Hans-Kristian Arntzen 36a0b63f28 Fix various corner cases with expression dependencies.
There was a potential problem if variables were invalidated and SPIR-V
read expressions which depended on other expression which in turn depended on the
invalidated variable.

Also fixes issue where variables were considered immutable if they were
forwardable. This allowed some incorrect optimizations to slip through.
2016-07-12 14:50:23 +02:00

2043 lines
50 KiB

* Copyright 2015-2016 ARM Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "spirv_cross.hpp"
#include "GLSL.std.450.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace spv;
using namespace spirv_cross;
#define log(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
Instruction::Instruction(const vector<uint32_t> &spirv, uint32_t &index)
op = spirv[index] & 0xffff;
count = (spirv[index] >> 16) & 0xffff;
if (count == 0)
throw CompilerError("SPIR-V instructions cannot consume 0 words. Invalid SPIR-V file.");
offset = index + 1;
length = count - 1;
index += count;
if (index > spirv.size())
throw CompilerError("SPIR-V instruction goes out of bounds.");
Compiler::Compiler(vector<uint32_t> ir)
: spirv(move(ir))
string Compiler::compile()
return "";
bool Compiler::variable_storage_is_aliased(const SPIRVariable &v)
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(v.basetype);
bool ssbo = (meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationBufferBlock)) != 0;
bool image = type.basetype == SPIRType::Image;
bool counter = type.basetype == SPIRType::AtomicCounter;
bool restrict = (meta[v.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationRestrict)) != 0;
return !restrict && (ssbo || image || counter);
bool Compiler::block_is_pure(const SPIRBlock &block)
for (auto &i : block.ops)
auto ops = stream(i);
auto op = static_cast<Op>(i.op);
switch (op)
case OpFunctionCall:
uint32_t func = ops[2];
if (!function_is_pure(get<SPIRFunction>(func)))
return false;
case OpStore:
auto &type = expression_type(ops[0]);
if (type.storage != StorageClassFunction)
return false;
case OpImageWrite:
return false;
// Atomics are impure.
case OpAtomicLoad:
case OpAtomicStore:
case OpAtomicExchange:
case OpAtomicCompareExchange:
case OpAtomicIIncrement:
case OpAtomicIDecrement:
case OpAtomicIAdd:
case OpAtomicISub:
case OpAtomicSMin:
case OpAtomicUMin:
case OpAtomicSMax:
case OpAtomicUMax:
case OpAtomicAnd:
case OpAtomicOr:
case OpAtomicXor:
return false;
// Geometry shader builtins modify global state.
case OpEndPrimitive:
case OpEmitStreamVertex:
case OpEndStreamPrimitive:
case OpEmitVertex:
return false;
// Barriers disallow any reordering, so we should treat blocks with barrier as writing.
case OpControlBarrier:
case OpMemoryBarrier:
return false;
// OpExtInst is potentially impure depending on extension, but GLSL builtins are at least pure.
return true;
string Compiler::to_name(uint32_t id, bool allow_alias)
if (allow_alias && ids.at(id).get_type() == TypeType)
// If this type is a simple alias, emit the
// name of the original type instead.
// We don't want to override the meta alias
// as that can be overridden by the reflection APIs after parse.
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(id);
if (type.type_alias)
return to_name(type.type_alias);
if (meta[id].decoration.alias.empty())
return join("_", id);
return meta.at(id).decoration.alias;
bool Compiler::function_is_pure(const SPIRFunction &func)
for (auto block : func.blocks)
if (!block_is_pure(get<SPIRBlock>(block)))
//fprintf(stderr, "Function %s is impure!\n", to_name(func.self).c_str());
return false;
//fprintf(stderr, "Function %s is pure!\n", to_name(func.self).c_str());
return true;
void Compiler::register_global_read_dependencies(const SPIRBlock &block, uint32_t id)
for (auto &i : block.ops)
auto ops = stream(i);
auto op = static_cast<Op>(i.op);
switch (op)
case OpFunctionCall:
uint32_t func = ops[2];
register_global_read_dependencies(get<SPIRFunction>(func), id);
case OpLoad:
case OpImageRead:
// If we're in a storage class which does not get invalidated, adding dependencies here is no big deal.
auto *var = maybe_get_backing_variable(ops[2]);
if (var && var->storage != StorageClassFunction)
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(var->basetype);
// InputTargets are immutable.
if (type.basetype != SPIRType::Image && type.image.dim != DimSubpassData)
void Compiler::register_global_read_dependencies(const SPIRFunction &func, uint32_t id)
for (auto block : func.blocks)
register_global_read_dependencies(get<SPIRBlock>(block), id);
SPIRVariable *Compiler::maybe_get_backing_variable(uint32_t chain)
auto *var = maybe_get<SPIRVariable>(chain);
if (!var)
auto *cexpr = maybe_get<SPIRExpression>(chain);
if (cexpr)
var = maybe_get<SPIRVariable>(cexpr->loaded_from);
return var;
void Compiler::register_read(uint32_t expr, uint32_t chain, bool forwarded)
auto &e = get<SPIRExpression>(expr);
auto *var = maybe_get_backing_variable(chain);
if (var)
e.loaded_from = var->self;
// If the backing variable is immutable, we do not need to depend on the variable.
if (forwarded && !is_immutable(var->self))
// If we load from a parameter, make sure we create "inout" if we also write to the parameter.
// The default is "in" however, so we never invalidate our compilation by reading.
if (var && var->parameter)
void Compiler::register_write(uint32_t chain)
auto *var = maybe_get<SPIRVariable>(chain);
if (!var)
// If we're storing through an access chain, invalidate the backing variable instead.
auto *expr = maybe_get<SPIRExpression>(chain);
if (expr && expr->loaded_from)
var = maybe_get<SPIRVariable>(expr->loaded_from);
if (var)
// If our variable is in a storage class which can alias with other buffers,
// invalidate all variables which depend on aliased variables.
if (variable_storage_is_aliased(*var))
else if (var)
// We tried to write to a parameter which is not marked with out qualifier, force a recompile.
if (var->parameter && var->parameter->write_count == 0)
force_recompile = true;
void Compiler::flush_dependees(SPIRVariable &var)
for (auto expr : var.dependees)
void Compiler::flush_all_aliased_variables()
for (auto aliased : aliased_variables)
void Compiler::flush_all_atomic_capable_variables()
for (auto global : global_variables)
void Compiler::flush_all_active_variables()
// Invalidate all temporaries we read from variables in this block since they were forwarded.
// Invalidate all temporaries we read from globals.
for (auto &v : current_function->local_variables)
for (auto &arg : current_function->arguments)
for (auto global : global_variables)
const SPIRType &Compiler::expression_type(uint32_t id) const
switch (ids[id].get_type())
case TypeVariable:
return get<SPIRType>(get<SPIRVariable>(id).basetype);
case TypeExpression:
return get<SPIRType>(get<SPIRExpression>(id).expression_type);
case TypeConstant:
return get<SPIRType>(get<SPIRConstant>(id).constant_type);
case TypeUndef:
return get<SPIRType>(get<SPIRUndef>(id).basetype);
throw CompilerError("Cannot resolve expression type.");
bool Compiler::expression_is_lvalue(uint32_t id) const
auto &type = expression_type(id);
switch (type.basetype)
case SPIRType::SampledImage:
case SPIRType::Image:
case SPIRType::Sampler:
return false;
return true;
bool Compiler::is_immutable(uint32_t id) const
if (ids[id].get_type() == TypeVariable)
auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(id);
// Anything we load from the UniformConstant address space is guaranteed to be immutable.
bool pointer_to_const = var.storage == StorageClassUniformConstant;
return pointer_to_const || var.phi_variable || !expression_is_lvalue(id);
else if (ids[id].get_type() == TypeExpression)
return get<SPIRExpression>(id).immutable;
else if (ids[id].get_type() == TypeConstant || ids[id].get_type() == TypeUndef)
return true;
return false;
bool Compiler::is_builtin_variable(const SPIRVariable &var) const
if (var.compat_builtin || meta[var.self].decoration.builtin)
return true;
// We can have builtin structs as well. If one member of a struct is builtin, the struct must also be builtin.
for (auto &m : meta[get<SPIRType>(var.basetype).self].members)
if (m.builtin)
return true;
return false;
bool Compiler::is_member_builtin(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index, BuiltIn *builtin) const
auto &memb = meta[type.self].members;
if (index < memb.size() && memb[index].builtin)
if (builtin)
*builtin = memb[index].builtin_type;
return true;
return false;
bool Compiler::is_scalar(const SPIRType &type) const
return type.vecsize == 1 && type.columns == 1;
bool Compiler::is_vector(const SPIRType &type) const
return type.vecsize > 1 && type.columns == 1;
bool Compiler::is_matrix(const SPIRType &type) const
return type.vecsize > 1 && type.columns > 1;
ShaderResources Compiler::get_shader_resources() const
ShaderResources res;
for (auto &id : ids)
if (id.get_type() != TypeVariable)
auto &var = id.get<SPIRVariable>();
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(var.basetype);
// It is possible for uniform storage classes to be passed as function parameters, so detect
// that. To detect function parameters, check of StorageClass of variable is function scope.
if (var.storage == StorageClassFunction || !type.pointer || is_builtin_variable(var))
// Input
if (var.storage == StorageClassInput)
if (meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationBlock))
res.stage_inputs.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[type.self].decoration.alias });
res.stage_inputs.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// Subpass inputs
else if (var.storage == StorageClassUniformConstant && type.image.dim == DimSubpassData)
res.subpass_inputs.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// Outputs
else if (var.storage == StorageClassOutput)
if (meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationBlock))
res.stage_outputs.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[type.self].decoration.alias });
res.stage_outputs.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// UBOs
else if (type.storage == StorageClassUniform &&
(meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationBlock)))
res.uniform_buffers.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[type.self].decoration.alias });
// SSBOs
else if (type.storage == StorageClassUniform &&
(meta[type.self].decoration.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationBufferBlock)))
res.storage_buffers.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[type.self].decoration.alias });
// Push constant blocks
else if (type.storage == StorageClassPushConstant)
// There can only be one push constant block, but keep the vector in case this restriction is lifted
// in the future.
res.push_constant_buffers.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// Images
else if (type.storage == StorageClassUniformConstant && type.basetype == SPIRType::Image)
res.storage_images.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// Textures
else if (type.storage == StorageClassUniformConstant && type.basetype == SPIRType::SampledImage)
res.sampled_images.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
// Atomic counters
else if (type.storage == StorageClassAtomicCounter)
res.atomic_counters.push_back({ var.self, type.self, meta[var.self].decoration.alias });
return res;
static inline uint32_t swap_endian(uint32_t v)
return ((v >> 24) & 0x000000ffu) | ((v >> 8) & 0x0000ff00u) | ((v << 8) & 0x00ff0000u) | ((v << 24) & 0xff000000u);
static string extract_string(const vector<uint32_t> &spirv, uint32_t offset)
string ret;
for (uint32_t i = offset; i < spirv.size(); i++)
uint32_t w = spirv[i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; j++, w >>= 8)
char c = w & 0xff;
if (c == '\0')
return ret;
ret += c;
throw CompilerError("String was not terminated before EOF");
static bool is_valid_spirv_version(uint32_t version)
switch (version)
// Allow v99 since it tends to just work.
case 99:
case 0x10000: // SPIR-V 1.0
case 0x10100: // SPIR-V 1.1
return true;
return false;
void Compiler::parse()
auto len = spirv.size();
if (len < 5)
throw CompilerError("SPIRV file too small.");
auto s = spirv.data();
// Endian-swap if we need to.
if (s[0] == swap_endian(MagicNumber))
transform(begin(spirv), end(spirv), begin(spirv), [](uint32_t c) { return swap_endian(c); });
if (s[0] != MagicNumber || !is_valid_spirv_version(s[1]))
throw CompilerError("Invalid SPIRV format.");
uint32_t bound = s[3];
uint32_t offset = 5;
while (offset < len)
inst.emplace_back(spirv, offset);
for (auto &i : inst)
if (current_function)
throw CompilerError("Function was not terminated.");
if (current_block)
throw CompilerError("Block was not terminated.");
void Compiler::flatten_interface_block(uint32_t id)
auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(id);
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(var.basetype);
auto flags = meta.at(type.self).decoration.decoration_flags;
if (!type.array.empty())
throw CompilerError("Type is array of UBOs.");
if (type.basetype != SPIRType::Struct)
throw CompilerError("Type is not a struct.");
if ((flags & (1ull << DecorationBlock)) == 0)
throw CompilerError("Type is not a block.");
if (type.member_types.empty())
throw CompilerError("Member list of struct is empty.");
uint32_t t = type.member_types[0];
for (auto &m : type.member_types)
if (t != m)
throw CompilerError("Types in block differ.");
auto &mtype = get<SPIRType>(t);
if (!mtype.array.empty())
throw CompilerError("Member type cannot be arrays.");
if (mtype.basetype == SPIRType::Struct)
throw CompilerError("Member type cannot be struct.");
// Inherit variable name from interface block name.
meta.at(var.self).decoration.alias = meta.at(type.self).decoration.alias;
auto storage = var.storage;
if (storage == StorageClassUniform)
storage = StorageClassUniformConstant;
// Change type definition in-place into an array instead.
// Access chains will still work as-is.
uint32_t array_size = uint32_t(type.member_types.size());
type = mtype;
type.pointer = true;
type.storage = storage;
var.storage = storage;
void Compiler::update_name_cache(unordered_set<string> &cache, string &name)
if (name.empty())
if (cache.find(name) == end(cache))
uint32_t counter = 0;
auto tmpname = name;
// If there is a collision (very rare),
// keep tacking on extra identifier until it's unique.
name = tmpname + "_" + convert_to_string(counter);
} while (cache.find(name) != end(cache));
void Compiler::set_name(uint32_t id, const std::string &name)
auto &str = meta.at(id).decoration.alias;
if (name.empty())
// Reserved for temporaries.
if (name[0] == '_' && name.size() >= 2 && isdigit(name[1]))
// Functions in glslangValidator are mangled with name(<mangled> stuff.
// Normally, we would never see '(' in any legal indentifiers, so just strip them out.
str = name.substr(0, name.find('('));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
auto &c = str[i];
// _<num> variables are reserved by the internal implementation,
// otherwise, make sure the name is a valid identifier.
if (i == 0 || (str[0] == '_' && i == 1))
c = isalpha(c) ? c : '_';
c = isalnum(c) ? c : '_';
const SPIRType &Compiler::get_type(uint32_t id) const
return get<SPIRType>(id);
void Compiler::set_member_decoration(uint32_t id, uint32_t index, Decoration decoration, uint32_t argument)
meta.at(id).members.resize(max(meta[id].members.size(), size_t(index) + 1));
auto &dec = meta.at(id).members[index];
dec.decoration_flags |= 1ull << decoration;
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
dec.builtin = true;
dec.builtin_type = static_cast<BuiltIn>(argument);
case DecorationLocation:
dec.location = argument;
case DecorationOffset:
dec.offset = argument;
void Compiler::set_member_name(uint32_t id, uint32_t index, const std::string &name)
meta.at(id).members.resize(max(meta[id].members.size(), size_t(index) + 1));
meta.at(id).members[index].alias = name;
const std::string &Compiler::get_member_name(uint32_t id, uint32_t index) const
auto &m = meta.at(id);
if (index >= m.members.size())
static string empty;
return empty;
return m.members[index].alias;
uint32_t Compiler::get_member_decoration(uint32_t id, uint32_t index, Decoration decoration) const
auto &dec = meta.at(id).members.at(index);
if (!(dec.decoration_flags & (1ull << decoration)))
return 0;
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
return dec.builtin_type;
case DecorationLocation:
return dec.location;
case DecorationOffset:
return dec.offset;
return 0;
uint64_t Compiler::get_member_decoration_mask(uint32_t id, uint32_t index) const
auto &m = meta.at(id);
if (index >= m.members.size())
return 0;
return m.members[index].decoration_flags;
void Compiler::unset_member_decoration(uint32_t id, uint32_t index, Decoration decoration)
auto &m = meta.at(id);
if (index >= m.members.size())
auto &dec = m.members[index];
dec.decoration_flags &= ~(1ull << decoration);
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
dec.builtin = false;
case DecorationLocation:
dec.location = 0;
case DecorationOffset:
dec.offset = 0;
void Compiler::set_decoration(uint32_t id, Decoration decoration, uint32_t argument)
auto &dec = meta.at(id).decoration;
dec.decoration_flags |= 1ull << decoration;
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
dec.builtin = true;
dec.builtin_type = static_cast<BuiltIn>(argument);
case DecorationLocation:
dec.location = argument;
case DecorationOffset:
dec.offset = argument;
case DecorationArrayStride:
dec.array_stride = argument;
case DecorationBinding:
dec.binding = argument;
case DecorationDescriptorSet:
dec.set = argument;
case DecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
dec.input_attachment = argument;
StorageClass Compiler::get_storage_class(uint32_t id) const
return get<SPIRVariable>(id).storage;
const std::string &Compiler::get_name(uint32_t id) const
return meta.at(id).decoration.alias;
uint64_t Compiler::get_decoration_mask(uint32_t id) const
auto &dec = meta.at(id).decoration;
return dec.decoration_flags;
uint32_t Compiler::get_decoration(uint32_t id, Decoration decoration) const
auto &dec = meta.at(id).decoration;
if (!(dec.decoration_flags & (1ull << decoration)))
return 0;
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
return dec.builtin_type;
case DecorationLocation:
return dec.location;
case DecorationOffset:
return dec.offset;
case DecorationBinding:
return dec.binding;
case DecorationDescriptorSet:
return dec.set;
case DecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
return dec.input_attachment;
return 0;
void Compiler::unset_decoration(uint32_t id, Decoration decoration)
auto &dec = meta.at(id).decoration;
dec.decoration_flags &= ~(1ull << decoration);
switch (decoration)
case DecorationBuiltIn:
dec.builtin = false;
case DecorationLocation:
dec.location = 0;
case DecorationOffset:
dec.offset = 0;
case DecorationBinding:
dec.binding = 0;
case DecorationDescriptorSet:
dec.set = 0;
void Compiler::parse(const Instruction &instruction)
auto ops = stream(instruction);
auto op = static_cast<Op>(instruction.op);
uint32_t length = instruction.length;
switch (op)
case OpMemoryModel:
case OpSourceExtension:
case OpNop:
case OpSource:
auto lang = static_cast<SourceLanguage>(ops[0]);
switch (lang)
case SourceLanguageESSL:
source.es = true;
source.version = ops[1];
source.known = true;
case SourceLanguageGLSL:
source.es = false;
source.version = ops[1];
source.known = true;
source.known = false;
case OpUndef:
uint32_t result_type = ops[0];
uint32_t id = ops[1];
set<SPIRUndef>(id, result_type);
case OpCapability:
uint32_t cap = ops[0];
if (cap == CapabilityKernel)
throw CompilerError("Kernel capability not supported.");
case OpExtInstImport:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto ext = extract_string(spirv, instruction.offset + 1);
if (ext == "GLSL.std.450")
set<SPIRExtension>(id, SPIRExtension::GLSL);
throw CompilerError("Only GLSL.std.450 extension interface supported.");
case OpEntryPoint:
if (execution.entry_point)
throw CompilerError("More than one entry point not supported.");
execution.model = static_cast<ExecutionModel>(ops[0]);
execution.entry_point = ops[1];
case OpExecutionMode:
uint32_t entry = ops[0];
if (entry != execution.entry_point)
throw CompilerError("Cannot set execution mode to non-existing entry point.");
auto mode = static_cast<ExecutionMode>(ops[1]);
execution.flags |= 1ull << mode;
switch (mode)
case ExecutionModeInvocations:
execution.invocations = ops[2];
case ExecutionModeLocalSize:
execution.workgroup_size.x = ops[2];
execution.workgroup_size.y = ops[3];
execution.workgroup_size.z = ops[4];
case ExecutionModeOutputVertices:
execution.output_vertices = ops[2];
case OpName:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
set_name(id, extract_string(spirv, instruction.offset + 1));
case OpMemberName:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t member = ops[1];
set_member_name(id, member, extract_string(spirv, instruction.offset + 2));
case OpDecorate:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto decoration = static_cast<Decoration>(ops[1]);
if (length >= 3)
set_decoration(id, decoration, ops[2]);
set_decoration(id, decoration);
case OpMemberDecorate:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t member = ops[1];
auto decoration = static_cast<Decoration>(ops[2]);
if (length >= 4)
set_member_decoration(id, member, decoration, ops[3]);
set_member_decoration(id, member, decoration);
// Build up basic types.
case OpTypeVoid:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Void;
case OpTypeBool:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Boolean;
type.width = 1;
case OpTypeFloat:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t width = ops[1];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Float;
type.width = width;
case OpTypeInt:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t width = ops[1];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = ops[2] ? SPIRType::Int : SPIRType::UInt;
type.width = width;
// Build composite types by "inheriting".
// NOTE: The self member is also copied! For pointers and array modifiers this is a good thing
// since we can refer to decorations on pointee classes which is needed for UBO/SSBO, I/O blocks in geometry/tess etc.
case OpTypeVector:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t vecsize = ops[2];
auto &base = get<SPIRType>(ops[1]);
auto &vecbase = set<SPIRType>(id);
vecbase = base;
vecbase.vecsize = vecsize;
vecbase.self = id;
case OpTypeMatrix:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t colcount = ops[2];
auto &base = get<SPIRType>(ops[1]);
auto &matrixbase = set<SPIRType>(id);
matrixbase = base;
matrixbase.columns = colcount;
matrixbase.self = id;
case OpTypeArray:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &base = get<SPIRType>(ops[1]);
auto &arraybase = set<SPIRType>(id);
arraybase = base;
// Do NOT set arraybase.self!
case OpTypeRuntimeArray:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &base = get<SPIRType>(ops[1]);
auto &arraybase = set<SPIRType>(id);
arraybase = base;
// Do NOT set arraybase.self!
case OpTypeImage:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Image;
type.image.type = ops[1];
type.image.dim = static_cast<Dim>(ops[2]);
type.image.depth = ops[3] != 0;
type.image.arrayed = ops[4] != 0;
type.image.ms = ops[5] != 0;
type.image.sampled = ops[6];
type.image.format = static_cast<ImageFormat>(ops[7]);
case OpTypeSampledImage:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t imagetype = ops[1];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type = get<SPIRType>(imagetype);
type.basetype = SPIRType::SampledImage;
type.self = id;
// Not really used.
case OpTypeSampler:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Sampler;
case OpTypePointer:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &base = get<SPIRType>(ops[2]);
auto &ptrbase = set<SPIRType>(id);
ptrbase = base;
if (ptrbase.pointer)
throw CompilerError("Cannot make pointer-to-pointer type.");
ptrbase.pointer = true;
ptrbase.storage = static_cast<StorageClass>(ops[1]);
if (ptrbase.storage == StorageClassAtomicCounter)
ptrbase.basetype = SPIRType::AtomicCounter;
// Do NOT set ptrbase.self!
case OpTypeStruct:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(id);
type.basetype = SPIRType::Struct;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length; i++)
// Check if we have seen this struct type before, with just different
// decorations.
// Add workaround for issue #17 as well by looking at OpName for the struct
// types, which we shouldn't normally do.
// We should not normally have to consider type aliases like this to begin with
// however ... glslang issues #304, #307 cover this.
for (auto &other : global_struct_cache)
if (get_name(type.self) == get_name(other) && types_are_logically_equivalent(type, get<SPIRType>(other)))
type.type_alias = other;
if (type.type_alias == 0)
case OpTypeFunction:
uint32_t id = ops[0];
uint32_t ret = ops[1];
auto &func = set<SPIRFunctionPrototype>(id, ret);
for (uint32_t i = 2; i < length; i++)
// Variable declaration
// All variables are essentially pointers with a storage qualifier.
case OpVariable:
uint32_t type = ops[0];
uint32_t id = ops[1];
auto storage = static_cast<StorageClass>(ops[2]);
uint32_t initializer = length == 4 ? ops[3] : 0;
if (storage == StorageClassFunction)
if (!current_function)
throw CompilerError("No function currently in scope");
else if (storage == StorageClassPrivate || storage == StorageClassWorkgroup || storage == StorageClassOutput)
auto &var = set<SPIRVariable>(id, type, storage, initializer);
if (variable_storage_is_aliased(var))
// glslangValidator does not emit required qualifiers here.
// Solve this by making the image access as restricted as possible
// and loosen up if we need to.
auto &vartype = expression_type(id);
if (vartype.basetype == SPIRType::Image)
auto &flags = meta.at(id).decoration.decoration_flags;
flags |= 1ull << DecorationNonWritable;
flags |= 1ull << DecorationNonReadable;
// OpPhi
// OpPhi is a fairly magical opcode.
// It selects temporary variables based on which parent block we *came from*.
// In high-level languages we can "de-SSA" by creating a function local, and flush out temporaries to this function-local
// variable to emulate SSA Phi.
case OpPhi:
if (!current_function)
throw CompilerError("No function currently in scope");
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("No block currently in scope");
uint32_t result_type = ops[0];
uint32_t id = ops[1];
// Instead of a temporary, create a new function-wide temporary with this ID instead.
auto &var = set<SPIRVariable>(id, result_type, spv::StorageClassFunction);
var.phi_variable = true;
for (uint32_t i = 2; i + 2 <= length; i += 2)
current_block->phi_variables.push_back({ ops[i], ops[i + 1], id });
// Constants
case OpSpecConstant:
case OpConstant:
uint32_t id = ops[1];
set<SPIRConstant>(id, ops[0], ops[2]).specialization = op == OpSpecConstant;
case OpSpecConstantFalse:
case OpConstantFalse:
uint32_t id = ops[1];
set<SPIRConstant>(id, ops[0], 0).specialization = op == OpSpecConstantFalse;
case OpSpecConstantTrue:
case OpConstantTrue:
uint32_t id = ops[1];
set<SPIRConstant>(id, ops[0], 1).specialization = op == OpSpecConstantTrue;
case OpSpecConstantComposite:
case OpConstantComposite:
uint32_t id = ops[1];
uint32_t type = ops[0];
auto &ctype = get<SPIRType>(type);
SPIRConstant *constant = nullptr;
// We can have constants which are structs and arrays.
// In this case, our SPIRConstant will be a list of other SPIRConstant ids which we
// can refer to.
if (ctype.basetype == SPIRType::Struct || !ctype.array.empty())
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, ops + 2, length - 2);
constant->specialization = op == OpSpecConstantComposite;
bool matrix = ctype.columns > 1;
if (matrix)
switch (length - 2)
case 1:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).vector());
case 2:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).vector(),
case 3:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).vector(),
get<SPIRConstant>(ops[3]).vector(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[4]).vector());
case 4:
constant =
&set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).vector(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[3]).vector(),
get<SPIRConstant>(ops[4]).vector(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[5]).vector());
throw CompilerError("OpConstantComposite only supports 1, 2, 3 and 4 columns.");
switch (length - 2)
case 1:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).scalar());
case 2:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).scalar(),
case 3:
constant = &set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).scalar(),
get<SPIRConstant>(ops[3]).scalar(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[4]).scalar());
case 4:
constant =
&set<SPIRConstant>(id, type, get<SPIRConstant>(ops[2]).scalar(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[3]).scalar(),
get<SPIRConstant>(ops[4]).scalar(), get<SPIRConstant>(ops[5]).scalar());
throw CompilerError("OpConstantComposite only supports 1, 2, 3 and 4 components.");
constant->specialization = op == OpSpecConstantComposite;
// Functions
case OpFunction:
uint32_t res = ops[0];
uint32_t id = ops[1];
// Control
uint32_t type = ops[3];
if (current_function)
throw CompilerError("Must end a function before starting a new one!");
current_function = &set<SPIRFunction>(id, res, type);
case OpFunctionParameter:
uint32_t type = ops[0];
uint32_t id = ops[1];
if (!current_function)
throw CompilerError("Must be in a function!");
current_function->add_parameter(type, id);
set<SPIRVariable>(id, type, StorageClassFunction);
case OpFunctionEnd:
current_function = nullptr;
// Blocks
case OpLabel:
// OpLabel always starts a block.
if (!current_function)
throw CompilerError("Blocks cannot exist outside functions!");
uint32_t id = ops[0];
if (!current_function->entry_block)
current_function->entry_block = id;
if (current_block)
throw CompilerError("Cannot start a block before ending the current block.");
current_block = &set<SPIRBlock>(id);
// Branch instructions end blocks.
case OpBranch:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
uint32_t target = ops[0];
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Direct;
current_block->next_block = target;
current_block = nullptr;
case OpBranchConditional:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
current_block->condition = ops[0];
current_block->true_block = ops[1];
current_block->false_block = ops[2];
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Select;
current_block = nullptr;
case OpSwitch:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
if (current_block->merge == SPIRBlock::MergeNone)
throw CompilerError("Switch statement is not structured");
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::MultiSelect;
current_block->condition = ops[0];
current_block->default_block = ops[1];
for (uint32_t i = 2; i + 2 <= length; i += 2)
current_block->cases.push_back({ ops[i], ops[i + 1] });
// If we jump to next block, make it break instead since we're inside a switch case block at that point.
current_block = nullptr;
case OpKill:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Kill;
current_block = nullptr;
case OpReturn:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Return;
current_block = nullptr;
case OpReturnValue:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Return;
current_block->return_value = ops[0];
current_block = nullptr;
case OpUnreachable:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to end a non-existing block.");
current_block->terminator = SPIRBlock::Unreachable;
current_block = nullptr;
case OpSelectionMerge:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to modify a non-existing block.");
current_block->next_block = ops[0];
current_block->merge = SPIRBlock::MergeSelection;
case OpLoopMerge:
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Trying to modify a non-existing block.");
current_block->merge_block = ops[0];
current_block->continue_block = ops[1];
current_block->merge = SPIRBlock::MergeLoop;
// Don't add loop headers to continue blocks,
// which would make it impossible branch into the loop header since
// they are treated as continues.
if (current_block->continue_block != current_block->self)
// Actual opcodes.
if (!current_block)
throw CompilerError("Currently no block to insert opcode.");
bool Compiler::block_is_loop_candidate(const SPIRBlock &block, SPIRBlock::Method method) const
// Tried and failed.
if (block.disable_block_optimization || block.complex_continue)
return false;
if (method == SPIRBlock::MergeToSelectForLoop)
// Try to detect common for loop pattern
// which the code backend can use to create cleaner code.
// for(;;) { if (cond) { some_body; } else { break; } }
// is the pattern we're looking for.
bool ret = block.terminator == SPIRBlock::Select && block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeLoop &&
block.true_block != block.merge_block && block.true_block != block.self &&
block.false_block == block.merge_block;
// If we have OpPhi which depends on branches which came from our own block,
// we need to flush phi variables in else block instead of a trivial break,
// so we cannot assume this is a for loop candidate.
if (ret)
for (auto &phi : block.phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == block.self)
return false;
auto *merge = maybe_get<SPIRBlock>(block.merge_block);
if (merge)
for (auto &phi : merge->phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == block.self)
return false;
return ret;
else if (method == SPIRBlock::MergeToDirectForLoop)
// Empty loop header that just sets up merge target
// and branches to loop body.
bool ret = block.terminator == SPIRBlock::Direct && block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeLoop && block.ops.empty();
if (!ret)
return false;
auto &child = get<SPIRBlock>(block.next_block);
ret = child.terminator == SPIRBlock::Select && child.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeNone &&
child.false_block == block.merge_block && child.true_block != block.merge_block &&
child.true_block != block.self;
// If we have OpPhi which depends on branches which came from our own block,
// we need to flush phi variables in else block instead of a trivial break,
// so we cannot assume this is a for loop candidate.
if (ret)
for (auto &phi : block.phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == block.self || phi.parent == child.self)
return false;
for (auto &phi : child.phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == block.self)
return false;
auto *merge = maybe_get<SPIRBlock>(block.merge_block);
if (merge)
for (auto &phi : merge->phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == block.self || phi.parent == child.false_block)
return false;
return ret;
return false;
bool Compiler::block_is_outside_flow_control_from_block(const SPIRBlock &from, const SPIRBlock &to)
auto *start = &from;
if (start->self == to.self)
return true;
// Break cycles.
if (is_continue(start->self))
return false;
// If our select block doesn't merge, we must break or continue in these blocks,
// so if continues occur branchless within these blocks, consider them branchless as well.
// This is typically used for loop control.
if (start->terminator == SPIRBlock::Select && start->merge == SPIRBlock::MergeNone &&
(block_is_outside_flow_control_from_block(get<SPIRBlock>(start->true_block), to) ||
block_is_outside_flow_control_from_block(get<SPIRBlock>(start->false_block), to)))
return true;
else if (start->merge_block && block_is_outside_flow_control_from_block(get<SPIRBlock>(start->merge_block), to))
return true;
else if (start->next_block && block_is_outside_flow_control_from_block(get<SPIRBlock>(start->next_block), to))
return true;
return false;
bool Compiler::execution_is_noop(const SPIRBlock &from, const SPIRBlock &to) const
if (!execution_is_branchless(from, to))
return false;
auto *start = &from;
for (;;)
if (start->self == to.self)
return true;
if (!start->ops.empty())
return false;
start = &get<SPIRBlock>(start->next_block);
bool Compiler::execution_is_branchless(const SPIRBlock &from, const SPIRBlock &to) const
auto *start = &from;
for (;;)
if (start->self == to.self)
return true;
if (start->terminator == SPIRBlock::Direct && start->merge == SPIRBlock::MergeNone)
start = &get<SPIRBlock>(start->next_block);
return false;
SPIRBlock::ContinueBlockType Compiler::continue_block_type(const SPIRBlock &block) const
// The block was deemed too complex during code emit, pick conservative fallback paths.
if (block.complex_continue)
return SPIRBlock::ComplexLoop;
// In older glslang output continue block can be equal to the loop header.
// In this case, execution is clearly branchless, so just assume a while loop header here.
if (block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeLoop)
return SPIRBlock::WhileLoop;
auto &dominator = get<SPIRBlock>(block.loop_dominator);
if (execution_is_noop(block, dominator))
return SPIRBlock::WhileLoop;
else if (execution_is_branchless(block, dominator))
return SPIRBlock::ForLoop;
if (block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeNone && block.terminator == SPIRBlock::Select &&
block.true_block == dominator.self && block.false_block == dominator.merge_block)
return SPIRBlock::DoWhileLoop;
return SPIRBlock::ComplexLoop;
bool Compiler::traverse_all_reachable_opcodes(const SPIRBlock &block, OpcodeHandler &handler) const
// Ideally, perhaps traverse the CFG instead of all blocks in order to eliminate dead blocks,
// but this shouldn't be a problem in practice unless the SPIR-V is doing insane things like recursing
// inside dead blocks ...
for (auto &i : block.ops)
auto ops = stream(i);
auto op = static_cast<Op>(i.op);
if (!handler.handle(op, ops, i.length))
return false;
uint32_t func = ops[2];
if (op == OpFunctionCall && !traverse_all_reachable_opcodes(get<SPIRFunction>(func), handler))
return false;
return true;
bool Compiler::traverse_all_reachable_opcodes(const SPIRFunction &func, OpcodeHandler &handler) const
for (auto block : func.blocks)
if (!traverse_all_reachable_opcodes(get<SPIRBlock>(block), handler))
return false;
return true;
uint32_t Compiler::type_struct_member_offset(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index) const
// Decoration must be set in valid SPIR-V, otherwise throw.
auto &dec = meta[type.self].members.at(index);
if (dec.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationOffset))
return dec.offset;
throw CompilerError("Struct member does not have Offset set.");
uint32_t Compiler::type_struct_member_array_stride(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index) const
// Decoration must be set in valid SPIR-V, otherwise throw.
// ArrayStride is part of the array type not OpMemberDecorate.
auto &dec = meta[type.member_types[index]].decoration;
if (dec.decoration_flags & (1ull << DecorationArrayStride))
return dec.array_stride;
throw CompilerError("Struct member does not have ArrayStride set.");
size_t Compiler::get_declared_struct_size(const SPIRType &type) const
uint32_t last = uint32_t(type.member_types.size() - 1);
size_t offset = type_struct_member_offset(type, last);
size_t size = get_declared_struct_member_size(type, last);
return offset + size;
size_t Compiler::get_declared_struct_member_size(const SPIRType &struct_type, uint32_t index) const
auto flags = get_member_decoration_mask(struct_type.self, index);
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(struct_type.member_types[index]);
if (type.basetype != SPIRType::Struct)
switch (type.basetype)
case SPIRType::Unknown:
case SPIRType::Void:
case SPIRType::Boolean: // Bools are purely logical, and cannot be used for externally visible types.
case SPIRType::AtomicCounter:
case SPIRType::Image:
case SPIRType::SampledImage:
case SPIRType::Sampler:
throw CompilerError("Querying size for object with opaque size.\n");
size_t component_size = type.width / 8;
unsigned vecsize = type.vecsize;
unsigned columns = type.columns;
if (type.array.empty())
// Vectors.
if (columns == 1)
return vecsize * component_size;
// Per SPIR-V spec, matrices must be tightly packed and aligned up for vec3 accesses.
if ((flags & (1ull << DecorationRowMajor)) && columns == 3)
columns = 4;
else if ((flags & (1ull << DecorationColMajor)) && vecsize == 3)
vecsize = 4;
return vecsize * columns * component_size;
// For arrays, we can use ArrayStride to get an easy check.
return type_struct_member_array_stride(struct_type, index) * type.array.back();
// Recurse.
uint32_t last = uint32_t(struct_type.member_types.size() - 1);
uint32_t offset = type_struct_member_offset(struct_type, last);
size_t size = get_declared_struct_size(get<SPIRType>(struct_type.member_types.back()));
return offset + size;
bool Compiler::BufferAccessHandler::handle(Op opcode, const uint32_t *args, uint32_t length)
if (opcode != OpAccessChain && opcode != OpInBoundsAccessChain)
return true;
// Invalid SPIR-V.
if (length < 4)
return false;
if (args[2] != id)
return true;
// Don't bother traversing the entire access chain tree yet.
// If we access a struct member, assume we access the entire member.
uint32_t index = compiler.get<SPIRConstant>(args[3]).scalar();
// Seen this index already.
if (seen.find(index) != end(seen))
return true;
auto &type = compiler.expression_type(id);
uint32_t offset = compiler.type_struct_member_offset(type, index);
size_t range;
// If we have another member in the struct, deduce the range by looking at the next member.
// This is okay since structs in SPIR-V can have padding, but Offset decoration must be
// monotonically increasing.
// Of course, this doesn't take into account if the SPIR-V for some reason decided to add
// very large amounts of padding, but that's not really a big deal.
if (index + 1 < type.member_types.size())
range = compiler.type_struct_member_offset(type, index + 1) - offset;
// No padding, so just deduce it from the size of the member directly.
range = compiler.get_declared_struct_member_size(type, index);
ranges.push_back({ index, offset, range });
return true;
std::vector<BufferRange> Compiler::get_active_buffer_ranges(uint32_t id) const
std::vector<BufferRange> ranges;
BufferAccessHandler handler(*this, ranges, id);
traverse_all_reachable_opcodes(get<SPIRFunction>(execution.entry_point), handler);
return ranges;
// Increase the number of IDs by the specified incremental amount.
// Returns the value of the first ID available for use in the expanded bound.
uint32_t Compiler::increase_bound_by(uint32_t incr_amount)
uint32_t curr_bound = (uint32_t)ids.size();
uint32_t new_bound = curr_bound + incr_amount;
return curr_bound;
bool Compiler::types_are_logically_equivalent(const SPIRType &a, const SPIRType &b) const
if (a.basetype != b.basetype)
return false;
if (a.width != b.width)
return false;
if (a.vecsize != b.vecsize)
return false;
if (a.columns != b.columns)
return false;
if (a.array.size() != b.array.size())
return false;
size_t array_count = a.array.size();
if (array_count && memcmp(a.array.data(), b.array.data(), array_count * sizeof(uint32_t)) != 0)
return false;
if (a.basetype == SPIRType::Image || a.basetype == SPIRType::SampledImage)
if (memcmp(&a.image, &b.image, sizeof(SPIRType::Image)) != 0)
return false;
if (a.member_types.size() != b.member_types.size())
return false;
size_t member_types = a.member_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < member_types; i++)
if (!types_are_logically_equivalent(get<SPIRType>(a.member_types[i]), get<SPIRType>(b.member_types[i])))
return false;
return true;
uint64_t Compiler::get_execution_mode_mask() const
return execution.flags;
void Compiler::set_execution_mode(ExecutionMode mode, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2)
execution.flags |= 1ull << mode;
switch (mode)
case ExecutionModeLocalSize:
execution.workgroup_size.x = arg0;
execution.workgroup_size.y = arg1;
execution.workgroup_size.z = arg2;
case ExecutionModeInvocations:
execution.invocations = arg0;
case ExecutionModeOutputVertices:
execution.output_vertices = arg0;
void Compiler::unset_execution_mode(ExecutionMode mode)
execution.flags &= ~(1ull << mode);
uint32_t Compiler::get_execution_mode_argument(spv::ExecutionMode mode, uint32_t index) const
switch (mode)
case ExecutionModeLocalSize:
switch (index)
case 0:
return execution.workgroup_size.x;
case 1:
return execution.workgroup_size.y;
case 2:
return execution.workgroup_size.z;
return 0;
case ExecutionModeInvocations:
return execution.invocations;
case ExecutionModeOutputVertices:
return execution.output_vertices;
return 0;
ExecutionModel Compiler::get_execution_model() const
return execution.model;
void Compiler::set_remapped_variable_state(uint32_t id, bool remap_enable)
get<SPIRVariable>(id).remapped_variable = remap_enable;
bool Compiler::get_remapped_variable_state(uint32_t id) const
return get<SPIRVariable>(id).remapped_variable;
void Compiler::set_subpass_input_remapped_components(uint32_t id, uint32_t components)
get<SPIRVariable>(id).remapped_components = components;
uint32_t Compiler::get_subpass_input_remapped_components(uint32_t id) const
return get<SPIRVariable>(id).remapped_components;
void Compiler::inherit_expression_dependencies(uint32_t dst, uint32_t source_expression)
auto &e = get<SPIRExpression>(dst);
auto *s = maybe_get<SPIRExpression>(source_expression);
if (!s)
auto &e_deps = e.expression_dependencies;
auto &s_deps = s->expression_dependencies;
// If we depend on a expression, we also depend on all sub-dependencies from source.
e_deps.insert(end(e_deps), begin(s_deps), end(s_deps));
// Eliminate duplicated dependencies.
e_deps.erase(unique(begin(e_deps), end(e_deps)), end(e_deps));