Hans-Kristian Arntzen e67f6f85a4 Defer parenthesis generation until needed.
Previously, we would generate parentheses proactively when generating
binary ops, however, this leads to uglier code and hits warnings in
compilers when used as a conditional.
2016-12-05 10:56:54 +01:00

111 lines
3.2 KiB

#version 310 es
struct PatchData
vec4 Position;
vec4 LODs;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform GlobalVSData
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row0;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row1;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row2;
vec4 g_ViewProj_Row3;
vec4 g_CamPos;
vec4 g_CamRight;
vec4 g_CamUp;
vec4 g_CamFront;
vec4 g_SunDir;
vec4 g_SunColor;
vec4 g_TimeParams;
vec4 g_ResolutionParams;
vec4 g_CamAxisRight;
vec4 g_FogColor_Distance;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row0;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row1;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row2;
vec4 g_ShadowVP_Row3;
} _58;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform PerPatch
PatchData Patches[256];
} _284;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform GlobalGround
vec4 GroundScale;
vec4 GroundPosition;
vec4 InvGroundSize_PatchScale;
} _381;
layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump sampler2D TexLOD;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D TexHeightmap;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 LODWeights;
uniform int SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 Position;
layout(location = 1) out vec3 EyeVec;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 TexCoord;
vec2 warp_position()
float vlod = dot(LODWeights, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].LODs);
vlod = mix(vlod, _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.w, all(equal(LODWeights, vec4(0.0))));
float floor_lod = floor(vlod);
float fract_lod = vlod - floor_lod;
uint ufloor_lod = uint(floor_lod);
uvec2 uPosition = uvec2(Position);
uvec2 mask = (uvec2(1u) << uvec2(ufloor_lod, ufloor_lod + 1u)) - uvec2(1u);
uint _332;
if (uPosition.x < 32u)
_332 = mask.x;
_332 = 0u;
uint _342 = _332;
uint _343;
if (uPosition.y < 32u)
_343 = mask.y;
_343 = 0u;
uvec2 rounding = uvec2(_342, _343);
vec4 lower_upper_snapped = vec4((uPosition + rounding).xyxy & ~mask.xxyy);
return mix(lower_upper_snapped.xy, lower_upper_snapped.zw, vec2(fract_lod));
vec2 lod_factor(vec2 uv)
float level = textureLod(TexLOD, uv, 0.0).x * 7.96875;
float floor_level = floor(level);
float fract_level = level - floor_level;
return vec2(floor_level, fract_level);
void main()
vec2 PatchPos = _284.Patches[(gl_InstanceID + SPIRV_Cross_BaseInstance)].Position.xz * _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.zw;
vec2 WarpedPos = warp_position();
vec2 VertexPos = PatchPos + WarpedPos;
vec2 NormalizedPos = VertexPos * _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy;
vec2 param = NormalizedPos;
vec2 lod = lod_factor(param);
vec2 Offset = _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x);
float Elevation = mix(textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).x, textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).x, lod.y);
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, Elevation, NormalizedPos.y);
WorldPos = WorldPos * _381.GroundScale.xyz;
WorldPos = WorldPos + _381.GroundPosition.xyz;
EyeVec = WorldPos - _58.g_CamPos.xyz;
TexCoord = NormalizedPos + (_381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * 0.5);
gl_Position = (((_58.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _58.g_ViewProj_Row3;