Makes codegen from typical D3D emulation SPIR-V more readable. Also makes cross compilation with NotEqual more sensible. It's very rare to actually need the strict NaN-checks in practice. Also, glslang now emits UnordNotEqual by default it seems, so give up trying to assume OrdNotEqual. Harmonize for UnordNotEqual as the sane default.
186 lines
4.4 KiB
186 lines
4.4 KiB
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
// Implementation of the GLSL mod() function, which is slightly different than Metal fmod()
template<typename Tx, typename Ty>
inline Tx mod(Tx x, Ty y)
return x - y * floor(x / y);
// Implementation of the GLSL radians() function
template<typename T>
inline T radians(T d)
return d * T(0.01745329251);
// Implementation of the GLSL degrees() function
template<typename T>
inline T degrees(T r)
return r * T(57.2957795131);
struct ResType
half4 _m0;
int4 _m1;
struct main0_in
half v1 [[user(locn0)]];
half2 v2 [[user(locn1)]];
half3 v3 [[user(locn2)]];
half4 v4 [[user(locn3)]];
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
half2x2 test_mat2(thread const half2& a, thread const half2& b, thread const half2& c, thread const half2& d)
return half2x2(half2(a), half2(b)) * half2x2(half2(c), half2(d));
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
half3x3 test_mat3(thread const half3& a, thread const half3& b, thread const half3& c, thread const half3& d, thread const half3& e, thread const half3& f)
return half3x3(half3(a), half3(b), half3(c)) * half3x3(half3(d), half3(e), half3(f));
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
void test_constants()
half a = half(1.0);
half b = half(1.5);
half c = half(-1.5);
half d = half(0.0 / 0.0);
half e = half(1.0 / 0.0);
half f = half(-1.0 / 0.0);
half g = half(1014.0);
half h = half(9.5367431640625e-07);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
half test_result()
return half(1.0);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
void test_conversions()
half one = test_result();
int a = int(one);
uint b = uint(one);
bool c = one != half(0.0);
float d = float(one);
half a2 = half(a);
half b2 = half(b);
half c2 = half(c);
half d2 = half(d);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
void test_builtins(thread half4& v4, thread half3& v3, thread half& v1)
half4 res = radians(v4);
res = degrees(v4);
res = sin(v4);
res = cos(v4);
res = tan(v4);
res = asin(v4);
res = precise::atan2(v4, v3.xyzz);
res = atan(v4);
res = fast::sinh(v4);
res = fast::cosh(v4);
res = precise::tanh(v4);
res = asinh(v4);
res = acosh(v4);
res = atanh(v4);
res = pow(v4, v4);
res = exp(v4);
res = log(v4);
res = exp2(v4);
res = log2(v4);
res = sqrt(v4);
res = rsqrt(v4);
res = abs(v4);
res = sign(v4);
res = floor(v4);
res = trunc(v4);
res = round(v4);
res = rint(v4);
res = ceil(v4);
res = fract(v4);
res = mod(v4, v4);
half4 tmp;
half4 _223 = modf(v4, tmp);
res = _223;
res = min(v4, v4);
res = max(v4, v4);
res = clamp(v4, v4, v4);
res = mix(v4, v4, v4);
res = select(v4, v4, v4 < v4);
res = step(v4, v4);
res = smoothstep(v4, v4, v4);
bool4 btmp = isnan(v4);
btmp = isinf(v4);
res = fma(v4, v4, v4);
ResType _267;
_267._m0 = frexp(v4, _267._m1);
int4 itmp = _267._m1;
res = _267._m0;
res = ldexp(res, itmp);
uint pack0 = as_type<uint>(v4.xy);
uint pack1 = as_type<uint>(v4.zw);
res = half4(as_type<half2>(pack0), as_type<half2>(pack1));
half t0 = length(v4);
t0 = distance(v4, v4);
t0 = dot(v4, v4);
half3 res3 = cross(v3, v3);
res = fast::normalize(v4);
res = faceforward(v4, v4, v4);
res = reflect(v4, v4);
res = refract(v4, v4, v1);
btmp = v4 < v4;
btmp = v4 <= v4;
btmp = v4 > v4;
btmp = v4 >= v4;
btmp = v4 == v4;
btmp = v4 != v4;
res = dfdx(v4);
res = dfdy(v4);
res = dfdx(v4);
res = dfdy(v4);
res = dfdx(v4);
res = dfdy(v4);
res = fwidth(v4);
res = fwidth(v4);
res = fwidth(v4);
fragment void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]])
half2 param = in.v2;
half2 param_1 = in.v2;
half2 param_2 = in.v3.xy;
half2 param_3 = in.v3.xy;
half2x2 m0 = test_mat2(param, param_1, param_2, param_3);
half3 param_4 = in.v3;
half3 param_5 = in.v3;
half3 param_6 = in.v3;
half3 param_7 = in.v4.xyz;
half3 param_8 = in.v4.xyz;
half3 param_9 = in.v4.yzw;
half3x3 m1 = test_mat3(param_4, param_5, param_6, param_7, param_8, param_9);
test_builtins(in.v4, in.v3, in.v1);