// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include "../assembly_builder.h" #include "../function_utils.h" #include "../pass_fixture.h" #include "../pass_utils.h" #include "opt/iterator.h" #include "opt/loop_descriptor.h" #include "opt/pass.h" #include "opt/tree_iterator.h" namespace { using namespace spvtools; using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre; bool Validate(const std::vector& bin) { spv_target_env target_env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2; spv_context spvContext = spvContextCreate(target_env); spv_diagnostic diagnostic = nullptr; spv_const_binary_t binary = {bin.data(), bin.size()}; spv_result_t error = spvValidate(spvContext, &binary, &diagnostic); if (error != 0) spvDiagnosticPrint(diagnostic); spvDiagnosticDestroy(diagnostic); spvContextDestroy(spvContext); return error == 0; } using PassClassTest = PassTest<::testing::Test>; /* Generated from the following GLSL #version 330 core layout(location = 0) out vec4 c; void main() { int i = 0; for (; i < 10; ++i) { int j = 0; int k = 0; for (; j < 11; ++j) {} for (; k < 12; ++k) {} } } */ TEST_F(PassClassTest, BasicVisitFromEntryPoint) { const std::string text = R"( OpCapability Shader %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main" %3 OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft OpSource GLSL 330 OpName %2 "main" OpName %4 "i" OpName %5 "j" OpName %6 "k" OpName %3 "c" OpDecorate %3 Location 0 %7 = OpTypeVoid %8 = OpTypeFunction %7 %9 = OpTypeInt 32 1 %10 = OpTypePointer Function %9 %11 = OpConstant %9 0 %12 = OpConstant %9 10 %13 = OpTypeBool %14 = OpConstant %9 11 %15 = OpConstant %9 1 %16 = OpConstant %9 12 %17 = OpTypeFloat 32 %18 = OpTypeVector %17 4 %19 = OpTypePointer Output %18 %3 = OpVariable %19 Output %2 = OpFunction %7 None %8 %20 = OpLabel %4 = OpVariable %10 Function %5 = OpVariable %10 Function %6 = OpVariable %10 Function OpStore %4 %11 OpBranch %21 %21 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %22 %23 None OpBranch %24 %24 = OpLabel %25 = OpLoad %9 %4 %26 = OpSLessThan %13 %25 %12 OpBranchConditional %26 %27 %22 %27 = OpLabel OpStore %5 %11 OpStore %6 %11 OpBranch %28 %28 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %29 %30 None OpBranch %31 %31 = OpLabel %32 = OpLoad %9 %5 %33 = OpSLessThan %13 %32 %14 OpBranchConditional %33 %34 %29 %34 = OpLabel OpBranch %30 %30 = OpLabel %35 = OpLoad %9 %5 %36 = OpIAdd %9 %35 %15 OpStore %5 %36 OpBranch %28 %29 = OpLabel OpBranch %37 %37 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %38 %39 None OpBranch %40 %40 = OpLabel %41 = OpLoad %9 %6 %42 = OpSLessThan %13 %41 %16 OpBranchConditional %42 %43 %38 %43 = OpLabel OpBranch %39 %39 = OpLabel %44 = OpLoad %9 %6 %45 = OpIAdd %9 %44 %15 OpStore %6 %45 OpBranch %37 %38 = OpLabel OpBranch %23 %23 = OpLabel %46 = OpLoad %9 %4 %47 = OpIAdd %9 %46 %15 OpStore %4 %47 OpBranch %21 %22 = OpLabel OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"; // clang-format on std::unique_ptr context = BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text, SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_PRESERVE_NUMERIC_IDS); ir::Module* module = context->module(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, module) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n" << text << std::endl; const ir::Function* f = spvtest::GetFunction(module, 2); ir::LoopDescriptor& ld = *context->GetLoopDescriptor(f); EXPECT_EQ(ld.NumLoops(), 3u); // Invalid basic block id. EXPECT_EQ(ld[0u], nullptr); // Not a loop header. EXPECT_EQ(ld[20], nullptr); ir::Loop& parent_loop = *ld[21]; EXPECT_TRUE(parent_loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_FALSE(parent_loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(parent_loop.GetDepth(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(parent_loop.begin(), parent_loop.end()), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(parent_loop.GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 21)); EXPECT_EQ(parent_loop.GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 23)); EXPECT_EQ(parent_loop.GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 22)); ir::Loop& child_loop_1 = *ld[28]; EXPECT_FALSE(child_loop_1.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(child_loop_1.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_1.GetDepth(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(child_loop_1.begin(), child_loop_1.end()), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_1.GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 28)); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_1.GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 30)); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_1.GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 29)); ir::Loop& child_loop_2 = *ld[37]; EXPECT_FALSE(child_loop_2.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(child_loop_2.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_2.GetDepth(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(child_loop_2.begin(), child_loop_2.end()), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_2.GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 37)); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_2.GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 39)); EXPECT_EQ(child_loop_2.GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 38)); } static void CheckLoopBlocks(ir::Loop* loop, std::unordered_set* expected_ids) { SCOPED_TRACE("Check loop " + std::to_string(loop->GetHeaderBlock()->id())); for (uint32_t bb_id : loop->GetBlocks()) { EXPECT_EQ(expected_ids->count(bb_id), 1u); expected_ids->erase(bb_id); } EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetMergeBlock())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_ids->size(), 0u); } /* Generated from the following GLSL #version 330 core layout(location = 0) out vec4 c; void main() { int i = 0; for (; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 11; ++j) { if (j < 5) { for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {} } else {} for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {} } } }*/ TEST_F(PassClassTest, TripleNestedLoop) { const std::string text = R"( OpCapability Shader %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main" %3 OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft OpSource GLSL 330 OpName %2 "main" OpName %4 "i" OpName %5 "j" OpName %6 "k" OpName %7 "k" OpName %3 "c" OpDecorate %3 Location 0 %8 = OpTypeVoid %9 = OpTypeFunction %8 %10 = OpTypeInt 32 1 %11 = OpTypePointer Function %10 %12 = OpConstant %10 0 %13 = OpConstant %10 10 %14 = OpTypeBool %15 = OpConstant %10 11 %16 = OpConstant %10 5 %17 = OpConstant %10 12 %18 = OpConstant %10 1 %19 = OpTypeFloat 32 %20 = OpTypeVector %19 4 %21 = OpTypePointer Output %20 %3 = OpVariable %21 Output %2 = OpFunction %8 None %9 %22 = OpLabel %4 = OpVariable %11 Function %5 = OpVariable %11 Function %6 = OpVariable %11 Function %7 = OpVariable %11 Function OpStore %4 %12 OpBranch %23 %23 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %24 %25 None OpBranch %26 %26 = OpLabel %27 = OpLoad %10 %4 %28 = OpSLessThan %14 %27 %13 OpBranchConditional %28 %29 %24 %29 = OpLabel OpStore %5 %12 OpBranch %30 %30 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %31 %32 None OpBranch %33 %33 = OpLabel %34 = OpLoad %10 %5 %35 = OpSLessThan %14 %34 %15 OpBranchConditional %35 %36 %31 %36 = OpLabel %37 = OpLoad %10 %5 %38 = OpSLessThan %14 %37 %16 OpSelectionMerge %39 None OpBranchConditional %38 %40 %39 %40 = OpLabel OpStore %6 %12 OpBranch %41 %41 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %42 %43 None OpBranch %44 %44 = OpLabel %45 = OpLoad %10 %6 %46 = OpSLessThan %14 %45 %17 OpBranchConditional %46 %47 %42 %47 = OpLabel OpBranch %43 %43 = OpLabel %48 = OpLoad %10 %6 %49 = OpIAdd %10 %48 %18 OpStore %6 %49 OpBranch %41 %42 = OpLabel OpBranch %39 %39 = OpLabel OpStore %7 %12 OpBranch %50 %50 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %51 %52 None OpBranch %53 %53 = OpLabel %54 = OpLoad %10 %7 %55 = OpSLessThan %14 %54 %17 OpBranchConditional %55 %56 %51 %56 = OpLabel OpBranch %52 %52 = OpLabel %57 = OpLoad %10 %7 %58 = OpIAdd %10 %57 %18 OpStore %7 %58 OpBranch %50 %51 = OpLabel OpBranch %32 %32 = OpLabel %59 = OpLoad %10 %5 %60 = OpIAdd %10 %59 %18 OpStore %5 %60 OpBranch %30 %31 = OpLabel OpBranch %25 %25 = OpLabel %61 = OpLoad %10 %4 %62 = OpIAdd %10 %61 %18 OpStore %4 %62 OpBranch %23 %24 = OpLabel OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"; // clang-format on std::unique_ptr context = BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text, SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_PRESERVE_NUMERIC_IDS); ir::Module* module = context->module(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, module) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n" << text << std::endl; const ir::Function* f = spvtest::GetFunction(module, 2); ir::LoopDescriptor& ld = *context->GetLoopDescriptor(f); EXPECT_EQ(ld.NumLoops(), 4u); // Invalid basic block id. EXPECT_EQ(ld[0u], nullptr); // Not in a loop. EXPECT_EQ(ld[22], nullptr); // Check that we can map basic block to the correct loop. // The following block ids do not belong to a loop. for (uint32_t bb_id : {22, 24}) EXPECT_EQ(ld[bb_id], nullptr); { std::unordered_set basic_block_in_loop = { {23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 36, 40, 41, 44, 47, 43, 42, 39, 50, 53, 56, 52, 51, 32, 31, 25}}; ir::Loop* loop = ld[23]; CheckLoopBlocks(loop, &basic_block_in_loop); EXPECT_TRUE(loop->HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetDepth(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(loop->begin(), loop->end()), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 22)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 23)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 25)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 24)); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetMergeBlock())); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock())); } { std::unordered_set basic_block_in_loop = { {30, 33, 36, 40, 41, 44, 47, 43, 42, 39, 50, 53, 56, 52, 51, 32}}; ir::Loop* loop = ld[30]; CheckLoopBlocks(loop, &basic_block_in_loop); EXPECT_TRUE(loop->HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop->IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetDepth(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(loop->begin(), loop->end()), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 29)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 30)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 32)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 31)); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetMergeBlock())); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock())); } { std::unordered_set basic_block_in_loop = {{41, 44, 47, 43}}; ir::Loop* loop = ld[41]; CheckLoopBlocks(loop, &basic_block_in_loop); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop->IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetDepth(), 3u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(loop->begin(), loop->end()), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 40)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 41)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 43)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 42)); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetMergeBlock())); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock())); } { std::unordered_set basic_block_in_loop = {{50, 53, 56, 52}}; ir::Loop* loop = ld[50]; CheckLoopBlocks(loop, &basic_block_in_loop); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop->IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetDepth(), 3u); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(loop->begin(), loop->end()), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 39)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetHeaderBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 50)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetLatchBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 52)); EXPECT_EQ(loop->GetMergeBlock(), spvtest::GetBasicBlock(f, 51)); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetMergeBlock())); EXPECT_FALSE(loop->IsInsideLoop(loop->GetPreHeaderBlock())); } // Make sure LoopDescriptor gives us the inner most loop when we query for // loops. for (const ir::BasicBlock& bb : *f) { if (ir::Loop* loop = ld[&bb]) { for (ir::Loop& sub_loop : ir::make_range(++opt::TreeDFIterator(loop), opt::TreeDFIterator())) { EXPECT_FALSE(sub_loop.IsInsideLoop(bb.id())); } } } } /* Generated from the following GLSL #version 330 core layout(location = 0) out vec4 c; void main() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 11; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 11; ++k) {} } for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {} } } */ TEST_F(PassClassTest, LoopParentTest) { const std::string text = R"( OpCapability Shader %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main" %3 OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft OpSource GLSL 330 OpName %2 "main" OpName %4 "i" OpName %5 "j" OpName %6 "k" OpName %7 "k" OpName %3 "c" OpDecorate %3 Location 0 %8 = OpTypeVoid %9 = OpTypeFunction %8 %10 = OpTypeInt 32 1 %11 = OpTypePointer Function %10 %12 = OpConstant %10 0 %13 = OpConstant %10 10 %14 = OpTypeBool %15 = OpConstant %10 11 %16 = OpConstant %10 1 %17 = OpConstant %10 12 %18 = OpTypeFloat 32 %19 = OpTypeVector %18 4 %20 = OpTypePointer Output %19 %3 = OpVariable %20 Output %2 = OpFunction %8 None %9 %21 = OpLabel %4 = OpVariable %11 Function %5 = OpVariable %11 Function %6 = OpVariable %11 Function %7 = OpVariable %11 Function OpStore %4 %12 OpBranch %22 %22 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %23 %24 None OpBranch %25 %25 = OpLabel %26 = OpLoad %10 %4 %27 = OpSLessThan %14 %26 %13 OpBranchConditional %27 %28 %23 %28 = OpLabel OpStore %5 %12 OpBranch %29 %29 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %30 %31 None OpBranch %32 %32 = OpLabel %33 = OpLoad %10 %5 %34 = OpSLessThan %14 %33 %15 OpBranchConditional %34 %35 %30 %35 = OpLabel OpStore %6 %12 OpBranch %36 %36 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %37 %38 None OpBranch %39 %39 = OpLabel %40 = OpLoad %10 %6 %41 = OpSLessThan %14 %40 %15 OpBranchConditional %41 %42 %37 %42 = OpLabel OpBranch %38 %38 = OpLabel %43 = OpLoad %10 %6 %44 = OpIAdd %10 %43 %16 OpStore %6 %44 OpBranch %36 %37 = OpLabel OpBranch %31 %31 = OpLabel %45 = OpLoad %10 %5 %46 = OpIAdd %10 %45 %16 OpStore %5 %46 OpBranch %29 %30 = OpLabel OpStore %7 %12 OpBranch %47 %47 = OpLabel OpLoopMerge %48 %49 None OpBranch %50 %50 = OpLabel %51 = OpLoad %10 %7 %52 = OpSLessThan %14 %51 %17 OpBranchConditional %52 %53 %48 %53 = OpLabel OpBranch %49 %49 = OpLabel %54 = OpLoad %10 %7 %55 = OpIAdd %10 %54 %16 OpStore %7 %55 OpBranch %47 %48 = OpLabel OpBranch %24 %24 = OpLabel %56 = OpLoad %10 %4 %57 = OpIAdd %10 %56 %16 OpStore %4 %57 OpBranch %22 %23 = OpLabel OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"; // clang-format on std::unique_ptr context = BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text, SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_PRESERVE_NUMERIC_IDS); ir::Module* module = context->module(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, module) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n" << text << std::endl; const ir::Function* f = spvtest::GetFunction(module, 2); ir::LoopDescriptor& ld = *context->GetLoopDescriptor(f); EXPECT_EQ(ld.NumLoops(), 4u); { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[22]; EXPECT_TRUE(loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_FALSE(loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetDepth(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetParent(), nullptr); } { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[29]; EXPECT_TRUE(loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetDepth(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetParent(), ld[22]); } { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[36]; EXPECT_FALSE(loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetDepth(), 3u); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetParent(), ld[29]); } { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[47]; EXPECT_FALSE(loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_TRUE(loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetDepth(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetParent(), ld[22]); } } /* Generated from the following GLSL + --eliminate-local-multi-store The preheader of loop %33 and %41 were removed as well. #version 330 core void main() { int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i == 0) { a = 1; } else { a = 2; } for (int j = 0; j < 11; ++j) { a++; } } for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k) {} } */ TEST_F(PassClassTest, CreatePreheaderTest) { const std::string text = R"( OpCapability Shader %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main" OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft OpSource GLSL 330 OpName %2 "main" %3 = OpTypeVoid %4 = OpTypeFunction %3 %5 = OpTypeInt 32 1 %6 = OpTypePointer Function %5 %7 = OpConstant %5 0 %8 = OpConstant %5 10 %9 = OpTypeBool %10 = OpConstant %5 1 %11 = OpConstant %5 2 %12 = OpConstant %5 11 %13 = OpConstant %5 12 %14 = OpUndef %5 %2 = OpFunction %3 None %4 %15 = OpLabel OpBranch %16 %16 = OpLabel %17 = OpPhi %5 %7 %15 %18 %19 %20 = OpPhi %5 %7 %15 %21 %19 %22 = OpPhi %5 %14 %15 %23 %19 OpLoopMerge %41 %19 None OpBranch %25 %25 = OpLabel %26 = OpSLessThan %9 %20 %8 OpBranchConditional %26 %27 %41 %27 = OpLabel %28 = OpIEqual %9 %20 %7 OpSelectionMerge %33 None OpBranchConditional %28 %30 %31 %30 = OpLabel OpBranch %33 %31 = OpLabel OpBranch %33 %33 = OpLabel %18 = OpPhi %5 %10 %30 %11 %31 %34 %35 %23 = OpPhi %5 %7 %30 %7 %31 %36 %35 OpLoopMerge %37 %35 None OpBranch %38 %38 = OpLabel %39 = OpSLessThan %9 %23 %12 OpBranchConditional %39 %40 %37 %40 = OpLabel %34 = OpIAdd %5 %18 %10 OpBranch %35 %35 = OpLabel %36 = OpIAdd %5 %23 %10 OpBranch %33 %37 = OpLabel OpBranch %19 %19 = OpLabel %21 = OpIAdd %5 %20 %10 OpBranch %16 %41 = OpLabel %42 = OpPhi %5 %7 %25 %43 %44 OpLoopMerge %45 %44 None OpBranch %46 %46 = OpLabel %47 = OpSLessThan %9 %42 %13 OpBranchConditional %47 %48 %45 %48 = OpLabel OpBranch %44 %44 = OpLabel %43 = OpIAdd %5 %42 %10 OpBranch %41 %45 = OpLabel OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"; // clang-format on std::unique_ptr context = BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text, SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_PRESERVE_NUMERIC_IDS); ir::Module* module = context->module(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, module) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n" << text << std::endl; const ir::Function* f = spvtest::GetFunction(module, 2); ir::LoopDescriptor& ld = *context->GetLoopDescriptor(f); // No invalidation of the cfg should occur during this test. ir::CFG* cfg = context->cfg(); EXPECT_EQ(ld.NumLoops(), 3u); { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[16]; EXPECT_TRUE(loop.HasNestedLoops()); EXPECT_FALSE(loop.IsNested()); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetDepth(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetParent(), nullptr); } { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[33]; EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock(), nullptr); EXPECT_NE(loop.GetOrCreatePreHeaderBlock(), nullptr); // Make sure the loop descriptor was properly updated. EXPECT_EQ(ld[loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()], ld[16]); { const std::vector& preds = cfg->preds(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->id()); std::unordered_set pred_set(preds.begin(), preds.end()); EXPECT_EQ(pred_set.size(), 2u); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(30)); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(31)); // Check the phi instructions. loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->ForEachPhiInst( [&pred_set](ir::Instruction* phi) { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < phi->NumInOperands(); i += 2) { EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(phi->GetSingleWordInOperand(i))); } }); } { const std::vector& preds = cfg->preds(loop.GetHeaderBlock()->id()); std::unordered_set pred_set(preds.begin(), preds.end()); EXPECT_EQ(pred_set.size(), 2u); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->id())); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(35)); // Check the phi instructions. loop.GetHeaderBlock()->ForEachPhiInst([&pred_set](ir::Instruction* phi) { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < phi->NumInOperands(); i += 2) { EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(phi->GetSingleWordInOperand(i))); } }); } } { ir::Loop& loop = *ld[41]; EXPECT_EQ(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock(), nullptr); EXPECT_NE(loop.GetOrCreatePreHeaderBlock(), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(ld[loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()], nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(cfg->preds(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->id()).size(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(cfg->preds(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->id())[0], 25u); // Check the phi instructions. loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->ForEachPhiInst([](ir::Instruction* phi) { EXPECT_EQ(phi->NumInOperands(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(phi->GetSingleWordInOperand(1), 25u); }); { const std::vector& preds = cfg->preds(loop.GetHeaderBlock()->id()); std::unordered_set pred_set(preds.begin(), preds.end()); EXPECT_EQ(pred_set.size(), 2u); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(loop.GetPreHeaderBlock()->id())); EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(44)); // Check the phi instructions. loop.GetHeaderBlock()->ForEachPhiInst([&pred_set](ir::Instruction* phi) { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < phi->NumInOperands(); i += 2) { EXPECT_TRUE(pred_set.count(phi->GetSingleWordInOperand(i))); } }); } } // Make sure pre-header insertion leaves the module valid. std::vector bin; context->module()->ToBinary(&bin, true); EXPECT_TRUE(Validate(bin)); } } // namespace