Diego Novillo 9f20799fb4 Convert the CFG to an on-demand analysis - NFC.
This fixes some TODOs by moving the CFG into the IRContext as an
2017-11-28 13:25:41 -05:00

561 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cfg.h"
#include "decoration_manager.h"
#include "def_use_manager.h"
#include "module.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace spvtools {
namespace ir {
class IRContext {
// Available analyses.
// When adding a new analysis:
// 1. Enum values should be powers of 2. These are cast into uint32_t
// bitmasks, so we can have at most 31 analyses represented.
// 2. Make sure it gets invalidated or preserved by IRContext methods that add
// or remove IR elements (e.g., KillDef, KillInst, ReplaceAllUsesWith).
// 3. Add handling code in BuildInvalidAnalyses and InvalidateAnalyses
enum Analysis {
kAnalysisNone = 0 << 0,
kAnalysisBegin = 1 << 0,
kAnalysisDefUse = kAnalysisBegin,
kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping = 1 << 1,
kAnalysisDecorations = 1 << 2,
kAnalysisCombinators = 1 << 3,
kAnalysisCFG = 1 << 4,
kAnalysisEnd = 1 << 5
friend inline Analysis operator|(Analysis lhs, Analysis rhs);
friend inline Analysis& operator|=(Analysis& lhs, Analysis rhs);
friend inline Analysis operator<<(Analysis a, int shift);
friend inline Analysis& operator<<=(Analysis& a, int shift);
// Create an |IRContext| that contains an owned |Module|
IRContext(spvtools::MessageConsumer c)
: unique_id_(0),
module_(new Module()),
valid_analyses_(kAnalysisNone) {
IRContext(std::unique_ptr<Module>&& m, spvtools::MessageConsumer c)
: unique_id_(0),
valid_analyses_(kAnalysisNone) {
Module* module() const { return module_.get(); }
inline void SetIdBound(uint32_t i);
inline uint32_t IdBound() const;
// Returns a vector of pointers to constant-creation instructions in this
// context.
inline std::vector<Instruction*> GetConstants();
inline std::vector<const Instruction*> GetConstants() const;
// Iterators for annotation instructions contained in this context.
inline Module::inst_iterator annotation_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator annotation_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> annotations();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> annotations() const;
// Iterators for capabilities instructions contained in this module.
inline Module::inst_iterator capability_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator capability_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> capabilities();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> capabilities() const;
// Iterators for types, constants and global variables instructions.
inline ir::Module::inst_iterator types_values_begin();
inline ir::Module::inst_iterator types_values_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> types_values();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> types_values() const;
// Iterators for extension instructions contained in this module.
inline Module::inst_iterator ext_inst_import_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator ext_inst_import_end();
// There are several kinds of debug instructions, according to where they can
// appear in the logical layout of a module:
// - Section 7a: OpString, OpSourceExtension, OpSource, OpSourceContinued
// - Section 7b: OpName, OpMemberName
// - Section 7c: OpModuleProcessed
// - Mostly anywhere: OpLine and OpNoLine
// Iterators for debug 1 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7a.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug1_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug1_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs1();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs1() const;
// Iterators for debug 2 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7b.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug2_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug2_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs2();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs2() const;
// Iterators for debug 3 instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) contained
// in this module. These are for layout section 7c.
inline Module::inst_iterator debug3_begin();
inline Module::inst_iterator debug3_end();
inline IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> debugs3();
inline IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> debugs3() const;
// Clears all debug instructions (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine).
inline void debug_clear();
// Appends a capability instruction to this module.
inline void AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& c);
// Appends an extension instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends an extended instruction set instruction to this module.
inline void AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Set the memory model for this module.
inline void SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& m);
// Appends an entry point instruction to this module.
inline void AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends an execution mode instruction to this module.
inline void AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e);
// Appends a debug 1 instruction (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) to this module.
// "debug 1" instructions are the ones in layout section 7.a), see section
// 2.4 Logical Layout of a Module from the SPIR-V specification.
inline void AddDebug1Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends a debug 2 instruction (excluding OpLine & OpNoLine) to this module.
// "debug 2" instructions are the ones in layout section 7.b), see section
// 2.4 Logical Layout of a Module from the SPIR-V specification.
inline void AddDebug2Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends a debug 3 instruction (OpModuleProcessed) to this module.
// This is due to decision by the SPIR Working Group, pending publication.
inline void AddDebug3Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d);
// Appends an annotation instruction to this module.
inline void AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& a);
// Appends a type-declaration instruction to this module.
inline void AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& t);
// Appends a constant, global variable, or OpUndef instruction to this module.
inline void AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& v);
// Appends a function to this module.
inline void AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function>&& f);
// Returns a pointer to a def-use manager. If the def-use manager is
// invalid, it is rebuilt first.
opt::analysis::DefUseManager* get_def_use_mgr() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDefUse)) {
return def_use_mgr_.get();
// Returns the basic block for instruction |instr|. Re-builds the instruction
// block map, if needed.
ir::BasicBlock* get_instr_block(ir::Instruction* instr) {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping)) {
auto entry = instr_to_block_.find(instr);
return (entry != instr_to_block_.end()) ? entry->second : nullptr;
// Returns a pointer the decoration manager. If the decoration manger is
// invalid, it is rebuilt first.
opt::analysis::DecorationManager* get_decoration_mgr() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDecorations)) {
return decoration_mgr_.get();
// Sets the message consumer to the given |consumer|. |consumer| which will be
// invoked every time there is a message to be communicated to the outside.
void SetMessageConsumer(spvtools::MessageConsumer c) {
consumer_ = std::move(c);
// Returns the reference to the message consumer for this pass.
const spvtools::MessageConsumer& consumer() const { return consumer_; }
// Rebuilds the analyses in |set| that are invalid.
void BuildInvalidAnalyses(Analysis set);
// Invalidates all of the analyses except for those in |preserved_analyses|.
void InvalidateAnalysesExceptFor(Analysis preserved_analyses);
// Invalidates the analyses marked in |analyses_to_invalidate|.
void InvalidateAnalyses(Analysis analyses_to_invalidate);
// Turns the instruction defining the given |id| into a Nop. Returns true on
// success, false if the given |id| is not defined at all. This method also
// erases both the uses of |id| and the information of this |id|-generating
// instruction's uses of its operands.
bool KillDef(uint32_t id);
// Turns the given instruction |inst| to a Nop. This method erases the
// information of the given instruction's uses of its operands. If |inst|
// defines an result id, the uses of the result id will also be erased.
void KillInst(ir::Instruction* inst);
// Returns true if all of the given analyses are valid.
bool AreAnalysesValid(Analysis set) { return (set & valid_analyses_) == set; }
// Replaces all uses of |before| id with |after| id. Returns true if any
// replacement happens. This method does not kill the definition of the
// |before| id. If |after| is the same as |before|, does nothing and returns
// false.
// |before| and |after| must be registered definitions in the DefUseManager.
bool ReplaceAllUsesWith(uint32_t before, uint32_t after);
// Returns true if all of the analyses that are suppose to be valid are
// actually valid.
bool IsConsistent();
// Informs the IRContext that the uses of |inst| are going to change, and that
// is should forget everything it know about the current uses. Any valid
// analyses will be updated accordingly.
void ForgetUses(Instruction* inst);
// The IRContext will look at the uses of |inst| and update any valid analyses
// will be updated accordingly.
void AnalyzeUses(Instruction* inst);
// Kill all name and decorate ops targeting |id|.
void KillNamesAndDecorates(uint32_t id);
// Kill all name and decorate ops targeting the result id of |inst|.
void KillNamesAndDecorates(ir::Instruction* inst);
// Returns the next unique id for use by an instruction.
inline uint32_t TakeNextUniqueId() {
assert(unique_id_ != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Skip zero.
return ++unique_id_;
// Returns true if |inst| is a combinator in the current context.
// |combinator_ops_| is built if it has not been already.
inline bool IsCombinatorInstruction(ir::Instruction* inst) {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisCombinators)) {
const uint32_t kExtInstSetIdInIndx = 0;
const uint32_t kExtInstInstructionInIndx = 1;
if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpExtInst) {
return combinator_ops_[0].count(inst->opcode()) != 0;
} else {
uint32_t set = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstSetIdInIndx);
uint32_t op = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstInstructionInIndx);
return combinator_ops_[set].count(op) != 0;
// Returns a pointer to the CFG for all the functions in |module_|.
ir::CFG* cfg() {
if (!AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisCFG)) {
return cfg_.get();
// Builds the def-use manager from scratch, even if it was already valid.
void BuildDefUseManager() {
def_use_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::DefUseManager(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisDefUse;
// Builds the instruction-block map for the whole module.
void BuildInstrToBlockMapping() {
for (auto& fn : *module_) {
for (auto& block : fn) {
block.ForEachInst([this, &block](ir::Instruction* inst) {
instr_to_block_[inst] = &block;
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping;
void BuildDecorationManager() {
decoration_mgr_.reset(new opt::analysis::DecorationManager(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisDecorations;
void BuildCFG() {
cfg_.reset(new ir::CFG(module()));
valid_analyses_ = valid_analyses_ | kAnalysisCFG;
// Scans a module looking for it capabilities, and initializes combinator_ops_
// accordingly.
void InitializeCombinators();
// Add the combinator opcode for the given capability to combinator_ops_.
void AddCombinatorsForCapability(uint32_t capability);
// Add the combinator opcode for the given extension to combinator_ops_.
void AddCombinatorsForExtension(ir::Instruction* extension);
// An unique identifier for this instruction. Can be used to order
// instructions in a container.
// This member is initialized to 0, but always issues this value plus one.
// Therefore, 0 is not a valid unique id for an instruction.
uint32_t unique_id_;
std::unique_ptr<Module> module_;
spvtools::MessageConsumer consumer_;
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::DefUseManager> def_use_mgr_;
std::unique_ptr<opt::analysis::DecorationManager> decoration_mgr_;
// A map from instructions the the basic block they belong to. This mapping is
// built on-demand when get_instr_block() is called.
// NOTE: Do not traverse this map. Ever. Use the function and basic block
// iterators to traverse instructions.
std::unordered_map<ir::Instruction*, ir::BasicBlock*> instr_to_block_;
// A bitset indicating which analyes are currently valid.
Analysis valid_analyses_;
// Opcodes of shader capability core executable instructions
// without side-effect.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>> combinator_ops_;
// The CFG for all the functions in |module_|.
std::unique_ptr<ir::CFG> cfg_;
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis operator|(ir::IRContext::Analysis lhs,
ir::IRContext::Analysis rhs) {
return static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(lhs) |
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis& operator|=(ir::IRContext::Analysis& lhs,
ir::IRContext::Analysis rhs) {
lhs = static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(lhs) |
return lhs;
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis operator<<(ir::IRContext::Analysis a,
int shift) {
return static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(a) << shift);
inline ir::IRContext::Analysis& operator<<=(ir::IRContext::Analysis& a,
int shift) {
a = static_cast<ir::IRContext::Analysis>(static_cast<int>(a) << shift);
return a;
void IRContext::SetIdBound(uint32_t i) { module_->SetIdBound(i); }
uint32_t IRContext::IdBound() const { return module()->IdBound(); }
std::vector<Instruction*> spvtools::ir::IRContext::GetConstants() {
return module()->GetConstants();
std::vector<const Instruction*> IRContext::GetConstants() const {
return ((const Module*)module())->GetConstants();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::annotation_begin() {
return module()->annotation_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::annotation_end() {
return module()->annotation_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::annotations() {
return module_->annotations();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::annotations() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->annotations();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::capability_begin() {
return module()->capability_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::capability_end() {
return module()->capability_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::capabilities() {
return module()->capabilities();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::capabilities() const {
return ((const Module*)module())->capabilities();
ir::Module::inst_iterator IRContext::types_values_begin() {
return module()->types_values_begin();
ir::Module::inst_iterator IRContext::types_values_end() {
return module()->types_values_end();
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::types_values() {
return module()->types_values();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::types_values() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->types_values();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::ext_inst_import_begin() {
return module()->ext_inst_import_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::ext_inst_import_end() {
return module()->ext_inst_import_end();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug1_begin() {
return module()->debug1_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug1_end() { return module()->debug1_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs1() {
return module()->debugs1();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs1() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs1();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug2_begin() {
return module()->debug2_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug2_end() { return module()->debug2_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs2() {
return module()->debugs2();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs2() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs2();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug3_begin() {
return module()->debug3_begin();
Module::inst_iterator IRContext::debug3_end() { return module()->debug3_end(); }
IteratorRange<Module::inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs3() {
return module()->debugs3();
IteratorRange<Module::const_inst_iterator> IRContext::debugs3() const {
return ((const Module*)module_.get())->debugs3();
void IRContext::debug_clear() { module_->debug_clear(); }
void IRContext::AddCapability(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& c) {
void IRContext::AddExtension(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddExtInstImport(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::SetMemoryModel(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& m) {
void IRContext::AddEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddExecutionMode(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& e) {
void IRContext::AddDebug1Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddDebug2Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddDebug3Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& d) {
void IRContext::AddAnnotationInst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& a) {
if (AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDecorations)) {
void IRContext::AddType(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& t) {
void IRContext::AddGlobalValue(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& v) {
void IRContext::AddFunction(std::unique_ptr<Function>&& f) {
} // namespace ir
} // namespace spvtools