Alastair Donaldson 9c4481419e
spirv-fuzz: Allow inapplicable transformations to be ignored (#4407)
spirv-fuzz features transformations that should be applicable by
construction. Assertions are used to detect when such transformations
turn out to be inapplicable. Failures of such assertions indicate bugs
in the fuzzer. However, when using the fuzzer at scale (e.g. in
ClusterFuzz) reports of these assertion failures create noise, and
cause the fuzzer to exit early. This change adds an option whereby
inapplicable transformations can be ignored. This reduces noise and
allows fuzzing to continue even when a transformation that should be
applicable but is not has been erroneously created.
2021-07-28 22:59:37 +01:00

335 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_context.h"
#include "source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h"
#include "source/fuzz/transformation.h"
#include "source/fuzz/transformation_context.h"
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
// Interface for applying a pass of transformations to a module.
class FuzzerPass {
FuzzerPass(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
TransformationContext* transformation_context,
FuzzerContext* fuzzer_context,
protobufs::TransformationSequence* transformations,
bool ignore_inapplicable_transformations);
virtual ~FuzzerPass();
// Applies the pass to the module |ir_context_|, assuming and updating
// information from |transformation_context_|, and using |fuzzer_context_| to
// guide the process. Appends to |transformations_| all transformations that
// were applied during the pass.
virtual void Apply() = 0;
opt::IRContext* GetIRContext() const { return ir_context_; }
TransformationContext* GetTransformationContext() const {
return transformation_context_;
FuzzerContext* GetFuzzerContext() const { return fuzzer_context_; }
protobufs::TransformationSequence* GetTransformations() const {
return transformations_;
// Returns all instructions that are *available* at |inst_it|, which is
// required to be inside block |block| of function |function| - that is, all
// instructions at global scope and all instructions that strictly dominate
// |inst_it|.
// Filters said instructions to return only those that satisfy the
// |instruction_is_relevant| predicate. This, for instance, could ignore all
// instructions that have a particular decoration.
std::vector<opt::Instruction*> FindAvailableInstructions(
opt::Function* function, opt::BasicBlock* block,
const opt::BasicBlock::iterator& inst_it,
std::function<bool(opt::IRContext*, opt::Instruction*)>
instruction_is_relevant) const;
// A helper method that iterates through each instruction in each reachable
// block of |function|, at all times tracking an instruction descriptor that
// allows the latest instruction to be located even if it has no result id.
// The code to manipulate the instruction descriptor is a bit fiddly. The
// point of this method is to avoiding having to duplicate it in multiple
// transformation passes.
// The function |action| is invoked for each instruction |inst_it| in block
// |block| of function |function| that is encountered. The
// |instruction_descriptor| parameter to the function object allows |inst_it|
// to be identified.
// In most intended use cases, the job of |action| is to randomly decide
// whether to try to apply some transformation, and then - if selected - to
// attempt to apply it.
void ForEachInstructionWithInstructionDescriptor(
opt::Function* function,
void(opt::BasicBlock* block, opt::BasicBlock::iterator inst_it,
const protobufs::InstructionDescriptor& instruction_descriptor)>
// Applies the above overload of ForEachInstructionWithInstructionDescriptor
// to every function in the module, so that |action| is applied to an
// |instruction_descriptor| for every instruction, |inst_it|, of every |block|
// in every |function|.
void ForEachInstructionWithInstructionDescriptor(
void(opt::Function* function, opt::BasicBlock* block,
opt::BasicBlock::iterator inst_it,
const protobufs::InstructionDescriptor& instruction_descriptor)>
// A generic helper for applying a transformation that should be applicable
// by construction, and adding it to the sequence of applied transformations.
void ApplyTransformation(const Transformation& transformation);
// A generic helper for applying a transformation only if it is applicable.
// If it is applicable, the transformation is applied and then added to the
// sequence of applied transformations and the function returns true.
// Otherwise, the function returns false.
bool MaybeApplyTransformation(const Transformation& transformation);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeBool instruction. If such an instruction does
// not exist, a transformation is applied to add it.
uint32_t FindOrCreateBoolType();
// Returns the id of an OpTypeInt instruction, with width and signedness
// specified by |width| and |is_signed|, respectively. If such an instruction
// does not exist, a transformation is applied to add it.
uint32_t FindOrCreateIntegerType(uint32_t width, bool is_signed);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeFloat instruction, with width specified by
// |width|. If such an instruction does not exist, a transformation is
// applied to add it.
uint32_t FindOrCreateFloatType(uint32_t width);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeFunction %<return_type_id> %<...argument_id>
// instruction. If such an instruction doesn't exist, a transformation
// is applied to create a new one.
uint32_t FindOrCreateFunctionType(uint32_t return_type_id,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& argument_id);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeVector instruction, with |component_type_id|
// (which must already exist) as its base type, and |component_count|
// elements (which must be in the range [2, 4]). If such an instruction does
// not exist, a transformation is applied to add it.
uint32_t FindOrCreateVectorType(uint32_t component_type_id,
uint32_t component_count);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeMatrix instruction, with |column_count| columns
// and |row_count| rows (each of which must be in the range [2, 4]). If the
// float and vector types required to build this matrix type or the matrix
// type itself do not exist, transformations are applied to add them.
uint32_t FindOrCreateMatrixType(uint32_t column_count, uint32_t row_count);
// Returns the id of an OpTypeStruct instruction with |component_type_ids| as
// type ids for struct's components. If no such a struct type exists,
// transformations are applied to add it. |component_type_ids| may not contain
// a result id of an OpTypeFunction.
uint32_t FindOrCreateStructType(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& component_type_ids);
// Returns the id of a pointer type with base type |base_type_id| (which must
// already exist) and storage class |storage_class|. A transformation is
// applied to add the pointer if it does not already exist.
uint32_t FindOrCreatePointerType(uint32_t base_type_id,
SpvStorageClass storage_class);
// Returns the id of an OpTypePointer instruction, with a integer base
// type of width and signedness specified by |width| and |is_signed|,
// respectively. If the pointer type or required integer base type do not
// exist, transformations are applied to add them.
uint32_t FindOrCreatePointerToIntegerType(uint32_t width, bool is_signed,
SpvStorageClass storage_class);
// Returns the id of an OpConstant instruction, with a integer type of
// width and signedness specified by |width| and |is_signed|, respectively,
// with |words| as its value. If either the required integer type or the
// constant do not exist, transformations are applied to add them.
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not,
// depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t FindOrCreateIntegerConstant(const std::vector<uint32_t>& words,
uint32_t width, bool is_signed,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of an OpConstant instruction, with a floating-point
// type of width specified by |width|, with |words| as its value. If either
// the required floating-point type or the constant do not exist,
// transformations are applied to add them. The returned id either
// participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not, depending on the
// |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t FindOrCreateFloatConstant(const std::vector<uint32_t>& words,
uint32_t width, bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of an OpConstantTrue or OpConstantFalse instruction,
// according to |value|. If either the required instruction or the bool
// type do not exist, transformations are applied to add them.
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not,
// depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t FindOrCreateBoolConstant(bool value, bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of an OpConstant instruction of type with |type_id|
// that consists of |words|. If that instruction doesn't exist,
// transformations are applied to add it. |type_id| must be a valid
// result id of either scalar or boolean OpType* instruction that exists
// in the module. The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact
// or not, depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t FindOrCreateConstant(const std::vector<uint32_t>& words,
uint32_t type_id, bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of an OpConstantComposite instruction of type with |type_id|
// that consists of |component_ids|. If that instruction doesn't exist,
// transformations are applied to add it. |type_id| must be a valid
// result id of an OpType* instruction that represents a composite type
// (i.e. a vector, matrix, struct or array).
// The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not,
// depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
uint32_t FindOrCreateCompositeConstant(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& component_ids, uint32_t type_id,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Returns the result id of an instruction of the form:
// %id = OpUndef %|type_id|
// If no such instruction exists, a transformation is applied to add it.
uint32_t FindOrCreateGlobalUndef(uint32_t type_id);
// Returns the id of an OpNullConstant instruction of type |type_id|. If
// that instruction doesn't exist, it is added through a transformation.
// |type_id| must be a valid result id of an OpType* instruction that exists
// in the module.
uint32_t FindOrCreateNullConstant(uint32_t type_id);
// Define a *basic type* to be an integer, boolean or floating-point type,
// or a matrix, vector, struct or fixed-size array built from basic types. In
// particular, a basic type cannot contain an opaque type (such as an image),
// or a runtime-sized array.
// Yields a pair, (basic_type_ids, basic_type_ids_to_pointers), such that:
// - basic_type_ids captures every basic type declared in the module.
// - basic_type_ids_to_pointers maps every such basic type to the sequence
// of all pointer types that have storage class |storage_class| and the
// given basic type as their pointee type. The sequence may be empty for
// some basic types if no pointers to those types are defined for the given
// storage class, and the sequence will have multiple elements if there are
// repeated pointer declarations for the same basic type and storage class.
std::pair<std::vector<uint32_t>, std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>>>
GetAvailableBasicTypesAndPointers(SpvStorageClass storage_class) const;
// Given a type id, |scalar_or_composite_type_id|, which must correspond to
// some scalar or composite type, returns the result id of an instruction
// defining a constant of the given type that is zero or false at everywhere.
// If such an instruction does not yet exist, transformations are applied to
// add it. The returned id either participates in IdIsIrrelevant fact or not,
// depending on the |is_irrelevant| parameter.
// Examples:
// --------------+-------------------------------
// TYPE | RESULT is id corresponding to
// --------------+-------------------------------
// bool | false
// --------------+-------------------------------
// bvec4 | (false, false, false, false)
// --------------+-------------------------------
// float | 0.0
// --------------+-------------------------------
// vec2 | (0.0, 0.0)
// --------------+-------------------------------
// int[3] | [0, 0, 0]
// --------------+-------------------------------
// struct S { |
// int i; | S(0, false, (0u, 0u))
// bool b; |
// uint2 u; |
// } |
// --------------+-------------------------------
uint32_t FindOrCreateZeroConstant(uint32_t scalar_or_composite_type_id,
bool is_irrelevant);
// Adds a pair (id_use_descriptor, |replacement_id|) to the vector
// |uses_to_replace|, where id_use_descriptor is the id use descriptor
// representing the usage of an id in the |use_inst| instruction, at operand
// index |use_index|, only if the instruction is in a basic block.
// If the instruction is not in a basic block, it does nothing.
void MaybeAddUseToReplace(
opt::Instruction* use_inst, uint32_t use_index, uint32_t replacement_id,
std::vector<std::pair<protobufs::IdUseDescriptor, uint32_t>>*
// Returns the preheader of the loop with header |header_id|, which satisfies
// all of the following conditions:
// - It is the only out-of-loop predecessor of the header
// - It unconditionally branches to the header
// - It is not a loop header itself
// If such preheader does not exist, a new one is added and returned.
// Requires |header_id| to be the label id of a loop header block that is
// reachable in the CFG (and thus has at least 2 predecessors).
opt::BasicBlock* GetOrCreateSimpleLoopPreheader(uint32_t header_id);
// Returns the second block in the pair obtained by splitting |block_id| just
// after the last OpPhi or OpVariable instruction in it. Assumes that the
// block is not a loop header.
opt::BasicBlock* SplitBlockAfterOpPhiOrOpVariable(uint32_t block_id);
// Returns the id of an available local variable (storage class Function) with
// the fact PointeeValueIsIrrelevant set according to
// |pointee_value_is_irrelevant|. If there is no such variable, it creates one
// in the |function| adding a zero initializer constant that is irrelevant.
// The new variable has the fact PointeeValueIsIrrelevant set according to
// |pointee_value_is_irrelevant|. The function returns the id of the created
// variable.
uint32_t FindOrCreateLocalVariable(uint32_t pointer_type_id,
uint32_t function_id,
bool pointee_value_is_irrelevant);
// Returns the id of an available global variable (storage class Private or
// Workgroup) with the fact PointeeValueIsIrrelevant set according to
// |pointee_value_is_irrelevant|. If there is no such variable, it creates
// one, adding a zero initializer constant that is irrelevant. The new
// variable has the fact PointeeValueIsIrrelevant set according to
// |pointee_value_is_irrelevant|. The function returns the id of the created
// variable.
uint32_t FindOrCreateGlobalVariable(uint32_t pointer_type_id,
bool pointee_value_is_irrelevant);
opt::IRContext* ir_context_;
TransformationContext* transformation_context_;
FuzzerContext* fuzzer_context_;
protobufs::TransformationSequence* transformations_;
// If set, then transformations that should be applicable by construction are
// still tested for applicability, and ignored if they turn out to be
// inapplicable. Otherwise, applicability by construction is asserted.
const bool ignore_inapplicable_transformations_;
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools