Chip Davis a171087180 MSL: Support "raw" buffer input in tessellation evaluation shaders.
Using vertex-style stage input is complex, and it doesn't support
nesting of structures or arrays. By using raw buffer input instead, we
get this support "for free," and everything becomes much simpler.
Arguably, this is the way I should've done this in the first place.

Eventually, I'd like to make this the default, and then remove the
option altogether. (And I still need to do that with

Should help fix 66 tests in the Vulkan CTS, under the following trees:

 - `dEQP-VK.pipeline.*.interface_matching.*`
 - `dEQP-VK.tessellation.user_defined_io.*`
 - `dEQP-VK.clipping.user_defined.*`
2022-10-18 14:58:59 -07:00

78 lines
2.9 KiB

#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct UBO
float4x4 uMVP;
float4 uScale;
float2 uInvScale;
float3 uCamPos;
float2 uPatchSize;
float2 uInvHeightmapSize;
struct main0_out
float3 vWorld [[user(locn0)]];
float4 vGradNormalTex [[user(locn1)]];
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
struct main0_patchIn
float2 vOutPatchPosBase;
float4 vPatchLods;
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float2 lerp_vertex(thread const float2& tess_coord, const device float2& vOutPatchPosBase, constant UBO& v_31)
return vOutPatchPosBase + (tess_coord * v_31.uPatchSize);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float2 lod_factor(thread const float2& tess_coord, const device float4& vPatchLods)
float2 x = mix(vPatchLods.yx, vPatchLods.zw, float2(tess_coord.x));
float level0 = mix(x.x, x.y, tess_coord.y);
float floor_level = floor(level0);
float fract_level = level0 - floor_level;
return float2(floor_level, fract_level);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float3 sample_height_displacement(thread const float2& uv, thread const float2& off, thread const float2& lod, texture2d<float> uHeightmapDisplacement, sampler uHeightmapDisplacementSmplr)
return mix(uHeightmapDisplacement.sample(uHeightmapDisplacementSmplr, (uv + (off * 0.5)), level(lod.x)).xyz, uHeightmapDisplacement.sample(uHeightmapDisplacementSmplr, (uv + (off * 1.0)), level(lod.x + 1.0)).xyz, float3(lod.y));
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(constant UBO& v_31 [[buffer(0)]], texture2d<float> uHeightmapDisplacement [[texture(0)]], sampler uHeightmapDisplacementSmplr [[sampler(0)]], float2 gl_TessCoordIn [[position_in_patch]], uint gl_PrimitiveID [[patch_id]], const device main0_patchIn* spvPatchIn [[buffer(20)]])
main0_out out = {};
const device main0_patchIn& patchIn = spvPatchIn[gl_PrimitiveID];
float3 gl_TessCoord = float3(gl_TessCoordIn.x, gl_TessCoordIn.y, 0.0);
float2 tess_coord = gl_TessCoord.xy;
float2 param = tess_coord;
float2 pos = lerp_vertex(param, patchIn.vOutPatchPosBase, v_31);
float2 param_1 = tess_coord;
float2 lod = lod_factor(param_1, patchIn.vPatchLods);
float2 tex = pos * v_31.uInvHeightmapSize;
pos *= v_31.uScale.xy;
float delta_mod = exp2(lod.x);
float2 off = v_31.uInvHeightmapSize * delta_mod;
out.vGradNormalTex = float4(tex + (v_31.uInvHeightmapSize * 0.5), tex * v_31.uScale.zw);
float2 param_2 = tex;
float2 param_3 = off;
float2 param_4 = lod;
float3 height_displacement = sample_height_displacement(param_2, param_3, param_4, uHeightmapDisplacement, uHeightmapDisplacementSmplr);
pos += height_displacement.yz;
out.vWorld = float3(pos.x, height_displacement.x, pos.y);
out.gl_Position = v_31.uMVP * float4(out.vWorld, 1.0);
return out;