Bill Hollings 9b4defe202 CompilerMSL support matrices & arrays in stage-in & stage-out.
Support flattening StorageOutput & StorageInput matrices and arrays.
No longer move matrix & array inputs to separate buffer.
Add separate SPIRFunction::fixup_statements_in & SPIRFunction::fixup_statements_out
instead of just  SPIRFunction::fixup_statements.
Emit SPIRFunction::fixup_statements at beginning of functions.
CompilerMSL track vars_needing_early_declaration.
Pass global output variables as variables to functions that access them.
Sort input structs by location, same as output structs.
Emit struct declarations in order output, input, uniforms.
Regenerate reference shaders to new formats defined by above.
2018-06-12 11:41:35 -04:00

237 lines
8.9 KiB

#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct VertexOutput
float4 HPosition;
float4 Uv_EdgeDistance1;
float4 UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
float4 Color;
float4 LightPosition_Fog;
float4 View_Depth;
float4 Normal_SpecPower;
float3 Tangent;
float4 PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
float studIndex;
struct Surface
float3 albedo;
float3 normal;
float specular;
float gloss;
float reflectance;
float opacity;
struct SurfaceInput
float4 Color;
float2 Uv;
float2 UvStuds;
struct Globals
float4x4 ViewProjection;
float4 ViewRight;
float4 ViewUp;
float4 ViewDir;
float3 CameraPosition;
float3 AmbientColor;
float3 Lamp0Color;
float3 Lamp0Dir;
float3 Lamp1Color;
float4 FogParams;
float3 FogColor;
float4 LightBorder;
float4 LightConfig0;
float4 LightConfig1;
float4 LightConfig2;
float4 LightConfig3;
float4 RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor;
float4 OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo;
float4 ShadowMatrix0;
float4 ShadowMatrix1;
float4 ShadowMatrix2;
struct Params
float4 LqmatFarTilingFactor;
struct CB0
Globals CB0;
struct CB2
Params CB2;
constant VertexOutput _121 = {};
constant SurfaceInput _122 = {};
constant float2 _123 = {};
constant float4 _124 = {};
constant Surface _125 = {};
constant float4 _192 = {};
constant float4 _219 = {};
constant float4 _297 = {};
struct main0_out
float4 _entryPointOutput [[color(0)]];
struct main0_in
float4 IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1 [[user(locn0)]];
float4 IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2 [[user(locn1)]];
float4 IN_Color [[user(locn2)]];
float4 IN_LightPosition_Fog [[user(locn3)]];
float4 IN_View_Depth [[user(locn4)]];
float4 IN_Normal_SpecPower [[user(locn5)]];
float3 IN_Tangent [[user(locn6)]];
float4 IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance [[user(locn7)]];
float IN_studIndex [[user(locn8)]];
fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)]], texture2d<float> StudsMapTexture [[texture(0)]], texture2d<float> ShadowMapTexture [[texture(1)]], texturecube<float> EnvironmentMapTexture [[texture(2)]], texture2d<float> DiffuseMapTexture [[texture(3)]], texture2d<float> NormalMapTexture [[texture(4)]], texture2d<float> SpecularMapTexture [[texture(5)]], texture3d<float> LightMapTexture [[texture(6)]], texture2d<float> NormalDetailMapTexture [[texture(8)]], sampler StudsMapSampler [[sampler(0)]], sampler ShadowMapSampler [[sampler(1)]], sampler EnvironmentMapSampler [[sampler(2)]], sampler DiffuseMapSampler [[sampler(3)]], sampler NormalMapSampler [[sampler(4)]], sampler SpecularMapSampler [[sampler(5)]], sampler LightMapSampler [[sampler(6)]], sampler NormalDetailMapSampler [[sampler(8)]], float4 gl_FragCoord [[position]])
main0_out out = {};
VertexOutput _128 = _121;
_128.HPosition = gl_FragCoord;
VertexOutput _130 = _128;
_130.Uv_EdgeDistance1 = in.IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1;
VertexOutput _132 = _130;
_132.UvStuds_EdgeDistance2 = in.IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
VertexOutput _134 = _132;
_134.Color = in.IN_Color;
VertexOutput _136 = _134;
_136.LightPosition_Fog = in.IN_LightPosition_Fog;
VertexOutput _138 = _136;
_138.View_Depth = in.IN_View_Depth;
VertexOutput _140 = _138;
_140.Normal_SpecPower = in.IN_Normal_SpecPower;
VertexOutput _142 = _140;
_142.Tangent = in.IN_Tangent;
VertexOutput _144 = _142;
_144.PosLightSpace_Reflectance = in.IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
VertexOutput _146 = _144;
_146.studIndex = in.IN_studIndex;
SurfaceInput _147 = _122;
_147.Color = in.IN_Color;
SurfaceInput _149 = _147;
_149.Uv = in.IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy;
SurfaceInput _151 = _149;
_151.UvStuds = in.IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.xy;
SurfaceInput _156 = _151;
_156.UvStuds.y = (fract(_151.UvStuds.y) + in.IN_studIndex) * 0.25;
float _163 = _146.View_Depth.w * _19.CB0.RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor.y;
float _165 = clamp(1.0 - _163, 0.0, 1.0);
float2 _166 = in.IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy * 1.0;
bool _173;
float4 _193;
_173 = 0.0 == 0.0;
if (_173)
_193 = DiffuseMapTexture.sample(DiffuseMapSampler, _166);
float _180 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_193 = mix(DiffuseMapTexture.sample(DiffuseMapSampler, (_166 * 0.25)), DiffuseMapTexture.sample(DiffuseMapSampler, _166), float4(clamp((clamp(1.0 - (_146.View_Depth.w * 0.00333332992158830165863037109375), 0.0, 1.0) * _180) - (0.0 * _180), 0.0, 1.0)));
_193 = _192;
} while (false);
float4 _194 = _193 * 1.0;
float4 _220;
if (_173)
_220 = NormalMapTexture.sample(NormalMapSampler, _166);
float _207 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_220 = mix(NormalMapTexture.sample(NormalMapSampler, (_166 * 0.25)), NormalMapTexture.sample(NormalMapSampler, _166), float4(clamp((_165 * _207) - (0.0 * _207), 0.0, 1.0)));
_220 = _219;
} while (false);
float2 _223 = float2(1.0);
float2 _224 = (_220.wy * 2.0) - _223;
float3 _232 = float3(_224, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_224, _224), 0.0, 1.0)));
float2 _240 = (NormalDetailMapTexture.sample(NormalDetailMapSampler, (_166 * 0.0)).wy * 2.0) - _223;
float2 _252 = _232.xy + (float3(_240, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_240, _240), 0.0, 1.0))).xy * 0.0);
float3 _253 = float3(_252.x, _252.y, _232.z);
float2 _255 = _253.xy * _165;
float3 _256 = float3(_255.x, _255.y, _253.z);
float3 _271 = ((in.IN_Color.xyz * _194.xyz) * (1.0 + (_256.x * 0.300000011920928955078125))) * (StudsMapTexture.sample(StudsMapSampler, _156.UvStuds).x * 2.0);
float4 _298;
if (0.75 == 0.0)
_298 = SpecularMapTexture.sample(SpecularMapSampler, _166);
float _285 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.75);
_298 = mix(SpecularMapTexture.sample(SpecularMapSampler, (_166 * 0.25)), SpecularMapTexture.sample(SpecularMapSampler, _166), float4(clamp((_165 * _285) - (0.75 * _285), 0.0, 1.0)));
_298 = _297;
} while (false);
float2 _303 = mix(float2(0.800000011920928955078125, 120.0), (_298.xy * float2(2.0, 256.0)) + float2(0.0, 0.00999999977648258209228515625), float2(_165));
Surface _304 = _125;
_304.albedo = _271;
Surface _305 = _304;
_305.normal = _256;
float _306 = _303.x;
Surface _307 = _305;
_307.specular = _306;
float _308 = _303.y;
Surface _309 = _307;
_309.gloss = _308;
float _312 = (_298.xy.y * _165) * 0.0;
Surface _313 = _309;
_313.reflectance = _312;
float4 _318 = float4(_271, _146.Color.w);
float3 _329 = normalize(((in.IN_Tangent * _313.normal.x) + (cross(in.IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz, in.IN_Tangent) * _313.normal.y)) + (in.IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz * _313.normal.z));
float3 _332 = -_19.CB0.Lamp0Dir;
float _333 = dot(_329, _332);
float _357 = clamp(dot(step(_19.CB0.LightConfig3.xyz, abs(in.IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz - _19.CB0.LightConfig2.xyz)), float3(1.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
float4 _368 = mix(LightMapTexture.sample(LightMapSampler, (in.IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx - (in.IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx * _357))), _19.CB0.LightBorder, float4(_357));
float2 _376 = ShadowMapTexture.sample(ShadowMapSampler, in.IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.xy).xy;
float _392 = (1.0 - (((step(_376.x, in.IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z) * clamp(9.0 - (20.0 * abs(in.IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z - 0.5)), 0.0, 1.0)) * _376.y) * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.w)) * _368.w;
float3 _403 = mix(_318.xyz, EnvironmentMapTexture.sample(EnvironmentMapSampler, reflect(-in.IN_View_Depth.xyz, _329)).xyz, float3(_312));
float4 _404 = float4(_403.x, _403.y, _403.z, _318.w);
float3 _422 = (((_19.CB0.AmbientColor + (((_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * clamp(_333, 0.0, 1.0)) + (_19.CB0.Lamp1Color * max(-_333, 0.0))) * _392)) + _368.xyz) * _404.xyz) + (_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * (((step(0.0, _333) * _306) * _392) * pow(clamp(dot(_329, normalize(_332 + normalize(in.IN_View_Depth.xyz))), 0.0, 1.0), _308)));
float4 _425 = float4(_422.x, _422.y, _422.z, _124.w);
_425.w = _404.w;
float2 _435 = min(in.IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.wz, in.IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.wz);
float _439 = min(_435.x, _435.y) / _163;
float3 _445 = _425.xyz * clamp((clamp((_163 * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.x) + _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.y, 0.0, 1.0) * (1.5 - _439)) + _439, 0.0, 1.0);
float4 _446 = float4(_445.x, _445.y, _445.z, _425.w);
float3 _453 = mix(_19.CB0.FogColor, _446.xyz, float3(clamp(_146.LightPosition_Fog.w, 0.0, 1.0)));
out._entryPointOutput = float4(_453.x, _453.y, _453.z, _446.w);
return out;