Diego Novillo b79773a35d
CCP should mark IR changed if it created new constants. (#3732)
CCP should mark IR changed if it created new constants.

This fixes #3636.

When CCP is simulating statements, it will sometimes successfully fold
an instruction, which laters switches to varying.  The initial fold of
the instruction may generate a new constant K.

The problem we were running into is when K never gets propagated to the
IR.  Its definition will still exist, so CCP should mark the IR modified
in this case.

In fixing this bug, I noticed that an existing test was suffering from
the same bug.  The change also makes PassTest::SinglePassRunAndMatch()
return the result from the pass, so that we can check that the pass
marks the IR modified in this case.
2020-08-20 16:48:11 -04:00

296 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "effcee/effcee.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "source/opt/build_module.h"
#include "source/opt/pass_manager.h"
#include "source/opt/passes.h"
#include "source/spirv_optimizer_options.h"
#include "source/spirv_validator_options.h"
#include "source/util/make_unique.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
// Template class for testing passes. It contains some handy utility methods for
// running passes and checking results.
// To write value-Parameterized tests:
// using ValueParamTest = PassTest<::testing::TestWithParam<std::string>>;
// To use as normal fixture:
// using FixtureTest = PassTest<::testing::Test>;
template <typename TestT>
class PassTest : public TestT {
: consumer_(
[](spv_message_level_t, const char*, const spv_position_t&,
const char* message) { std::cerr << message << std::endl; }),
manager_(new PassManager()),
env_(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3) {}
// Runs the given |pass| on the binary assembled from the |original|.
// Returns a tuple of the optimized binary and the boolean value returned
// from pass Process() function.
std::tuple<std::vector<uint32_t>, Pass::Status> OptimizeToBinary(
Pass* pass, const std::string& original, bool skip_nop) {
context_ = BuildModule(env_, consumer_, original, assemble_options_);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, context()) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n"
<< original << std::endl;
if (!context()) {
return std::make_tuple(std::vector<uint32_t>(), Pass::Status::Failure);
const auto status = pass->Run(context());
std::vector<uint32_t> binary;
if (status != Pass::Status::Failure) {
context()->module()->ToBinary(&binary, skip_nop);
return std::make_tuple(binary, status);
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |assembly|. Returns a tuple of the optimized binary and the boolean value
// from the pass Process() function.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
std::tuple<std::vector<uint32_t>, Pass::Status> SinglePassRunToBinary(
const std::string& assembly, bool skip_nop, Args&&... args) {
auto pass = MakeUnique<PassT>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return OptimizeToBinary(pass.get(), assembly, skip_nop);
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |assembly|, disassembles the optimized binary. Returns a tuple of
// disassembly string and the boolean value from the pass Process() function.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
std::tuple<std::string, Pass::Status> SinglePassRunAndDisassemble(
const std::string& assembly, bool skip_nop, bool do_validation,
Args&&... args) {
std::vector<uint32_t> optimized_bin;
auto status = Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
std::tie(optimized_bin, status) = SinglePassRunToBinary<PassT>(
assembly, skip_nop, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (do_validation) {
spv_context spvContext = spvContextCreate(env_);
spv_diagnostic diagnostic = nullptr;
spv_const_binary_t binary = {optimized_bin.data(), optimized_bin.size()};
spv_result_t error = spvValidateWithOptions(
spvContext, ValidatorOptions(), &binary, &diagnostic);
EXPECT_EQ(error, 0);
if (error != 0) spvDiagnosticPrint(diagnostic);
std::string optimized_asm;
SpirvTools tools(env_);
tools.Disassemble(optimized_bin, &optimized_asm, disassemble_options_))
<< "Disassembling failed for shader:\n"
<< assembly << std::endl;
return std::make_tuple(optimized_asm, status);
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |original| assembly, and checks whether the optimized binary can be
// disassembled to the |expected| assembly. Optionally will also validate
// the optimized binary. This does *not* involve pass manager. Callers
// are suggested to use SCOPED_TRACE() for better messages.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
void SinglePassRunAndCheck(const std::string& original,
const std::string& expected, bool skip_nop,
bool do_validation, Args&&... args) {
std::vector<uint32_t> optimized_bin;
auto status = Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
std::tie(optimized_bin, status) = SinglePassRunToBinary<PassT>(
original, skip_nop, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Check whether the pass returns the correct modification indication.
EXPECT_NE(Pass::Status::Failure, status);
EXPECT_EQ(original == expected,
status == Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange);
if (do_validation) {
spv_context spvContext = spvContextCreate(env_);
spv_diagnostic diagnostic = nullptr;
spv_const_binary_t binary = {optimized_bin.data(), optimized_bin.size()};
spv_result_t error = spvValidateWithOptions(
spvContext, ValidatorOptions(), &binary, &diagnostic);
EXPECT_EQ(error, 0);
if (error != 0) spvDiagnosticPrint(diagnostic);
std::string optimized_asm;
SpirvTools tools(env_);
tools.Disassemble(optimized_bin, &optimized_asm, disassemble_options_))
<< "Disassembling failed for shader:\n"
<< original << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, optimized_asm);
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |original| assembly, and checks whether the optimized binary can be
// disassembled to the |expected| assembly. This does *not* involve pass
// manager. Callers are suggested to use SCOPED_TRACE() for better messages.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
void SinglePassRunAndCheck(const std::string& original,
const std::string& expected, bool skip_nop,
Args&&... args) {
SinglePassRunAndCheck<PassT>(original, expected, skip_nop, false,
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |original| assembly, then runs an Effcee matcher over the disassembled
// result, using checks parsed from |original|. Always skips OpNop.
// This does *not* involve pass manager. Callers are suggested to use
// SCOPED_TRACE() for better messages.
// Returns a tuple of disassembly string and the boolean value from the pass
// Process() function.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
std::tuple<std::string, Pass::Status> SinglePassRunAndMatch(
const std::string& original, bool do_validation, Args&&... args) {
const bool skip_nop = true;
auto pass_result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<PassT>(
original, skip_nop, do_validation, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto disassembly = std::get<0>(pass_result);
auto match_result = effcee::Match(disassembly, original);
EXPECT_EQ(effcee::Result::Status::Ok, match_result.status())
<< match_result.message() << "\nChecking result:\n"
<< disassembly;
return pass_result;
// Runs a single pass of class |PassT| on the binary assembled from the
// |original| assembly. Check for failure and expect an Effcee matcher
// to pass when run on the diagnostic messages. This does *not* involve
// pass manager. Callers are suggested to use SCOPED_TRACE() for better
// messages.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
void SinglePassRunAndFail(const std::string& original, Args&&... args) {
context_ = BuildModule(env_, consumer_, original, assemble_options_);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, context()) << "Assembling failed for shader:\n"
<< original << std::endl;
std::ostringstream errs;
auto error_consumer = [&errs](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
const spv_position_t&, const char* message) {
errs << message << std::endl;
auto pass = MakeUnique<PassT>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
const auto status = pass->Run(context());
EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::Failure, status);
auto match_result = effcee::Match(errs.str(), original);
EXPECT_EQ(effcee::Result::Status::Ok, match_result.status())
<< match_result.message() << "\nChecking messages:\n"
<< errs.str();
// Adds a pass to be run.
template <typename PassT, typename... Args>
void AddPass(Args&&... args) {
// Renews the pass manager, including clearing all previously added passes.
void RenewPassManger() {
manager_ = MakeUnique<PassManager>();
// Runs the passes added thus far using a pass manager on the binary assembled
// from the |original| assembly, and checks whether the optimized binary can
// be disassembled to the |expected| assembly. Callers are suggested to use
// SCOPED_TRACE() for better messages.
void RunAndCheck(const std::string& original, const std::string& expected) {
context_ = BuildModule(env_, nullptr, original, assemble_options_);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, context());
auto status = manager_->Run(context());
EXPECT_NE(status, Pass::Status::Failure);
if (status != Pass::Status::Failure) {
std::vector<uint32_t> binary;
context()->module()->ToBinary(&binary, /* skip_nop = */ false);
std::string optimized;
SpirvTools tools(env_);
EXPECT_TRUE(tools.Disassemble(binary, &optimized, disassemble_options_));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, optimized);
void SetAssembleOptions(uint32_t assemble_options) {
assemble_options_ = assemble_options;
void SetDisassembleOptions(uint32_t disassemble_options) {
disassemble_options_ = disassemble_options;
MessageConsumer consumer() { return consumer_; }
IRContext* context() { return context_.get(); }
void SetMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer msg_consumer) {
consumer_ = msg_consumer;
spv_optimizer_options OptimizerOptions() { return &optimizer_options_; }
spv_validator_options ValidatorOptions() { return &validator_options_; }
void SetTargetEnv(spv_target_env env) { env_ = env; }
MessageConsumer consumer_; // Message consumer.
std::unique_ptr<IRContext> context_; // IR context
std::unique_ptr<PassManager> manager_; // The pass manager.
uint32_t assemble_options_;
uint32_t disassemble_options_;
spv_optimizer_options_t optimizer_options_;
spv_validator_options_t validator_options_;
spv_target_env env_;
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools