Hans-Kristian Arntzen 23662668dd Attempt more optimal codegen for OpCompositeInsert.
Speculate that we can modify the SSA value in-place. As long as it is
not used after the modify, this is fine.

Also need to make sure we don't attempt to RMW something that is
impossible to modify.
2022-05-18 16:37:33 +02:00

214 lines
7.9 KiB

#version 450
struct VertexOutput
vec4 HPosition;
vec4 Uv_EdgeDistance1;
vec4 UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
vec4 Color;
vec4 LightPosition_Fog;
vec4 View_Depth;
vec4 Normal_SpecPower;
vec3 Tangent;
vec4 PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
float studIndex;
struct Surface
vec3 albedo;
vec3 normal;
float specular;
float gloss;
float reflectance;
float opacity;
struct SurfaceInput
vec4 Color;
vec2 Uv;
vec2 UvStuds;
struct Globals
mat4 ViewProjection;
vec4 ViewRight;
vec4 ViewUp;
vec4 ViewDir;
vec3 CameraPosition;
vec3 AmbientColor;
vec3 Lamp0Color;
vec3 Lamp0Dir;
vec3 Lamp1Color;
vec4 FogParams;
vec3 FogColor;
vec4 LightBorder;
vec4 LightConfig0;
vec4 LightConfig1;
vec4 LightConfig2;
vec4 LightConfig3;
vec4 RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor;
vec4 OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo;
vec4 ShadowMatrix0;
vec4 ShadowMatrix1;
vec4 ShadowMatrix2;
struct Params
vec4 LqmatFarTilingFactor;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform CB0
Globals CB0;
} _19;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalDetailMapTextureNormalDetailMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedStudsMapTextureStudsMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler;
uniform sampler3D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedLightMapTextureLightMapSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedShadowMapTextureShadowMapSampler;
uniform samplerCube SPIRV_Cross_CombinedEnvironmentMapTextureEnvironmentMapSampler;
layout(location = 0) in vec4 IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 IN_Color;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 IN_LightPosition_Fog;
layout(location = 4) in vec4 IN_View_Depth;
layout(location = 5) in vec4 IN_Normal_SpecPower;
layout(location = 6) in vec3 IN_Tangent;
layout(location = 7) in vec4 IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
layout(location = 8) in float IN_studIndex;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
VertexOutput _121;
SurfaceInput _122;
vec2 _123;
vec4 _124;
Surface _125;
vec4 _192;
vec4 _219;
vec4 _297;
void main()
VertexOutput _128;
_128.HPosition = gl_FragCoord;
_128.Uv_EdgeDistance1 = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1;
_128.UvStuds_EdgeDistance2 = IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2;
_128.Color = IN_Color;
_128.LightPosition_Fog = IN_LightPosition_Fog;
_128.View_Depth = IN_View_Depth;
_128.Normal_SpecPower = IN_Normal_SpecPower;
_128.Tangent = IN_Tangent;
_128.PosLightSpace_Reflectance = IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance;
_128.studIndex = IN_studIndex;
SurfaceInput _147;
_147.Color = IN_Color;
_147.Uv = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy;
_147.UvStuds = IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.xy;
_147.UvStuds.y = (fract(_147.UvStuds.y) + IN_studIndex) * 0.25;
float _160 = clamp(1.0 - (_128.View_Depth.w * 0.00333332992158830165863037109375), 0.0, 1.0);
float _163 = _128.View_Depth.w * _19.CB0.RefractionBias_FadeDistance_GlowFactor.y;
float _165 = clamp(1.0 - _163, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 _166 = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy * 1.0;
bool _173;
vec4 _193;
for (;;)
_173 = 0.0 == 0.0;
if (_173)
_193 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166);
float _180 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_193 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedDiffuseMapTextureDiffuseMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((_160 * _180) - (0.0 * _180), 0.0, 1.0)));
_193 = _192;
vec4 _220;
for (;;)
if (_173)
_220 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166);
float _207 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.0);
_220 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalMapTextureNormalMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((_165 * _207) - (0.0 * _207), 0.0, 1.0)));
_220 = _219;
vec2 _223 = vec2(1.0);
vec2 _224 = (_220.wy * 2.0) - _223;
vec3 _232 = vec3(_224, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_224, _224), 0.0, 1.0)));
vec4 _237 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedNormalDetailMapTextureNormalDetailMapSampler, _166 * 0.0);
vec2 _240 = (_237.wy * 2.0) - _223;
vec2 _252 = _232.xy + (vec3(_240, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_240, _240), 0.0, 1.0))).xy * 0.0);
vec3 _253 = vec3(_252.x, _252.y, _232.z);
vec2 _255 = _253.xy * _165;
vec3 _256 = vec3(_255.x, _255.y, _253.z);
vec4 _268 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedStudsMapTextureStudsMapSampler, _147.UvStuds);
vec3 _271 = ((IN_Color.xyz * (_193 * 1.0).xyz) * (1.0 + (_256.x * 0.300000011920928955078125))) * (_268.x * 2.0);
vec4 _298;
for (;;)
if (0.75 == 0.0)
_298 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166);
float _285 = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.75);
_298 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166 * 0.25), texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSpecularMapTextureSpecularMapSampler, _166), vec4(clamp((_165 * _285) - (0.75 * _285), 0.0, 1.0)));
_298 = _297;
vec2 _303 = mix(vec2(0.800000011920928955078125, 120.0), (_298.xy * vec2(2.0, 256.0)) + vec2(0.0, 0.00999999977648258209228515625), vec2(_165));
Surface _304;
_304.albedo = _271;
_304.normal = _256;
float _306 = _303.x;
_304.specular = _306;
float _308 = _303.y;
_304.gloss = _308;
float _312 = (_298.xy.y * _165) * 0.0;
_304.reflectance = _312;
vec4 _318 = vec4(_271, _128.Color.w);
vec3 _329 = normalize(((IN_Tangent * _304.normal.x) + (cross(IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz, IN_Tangent) * _304.normal.y)) + (IN_Normal_SpecPower.xyz * _304.normal.z));
vec3 _332 = -_19.CB0.Lamp0Dir;
float _333 = dot(_329, _332);
float _357 = clamp(dot(step(_19.CB0.LightConfig3.xyz, abs(IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz - _19.CB0.LightConfig2.xyz)), vec3(1.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 _368 = mix(texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedLightMapTextureLightMapSampler, IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx - (IN_LightPosition_Fog.xyz.yzx * _357)), _19.CB0.LightBorder, vec4(_357));
vec2 _376 = texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedShadowMapTextureShadowMapSampler, IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.xy).xy;
float _392 = (1.0 - (((step(_376.x, IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z) * clamp(9.0 - (20.0 * abs(IN_PosLightSpace_Reflectance.xyz.z - 0.5)), 0.0, 1.0)) * _376.y) * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.w)) * _368.w;
vec3 _403 = mix(_318.xyz, texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedEnvironmentMapTextureEnvironmentMapSampler, reflect(-IN_View_Depth.xyz, _329)).xyz, vec3(_312));
vec3 _422 = (((_19.CB0.AmbientColor + (((_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * clamp(_333, 0.0, 1.0)) + (_19.CB0.Lamp1Color * max(-_333, 0.0))) * _392)) + _368.xyz) * vec4(_403.x, _403.y, _403.z, _318.w).xyz) + (_19.CB0.Lamp0Color * (((step(0.0, _333) * _306) * _392) * pow(clamp(dot(_329, normalize(_332 + normalize(IN_View_Depth.xyz))), 0.0, 1.0), _308)));
vec4 _423 = vec4(_422.x, _422.y, _422.z, _124.w);
_423.w = vec4(_403.x, _403.y, _403.z, _318.w).w;
vec2 _435 = min(IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.wz, IN_UvStuds_EdgeDistance2.wz);
float _439 = min(_435.x, _435.y) / _163;
vec3 _445 = _423.xyz * clamp((clamp((_163 * _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.x) + _19.CB0.OutlineBrightness_ShadowInfo.y, 0.0, 1.0) * (1.5 - _439)) + _439, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 _446 = vec4(_445.x, _445.y, _445.z, _423.w);
vec3 _453 = mix(_19.CB0.FogColor, _446.xyz, vec3(clamp(_128.LightPosition_Fog.w, 0.0, 1.0)));
_entryPointOutput = vec4(_453.x, _453.y, _453.z, _446.w);