dan sinclair 1946fb4ddb
Remove ValidateInstructionAndUpdateValidationState (#1784)
This CL changes the stats aggregator to use
ValidateBinaryAndKeepValidationState to process the binary. This means
we can remove ValidateInstructionAndUpdateValidationState which expects
to be able to call ProcessInstruction in the validate anonymous
namespace. This decouples the stats aggregator from how validation
processes the binary.
2018-08-02 12:01:26 -04:00

404 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "source/val/validate.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "source/binary.h"
#include "source/diagnostic.h"
#include "source/enum_string_mapping.h"
#include "source/extensions.h"
#include "source/instruction.h"
#include "source/opcode.h"
#include "source/operand.h"
#include "source/spirv_constant.h"
#include "source/spirv_endian.h"
#include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
#include "source/spirv_validator_options.h"
#include "source/val/construct.h"
#include "source/val/function.h"
#include "source/val/instruction.h"
#include "source/val/validation_state.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace val {
namespace {
spv_result_t spvValidateIDs(const spv_instruction_t* pInsts,
const uint64_t count,
const ValidationState_t& state,
spv_position position) {
position->index = SPV_INDEX_INSTRUCTION;
if (auto error = spvValidateInstructionIDs(pInsts, count, state, position))
return error;
// TODO(umar): Validate header
// TODO(umar): The binary parser validates the magic word, and the length of the
// header, but nothing else.
spv_result_t setHeader(void* user_data, spv_endianness_t, uint32_t,
uint32_t version, uint32_t generator, uint32_t id_bound,
uint32_t) {
// Record the ID bound so that the validator can ensure no ID is out of bound.
ValidationState_t& _ = *(reinterpret_cast<ValidationState_t*>(user_data));
// Parses OpExtension instruction and registers extension.
void RegisterExtension(ValidationState_t& _,
const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
const std::string extension_str = spvtools::GetExtensionString(inst);
Extension extension;
if (!GetExtensionFromString(extension_str.c_str(), &extension)) {
// The error will be logged in the ProcessInstruction pass.
// Parses the beginning of the module searching for OpExtension instructions.
// Registers extensions if recognized. Returns SPV_REQUESTED_TERMINATION
// once an instruction which is not SpvOpCapability and SpvOpExtension is
// encountered. According to the SPIR-V spec extensions are declared after
// capabilities and before everything else.
spv_result_t ProcessExtensions(void* user_data,
const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
const SpvOp opcode = static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode);
if (opcode == SpvOpCapability) return SPV_SUCCESS;
if (opcode == SpvOpExtension) {
ValidationState_t& _ = *(reinterpret_cast<ValidationState_t*>(user_data));
RegisterExtension(_, inst);
// OpExtension block is finished, requesting termination.
spv_result_t ProcessInstruction(void* user_data,
const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
ValidationState_t& _ = *(reinterpret_cast<ValidationState_t*>(user_data));
if (static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode) == SpvOpEntryPoint) {
const auto entry_point = inst->words[2];
const SpvExecutionModel execution_model = SpvExecutionModel(inst->words[1]);
const char* str =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(inst->words + inst->operands[2].offset);
ValidationState_t::EntryPointDescription desc;
desc.name = str;
std::vector<uint32_t> interfaces;
for (int i = 3; i < inst->num_operands; ++i) {
_.RegisterEntryPoint(entry_point, execution_model, std::move(desc));
if (static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode) == SpvOpFunctionCall) {
auto* instruction = _.AddOrderedInstruction(inst);
if (auto error = CapabilityPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = IdPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = DataRulesPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ModuleLayoutPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = CfgPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = InstructionPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = TypeUniquePass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ArithmeticsPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = CompositesPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ConversionPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = DerivativesPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = LogicalsPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = BitwisePass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ExtInstPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ImagePass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = AtomicsPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = BarriersPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = PrimitivesPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = LiteralsPass(_, instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = NonUniformPass(_, instruction)) return error;
void printDot(const ValidationState_t& _, const BasicBlock& other) {
std::string block_string;
if (other.successors()->empty()) {
block_string += "end ";
} else {
for (auto block : *other.successors()) {
block_string += _.getIdOrName(block->id()) + " ";
printf("%10s -> {%s\b}\n", _.getIdOrName(other.id()).c_str(),
void PrintBlocks(ValidationState_t& _, Function func) {
printf("%10s -> %s\n", _.getIdOrName(func.id()).c_str(),
for (const auto& block : func.ordered_blocks()) {
printDot(_, *block);
#ifdef __clang__
#define UNUSED(func) [[gnu::unused]] func
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define UNUSED(func) \
func __attribute__((unused)); \
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define UNUSED(func) func
UNUSED(void PrintDotGraph(ValidationState_t& _, Function func)) {
if (func.first_block()) {
std::string func_name(_.getIdOrName(func.id()));
printf("digraph %s {\n", func_name.c_str());
PrintBlocks(_, func);
spv_result_t ValidateBinaryUsingContextAndValidationState(
const spv_context_t& context, const uint32_t* words, const size_t num_words,
spv_diagnostic* pDiagnostic, ValidationState_t* vstate) {
auto binary = std::unique_ptr<spv_const_binary_t>(
new spv_const_binary_t{words, num_words});
spv_endianness_t endian;
spv_position_t position = {};
if (spvBinaryEndianness(binary.get(), &endian)) {
return DiagnosticStream(position, context.consumer, "",
<< "Invalid SPIR-V magic number.";
spv_header_t header;
if (spvBinaryHeaderGet(binary.get(), endian, &header)) {
return DiagnosticStream(position, context.consumer, "",
<< "Invalid SPIR-V header.";
if (header.version > spvVersionForTargetEnv(context.target_env)) {
return DiagnosticStream(position, context.consumer, "",
<< "Invalid SPIR-V binary version "
<< SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_MAJOR_PART(header.version) << "."
<< " for target environment "
<< spvTargetEnvDescription(context.target_env) << ".";
// Look for OpExtension instructions and register extensions.
spvBinaryParse(&context, vstate, words, num_words,
/* parsed_header = */ nullptr, ProcessExtensions,
/* diagnostic = */ nullptr);
// Parse the module and perform inline validation checks. These checks do
// not require the the knowledge of the whole module.
if (auto error = spvBinaryParse(&context, vstate, words, num_words, setHeader,
ProcessInstruction, pDiagnostic)) {
return error;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vstate->ordered_instructions().size(); ++i) {
const auto& instruction = vstate->ordered_instructions()[i];
if (auto error = UpdateIdUse(*vstate, &instruction)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateMemoryInstructions(*vstate, &instruction))
return error;
// Validate the preconditions involving adjacent instructions. e.g. SpvOpPhi
// must only be preceeded by SpvOpLabel, SpvOpPhi, or SpvOpLine.
if (auto error = ValidateAdjacency(*vstate, i)) return error;
if (!vstate->has_memory_model_specified())
return vstate->diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_LAYOUT, nullptr)
<< "Missing required OpMemoryModel instruction.";
if (vstate->in_function_body())
return vstate->diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_LAYOUT, nullptr)
<< "Missing OpFunctionEnd at end of module.";
// TODO(umar): Add validation checks which require the parsing of the entire
// module. Use the information from the ProcessInstruction pass to make the
// checks.
if (vstate->unresolved_forward_id_count() > 0) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::vector<uint32_t> ids = vstate->UnresolvedForwardIds();
transform(std::begin(ids), std::end(ids),
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ss, " "),
bind(&ValidationState_t::getIdName, std::ref(*vstate),
auto id_str = ss.str();
return vstate->diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, nullptr)
<< "The following forward referenced IDs have not been defined:\n"
<< id_str.substr(0, id_str.size() - 1);
// CFG checks are performed after the binary has been parsed
// and the CFGPass has collected information about the control flow
if (auto error = PerformCfgChecks(*vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckIdDefinitionDominateUse(*vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateDecorations(*vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateInterfaces(*vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = ValidateBuiltIns(*vstate)) return error;
// Entry point validation. Based on 2.16.1 (Universal Validation Rules) of the
// SPIRV spec:
// * There is at least one OpEntryPoint instruction, unless the Linkage
// capability is being used.
// * No function can be targeted by both an OpEntryPoint instruction and an
// OpFunctionCall instruction.
if (vstate->entry_points().empty() &&
!vstate->HasCapability(SpvCapabilityLinkage)) {
return vstate->diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY, nullptr)
<< "No OpEntryPoint instruction was found. This is only allowed if "
"the Linkage capability is being used.";
for (const auto& entry_point : vstate->entry_points()) {
if (vstate->IsFunctionCallTarget(entry_point)) {
return vstate->diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
<< "A function (" << entry_point
<< ") may not be targeted by both an OpEntryPoint instruction and "
"an OpFunctionCall instruction.";
// NOTE: Copy each instruction for easier processing
std::vector<spv_instruction_t> instructions;
// Expect average instruction length to be a bit over 2 words.
instructions.reserve(binary->wordCount / 2);
uint64_t index = SPV_INDEX_INSTRUCTION;
while (index < binary->wordCount) {
uint16_t wordCount;
uint16_t opcode;
spvOpcodeSplit(spvFixWord(binary->code[index], endian), &wordCount,
spv_instruction_t inst;
spvInstructionCopy(&binary->code[index], static_cast<SpvOp>(opcode),
wordCount, endian, &inst);
index += wordCount;
position.index = SPV_INDEX_INSTRUCTION;
if (auto error = spvValidateIDs(instructions.data(), instructions.size(),
*vstate, &position))
return error;
} // namespace
spv_result_t ValidateBinaryAndKeepValidationState(
const spv_const_context context, spv_const_validator_options options,
const uint32_t* words, const size_t num_words, spv_diagnostic* pDiagnostic,
std::unique_ptr<ValidationState_t>* vstate) {
spv_context_t hijack_context = *context;
if (pDiagnostic) {
*pDiagnostic = nullptr;
UseDiagnosticAsMessageConsumer(&hijack_context, pDiagnostic);
new ValidationState_t(&hijack_context, options, words, num_words));
return ValidateBinaryUsingContextAndValidationState(
hijack_context, words, num_words, pDiagnostic, vstate->get());
} // namespace val
} // namespace spvtools
spv_result_t spvValidate(const spv_const_context context,
const spv_const_binary binary,
spv_diagnostic* pDiagnostic) {
return spvValidateBinary(context, binary->code, binary->wordCount,
spv_result_t spvValidateBinary(const spv_const_context context,
const uint32_t* words, const size_t num_words,
spv_diagnostic* pDiagnostic) {
spv_context_t hijack_context = *context;
if (pDiagnostic) {
*pDiagnostic = nullptr;
spvtools::UseDiagnosticAsMessageConsumer(&hijack_context, pDiagnostic);
// This interface is used for default command line options.
spv_validator_options default_options = spvValidatorOptionsCreate();
// Create the ValidationState using the context and default options.
spvtools::val::ValidationState_t vstate(&hijack_context, default_options,
words, num_words);
spv_result_t result =
hijack_context, words, num_words, pDiagnostic, &vstate);
return result;
spv_result_t spvValidateWithOptions(const spv_const_context context,
spv_const_validator_options options,
const spv_const_binary binary,
spv_diagnostic* pDiagnostic) {
spv_context_t hijack_context = *context;
if (pDiagnostic) {
*pDiagnostic = nullptr;
spvtools::UseDiagnosticAsMessageConsumer(&hijack_context, pDiagnostic);
// Create the ValidationState using the context.
spvtools::val::ValidationState_t vstate(&hijack_context, options,
binary->code, binary->wordCount);
return spvtools::val::ValidateBinaryUsingContextAndValidationState(
hijack_context, binary->code, binary->wordCount, pDiagnostic, &vstate);