Ehsan Nasiri 109ce225c9 Fixes bug #517.
entry_block_to_construct_ maps an entry block to its construct. The key
in this map (the entry block) is not unique, and therefore the entry for
the continue construct gets overwritten when the selection construct is

Since a given block may be the entry block of different types of
constructs, the (basic_block, construct_type) pair should be able to
uniquely identify the construct.

Adds test:
- In this test, a basic block is the entry block of a continue construct
  as well as the entry block of a selection construct.
  It can be shown that this unit test would crash without the fix in this
  PR and passes with the fix in this PR.
2017-01-06 14:23:17 -05:00

314 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
#include "spirv/1.1/spirv.h"
#include "val/basic_block.h"
#include "val/construct.h"
namespace libspirv {
struct bb_constr_type_pair_hash {
std::size_t operator()(
const std::pair<const BasicBlock*, ConstructType>& p) const {
auto h1 = std::hash<const BasicBlock*>{}(p.first);
auto h2 = std::hash<std::underlying_type<ConstructType>::type>{}(
return (h1 ^ h2);
enum class FunctionDecl {
kFunctionDeclUnknown, /// < Unknown function declaration
kFunctionDeclDeclaration, /// < Function declaration
kFunctionDeclDefinition /// < Function definition
/// This class manages all function declaration and definitions in a module. It
/// handles the state and id information while parsing a function in the SPIR-V
/// binary.
class Function {
Function(uint32_t id, uint32_t result_type_id,
SpvFunctionControlMask function_control, uint32_t function_type_id);
/// Registers a function parameter in the current function
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterFunctionParameter(uint32_t id, uint32_t type_id);
/// Sets the declaration type of the current function
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterSetFunctionDeclType(FunctionDecl type);
/// Registers a block in the current function. Subsequent block instructions
/// will target this block
/// @param id The ID of the label of the block
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterBlock(uint32_t id, bool is_definition = true);
/// Registers a variable in the current block
/// @param[in] type_id The type ID of the varaible
/// @param[in] id The ID of the varaible
/// @param[in] storage The storage of the variable
/// @param[in] init_id The initializer ID of the variable
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterBlockVariable(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t id,
SpvStorageClass storage, uint32_t init_id);
/// Registers a loop merge construct in the function
/// @param[in] merge_id The merge block ID of the loop
/// @param[in] continue_id The continue block ID of the loop
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterLoopMerge(uint32_t merge_id, uint32_t continue_id);
/// Registers a selection merge construct in the function
/// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful
spv_result_t RegisterSelectionMerge(uint32_t merge_id);
/// Registers the end of the block
/// @param[in] successors_list A list of ids to the block's successors
/// @param[in] branch_instruction the branch instruction that ended the block
void RegisterBlockEnd(std::vector<uint32_t> successors_list,
SpvOp branch_instruction);
/// Registers the end of the function. This is idempotent.
void RegisterFunctionEnd();
/// Returns true if the \p id block is the first block of this function
bool IsFirstBlock(uint32_t id) const;
/// Returns true if the \p merge_block_id is a BlockType of \p type
bool IsBlockType(uint32_t merge_block_id, BlockType type) const;
/// Returns a pair consisting of the BasicBlock with \p id and a bool
/// which is true if the block has been defined, and false if it is
/// declared but not defined. This function will return nullptr if the
/// \p id was not declared and not defined at the current point in the binary
std::pair<const BasicBlock*, bool> GetBlock(uint32_t id) const;
std::pair<BasicBlock*, bool> GetBlock(uint32_t id);
/// Returns the first block of the current function
const BasicBlock* first_block() const;
/// Returns the first block of the current function
BasicBlock* first_block();
/// Returns a vector of all the blocks in the function
const std::vector<BasicBlock*>& ordered_blocks() const;
/// Returns a vector of all the blocks in the function
std::vector<BasicBlock*>& ordered_blocks();
/// Returns a list of all the cfg constructs in the function
const std::list<Construct>& constructs() const;
/// Returns a list of all the cfg constructs in the function
std::list<Construct>& constructs();
/// Returns the number of blocks in the current function being parsed
size_t block_count() const;
/// Returns the id of the funciton
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
/// Returns the number of blocks in the current function being parsed
size_t undefined_block_count() const;
const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& undefined_blocks() const {
return undefined_blocks_;
/// Returns the block that is currently being parsed in the binary
BasicBlock* current_block();
/// Returns the block that is currently being parsed in the binary
const BasicBlock* current_block() const;
// For dominance calculations, we want to analyze all the
// blocks in the function, even in degenerate control flow cases
// including unreachable blocks. We therefore make an "augmented CFG"
// which is the same as the ordinary CFG but adds:
// - A pseudo-entry node.
// - A pseudo-exit node.
// - A minimal set of edges so that a forward traversal from the
// pseudo-entry node will visit all nodes.
// - A minimal set of edges so that a backward traversal from the
// pseudo-exit node will visit all nodes.
// In particular, the pseudo-entry node is the unique source of the
// augmented CFG, and the psueo-exit node is the unique sink of the
// augmented CFG.
/// Returns the pseudo exit block
BasicBlock* pseudo_entry_block() { return &pseudo_entry_block_; }
/// Returns the pseudo exit block
const BasicBlock* pseudo_entry_block() const { return &pseudo_entry_block_; }
/// Returns the pseudo exit block
BasicBlock* pseudo_exit_block() { return &pseudo_exit_block_; }
/// Returns the pseudo exit block
const BasicBlock* pseudo_exit_block() const { return &pseudo_exit_block_; }
using GetBlocksFunction =
std::function<const std::vector<BasicBlock*>*(const BasicBlock*)>;
/// Returns the block successors function for the augmented CFG.
GetBlocksFunction AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunction() const;
/// Like AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunction, but also includes a forward edge from
/// a loop header block to its continue target, if they are different blocks.
GetBlocksFunction AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunctionIncludingHeaderToContinueEdge() const;
/// Returns the block predecessors function for the augmented CFG.
GetBlocksFunction AugmentedCFGPredecessorsFunction() const;
/// Returns the control flow nesting depth of the given basic block.
/// This function only works when you have structured control flow.
/// This function should only be called after the control flow constructs have
/// been identified and dominators have been computed.
int GetBlockDepth(BasicBlock* bb);
/// Prints a GraphViz digraph of the CFG of the current funciton
void PrintDotGraph() const;
/// Prints a directed graph of the CFG of the current funciton
void PrintBlocks() const;
// Computes the representation of the augmented CFG.
// Populates augmented_successors_map_ and augmented_predecessors_map_.
void ComputeAugmentedCFG();
// Adds a copy of the given Construct, and tracks it by its entry block.
// Returns a reference to the stored construct.
Construct& AddConstruct(const Construct& new_construct);
// Returns a reference to the construct corresponding to the given entry
// block.
Construct& FindConstructForEntryBlock(const BasicBlock* entry_block,
ConstructType t);
/// The result id of the OpLabel that defined this block
uint32_t id_;
/// The type of the function
uint32_t function_type_id_;
/// The type of the return value
uint32_t result_type_id_;
/// The control fo the funciton
SpvFunctionControlMask function_control_;
/// The type of declaration of each function
FunctionDecl declaration_type_;
// Have we finished parsing this function?
bool end_has_been_registered_;
/// The blocks in the function mapped by block ID
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, BasicBlock> blocks_;
/// A list of blocks in the order they appeared in the binary
std::vector<BasicBlock*> ordered_blocks_;
/// Blocks which are forward referenced by blocks but not defined
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> undefined_blocks_;
/// The block that is currently being parsed
BasicBlock* current_block_;
/// A pseudo entry node used in dominance analysis.
/// After the function end has been registered, the successor list of the
/// pseudo entry node is the minimal set of nodes such that all nodes in the
/// CFG can be reached by following successor lists. That is, the successors
/// will be:
/// - Any basic block without predecessors. This includes the entry
/// block to the function.
/// - A single node from each otherwise unreachable cycle in the CFG, if
/// such cycles exist.
/// The pseudo entry node does not appear in the predecessor or successor
/// list of any ordinary block.
/// It has no predecessors.
/// It has Id 0.
BasicBlock pseudo_entry_block_;
/// A pseudo exit block used in dominance analysis.
/// After the function end has been registered, the predecessor list of the
/// pseudo exit node is the minimal set of nodes such that all nodes in the
/// CFG can be reached by following predecessor lists. That is, the
/// predecessors will be:
/// - Any basic block without successors. This includes any basic block
/// ending with an OpReturn, OpReturnValue or similar instructions.
/// - A single node from each otherwise unreachable cycle in the CFG, if
/// such cycles exist.
/// The pseudo exit node does not appear in the predecessor or successor
/// list of any ordinary block.
/// It has no successors.
BasicBlock pseudo_exit_block_;
// Maps a block to its successors in the augmented CFG, if that set is
// different from its successors in the ordinary CFG.
std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>>
// Maps a block to its predecessors in the augmented CFG, if that set is
// different from its predecessors in the ordinary CFG.
std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>>
// Maps a structured loop header to its CFG successors and also its
// continue target if that continue target is not the loop header
// itself. This might have duplicates.
std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>>
/// The constructs that are available in this function
std::list<Construct> cfg_constructs_;
/// The variable IDs of the functions
std::vector<uint32_t> variable_ids_;
/// The function parameter ids of the functions
std::vector<uint32_t> parameter_ids_;
/// Maps a construct's entry block to the construct(s).
/// Since a basic block may be the entry block of different types of
/// constructs, the type of the construct should also be specified in order to
/// get the unique construct.
std::unordered_map<std::pair<const BasicBlock*, ConstructType>, Construct*,
/// This map provides the header block for a given merge block.
std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, BasicBlock*> merge_block_header_;
/// Stores the control flow nesting depth of a given basic block
std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, int> block_depth_;
} /// namespace libspirv