Hans-Kristian Arntzen af75ef005f Update glslang and SPIRV-Tools.
A lot of changes in spirv-opt output.
Some new invalid SPIR-V was found but most of them were not significant
for SPIRV-Cross, so just marked them as invalid.
2018-09-27 11:10:22 +02:00

120 lines
3.2 KiB

#version 310 es
struct PatchData
vec4 Position;
vec4 LODs;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform Offsets
PatchData Patches[256];
} _53;
layout(binding = 4, std140) uniform GlobalOcean
vec4 OceanScale;
vec4 OceanPosition;
vec4 InvOceanSize_PatchScale;
vec4 NormalTexCoordScale;
} _180;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row0;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row1;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row2;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row3;
vec4 g_CamPos;
vec4 g_CamRight;
vec4 g_CamUp;
vec4 g_CamFront;
vec4 g_SunDir;
vec4 g_SunColor;
vec4 g_TimeParams;
vec4 g_ResolutionParams;
vec4 g_CamAxisRight;
vec4 g_FogColor_Distance;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row0;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row1;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row2;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row3;
} _273;
layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump sampler2D TexLOD;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D TexDisplacement;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 LODWeights;
uniform int SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance;
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 0) out vec3 EyeVec;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 TexCoord;
uvec4 _474;
void main()
float _350 = all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))) ? _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w : dot(LODWeights, _53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
float _352 = floor(_350);
uint _357 = uint(_352);
uvec4 _359 = uvec4(Position);
uvec2 _366 = (uvec2(1u) << uvec2(_357, _357 + 1u)) - uvec2(1u);
bool _369 = _359.x < 32u;
uint _465;
if (_369)
_465 = _366.x;
_465 = 0u;
uvec4 _443 = _474;
_443.x = _465;
bool _379 = _359.y < 32u;
uint _468;
if (_379)
_468 = _366.x;
_468 = 0u;
uvec4 _447 = _443;
_447.y = _468;
uint _470;
if (_369)
_470 = _366.y;
_470 = 0u;
uvec4 _451 = _447;
_451.z = _470;
uint _472;
if (_379)
_472 = _366.y;
_472 = 0u;
uvec4 _455 = _451;
_455.w = _472;
vec4 _415 = vec4((_359.xyxy + _455) & (~_366).xxyy);
vec2 _197 = ((_53.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz * _180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.zw) + mix(_415.xy, _415.zw, vec2(_350 - _352))) * _180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 _204 = _197 * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.zw;
mediump float _431 = textureLod(TexLOD, _197, 0.0).x * 7.96875;
float _433 = floor(_431);
vec2 _220 = (_180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(_433)) * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.zw;
vec3 _267 = ((vec3(_197.x, 0.0, _197.y) + mix(textureLod(TexDisplacement, _204 + (_220 * 0.5), _433).yxz, textureLod(TexDisplacement, _204 + (_220 * 1.0), _433 + 1.0).yxz, vec3(_431 - _433))) * _180.OceanScale.xyz) + _180.OceanPosition.xyz;
EyeVec = _267 - _273.g_CamPos.xyz;
TexCoord = vec4(_204, _204 * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.xy) + ((_180.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xyxy * 0.5) * _180.NormalTexCoordScale.zwzw);
gl_Position = (((_273.g_ViewProj_Row0 * _267.x) + (_273.g_ViewProj_Row1 * _267.y)) + (_273.g_ViewProj_Row2 * _267.z)) + _273.g_ViewProj_Row3;