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// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cassert>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer.h"
#include "source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h"
#include "source/fuzz/replayer.h"
#include "source/fuzz/shrinker.h"
#include "source/opt/build_module.h"
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
#include "source/opt/log.h"
#include "source/spirv_fuzzer_options.h"
#include "source/util/string_utils.h"
#include "tools/io.h"
#include "tools/util/cli_consumer.h"
namespace {
// Check that the std::system function can actually be used.
bool CheckExecuteCommand() {
int res = std::system(nullptr);
return res != 0;
// Execute a command using the shell.
// Returns true if and only if the command's exit status was 0.
bool ExecuteCommand(const std::string& command) {
errno = 0;
int status = std::system(command.c_str());
assert(errno == 0 && "failed to execute command");
// The result returned by 'system' is implementation-defined, but is
// usually the case that the returned value is 0 when the command's exit
// code was 0. We are assuming that here, and that's all we depend on.
return status == 0;
// Status and actions to perform after parsing command-line arguments.
enum class FuzzActions {
FUZZ, // Run the fuzzer to apply transformations in a randomized fashion.
REPLAY, // Replay an existing sequence of transformations.
SHRINK, // Shrink an existing sequence of transformations with respect to an
// interestingness function.
STOP // Do nothing.
struct FuzzStatus {
FuzzActions action;
int code;
void PrintUsage(const char* program) {
// NOTE: Please maintain flags in lexicographical order.
R"(%s - Fuzzes an equivalent SPIR-V binary based on a given binary.
USAGE: %s [options] <input.spv> -o <output.spv>
USAGE: %s [options] <input.spv> -o <output.spv> \
--shrink=<input.transformations> -- <interestingness_function> <args...>
The SPIR-V binary is read from <input.spv>, which must have extension .spv. If
<input.facts> is also present, facts about the SPIR-V binary are read from this
The transformed SPIR-V binary is written to <output.spv>. Human-readable and
binary representations of the transformations that were applied are written to
<output.transformations_json> and <output.transformations>, respectively.
When passing --shrink=<input.transformations> an <interestingness_function>
must also be provided; this is the path to a script that returns 0 if and only
if a given SPIR-V binary is interesting. The SPIR-V binary will be passed to
the script as an argument after any other provided arguments. The "--"
characters are optional but denote that all arguments that follow are
positional arguments and thus will be forwarded to the interestingness script,
and not parsed by %s.
NOTE: The fuzzer is a work in progress.
Options (in lexicographical order):
-h, --help
Print this help.
File from which to read a sequence of transformations to replay
(instead of fuzzing)
Unsigned 32-bit integer seed to control random number
File from which to read a sequence of transformations to shrink
(instead of fuzzing)
Unsigned 32-bit integer specifying maximum number of steps the
shrinker will take before giving up. Ignored unless --shrink
is used.
Run the validator after applying each transformation during
replay (including the replay that occurs during shrinking).
Aborts if an invalid binary is created. Useful for debugging
Display fuzzer version information.
program, program, program, program);
// Message consumer for this tool. Used to emit diagnostics during
// initialization and setup. Note that |source| and |position| are irrelevant
// here because we are still not processing a SPIR-V input file.
void FuzzDiagnostic(spv_message_level_t level, const char* /*source*/,
const spv_position_t& /*position*/, const char* message) {
if (level == SPV_MSG_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: ");
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
bool EndsWithSpv(const std::string& filename) {
std::string dot_spv = ".spv";
return filename.length() >= dot_spv.length() &&
0 == filename.compare(filename.length() - dot_spv.length(),
filename.length(), dot_spv);
FuzzStatus ParseFlags(int argc, const char** argv, std::string* in_binary_file,
std::string* out_binary_file,
std::string* replay_transformations_file,
std::vector<std::string>* interestingness_function,
std::string* shrink_transformations_file,
spvtools::FuzzerOptions* fuzzer_options) {
uint32_t positional_arg_index = 0;
bool only_positional_arguments_remain = false;
for (int argi = 1; argi < argc; ++argi) {
const char* cur_arg = argv[argi];
if ('-' == cur_arg[0] && !only_positional_arguments_remain) {
if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--version")) {
spvtools::Logf(FuzzDiagnostic, SPV_MSG_INFO, nullptr, {}, "%s\n",
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 0};
} else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--help") || 0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "-h")) {
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 0};
} else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "-o")) {
if (out_binary_file->empty() && argi + 1 < argc) {
*out_binary_file = std::string(argv[++argi]);
} else {
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
} else if (0 == strncmp(cur_arg, "--replay=", sizeof("--replay=") - 1)) {
const auto split_flag = spvtools::utils::SplitFlagArgs(cur_arg);
*replay_transformations_file = std::string(split_flag.second);
} else if (0 == strncmp(cur_arg, "--replay-validation",
sizeof("--replay-validation") - 1)) {
} else if (0 == strncmp(cur_arg, "--shrink=", sizeof("--shrink=") - 1)) {
const auto split_flag = spvtools::utils::SplitFlagArgs(cur_arg);
*shrink_transformations_file = std::string(split_flag.second);
} else if (0 == strncmp(cur_arg, "--seed=", sizeof("--seed=") - 1)) {
const auto split_flag = spvtools::utils::SplitFlagArgs(cur_arg);
char* end = nullptr;
errno = 0;
const auto seed =
static_cast<uint32_t>(strtol(split_flag.second.c_str(), &end, 10));
assert(end != split_flag.second.c_str() && errno == 0);
} else if (0 == strncmp(cur_arg, "--shrinker-step-limit=",
sizeof("--shrinker-step-limit=") - 1)) {
const auto split_flag = spvtools::utils::SplitFlagArgs(cur_arg);
char* end = nullptr;
errno = 0;
const auto step_limit =
static_cast<uint32_t>(strtol(split_flag.second.c_str(), &end, 10));
assert(end != split_flag.second.c_str() && errno == 0);
} else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--")) {
only_positional_arguments_remain = true;
} else if ('\0' == cur_arg[1]) {
// We do not support fuzzing from standard input. We could support
// this if there was a compelling use case.
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 0};
} else if (positional_arg_index == 0) {
// Binary input file name
*in_binary_file = std::string(cur_arg);
} else {
if (in_binary_file->empty()) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {}, "No input file specified");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (!EndsWithSpv(*in_binary_file)) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"Input filename must have extension .spv");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (out_binary_file->empty()) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {}, "-o required");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (!EndsWithSpv(*out_binary_file)) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"Output filename must have extension .spv");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (replay_transformations_file->empty() &&
shrink_transformations_file->empty() &&
->replay_validation_enabled) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"The --replay-validation argument can only be used with "
"one of the --replay or --shrink arguments.");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (shrink_transformations_file->empty() &&
!interestingness_function->empty()) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"Too many positional arguments specified; extra positional "
"arguments are used as the interestingness function, which "
"are only valid with the --shrink option.");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (!shrink_transformations_file->empty() &&
interestingness_function->empty()) {
FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"The --shrink option requires an interestingness function.");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
if (!replay_transformations_file->empty()) {
// A replay transformations file was given, thus the tool is being invoked
// in replay mode.
if (!shrink_transformations_file->empty()) {
FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"The --replay and --shrink arguments are mutually exclusive.");
return {FuzzActions::STOP, 1};
return {FuzzActions::REPLAY, 0};
if (!shrink_transformations_file->empty()) {
// The tool is being invoked in shrink mode.
assert(!interestingness_function->empty() &&
"An error should have been raised if --shrink was provided without "
"an interestingness function.");
return {FuzzActions::SHRINK, 0};
return {FuzzActions::FUZZ, 0};
bool ParseTransformations(
const std::string& transformations_file,
spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::TransformationSequence* transformations) {
std::ifstream transformations_stream;
std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
auto parse_success =
if (!parse_success) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
("Error reading transformations from file '" +
transformations_file + "'")
return false;
return true;
bool Replay(const spv_target_env& target_env,
spv_const_fuzzer_options fuzzer_options,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& binary_in,
const spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::FactSequence& initial_facts,
const std::string& replay_transformations_file,
std::vector<uint32_t>* binary_out,
transformations_applied) {
spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::TransformationSequence transformation_sequence;
if (!ParseTransformations(replay_transformations_file,
&transformation_sequence)) {
return false;
spvtools::fuzz::Replayer replayer(target_env,
auto replay_result_status =
replayer.Run(binary_in, initial_facts, transformation_sequence,
binary_out, transformations_applied);
return !(replay_result_status !=
bool Shrink(const spv_target_env& target_env,
spv_const_fuzzer_options fuzzer_options,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& binary_in,
const spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::FactSequence& initial_facts,
const std::string& shrink_transformations_file,
const std::vector<std::string>& interestingness_command,
std::vector<uint32_t>* binary_out,
transformations_applied) {
spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::TransformationSequence transformation_sequence;
if (!ParseTransformations(shrink_transformations_file,
&transformation_sequence)) {
return false;
spvtools::fuzz::Shrinker shrinker(target_env,
assert(!interestingness_command.empty() &&
"An error should have been raised because the interestingness_command "
"is empty.");
std::stringstream joined;
joined << interestingness_command[0];
for (size_t i = 1, size = interestingness_command.size(); i < size; ++i) {
joined << " " << interestingness_command[i];
std::string interestingness_command_joined = joined.str();
spvtools::fuzz::Shrinker::InterestingnessFunction interestingness_function =
[interestingness_command_joined](std::vector<uint32_t> binary,
uint32_t reductions_applied) -> bool {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "temp_" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << reductions_applied
<< ".spv";
const auto spv_file = ss.str();
const std::string command = interestingness_command_joined + " " + spv_file;
auto write_file_succeeded =
WriteFile(spv_file.c_str(), "wb", &binary[0], binary.size());
return ExecuteCommand(command);
auto shrink_result_status = shrinker.Run(
binary_in, initial_facts, transformation_sequence,
interestingness_function, binary_out, transformations_applied);
return spvtools::fuzz::Shrinker::ShrinkerResultStatus::kComplete ==
shrink_result_status ||
spvtools::fuzz::Shrinker::ShrinkerResultStatus::kStepLimitReached ==
bool Fuzz(const spv_target_env& target_env,
const spvtools::FuzzerOptions& fuzzer_options,
2019-06-17 15:28:25 +00:00
const std::vector<uint32_t>& binary_in,
const spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::FactSequence& initial_facts,
std::vector<uint32_t>* binary_out,
transformations_applied) {
spvtools::fuzz::Fuzzer fuzzer(target_env);
auto fuzz_result_status = fuzzer.Run(binary_in, initial_facts, fuzzer_options,
binary_out, transformations_applied);
if (fuzz_result_status !=
spvtools::fuzz::Fuzzer::FuzzerResultStatus::kComplete) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {}, "Error running fuzzer");
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// Dumps |binary| to file |filename|. Useful for interactive debugging.
void DumpShader(const std::vector<uint32_t>& binary, const char* filename) {
auto write_file_succeeded =
WriteFile(filename, "wb", &binary[0], binary.size());
if (!write_file_succeeded) {
std::cerr << "Failed to dump shader" << std::endl;
// Dumps the SPIRV-V module in |context| to file |filename|. Useful for
// interactive debugging.
void DumpShader(spvtools::opt::IRContext* context, const char* filename) {
std::vector<uint32_t> binary;
context->module()->ToBinary(&binary, false);
DumpShader(binary, filename);
const auto kDefaultEnvironment = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
std::string in_binary_file;
std::string out_binary_file;
std::string replay_transformations_file;
std::vector<std::string> interestingness_function;
std::string shrink_transformations_file;
spvtools::FuzzerOptions fuzzer_options;
FuzzStatus status =
ParseFlags(argc, argv, &in_binary_file, &out_binary_file,
&replay_transformations_file, &interestingness_function,
&shrink_transformations_file, &fuzzer_options);
if (status.action == FuzzActions::STOP) {
return status.code;
std::vector<uint32_t> binary_in;
if (!ReadFile<uint32_t>(in_binary_file.c_str(), "rb", &binary_in)) {
return 1;
spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::FactSequence initial_facts;
const std::string dot_spv(".spv");
std::string in_facts_file =
in_binary_file.substr(0, in_binary_file.length() - dot_spv.length()) +
std::ifstream facts_input(in_facts_file);
if (facts_input) {
std::string facts_json_string((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(facts_input)),
if (google::protobuf::util::Status::OK !=
&initial_facts)) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {}, "Error reading facts data");
return 1;
std::vector<uint32_t> binary_out;
spvtools::fuzz::protobufs::TransformationSequence transformations_applied;
spv_target_env target_env = kDefaultEnvironment;
switch (status.action) {
case FuzzActions::FUZZ:
if (!Fuzz(target_env, fuzzer_options, binary_in, initial_facts,
&binary_out, &transformations_applied)) {
return 1;
case FuzzActions::REPLAY:
if (!Replay(target_env, fuzzer_options, binary_in, initial_facts,
replay_transformations_file, &binary_out,
&transformations_applied)) {
return 1;
case FuzzActions::SHRINK: {
if (!CheckExecuteCommand()) {
std::cerr << "could not find shell interpreter for executing a command"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
if (!Shrink(target_env, fuzzer_options, binary_in, initial_facts,
shrink_transformations_file, interestingness_function,
&binary_out, &transformations_applied)) {
return 1;
} break;
assert(false && "Unknown fuzzer action.");
if (!WriteFile<uint32_t>(out_binary_file.c_str(), "wb", binary_out.data(),
binary_out.size())) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {}, "Error writing out binary");
return 1;
std::string output_file_prefix =
out_binary_file.substr(0, out_binary_file.length() - dot_spv.length());
std::ofstream transformations_file;
transformations_file.open(output_file_prefix + ".transformations",
std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
bool success =
if (!success) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"Error writing out transformations binary");
return 1;
std::string json_string;
auto json_options = google::protobuf::util::JsonOptions();
json_options.add_whitespace = true;
auto json_generation_status = google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString(
transformations_applied, &json_string, json_options);
if (json_generation_status != google::protobuf::util::Status::OK) {
spvtools::Error(FuzzDiagnostic, nullptr, {},
"Error writing out transformations in JSON format");
return 1;
std::ofstream transformations_json_file(output_file_prefix +
transformations_json_file << json_string;
return 0;