Account for a non-zero base instance when calculating the view index and the "real" instance index. Before, it was likely broken with a non-zero base instance, since the calculated instance index could be less than the base instance.
32 lines
836 B
32 lines
836 B
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct MVPs
float4x4 MVP[2];
struct main0_out
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
uint gl_Layer [[render_target_array_index]];
struct main0_in
float4 Position [[attribute(0)]];
vertex main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant uint* spvViewMask [[buffer(24)]], constant MVPs& _19 [[buffer(0)]], uint gl_InstanceIndex [[instance_id]], uint gl_BaseInstance [[base_instance]])
main0_out out = {};
uint gl_ViewIndex = spvViewMask[0] + (gl_InstanceIndex - gl_BaseInstance) % spvViewMask[1];
gl_InstanceIndex = (gl_InstanceIndex - gl_BaseInstance) / spvViewMask[1] + gl_BaseInstance;
out.gl_Position = _19.MVP[int(gl_ViewIndex)] * in.Position;
out.gl_Layer = gl_ViewIndex - spvViewMask[0];
return out;