
412 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
2016-09-21 21:16:31 +00:00
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "make_unique.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "type_manager.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
namespace analysis {
// Class hierarchy to represent the normal constants defined through
// OpConstantTrue, OpConstantFalse, OpConstant, OpConstantNull and
// OpConstantComposite instructions.
// TODO(qining): Add class for constants defined with OpConstantSampler.
class Constant;
class ScalarConstant;
class IntConstant;
class FloatConstant;
class BoolConstant;
class CompositeConstant;
class StructConstant;
class VectorConstant;
class ArrayConstant;
class NullConstant;
// Abstract class for a SPIR-V constant. It has a bunch of As<subclass> methods,
// which is used as a way to probe the actual <subclass>
class Constant {
Constant() = delete;
virtual ~Constant() {}
// Make a deep copy of this constant.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const = 0;
// reflections
virtual ScalarConstant* AsScalarConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual IntConstant* AsIntConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual FloatConstant* AsFloatConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual BoolConstant* AsBoolConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual CompositeConstant* AsCompositeConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual StructConstant* AsStructConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual VectorConstant* AsVectorConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual ArrayConstant* AsArrayConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual NullConstant* AsNullConstant() { return nullptr; }
virtual const ScalarConstant* AsScalarConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const IntConstant* AsIntConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const FloatConstant* AsFloatConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const BoolConstant* AsBoolConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const CompositeConstant* AsCompositeConstant() const {
return nullptr;
virtual const StructConstant* AsStructConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const VectorConstant* AsVectorConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const ArrayConstant* AsArrayConstant() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const NullConstant* AsNullConstant() const { return nullptr; }
const analysis::Type* type() const { return type_; }
Constant(const analysis::Type* ty) : type_(ty) {}
// The type of this constant.
const analysis::Type* type_;
// Abstract class for scalar type constants.
class ScalarConstant : public Constant {
ScalarConstant() = delete;
ScalarConstant* AsScalarConstant() override { return this; }
const ScalarConstant* AsScalarConstant() const override { return this; }
// Returns a const reference of the value of this constant in 32-bit words.
virtual const std::vector<uint32_t>& words() const { return words_; }
ScalarConstant(const analysis::Type* ty, const std::vector<uint32_t>& w)
: Constant(ty), words_(w) {}
ScalarConstant(const analysis::Type* ty, std::vector<uint32_t>&& w)
: Constant(ty), words_(std::move(w)) {}
std::vector<uint32_t> words_;
// Integer type constant.
class IntConstant : public ScalarConstant {
IntConstant(const analysis::Integer* ty, const std::vector<uint32_t>& w)
: ScalarConstant(ty, w) {}
IntConstant(const analysis::Integer* ty, std::vector<uint32_t>&& w)
: ScalarConstant(ty, std::move(w)) {}
IntConstant* AsIntConstant() override { return this; }
const IntConstant* AsIntConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this IntConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<IntConstant> CopyIntConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<IntConstant>(type_->AsInteger(), words_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyIntConstant().release());
// Float type constant.
class FloatConstant : public ScalarConstant {
FloatConstant(const analysis::Float* ty, const std::vector<uint32_t>& w)
: ScalarConstant(ty, w) {}
FloatConstant(const analysis::Float* ty, std::vector<uint32_t>&& w)
: ScalarConstant(ty, std::move(w)) {}
FloatConstant* AsFloatConstant() override { return this; }
const FloatConstant* AsFloatConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this FloatConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<FloatConstant> CopyFloatConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<FloatConstant>(type_->AsFloat(), words_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyFloatConstant().release());
// Bool type constant.
class BoolConstant : public ScalarConstant {
BoolConstant(const analysis::Bool* ty, bool v)
: ScalarConstant(ty, {static_cast<uint32_t>(v)}), value_(v) {}
BoolConstant* AsBoolConstant() override { return this; }
const BoolConstant* AsBoolConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this BoolConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<BoolConstant> CopyBoolConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<BoolConstant>(type_->AsBool(), value_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyBoolConstant().release());
bool value() const { return value_; }
bool value_;
// Abstract class for composite constants.
class CompositeConstant : public Constant {
CompositeConstant() = delete;
CompositeConstant* AsCompositeConstant() override { return this; }
const CompositeConstant* AsCompositeConstant() const override { return this; }
// Returns a const reference of the components holded in this composite
// constant.
virtual const std::vector<const Constant*>& GetComponents() const {
return components_;
CompositeConstant(const analysis::Type* ty) : Constant(ty), components_() {}
CompositeConstant(const analysis::Type* ty,
const std::vector<const Constant*>& components)
: Constant(ty), components_(components) {}
CompositeConstant(const analysis::Type* ty,
std::vector<const Constant*>&& components)
: Constant(ty), components_(std::move(components)) {}
std::vector<const Constant*> components_;
// Struct type constant.
class StructConstant : public CompositeConstant {
StructConstant(const analysis::Struct* ty) : CompositeConstant(ty) {}
StructConstant(const analysis::Struct* ty,
const std::vector<const Constant*>& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, components) {}
StructConstant(const analysis::Struct* ty,
std::vector<const Constant*>&& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, std::move(components)) {}
StructConstant* AsStructConstant() override { return this; }
const StructConstant* AsStructConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this StructConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<StructConstant> CopyStructConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<StructConstant>(type_->AsStruct(), components_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyStructConstant().release());
// Vector type constant.
class VectorConstant : public CompositeConstant {
VectorConstant(const analysis::Vector* ty)
: CompositeConstant(ty), component_type_(ty->element_type()) {}
VectorConstant(const analysis::Vector* ty,
const std::vector<const Constant*>& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, components),
component_type_(ty->element_type()) {}
VectorConstant(const analysis::Vector* ty,
std::vector<const Constant*>&& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, std::move(components)),
component_type_(ty->element_type()) {}
VectorConstant* AsVectorConstant() override { return this; }
const VectorConstant* AsVectorConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this VectorConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<VectorConstant> CopyVectorConstant() const {
auto another = MakeUnique<VectorConstant>(type_->AsVector());
another->components_.insert(another->components_.end(), components_.begin(),
return another;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyVectorConstant().release());
const analysis::Type* component_type() { return component_type_; }
const analysis::Type* component_type_;
// Array type constant.
class ArrayConstant : public CompositeConstant {
ArrayConstant(const analysis::Array* ty) : CompositeConstant(ty) {}
ArrayConstant(const analysis::Array* ty,
const std::vector<const Constant*>& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, components) {}
ArrayConstant(const analysis::Array* ty,
std::vector<const Constant*>&& components)
: CompositeConstant(ty, std::move(components)) {}
ArrayConstant* AsArrayConstant() override { return this; }
const ArrayConstant* AsArrayConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this ArrayConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<ArrayConstant> CopyArrayConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<ArrayConstant>(type_->AsArray(), components_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyArrayConstant().release());
// Null type constant.
class NullConstant : public Constant {
NullConstant(const analysis::Type* ty) : Constant(ty) {}
NullConstant* AsNullConstant() override { return this; }
const NullConstant* AsNullConstant() const override { return this; }
// Make a copy of this NullConstant instance.
std::unique_ptr<NullConstant> CopyNullConstant() const {
return MakeUnique<NullConstant>(type_);
std::unique_ptr<Constant> Copy() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Constant>(CopyNullConstant().release());
class IRContext;
// This class represents a pool of constants.
class ConstantManager {
ConstantManager(ir::IRContext* ctx) : ctx_(ctx) {}
ir::IRContext* context() const { return ctx_; }
// Creates a Constant instance with the given type and a vector of constant
// defining words. Returns an unique pointer to the created Constant instance
// if the Constant instance can be created successfully. To create scalar
// type constants, the vector should contain the constant value in 32 bit
// words and the given type must be of type Bool, Integer or Float. To create
// composite type constants, the vector should contain the component ids, and
// those component ids should have been recorded before as Normal Constants.
// And the given type must be of type Struct, Vector or Array. When creating
// VectorType Constant instance, the components must be scalars of the same
// type, either Bool, Integer or Float. If any of the rules above failed, the
// creation will fail and nullptr will be returned. If the vector is empty,
// a NullConstant instance will be created with the given type.
std::unique_ptr<Constant> CreateConstant(
const Type* type,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& literal_words_or_ids) const;
// Creates a Constant instance to hold the constant value of the given
// instruction. If the given instruction defines a normal constants whose
// value is already known in the module, returns the unique pointer to the
// created Constant instance. Otherwise does not create anything and returns a
// nullptr.
std::unique_ptr<Constant> CreateConstantFromInst(ir::Instruction* inst) const;
// Creates a constant defining instruction for the given Constant instance
// and inserts the instruction at the position specified by the given
// instruction iterator. Returns a pointer to the created instruction if
// succeeded, otherwise returns a null pointer. The instruction iterator
// points to the same instruction before and after the insertion. This is the
// only method that actually manages id creation/assignment and instruction
// creation/insertion for a new Constant instance.
// |type_id| is an optional argument for disambiguating equivalent types. If
// |type_id| is specified, it is used as the type of the constant. Otherwise
// the type of the constant is derived by getting an id from the type manager
// for |c|.
ir::Instruction* BuildInstructionAndAddToModule(
std::unique_ptr<analysis::Constant> c, ir::Module::inst_iterator* pos,
uint32_t type_id = 0);
// Creates an instruction with the given result id to declare a constant
// represented by the given Constant instance. Returns an unique pointer to
// the created instruction if the instruction can be created successfully.
// Otherwise, returns a null pointer.
// |type_id| is an optional argument for disambiguating equivalent types. If
// |type_id| is specified, it is used as the type of the constant. Otherwise
// the type of the constant is derived by getting an id from the type manager
// for |c|.
std::unique_ptr<ir::Instruction> CreateInstruction(
uint32_t result_id, analysis::Constant* c, uint32_t type_id = 0) const;
// Creates an OpConstantComposite instruction with the given result id and
// the CompositeConst instance which represents a composite constant. Returns
// an unique pointer to the created instruction if succeeded. Otherwise
// returns a null pointer.
// |type_id| is an optional argument for disambiguating equivalent types. If
// |type_id| is specified, it is used as the type of the constant. Otherwise
// the type of the constant is derived by getting an id from the type manager
// for |c|.
std::unique_ptr<ir::Instruction> CreateCompositeInstruction(
uint32_t result_id, analysis::CompositeConstant* cc,
uint32_t type_id = 0) const;
// A helper function to get the result type of the given instruction. Returns
// nullptr if the instruction does not have a type id (type id is 0).
analysis::Type* GetType(const ir::Instruction* inst) const;
// A helper function to get the collected normal constant with the given id.
// Returns the pointer to the Constant instance in case it is found.
// Otherwise, returns null pointer.
analysis::Constant* FindRecordedConstant(uint32_t id) const;
// A helper function to get the id of a collected constant with the pointer
// to the Constant instance. Returns 0 in case the constant is not found.
uint32_t FindRecordedConstant(const analysis::Constant* c) const;
// A helper function to get a vector of Constant instances with the specified
// ids. If can not find the Constant instance for any one of the ids, returns
// an empty vector.
std::vector<const analysis::Constant*> GetConstantsFromIds(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& ids) const;
// Records a new mapping between |inst| and |const_value|.
// This updates the two mappings |id_to_const_val_| and |const_val_to_id_|.
void MapConstantToInst(std::unique_ptr<analysis::Constant> const_value,
ir::Instruction* inst) {
const_val_to_id_[const_value.get()] = inst->result_id();
id_to_const_val_[inst->result_id()] = std::move(const_value);
// IR context that owns this constant manager.
ir::IRContext* ctx_;
// A mapping from the result ids of Normal Constants to their
// analysis::Constant instances. All Normal Constants in the module, either
// existing ones before optimization or the newly generated ones, should have
// their Constant instance stored and their result id registered in this map.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<analysis::Constant>>
// A mapping from the analsis::Constant instance of Normal Contants to their
// result id in the module. This is a mirror map of id_to_const_val_. All
// Normal Constants that defining instructions in the module should have
// their analysis::Constant and their result id registered here.
std::unordered_map<const analysis::Constant*, uint32_t> const_val_to_id_;
} // namespace analysis
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools