// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "source/comp/markv.h" #include "source/spirv_target_env.h" #include "source/table.h" #include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp" #include "tools/comp/markv_model_factory.h" #include "tools/io.h" namespace { const auto kSpvEnv = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2; enum Task { kNoTask = 0, kEncode, kDecode, kTest, }; struct ScopedContext { ScopedContext(spv_target_env env) : context(spvContextCreate(env)) {} ~ScopedContext() { spvContextDestroy(context); } spv_context context; }; void print_usage(char* argv0) { printf( R"(%s - Encodes or decodes a SPIR-V binary to or from a MARK-V binary. USAGE: %s [e|d|t] [options] [] The input binary is read from . If no file is specified, or if the filename is "-", then the binary is read from standard input. If no output is specified then the output is printed to stdout in a human readable format. WIP: MARK-V codec is in early stages of development. At the moment it only can encode and decode some SPIR-V files and only if exacly the same build of software is used (is doesn't write or handle version numbers yet). Tasks: e Encode SPIR-V to MARK-V. d Decode MARK-V to SPIR-V. t Test the codec by first encoding the given SPIR-V file to MARK-V, then decoding it back to SPIR-V and comparing results. Options: -h, --help Print this help. --comments Write codec comments to stderr. --version Display MARK-V codec version. --validate Validate SPIR-V while encoding or decoding. --model= Compression model, possible values: shader_lite - fast, poor compression ratio shader_mid - balanced shader_max - best compression ratio Default: shader_lite -o Set the output filename. Output goes to standard output if this option is not specified, or if the filename is "-". Not needed for 't' task (testing). )", argv0, argv0); } void DiagnosticsMessageHandler(spv_message_level_t level, const char*, const spv_position_t& position, const char* message) { switch (level) { case SPV_MSG_FATAL: case SPV_MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR: case SPV_MSG_ERROR: std::cerr << "error: " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl; break; case SPV_MSG_WARNING: std::cerr << "warning: " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl; break; case SPV_MSG_INFO: std::cerr << "info: " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl; break; default: break; } } } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* input_filename = nullptr; const char* output_filename = nullptr; Task task = kNoTask; if (argc < 3) { print_usage(argv[0]); return 0; } const char* task_char = argv[1]; if (0 == strcmp("e", task_char)) { task = kEncode; } else if (0 == strcmp("d", task_char)) { task = kDecode; } else if (0 == strcmp("t", task_char)) { task = kTest; } if (task == kNoTask) { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } bool want_comments = false; bool validate_spirv_binary = false; spvtools::comp::MarkvModelType model_type = spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelUnknown; for (int argi = 2; argi < argc; ++argi) { if ('-' == argv[argi][0]) { switch (argv[argi][1]) { case 'h': print_usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 'o': { if (!output_filename && argi + 1 < argc && (task == kEncode || task == kDecode)) { output_filename = argv[++argi]; } else { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } break; case '-': { if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--help")) { print_usage(argv[0]); return 0; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--comments")) { want_comments = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--version")) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Not implemented\n"); return 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--validate")) { validate_spirv_binary = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--model=shader_lite")) { if (model_type != spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelUnknown) fprintf(stderr, "error: More than one model specified\n"); model_type = spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelShaderLite; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--model=shader_mid")) { if (model_type != spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelUnknown) fprintf(stderr, "error: More than one model specified\n"); model_type = spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelShaderMid; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[argi], "--model=shader_max")) { if (model_type != spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelUnknown) fprintf(stderr, "error: More than one model specified\n"); model_type = spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelShaderMax; } else { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } break; case '\0': { // Setting a filename of "-" to indicate stdin. if (!input_filename) { input_filename = argv[argi]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: More than one input file specified\n"); return 1; } } break; default: print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } else { if (!input_filename) { input_filename = argv[argi]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: More than one input file specified\n"); return 1; } } } if (model_type == spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelUnknown) model_type = spvtools::comp::kMarkvModelShaderLite; const auto no_comments = spvtools::comp::MarkvLogConsumer(); const auto output_to_stderr = [](const std::string& str) { std::cerr << str; }; ScopedContext ctx(kSpvEnv); std::unique_ptr model = spvtools::comp::CreateMarkvModel(model_type); std::vector spirv; std::vector markv; spvtools::comp::MarkvCodecOptions options; options.validate_spirv_binary = validate_spirv_binary; if (task == kEncode) { if (!ReadFile(input_filename, "rb", &spirv)) return 1; assert(!spirv.empty()); if (SPV_SUCCESS != spvtools::comp::SpirvToMarkv( ctx.context, spirv, options, *model, DiagnosticsMessageHandler, want_comments ? output_to_stderr : no_comments, spvtools::comp::MarkvDebugConsumer(), &markv)) { std::cerr << "error: Failed to encode " << input_filename << " to MARK-V " << std::endl; return 1; } if (!WriteFile(output_filename, "wb", markv.data(), markv.size())) return 1; } else if (task == kDecode) { if (!ReadFile(input_filename, "rb", &markv)) return 1; assert(!markv.empty()); if (SPV_SUCCESS != spvtools::comp::MarkvToSpirv( ctx.context, markv, options, *model, DiagnosticsMessageHandler, want_comments ? output_to_stderr : no_comments, spvtools::comp::MarkvDebugConsumer(), &spirv)) { std::cerr << "error: Failed to decode " << input_filename << " to SPIR-V " << std::endl; return 1; } if (!WriteFile(output_filename, "wb", spirv.data(), spirv.size())) return 1; } else if (task == kTest) { if (!ReadFile(input_filename, "rb", &spirv)) return 1; assert(!spirv.empty()); std::vector spirv_before; spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(kSpvEnv); optimizer.RegisterPass(spvtools::CreateCompactIdsPass()); if (!optimizer.Run(spirv.data(), spirv.size(), &spirv_before)) { std::cerr << "error: Optimizer failure on: " << input_filename << std::endl; } std::vector encoder_instruction_bits; std::vector encoder_instruction_comments; std::vector> encoder_instruction_words; std::vector decoder_instruction_bits; std::vector decoder_instruction_comments; std::vector> decoder_instruction_words; const auto encoder_debug_consumer = [&](const std::vector& words, const std::string& bits, const std::string& comment) { encoder_instruction_words.push_back(words); encoder_instruction_bits.push_back(bits); encoder_instruction_comments.push_back(comment); return true; }; if (SPV_SUCCESS != spvtools::comp::SpirvToMarkv( ctx.context, spirv_before, options, *model, DiagnosticsMessageHandler, want_comments ? output_to_stderr : no_comments, encoder_debug_consumer, &markv)) { std::cerr << "error: Failed to encode " << input_filename << " to MARK-V " << std::endl; return 1; } const auto write_bug_report = [&]() { for (size_t inst_index = 0; inst_index < decoder_instruction_words.size(); ++inst_index) { std::cerr << "\nInstruction #" << inst_index << std::endl; std::cerr << "\nEncoder words: "; for (uint32_t word : encoder_instruction_words[inst_index]) std::cerr << word << " "; std::cerr << "\nDecoder words: "; for (uint32_t word : decoder_instruction_words[inst_index]) std::cerr << word << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "\nEncoder bits: " << encoder_instruction_bits[inst_index]; std::cerr << "\nDecoder bits: " << decoder_instruction_bits[inst_index]; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "\nEncoder comments:\n" << encoder_instruction_comments[inst_index]; std::cerr << "Decoder comments:\n" << decoder_instruction_comments[inst_index]; std::cerr << std::endl; } }; const auto decoder_debug_consumer = [&](const std::vector& words, const std::string& bits, const std::string& comment) { const size_t inst_index = decoder_instruction_words.size(); if (inst_index >= encoder_instruction_words.size()) { write_bug_report(); std::cerr << "error: Decoder has more instructions than encoder: " << input_filename << std::endl; return false; } decoder_instruction_words.push_back(words); decoder_instruction_bits.push_back(bits); decoder_instruction_comments.push_back(comment); if (encoder_instruction_words[inst_index] != decoder_instruction_words[inst_index]) { write_bug_report(); std::cerr << "error: Words of the last decoded instruction differ from " "reference: " << input_filename << std::endl; return false; } if (encoder_instruction_bits[inst_index] != decoder_instruction_bits[inst_index]) { write_bug_report(); std::cerr << "error: Bits of the last decoded instruction differ from " "reference: " << input_filename << std::endl; return false; } return true; }; std::vector spirv_after; const spv_result_t decoding_result = spvtools::comp::MarkvToSpirv( ctx.context, markv, options, *model, DiagnosticsMessageHandler, want_comments ? output_to_stderr : no_comments, decoder_debug_consumer, &spirv_after); if (decoding_result == SPV_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) { std::cerr << "error: Decoding interrupted by the debugger: " << input_filename << std::endl; return 1; } if (decoding_result != SPV_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "error: Failed to decode encoded " << input_filename << " back to SPIR-V " << std::endl; return 1; } assert(spirv_before.size() == spirv_after.size()); assert(std::mismatch(std::next(spirv_before.begin(), 5), spirv_before.end(), std::next(spirv_after.begin(), 5)) == std::make_pair(spirv_before.end(), spirv_after.end())); } return 0; }