Hans-Kristian Arntzen 461f1506e7 Do not eagerly invalidate all active variables on a branch.
This is not necessary, as we must emit an invalidating store before we
potentially consume an invalid expression. In fact, we're a bit
conservative here in this case for example:

int tmp = variable;
if (...)
    variable = 10;
    // Consuming tmp here is fine, but it was
    // invalidated while emitting other branch.
    // Technically, we need to study if there is an invalidating store
    // in the CFG between the loading block and this block, and the other
    // branch will not be a part of that analysis.
    int tmp2 = tmp * tmp;

Fixing this case means complex CFG traversal *everywhere*, and it feels like overkill.

Fixing this exposed a bug with access chains, so fix a bug where expression dependencies were not
inherited properly in access chains. Access chains are now considered forwarded if there
is at least one dependency which is also forwarded.
2019-07-24 11:17:30 +02:00

117 lines
3.6 KiB

#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_tessellation_shader : require
layout(vertices = 1) out;
layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform UBO
vec4 uScale;
vec3 uCamPos;
vec2 uPatchSize;
vec2 uMaxTessLevel;
float uDistanceMod;
vec4 uFrustum[6];
} _41;
layout(location = 1) patch out vec2 vOutPatchPosBase;
layout(location = 2) patch out vec4 vPatchLods;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vPatchPosBase[];
bool frustum_cull(vec2 p0)
vec2 min_xz = (p0 - vec2(10.0)) * _41.uScale.xy;
vec2 max_xz = ((p0 + _41.uPatchSize) + vec2(10.0)) * _41.uScale.xy;
vec3 bb_min = vec3(min_xz.x, -10.0, min_xz.y);
vec3 bb_max = vec3(max_xz.x, 10.0, max_xz.y);
vec3 center = (bb_min + bb_max) * 0.5;
float radius = 0.5 * length(bb_max - bb_min);
vec3 f0 = vec3(dot(_41.uFrustum[0], vec4(center, 1.0)), dot(_41.uFrustum[1], vec4(center, 1.0)), dot(_41.uFrustum[2], vec4(center, 1.0)));
vec3 f1 = vec3(dot(_41.uFrustum[3], vec4(center, 1.0)), dot(_41.uFrustum[4], vec4(center, 1.0)), dot(_41.uFrustum[5], vec4(center, 1.0)));
bool _205 = any(lessThanEqual(f0, vec3(-radius)));
bool _215;
if (!_205)
_215 = any(lessThanEqual(f1, vec3(-radius)));
_215 = _205;
return !_215;
float lod_factor(vec2 pos_)
vec2 pos = pos_ * _41.uScale.xy;
vec3 dist_to_cam = _41.uCamPos - vec3(pos.x, 0.0, pos.y);
float level = log2((length(dist_to_cam) + 9.9999997473787516355514526367188e-05) * _41.uDistanceMod);
return clamp(level, 0.0, _41.uMaxTessLevel.x);
vec4 tess_level(vec4 lod)
return exp2(-lod) * _41.uMaxTessLevel.y;
float tess_level(float lod)
return _41.uMaxTessLevel.y * exp2(-lod);
void compute_tess_levels(vec2 p0)
vOutPatchPosBase = p0;
vec2 param = p0 + (vec2(-0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l00 = lod_factor(param);
vec2 param_1 = p0 + (vec2(0.5, -0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l10 = lod_factor(param_1);
vec2 param_2 = p0 + (vec2(1.5, -0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l20 = lod_factor(param_2);
vec2 param_3 = p0 + (vec2(-0.5, 0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l01 = lod_factor(param_3);
vec2 param_4 = p0 + (vec2(0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l11 = lod_factor(param_4);
vec2 param_5 = p0 + (vec2(1.5, 0.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l21 = lod_factor(param_5);
vec2 param_6 = p0 + (vec2(-0.5, 1.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l02 = lod_factor(param_6);
vec2 param_7 = p0 + (vec2(0.5, 1.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l12 = lod_factor(param_7);
vec2 param_8 = p0 + (vec2(1.5) * _41.uPatchSize);
float l22 = lod_factor(param_8);
vec4 lods = vec4(dot(vec4(l01, l11, l02, l12), vec4(0.25)), dot(vec4(l00, l10, l01, l11), vec4(0.25)), dot(vec4(l10, l20, l11, l21), vec4(0.25)), dot(vec4(l11, l21, l12, l22), vec4(0.25)));
vPatchLods = lods;
vec4 outer_lods = min(lods, lods.yzwx);
vec4 param_9 = outer_lods;
vec4 levels = tess_level(param_9);
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = levels.x;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = levels.y;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = levels.z;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = levels.w;
float min_lod = min(min(lods.x, lods.y), min(lods.z, lods.w));
float param_10 = min(min_lod, l11);
float inner = tess_level(param_10);
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = inner;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = inner;
void main()
vec2 p0 = vPatchPosBase[0];
vec2 param = p0;
if (!frustum_cull(param))
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = -1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = -1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = -1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = -1.0;
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = -1.0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = -1.0;
vec2 param_1 = p0;