Jaebaek Seo ebaefda666
Debug info preservation in loop-unroll pass (#3548)
When we copy the loop body to unroll it, we have to copy its
instructions but DebugDeclare or DebugValue used for the declaration
i.e., DebugValue with Deref must not be copied and only the first block
can contain those instructions.
2020-07-30 12:18:06 -04:00

249 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "source/opt/instruction.h"
#include "source/opt/module.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {
namespace analysis {
// When an instruction of a callee function is inlined to its caller function,
// we need the line and the scope information of the function call instruction
// to generate DebugInlinedAt. This class keeps the data. For multiple inlining
// of a single instruction, we have to create multiple DebugInlinedAt
// instructions as a chain. This class keeps the information of the generated
// DebugInlinedAt chains to reduce the number of chains.
class DebugInlinedAtContext {
explicit DebugInlinedAtContext(Instruction* call_inst)
: call_inst_line_(call_inst->dbg_line_inst()),
call_inst_scope_(call_inst->GetDebugScope()) {}
const Instruction* GetLineOfCallInstruction() { return call_inst_line_; }
const DebugScope& GetScopeOfCallInstruction() { return call_inst_scope_; }
// Puts the DebugInlinedAt chain that is generated for the callee instruction
// whose DebugInlinedAt of DebugScope is |callee_instr_inlined_at| into
// |callee_inlined_at2chain_|.
void SetDebugInlinedAtChain(uint32_t callee_instr_inlined_at,
uint32_t chain_head_id) {
callee_inlined_at2chain_[callee_instr_inlined_at] = chain_head_id;
// Gets the DebugInlinedAt chain from |callee_inlined_at2chain_|.
uint32_t GetDebugInlinedAtChain(uint32_t callee_instr_inlined_at) {
auto chain_itr = callee_inlined_at2chain_.find(callee_instr_inlined_at);
if (chain_itr != callee_inlined_at2chain_.end()) return chain_itr->second;
return kNoInlinedAt;
// The line information of the function call instruction that will be
// replaced by the callee function.
const Instruction* call_inst_line_;
// The scope information of the function call instruction that will be
// replaced by the callee function.
const DebugScope call_inst_scope_;
// Map from DebugInlinedAt ids of callee to head ids of new generated
// DebugInlinedAt chain.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> callee_inlined_at2chain_;
// A class for analyzing, managing, and creating OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 extension
// instructions.
class DebugInfoManager {
// Constructs a debug information manager from the given |context|.
DebugInfoManager(IRContext* context);
DebugInfoManager(const DebugInfoManager&) = delete;
DebugInfoManager(DebugInfoManager&&) = delete;
DebugInfoManager& operator=(const DebugInfoManager&) = delete;
DebugInfoManager& operator=(DebugInfoManager&&) = delete;
friend bool operator==(const DebugInfoManager&, const DebugInfoManager&);
friend bool operator!=(const DebugInfoManager& lhs,
const DebugInfoManager& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
// Analyzes OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 instruction |dbg_inst|.
void AnalyzeDebugInst(Instruction* dbg_inst);
// Creates new DebugInlinedAt and returns its id. Its line operand is the
// line number of |line| if |line| is not nullptr. Otherwise, its line operand
// is the line number of lexical scope of |scope|. Its Scope and Inlined
// operands are Scope and Inlined of |scope|.
uint32_t CreateDebugInlinedAt(const Instruction* line,
const DebugScope& scope);
// Clones DebugExpress instruction |dbg_expr| and add Deref Operation
// in the front of the Operation list of |dbg_expr|.
Instruction* DerefDebugExpression(Instruction* dbg_expr);
// Returns a DebugInfoNone instruction.
Instruction* GetDebugInfoNone();
// Returns DebugInlinedAt whose id is |dbg_inlined_at_id|. If it does not
// exist or it is not a DebugInlinedAt instruction, return nullptr.
Instruction* GetDebugInlinedAt(uint32_t dbg_inlined_at_id);
// Returns DebugFunction whose Function operand is |fn_id|. If it does not
// exist, return nullptr.
Instruction* GetDebugFunction(uint32_t fn_id) {
auto dbg_fn_it = fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.find(fn_id);
return dbg_fn_it == fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.end() ? nullptr : dbg_fn_it->second;
// Clones DebugInlinedAt whose id is |clone_inlined_at_id|. If
// |clone_inlined_at_id| is not an id of DebugInlinedAt, returns nullptr.
// If |insert_before| is given, inserts the new DebugInlinedAt before it.
// Otherwise, inserts the new DebugInlinedAt into the debug instruction
// section of the module.
Instruction* CloneDebugInlinedAt(uint32_t clone_inlined_at_id,
Instruction* insert_before = nullptr);
// Returns the debug scope corresponding to an inlining instruction in the
// scope |callee_instr_scope| into |inlined_at_ctx|. Generates all new
// debug instructions needed to represent the scope.
DebugScope BuildDebugScope(const DebugScope& callee_instr_scope,
DebugInlinedAtContext* inlined_at_ctx);
// Returns DebugInlinedAt corresponding to inlining an instruction, which
// was inlined at |callee_inlined_at|, into |inlined_at_ctx|. Generates all
// new debug instructions needed to represent the DebugInlinedAt.
uint32_t BuildDebugInlinedAtChain(uint32_t callee_inlined_at,
DebugInlinedAtContext* inlined_at_ctx);
// Returns true if there is a debug declaration instruction whose
// 'Local Variable' operand is |variable_id|.
bool IsVariableDebugDeclared(uint32_t variable_id);
// Kills all debug declaration instructions with Deref whose 'Local Variable'
// operand is |variable_id|.
void KillDebugDeclares(uint32_t variable_id);
// Generates a DebugValue instruction with value |value_id| for every local
// variable that is in the scope of |scope_and_line| and whose memory is
// |variable_id| and inserts it after the instruction |insert_pos|.
void AddDebugValueIfVarDeclIsVisible(Instruction* scope_and_line,
uint32_t variable_id, uint32_t value_id,
Instruction* insert_pos);
// Generates a DebugValue instruction with |dbg_local_var_id|, |value_id|,
// |expr_id|, |index_id| operands and inserts it before |insert_before|.
Instruction* AddDebugValueWithIndex(uint32_t dbg_local_var_id,
uint32_t value_id, uint32_t expr_id,
uint32_t index_id,
Instruction* insert_before);
// Erases |instr| from data structures of this class.
void ClearDebugInfo(Instruction* instr);
// Returns the id of Value operand if |inst| is DebugValue who has Deref
// operation and its Value operand is a result id of OpVariable with
// Function storage class. Otherwise, returns 0.
uint32_t GetVariableIdOfDebugValueUsedForDeclare(Instruction* inst);
// Converts DebugGlobalVariable |dbg_global_var| to a DebugLocalVariable and
// creates a DebugDeclare mapping the new DebugLocalVariable to |local_var|.
void ConvertDebugGlobalToLocalVariable(Instruction* dbg_global_var,
Instruction* local_var);
// Returns true if |instr| is a debug declaration instruction.
bool IsDebugDeclare(Instruction* instr);
IRContext* context() { return context_; }
// Analyzes OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 instructions in the given |module| and
// populates data structures in this class.
void AnalyzeDebugInsts(Module& module);
// Returns the debug instruction whose id is |id|. Returns |nullptr| if one
// does not exists.
Instruction* GetDbgInst(uint32_t id);
// Returns a DebugOperation instruction with OpCode Deref.
Instruction* GetDebugOperationWithDeref();
// Registers the debug instruction |inst| into |id_to_dbg_inst_| using id of
// |inst| as a key.
void RegisterDbgInst(Instruction* inst);
// Register the DebugFunction instruction |inst|. The function referenced
// in |inst| must not already be registered.
void RegisterDbgFunction(Instruction* inst);
// Register the DebugDeclare or DebugValue with Deref operation
// |dbg_declare| into |var_id_to_dbg_decl_| using OpVariable id
// |var_id| as a key.
void RegisterDbgDeclare(uint32_t var_id, Instruction* dbg_declare);
// Returns a DebugExpression instruction without Operation operands.
Instruction* GetEmptyDebugExpression();
// Returns true if a scope |ancestor| is |scope| or an ancestor scope
// of |scope|.
bool IsAncestorOfScope(uint32_t scope, uint32_t ancestor);
// Returns true if the declaration of a local variable |dbg_declare|
// is visible in the scope of an instruction |instr_scope_id|.
bool IsDeclareVisibleToInstr(Instruction* dbg_declare,
uint32_t instr_scope_id);
// Returns the parent scope of the scope |child_scope|.
uint32_t GetParentScope(uint32_t child_scope);
IRContext* context_;
// Mapping from ids of OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 extension instructions
// to their Instruction instances.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Instruction*> id_to_dbg_inst_;
// Mapping from function's ids to DebugFunction instructions whose
// operand is the function.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Instruction*> fn_id_to_dbg_fn_;
// Mapping from variable or value ids to DebugDeclare or DebugValue
// instructions whose operand is the variable or value.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unordered_set<Instruction*>>
// DebugOperation whose OpCode is OpenCLDebugInfo100Deref.
Instruction* deref_operation_;
// DebugInfoNone instruction. We need only a single DebugInfoNone.
// To reuse the existing one, we keep it using this member variable.
Instruction* debug_info_none_inst_;
// DebugExpression instruction without Operation operands. We need only
// a single DebugExpression without Operation operands. To reuse the
// existing one, we keep it using this member variable.
Instruction* empty_debug_expr_inst_;
} // namespace analysis
} // namespace opt
} // namespace spvtools