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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Generates various info tables from SPIR-V JSON grammar."""
import errno
import json
import os.path
import re
# Prefix for all C variables generated by this script.
PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX = 'pygen_variable'
# Extensions to recognize, but which don't necessarily come from the SPIR-V
# core or KHR grammar files. Get this list from the SPIR-V registry web page.
# NOTE: Only put things on this list if it is not in those grammar files.
2019-12-18 23:10:29 +00:00
def make_path_to_file(f):
"""Makes all ancestor directories to the given file, if they don't yet
f: The file whose ancestor directories are to be created.
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dir):
def convert_min_required_version(version):
"""Converts the minimal required SPIR-V version encoded in the grammar to
the symbol in SPIRV-Tools."""
if version is None:
if version == 'None':
return '0xffffffffu'
return 'SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD({})'.format(version.replace('.', ','))
def convert_max_required_version(version):
"""Converts the maximum required SPIR-V version encoded in the grammar to
the symbol in SPIRV-Tools."""
if version is None:
return '0xffffffffu'
return 'SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD({})'.format(version.replace('.', ','))
def get_alias_array_name(aliases):
"""Returns the name of the array containing all the given aliases.
- aliases: a sequence of alias names
if not aliases:
return 'nullptr';
return '{}_aliases_{}'.format(PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, ''.join(aliases))
def compose_alias_list(aliases):
"""Returns a string containing a braced list of aliases.
- aliases: a sequence of alias names
a string containing the braced list of char* named by aliases.
return '{' + ', '.join([('"{}"').format(a) for a in aliases]) + '}'
def generate_aliases_arrays(aliases):
"""Returns the arrays of aliases
- aliases: a sequence of sequence of alias names
aliases = sorted(set([tuple(a) for a in aliases if a]))
arrays = [
'static const char* {}[] = {};'.format(
get_alias_array_name(a), compose_alias_list(a))
for a in aliases]
return '\n'.join(arrays)
def compose_capability_list(caps):
"""Returns a string containing a braced list of capabilities as enums.
- caps: a sequence of capability names
a string containing the braced list of SpvCapability* or spv::Capability:: enums named by caps.
base_string = 'SpvCapability'
if OUTPUT_LANGUAGE == 'c++':
base_string = 'spv::Capability::'
return '{' + ', '.join([(base_string + '{}').format(c) for c in caps]) + '}'
def get_capability_array_name(caps):
"""Returns the name of the array containing all the given capabilities.
- caps: a sequence of capability names
if not caps:
return 'nullptr'
return '{}_caps_{}'.format(PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, ''.join(caps))
def generate_capability_arrays(caps):
"""Returns the arrays of capabilities.
- caps: a sequence of sequence of capability names
caps = sorted(set([tuple(c) for c in caps if c]))
cap_str = 'SpvCapability'
if OUTPUT_LANGUAGE == 'c++':
cap_str = 'spv::Capability'
arrays = [
'static const ' + cap_str + ' {}[] = {};'.format(
get_capability_array_name(c), compose_capability_list(c))
for c in caps]
return '\n'.join(arrays)
def compose_extension_list(exts):
"""Returns a string containing a braced list of extensions as enums.
- exts: a sequence of extension names
a string containing the braced list of extensions named by exts.
return '{' + ', '.join(
['spvtools::Extension::k{}'.format(e) for e in exts]) + '}'
def get_extension_array_name(extensions):
"""Returns the name of the array containing all the given extensions.
- extensions: a sequence of extension names
if not extensions:
return 'nullptr'
return '{}_exts_{}'.format(
PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, ''.join(extensions))
def generate_extension_arrays(extensions):
"""Returns the arrays of extensions.
- caps: a sequence of sequence of extension names
extensions = sorted(set([tuple(e) for e in extensions if e]))
arrays = [
'static const spvtools::Extension {}[] = {};'.format(
get_extension_array_name(e), compose_extension_list(e))
for e in extensions]
return '\n'.join(arrays)
def convert_operand_kind(operand_tuple):
"""Returns the corresponding operand type used in spirv-tools for the given
operand kind and quantifier used in the JSON grammar.
- operand_tuple: a tuple of two elements:
- operand kind: used in the JSON grammar
- quantifier: '', '?', or '*'
a string of the enumerant name in spv_operand_type_t
kind, quantifier = operand_tuple
# The following cases are where we differ between the JSON grammar and
# spirv-tools.
if kind == 'IdResultType':
kind = 'TypeId'
elif kind == 'IdResult':
kind = 'ResultId'
elif kind == 'IdMemorySemantics' or kind == 'MemorySemantics':
kind = 'MemorySemanticsId'
elif kind == 'IdScope' or kind == 'Scope':
kind = 'ScopeId'
elif kind == 'IdRef':
kind = 'Id'
elif kind == 'ImageOperands':
kind = 'Image'
elif kind == 'Dim':
kind = 'Dimensionality'
elif kind == 'ImageFormat':
kind = 'SamplerImageFormat'
elif kind == 'KernelEnqueueFlags':
kind = 'KernelEnqFlags'
elif kind == 'LiteralExtInstInteger':
kind = 'ExtensionInstructionNumber'
elif kind == 'LiteralSpecConstantOpInteger':
kind = 'SpecConstantOpNumber'
elif kind == 'LiteralContextDependentNumber':
kind = 'TypedLiteralNumber'
elif kind == 'PairLiteralIntegerIdRef':
kind = 'LiteralIntegerId'
elif kind == 'PairIdRefLiteralInteger':
kind = 'IdLiteralInteger'
elif kind == 'PairIdRefIdRef': # Used by OpPhi in the grammar
kind = 'Id'
if kind == 'FPRoundingMode':
kind = 'FpRoundingMode'
elif kind == 'FPFastMathMode':
kind = 'FpFastMathMode'
if quantifier == '?':
kind = 'Optional{}'.format(kind)
elif quantifier == '*':
kind = 'Variable{}'.format(kind)
return 'SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_{}'.format(
re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', kind).upper())
class InstInitializer(object):
"""Instances holds a SPIR-V instruction suitable for printing as the
initializer for spv_opcode_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, opname, aliases, caps, exts, operands, version, lastVersion):
- opname: opcode name (with the 'Op' prefix)
- aliases: a sequence of aliases for the name of this opcode
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this opcode
- exts: a sequence of names of extensions enabling this enumerant
- operands: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
- version: minimal SPIR-V version required for this opcode
- lastVersion: last version of SPIR-V that includes this opcode
assert opname.startswith('Op')
self.opname = opname[2:] # Remove the "Op" prefix.
self.num_aliases = len(aliases);
self.aliases_mask = get_alias_array_name(aliases)
self.num_caps = len(caps)
self.caps_mask = get_capability_array_name(caps)
self.num_exts = len(exts)
self.exts = get_extension_array_name(exts)
self.operands = [convert_operand_kind(o) for o in operands]
operands = [o[0] for o in operands]
self.ref_type_id = 'IdResultType' in operands
self.def_result_id = 'IdResult' in operands
self.version = convert_min_required_version(version)
self.lastVersion = convert_max_required_version(lastVersion)
def fix_syntax(self):
"""Fix an instruction's syntax, adjusting for differences between the
officially released grammar and how SPIRV-Tools uses the grammar.
- ExtInst should not end with SPV_OPERAND_VARIABLE_ID.
if (self.opname == 'ExtInst'
and self.operands[-1] == 'SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_VARIABLE_ID'):
def __str__(self):
base_str = 'SpvOp'
if OUTPUT_LANGUAGE == 'c++':
base_str = 'spv::Op::Op'
template = ['{{"{opname}"', base_str + '{opname}',
'{num_aliases}', '{aliases_mask}',
'{num_caps}', '{caps_mask}',
'{num_operands}', '{{{operands}}}',
'{def_result_id}', '{ref_type_id}',
'{num_exts}', '{exts}',
'{min_version}', '{max_version}}}']
return ', '.join(template).format(
operands=', '.join(self.operands),
def_result_id=(1 if self.def_result_id else 0),
ref_type_id=(1 if self.ref_type_id else 0),
class ExtInstInitializer(object):
"""Instances holds a SPIR-V extended instruction suitable for printing as
the initializer for spv_ext_inst_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, opname, opcode, caps, operands):
- opname: opcode name
- opcode: enumerant value for this opcode
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this opcode
- operands: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
self.opname = opname
self.opcode = opcode
self.num_caps = len(caps)
self.caps_mask = get_capability_array_name(caps)
self.operands = [convert_operand_kind(o) for o in operands]
def __str__(self):
template = ['{{"{opname}"', '{opcode}', '{num_caps}', '{caps_mask}',
return ', '.join(template).format(
operands=', '.join(self.operands))
def generate_instruction(inst, is_ext_inst):
"""Returns the C initializer for the given SPIR-V instruction.
- inst: a dict containing information about a SPIR-V instruction
- is_ext_inst: a bool indicating whether |inst| is an extended
a string containing the C initializer for spv_opcode_desc_t or
opname = inst.get('opname')
opcode = inst.get('opcode')
aliases = inst.get('aliases', [])
caps = inst.get('capabilities', [])
exts = inst.get('extensions', [])
operands = inst.get('operands', {})
operands = [(o['kind'], o.get('quantifier', '')) for o in operands]
min_version = inst.get('version', None)
max_version = inst.get('lastVersion', None)
assert opname is not None
if is_ext_inst:
return str(ExtInstInitializer(opname, opcode, caps, operands))
return str(InstInitializer(opname, aliases, caps, exts, operands, min_version, max_version))
def generate_instruction_table(inst_table):
"""Returns the info table containing all SPIR-V instructions, sorted by
opcode, and prefixed by capability arrays.
- the built-in sorted() function is guaranteed to be stable.
- inst_table: a list containing all SPIR-V instructions.
inst_table = sorted(inst_table, key=lambda k: (k['opcode'], k['opname']))
aliases_arrays = generate_aliases_arrays(
[inst.get('aliases', []) for inst in inst_table])
caps_arrays = generate_capability_arrays(
[inst.get('capabilities', []) for inst in inst_table])
exts_arrays = generate_extension_arrays(
[inst.get('extensions', []) for inst in inst_table])
insts = [generate_instruction(inst, False) for inst in inst_table]
insts = ['static const spv_opcode_desc_t kOpcodeTableEntries[] = {{\n'
' {}\n}};'.format(',\n '.join(insts))]
return '{}\n\n{}\n\n{}\n\n{}'.format(aliases_arrays, caps_arrays, exts_arrays, '\n'.join(insts))
def generate_extended_instruction_table(json_grammar, set_name, operand_kind_prefix=""):
"""Returns the info table containing all SPIR-V extended instructions,
sorted by opcode, and prefixed by capability arrays.
- inst_table: a list containing all SPIR-V instructions.
- set_name: the name of the extended instruction set.
- operand_kind_prefix: the prefix, if any, to add to the front
of operand kind names.
if operand_kind_prefix:
prefix_operand_kind_names(operand_kind_prefix, json_grammar)
inst_table = json_grammar["instructions"]
set_name = set_name.replace(".", "_")
inst_table = sorted(inst_table, key=lambda k: k['opcode'])
caps = [inst.get('capabilities', []) for inst in inst_table]
caps_arrays = generate_capability_arrays(caps)
insts = [generate_instruction(inst, True) for inst in inst_table]
insts = ['static const spv_ext_inst_desc_t {}_entries[] = {{\n'
' {}\n}};'.format(set_name, ',\n '.join(insts))]
return '{}\n\n{}'.format(caps_arrays, '\n'.join(insts))
class EnumerantInitializer(object):
"""Prints an enumerant as the initializer for spv_operand_desc_t."""
def __init__(self, enumerant, value, aliases, caps, exts, parameters, version, lastVersion):
- enumerant: enumerant name
- value: enumerant value
- aliases: a sequence of aliased capability names
- caps: a sequence of capability names required by this enumerant
- exts: a sequence of names of extensions enabling this enumerant
- parameters: a sequence of (operand-kind, operand-quantifier) tuples
- version: minimal SPIR-V version required for this opcode
- lastVersion: last SPIR-V version this opode appears
self.enumerant = enumerant
self.value = value
self.num_aliases = len(aliases)
self.aliases = get_alias_array_name(aliases)
self.num_caps = len(caps)
self.caps = get_capability_array_name(caps)
self.num_exts = len(exts)
self.exts = get_extension_array_name(exts)
self.parameters = [convert_operand_kind(p) for p in parameters]
self.version = convert_min_required_version(version)
self.lastVersion = convert_max_required_version(lastVersion)
def __str__(self):
template = ['{{"{enumerant}"', '{value}',
'{num_aliases}', '{aliases}',
'{num_caps}', '{caps}',
'{num_exts}', '{exts}',
'{{{parameters}}}', '{min_version}',
return ', '.join(template).format(
parameters=', '.join(self.parameters),
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
def generate_enum_operand_kind_entry(entry, extension_map):
"""Returns the C initializer for the given operand enum entry.
- entry: a dict containing information about an enum entry
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
- extension_map: a dict mapping enum value to list of extensions
a string containing the C initializer for spv_operand_desc_t
enumerant = entry.get('enumerant')
value = entry.get('value')
aliases = entry.get('aliases', [])
caps = entry.get('capabilities', [])
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
if value in extension_map:
exts = extension_map[value]
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
exts = []
params = entry.get('parameters', [])
params = [p.get('kind') for p in params]
params = zip(params, [''] * len(params))
version = entry.get('version', None)
max_version = entry.get('lastVersion', None)
assert enumerant is not None
assert value is not None
return str(EnumerantInitializer(
enumerant, value, aliases, caps, exts, params, version, max_version))
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
def generate_enum_operand_kind(enum, synthetic_exts_list):
"""Returns the C definition for the given operand kind.
It's a static const named array of spv_operand_desc_t.
Also appends to |synthetic_exts_list| a list of extension lists
kind = enum.get('kind')
assert kind is not None
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
# Sort all enumerants according to their values, but otherwise
# preserve their order so the first name listed in the grammar
# as the preferred name for disassembly.
if enum.get('category') == 'ValueEnum':
def functor(k): return (k['value'])
def functor(k): return (int(k['value'], 16))
entries = sorted(enum.get('enumerants', []), key=functor)
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
# SubgroupEqMask and SubgroupEqMaskKHR are the same number with
# same semantics, but one has no extension list while the other
# does. Both should have the extension list.
# So create a mapping from enum value to the union of the extensions
# across all those grammar entries. Preserve order.
extension_map = {}
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
for e in entries:
value = e.get('value')
extension_map[value] = []
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
for e in entries:
value = e.get('value')
exts = e.get('extensions', [])
for ext in exts:
if ext not in extension_map[value]:
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
name = '{}_{}Entries'.format(PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, kind)
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
entries = [' {}'.format(generate_enum_operand_kind_entry(e, extension_map))
for e in entries]
if len(entries) == 0:
# Insert a dummy entry. Otherwise the array is empty and compilation
# will fail in MSVC.
entries = [' {"place holder", 0, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, {}, SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(999,0), 0}']
template = ['static const spv_operand_desc_t {name}[] = {{',
'{entries}', '}};']
entries = '\n'.join(template).format(
return kind, name, entries
def generate_operand_kind_table(enums):
"""Returns the info table containing all SPIR-V operand kinds."""
# We only need to output info tables for those operand kinds that are enums.
enums = [e for e in enums if e.get('category') in ['ValueEnum', 'BitEnum']]
aliases = [entry.get('aliases', [])
for enum in enums
for entry in enum.get('enumerants', [])]
aliases_arrays = generate_aliases_arrays(aliases)
caps = [entry.get('capabilities', [])
for enum in enums
for entry in enum.get('enumerants', [])]
caps_arrays = generate_capability_arrays(caps)
exts = [entry.get('extensions', [])
for enum in enums
for entry in enum.get('enumerants', [])]
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
enums = [generate_enum_operand_kind(e, exts) for e in enums]
exts_arrays = generate_extension_arrays(exts)
# We have a few operand kinds that require their optional counterpart to
# exist in the operand info table.
optional_enums = ['ImageOperands', 'AccessQualifier', 'MemoryAccess', 'PackedVectorFormat', 'CooperativeMatrixOperands', 'RawAccessChainOperands', 'FPEncoding']
optional_enums = [e for e in enums if e[0] in optional_enums]
enum_kinds, enum_names, enum_entries = zip(*enums)
# Mark the last few as optional ones.
enum_quantifiers = [''] * (len(enums) - len(optional_enums)) + ['?'] * len(optional_enums)
# And we don't want redefinition of them.
enum_entries = enum_entries[:-len(optional_enums)]
enum_kinds = [convert_operand_kind(e)
for e in zip(enum_kinds, enum_quantifiers)]
table_entries = zip(enum_kinds, enum_names, enum_names)
table_entries = [' {{{}, ARRAY_SIZE({}), {}}}'.format(*e)
for e in table_entries]
template = [
'static const spv_operand_desc_group_t {p}_OperandInfoTable[] = {{',
'{enums}', '}};']
table = '\n'.join(template).format(
p=PYGEN_VARIABLE_PREFIX, enums=',\n'.join(table_entries))
return '\n\n'.join((aliases_arrays,) + (caps_arrays,) + (exts_arrays,) + enum_entries + (table,))
def get_extension_list(instructions, operand_kinds):
"""Returns extensions as an alphabetically sorted list of strings."""
things_with_an_extensions_field = [item for item in instructions]
enumerants = sum([item.get('enumerants', [])
for item in operand_kinds], [])
extensions = sum([item.get('extensions', [])
for item in things_with_an_extensions_field
if item.get('extensions')], [])
# If it's already listed in a grammar, then don't put it in the
# special exceptions list.
assert item not in extensions, 'Extension %s is already in a grammar file' % item
# Validator would ignore type declaration unique check. Should only be used
# for legacy autogenerated test files containing multiple instances of the
# same type declaration, if fixing the test by other methods is too
# difficult. Shouldn't be used for any other reasons.
return sorted(set(extensions))
def get_capabilities(operand_kinds):
"""Returns capabilities as a list of JSON objects, in order of
enumerants = sum([item.get('enumerants', []) for item in operand_kinds
if item.get('kind') in ['Capability']], [])
return enumerants
def generate_extension_enum(extensions):
"""Returns enumeration containing extensions declared in the grammar."""
return ',\n'.join(['k' + extension for extension in extensions])
def generate_extension_to_string_mapping(extensions):
"""Returns mapping function from extensions to corresponding strings."""
function = 'const char* ExtensionToString(Extension extension) {\n'
function += ' switch (extension) {\n'
template = ' case Extension::k{extension}:\n' \
' return "{extension}";\n'
function += ''.join([template.format(extension=extension)
for extension in extensions])
function += ' }\n\n return "";\n}'
return function
def generate_string_to_extension_mapping(extensions):
"""Returns mapping function from strings to corresponding extensions."""
function = '''
bool GetExtensionFromString(const char* str, Extension* extension) {{
static const char* known_ext_strs[] = {{ {strs} }};
static const Extension known_ext_ids[] = {{ {ids} }};
const auto b = std::begin(known_ext_strs);
const auto e = std::end(known_ext_strs);
const auto found = std::equal_range(
b, e, str, [](const char* str1, const char* str2) {{
return std::strcmp(str1, str2) < 0;
if (found.first == e || found.first == found.second) return false;
*extension = known_ext_ids[found.first - b];
return true;
'''.format(strs=', '.join(['"{}"'.format(e) for e in extensions]),
ids=', '.join(['Extension::k{}'.format(e) for e in extensions]))
return function
def generate_capability_to_string_mapping(operand_kinds):
"""Returns mapping function from capabilities to corresponding strings.
We take care to avoid emitting duplicate values.
cap_str = 'SpvCapability'
cap_join = ''
if OUTPUT_LANGUAGE == 'c++':
cap_str = 'spv::Capability'
cap_join = '::'
function = 'const char* CapabilityToString(' + cap_str + ' capability) {\n'
function += ' switch (capability) {\n'
template = ' case ' + cap_str + cap_join + '{capability}:\n' \
' return "{capability}";\n'
emitted = set() # The values of capabilities we already have emitted
for capability in get_capabilities(operand_kinds):
value = capability.get('value')
if value not in emitted:
function += template.format(capability=capability.get('enumerant'))
function += ' case ' + cap_str + cap_join + 'Max:\n' \
' assert(0 && "Attempting to convert ' + cap_str + cap_join + 'Max to string");\n' \
' return "";\n'
function += ' }\n\n return "";\n}'
return function
def generate_all_string_enum_mappings(extensions, operand_kinds):
"""Returns all string-to-enum / enum-to-string mapping tables."""
tables = []
return '\n\n'.join(tables)
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
def precondition_operand_kinds(operand_kinds):
"""For operand kinds that have the same number, make sure they all have the
same extension list."""
# Map operand kind and value to list of the union of extensions
# for same-valued enumerants.
exts = {}
for kind_entry in operand_kinds:
kind = kind_entry.get('kind')
for enum_entry in kind_entry.get('enumerants', []):
value = enum_entry.get('value')
key = kind + '.' + str(value)
if key in exts:
exts[key].extend(enum_entry.get('extensions', []))
exts[key] = enum_entry.get('extensions', [])
exts[key] = sorted(set(exts[key]))
# Now make each entry the same list.
for kind_entry in operand_kinds:
kind = kind_entry.get('kind')
for enum_entry in kind_entry.get('enumerants', []):
value = enum_entry.get('value')
key = kind + '.' + str(value)
if len(exts[key]) > 0:
enum_entry['extensions'] = exts[key]
Support SPIR-V 1.4 (#2550) * SPIR-V 1.4 headers, add SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4 * Support --target-env spv1.4 in help for command line tools * Support asm/dis of UniformId decoration * Validate UniformId decoration * Fix version check on instructions and operands Also register decorations used with OpDecorateId * Extension lists can differ between enums that match Example: SubgroupMaskEq vs SubgroupMaskEqKHR * Validate scope value for Uniform decoration, for SPIR-V 1.4 * More unioning of exts * Preserve grammar order within an enum value * 1.4: Validate OpSelect over composites * Tools default to 1.4 * Add asm/dis test for OpCopyLogical * 1.4: asm/dis tests for PtrEqual, PtrNotEqual, PtrDiff * Basic asm/Dis test for OpCopyMemory * Test asm/dis OpCopyMemory with 2-memory access Add asm/dis tests for OpCopyMemorySized Requires grammar update to add second optional memory access operand to OpCopyMemory and OpCopyMemorySized * Validate one or two memory accesses on OpCopyMemory* * Check av/vis on CopyMemory source and target memory access This is a proposed rule. See https://gitlab.khronos.org/spirv/SPIR-V/issues/413 * Validate operation for OpSpecConstantOp * Validate NonWritable decoration Also permit NonWritable on members of UBO and SSBO. * SPIR-V 1.4: NonWrtiable can decorate Function and Private vars * Update optimizer CLI tests for SPIR-V 1.4 * Testing tools: Give expected SPIR-V version in message * SPIR-V 1.4 validation for entry point interfaces * Allow only unique interfaces * Allow all global variables * Check that all statically used global variables are listed * new tests * Add validation fixture CompileFailure * Add 1.4 validation for pointer comparisons * New tests * Validate with image operands SignExtend, ZeroExtend Since we don't actually know the image texel format, we can't fully validate. We need more context. But we can make sure we allow the new image operands in known-good cases. * Validate OpCopyLogical * Recursively checks subtypes * new tests * Add SPIR-V 1.4 tests for NoSignedWrap, NoUnsignedWrap * Allow scalar conditions in 1.4 with OpSelect * Allows scalar conditions with vector operands * new tests * Validate uniform id scope as an execution scope * Validate the values of memory and execution scopes are valid scope values * new test * Remove SPIR-V 1.4 Vulkan 1.0 environment * SPIR-V 1.4 requires Vulkan 1.1 * FIX: include string for spvLog * FIX: validate nonwritable * FIX: test case suite for member decorate string * FIX: test case for hlsl functionality1 * Validation test fixture: ease debugging * Use binary version for SPIR-V 1.4 specific features * Switch checks based on the SPIR-V version from the target environment to instead use the version from the binary * Moved header parsing into the ValidationState_t constructor (where version based features are set) * Added new versions of tests that assemble a 1.3 binary and validate a 1.4 environment * Fix test for update to SPIR-V 1.4 headers * Fix formatting * Ext inst lookup: Add Vulkan 1.1 env with SPIR-V 1.4 * Update spirv-val help * Operand version checks should use module version Use the module version instead of the target environment version. * Fix comment about two-access form of OpCopyMemory
2019-05-07 16:27:18 +00:00
return operand_kinds
def prefix_operand_kind_names(prefix, json_dict):
"""Modifies json_dict, by prefixing all the operand kind names
with the given prefix. Also modifies their uses in the instructions
to match.
old_to_new = {}
for operand_kind in json_dict["operand_kinds"]:
old_name = operand_kind["kind"]
new_name = prefix + old_name
operand_kind["kind"] = new_name
old_to_new[old_name] = new_name
for instruction in json_dict["instructions"]:
for operand in instruction.get("operands", []):
replacement = old_to_new.get(operand["kind"])
if replacement is not None:
operand["kind"] = replacement
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate SPIR-V info tables')
parser.add_argument('--spirv-core-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False,
help='input JSON grammar file for core SPIR-V '
parser.add_argument('--extinst-debuginfo-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for DebugInfo extended '
'instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--extinst-cldebuginfo100-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 '
'extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--extinst-glsl-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for GLSL extended '
'instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--extinst-opencl-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for OpenCL extended '
'instruction set')
type=str, required=False, default='c',
help='specify output language type')
parser.add_argument('--core-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for core SPIR-V instructions')
parser.add_argument('--glsl-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for GLSL extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--opencl-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for OpenCL extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--operand-kinds-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for operand kinds')
parser.add_argument('--extension-enum-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for extension enumeration')
parser.add_argument('--enum-string-mapping-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for enum-string mappings')
parser.add_argument('--extinst-vendor-grammar', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='input JSON grammar file for vendor extended '
'instruction set'),
parser.add_argument('--vendor-insts-output', metavar='<path>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='output file for vendor extended instruction set')
parser.add_argument('--vendor-operand-kind-prefix', metavar='<string>',
type=str, required=False, default=None,
help='prefix for operand kinds (to disambiguate operand type enums)')
args = parser.parse_args()
OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = args.output_language
# The GN build system needs this because it doesn't handle quoting
# empty string arguments well.
if args.vendor_operand_kind_prefix == "...nil...":
args.vendor_operand_kind_prefix = ""
if (args.core_insts_output is None) != \
(args.operand_kinds_output is None):
print('error: --core-insts-output and --operand-kinds-output '
'should be specified together.')
if args.operand_kinds_output and not (args.spirv_core_grammar and
args.extinst_debuginfo_grammar and
print('error: --operand-kinds-output requires --spirv-core-grammar '
'and --extinst-debuginfo-grammar '
'and --extinst-cldebuginfo100-grammar')
if (args.glsl_insts_output is None) != \
(args.extinst_glsl_grammar is None):
print('error: --glsl-insts-output and --extinst-glsl-grammar '
'should be specified together.')
if (args.opencl_insts_output is None) != \
(args.extinst_opencl_grammar is None):
print('error: --opencl-insts-output and --extinst-opencl-grammar '
'should be specified together.')
if (args.vendor_insts_output is None) != \
(args.extinst_vendor_grammar is None):
print('error: --vendor-insts-output and '
'--extinst-vendor-grammar should be specified together.')
if all([args.core_insts_output is None,
args.glsl_insts_output is None,
args.opencl_insts_output is None,
args.vendor_insts_output is None,
args.extension_enum_output is None,
args.enum_string_mapping_output is None]):
print('error: at least one output should be specified.')
if args.spirv_core_grammar is not None:
with open(args.spirv_core_grammar) as json_file:
core_grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
with open(args.extinst_debuginfo_grammar) as debuginfo_json_file:
debuginfo_grammar = json.loads(debuginfo_json_file.read())
with open(args.extinst_cldebuginfo100_grammar) as cldebuginfo100_json_file:
cldebuginfo100_grammar = json.loads(cldebuginfo100_json_file.read())
prefix_operand_kind_names("CLDEBUG100_", cldebuginfo100_grammar)
instructions = []
operand_kinds = []
extensions = get_extension_list(instructions, operand_kinds)
operand_kinds = precondition_operand_kinds(operand_kinds)
if args.core_insts_output is not None:
with open(args.core_insts_output, 'w') as f:
with open(args.operand_kinds_output, 'w') as f:
if args.extension_enum_output is not None:
with open(args.extension_enum_output, 'w') as f:
if args.enum_string_mapping_output is not None:
with open(args.enum_string_mapping_output, 'w') as f:
extensions, operand_kinds))
if args.extinst_glsl_grammar is not None:
with open(args.extinst_glsl_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
with open(args.glsl_insts_output, 'w') as f:
grammar, 'glsl'))
if args.extinst_opencl_grammar is not None:
with open(args.extinst_opencl_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
with open(args.opencl_insts_output, 'w') as f:
grammar, 'opencl'))
if args.extinst_vendor_grammar is not None:
with open(args.extinst_vendor_grammar) as json_file:
grammar = json.loads(json_file.read())
name = args.extinst_vendor_grammar
start = name.find('extinst.') + len('extinst.')
name = name[start:-len('.grammar.json')].replace('-', '_')
with open(args.vendor_insts_output, 'w') as f:
grammar, name, args.vendor_operand_kind_prefix))
if __name__ == '__main__':