = IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
VertexOutput _146 = _144;
_146.studIndex = IN_studIndex;
SurfaceInput _147 = _122;
_147.Color = IN_Color;
SurfaceInput _149 = _147;
_149.Uv = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy;
SurfaceInput _151 = _149;
_151.UvStuds = IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.xy;
SurfaceInput _156 = _151;
_156.UvStuds.y = (fract(_151.UvStuds.y) + IN_studIndex) * 0.25;
float _163 = _146.View_Depth.w * _19.CB0.RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor.y;
float _165 = clamp(1.0 - _163, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 _166 = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy * 1.0;
bool _173;
vec4 _193;
_173 = 0.0 == 0.0;
if (_173)
_193 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166);
float _180 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_193 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((clamp(1.0 - (_146.View_Depth.w * 0.00333332992158830165863037109375), 0.0, 1.0) * _180) - (0.0 * _180), 0.0, 1.0)));
_193 = _192;
} while (false);
vec4 _194 = _193 * 1.0;
vec4 _220;
if (_173)
_220 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166);
float _207 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_220 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((_165 * _207) - (0.0 * _207), 0.0, 1.0)));
_220 = _219;
} while (false);
vec2 _221 = _220.wy;
vec2 _223 = vec2(1.0);
vec2 _224 = (_221 * 2.0) - _223;
vec3 _232 = vec3(_224, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_224, _224), 0.0, 1.0)));
vec2 _240 = (texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalDetailMapTextureNormalDetailMapSampler, _166 * 0.0).wy * 2.0) - _223;
vec2 _252 = _232.xy + (vec3(_240, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_240, _240), 0.0, 1.0))).xy * 0.0);
vec3 _253 = vec3(_252.x, _252.y, _232.z);
vec2 _255 = _253.xy * _165;
vec3 _256 = vec3(_255.x, _255.y, _253.z);
vec3 _271 = ((IN_Color.xyz * _194.xyz) * (1.0 + (_256.x * 0.300000011920928955078125))) * (texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedStudsMapTextureStudsMapSampler, _156.UvStuds).x * 2.0);
vec4 _298;
if (0.75 == 0.0)
_298 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166);
float _285 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.75);
_298 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((_165 * _285) - (0.75 * _285), 0.0, 1.0)));
_298 = _297;
} while (false);
vec2 _303 = mix(vec2(0.800000011920928955078125, 120.0), (_298.xy * vec2(2.0, 256.0)) + vec2(0.0, 0.00999999977648258209228515625), vec2(_165));
Surface _304 = _125;
_304.albedo = _271;
Surface _305 = _304;
_305.normal = _256;
float _306 = _303.x;
Surface _307 = _305;
_307.specular = _306;
float _308 = _303.y;
Surface _309 = _307;
_309.gloss = _308;
float _312 = (_298.xy.y * _165) * 0.0;
Surface _313 = _309;
_313.reflectance = _312;
vec4 _318 = vec4(_271, _146.Color.w);
vec3 _329 = normalize(((IN_Tangent * _313.normal.x) + (cross(IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz, IN_Tangent) * _313.normal.y)) + (IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz * _313.normal.z));
vec3 _332 = -_19.CB0.Lamp0Dir;
float _333 = dot(_329, _332);
float _357 = clamp(dot(step(_19.CB0.LightConfig3.xyz, abs(IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz - _19.CB0.LightConfig2.xyz)), vec3(1.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 _368 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedLightMapTextureLightMapSampler, IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx - (IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx * _357)), _19.CB0.LightBorder, vec4(_357));
vec2 _376 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedShadowMapTextureShadowMapSampler, IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.xy).xy;
float _392 = (1.0 - (((step(_376.x, IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z) * clamp(9.0 - (20.0 * abs(IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z - 0.5)), 0.0, 1.0)) * _376.y) * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.w)) * _368.w;
vec3 _403 = mix(_318.xyz, texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedEnvironmentMapTextureEnvironmentMapSampler, reflect(-IN_View_Depth.xyz, _329)).xyz, vec3(_312));
vec4 _404 = vec4(_403.x, _403.y, _403.z, _318.w);
vec3 _422 = (((_19.CB0.AmbientColor + (((_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * clamp(_333, 0.0, 1.0)) + (_19.CB0.Lamp1Color * max(-_333, 0.0))) * _392)) + _368.xyz) * _404.xyz) + (_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * (((step(0.0, _333) * _306) * _392) * pow(clamp(dot(_329, normalize(_332 + normalize(IN_View_Depth.xyz))), 0.0, 1.0), _308)));
vec4 _425 = vec4(_422.x, _422.y, _422.z, _124.w);
_425.w = _404.w;
vec2 _435 = min(IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.wz, IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.wz);
float _439 = min(_435.x, _435.y) / _163;
vec3 _445 = _425.xyz * clamp((clamp((_163 * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.x) + _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.y, 0.0, 1.0) * (1.5 - _439)) + _439, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 _446 = vec4(_445.x, _445.y, _445.z, _425.w);
vec3 _453 = mix(_19.CB0.FogColor, _446.xyz, vec3(clamp(_146.LightPosition_Fog.w, 0.0, 1.0)));
_entryPointOutput = vec4(_453.x, _453.y, _453.z, _446.w);