Hans-Kristian Arntzen c27e1efbf1 HLSL: Add option to always treat SSBO as UAV, even with readonly.
This can make codegen more predictable since ByteAddressBuffer is SRV
and not UAV.
2020-03-04 16:42:31 +01:00

24 lines
656 B

static const uint3 gl_WorkGroupSize = uint3(1u, 1u, 1u);
RWByteAddressBuffer wo : register(u1);
RWByteAddressBuffer ro : register(u0);
static uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID;
struct SPIRV_Cross_Input
uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID : SV_DispatchThreadID;
void comp_main()
wo.Store4(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 64 + 272, asuint(asfloat(ro.Load4(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 64 + 160))));
wo.Store4(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 16 + 480, asuint(asfloat(ro.Load4(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 16 + 480))));
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(SPIRV_Cross_Input stage_input)
gl_GlobalInvocationID = stage_input.gl_GlobalInvocationID;